Theft of items of special value. Concept, features of the subject and objective side of the crime
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the latest edition: Article 164 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Theft of items with special
Continuing crime of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Investigation of tax crimes: proof of intent and personal criminal liability
There is no concept of “continuing crime of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”. At the same time, a number of articles of the Criminal Code provide for
Crime boss Stanislav Tishchenko
List of special regime correctional colonies in Russia
On the territory of the Russian Federation, as in any other state, there is a strict system related to
photo 3374
What is considered an attempt and preparation for theft? When is it considered completed and what is voluntary refusal?
At what point is it considered completed? Theft is a material crime. That is, criminal
The five largest bribes in Russia: Where do our colonels and governors get their houses and billion-dollar nest eggs?
06.06.2017 Economic crimes 0 comments If material assets are transferred to a high-ranking person in order to achieve
Bribes: article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, liability and punishment under the law. How to avoid punishment and accusations?
○ What is considered a bribe, the concept of a bribe. According to the provisions of the Criminal Code, a bribe means receiving
bribe is a crime
Executive. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Definition, rights and responsibilities
The concept of an official A Russian citizen performing the functions of a government representative is called an official. Moreover, the power
Mediation in bribery: features, types of punishment
In 2021, many measures were taken to combat and eliminate corruption in the country.
Concept, features, responsibility for provoking a bribe
One of the special crimes against justice is provocation of a bribe. Under the provocation of a bribe or commercial
It is proposed to soften the punishment for giving and receiving bribes
What is meant by mediation in bribery? Mediation in bribery is understood as an act aimed at
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