What to do if parents beat a child? Where to contact? What is the penalty for beating children? Read our article
Neighborhood disputes involving children: is it worth complaining somewhere and how to do it correctly?
Noise from neighbors in an apartment building is not uncommon. Rarity, rather, silence and
What responsibility do minors bear for murder?
What responsibility do minors bear for murder?
Murder committed by a teenager, as well as an adult, is clearly interpreted by law as a serious crime. However
Nuclear Security: Stability Measures and Nuclear Technologies
Criminal liability for crimes in the sphere of interpersonal relations
Military personnel are brought to criminal liability for committing a crime provided for by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. Article
How to protect the rights of a minor and punish for insulting him?
The rights and freedoms of minor citizens are protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other current legislative acts of the country.
What to do if a child is bullied by a teacher at school?
Whose side is the law on if a student insults a teacher?
Times change, people and relationships between people change. What previously seemed completely unacceptable
Racist crimes in the United States: statistical analysis
After my recent article (parts , , ) about crime and police shootings in
What is the difference between disposition and dislocation?
Disposition in psychology In psychology, disposition is a person’s willingness to act in a certain way or
relationship between constitutional and administrative law
Concept, subject, method and system of criminal and administrative-tort law
Concept, subject and method of administrative law Administrative law is a branch of law regulating public
Sample statement of defamation to the police or prosecutor's office
To protect honor, dignity and reputation, if they have been defamed by someone, an application for
What is meant by murder with extreme cruelty?
What is meant by murder with extreme cruelty?
Murder in itself is a cruel crime, because as a result of it a person loses
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