Article 50 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Invitation, appointment and replacement of a defense lawyer, payment for his work (current version)

the federal law

Article 49 | 44-FZ | Article 51

Article 50. Tender documentation

1. Tender documentation, along with the information specified in the notice of an open tender, must contain:

1) name and description of the procurement object and terms of the contract in accordance with Article 33 of this Federal Law, including justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, initial prices of units of goods, work, services;8) (as amended by Federal Law No. 71-FZ dated May 1, 2019) 2) information about the currency used to formulate the contract price and settlements with the supplier (contractor, performer); 3) the procedure for applying the official exchange rate of foreign currency to the ruble of the Russian Federation, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and used when paying for the contract; 4) the requirements for the content provided for in Article 51 of this Federal Law, including the description of the proposal of the participant in the open competition, the form, composition of the application for participation in the open competition and instructions for filling it out, while it is not allowed to establish requirements entailing a limitation on the number participants of an open competition or restriction of access to participation in an open competition; 5) information about the customer’s ability to change the terms of the contract in accordance with the provisions of this Federal Law; 6) information about the customer’s ability to conclude contracts specified in Part 10 of Article 34 of this Federal Law with several participants in an open competition for the performance of two or more research works constituting one lot in relation to one subject and with the same contract terms specified in the competition documentation (hereinafter referred to as exploratory research work), indicating the number of specified contracts. In this case, the initial (maximum) price of one contract is indicated as the initial (maximum) contract price. In this case, the initial (maximum) price of all contracts for exploratory research work is the same and the initial (maximum) price of a lot is equal to the sum of the initial (maximum) prices of all such contracts in relation to this lot; 7) the procedure and deadline for withdrawing applications for participation in an open competition, the procedure for returning applications for participation in an open competition (including those received after the deadline for filing these applications), the procedure for making changes to these applications; the procedure for providing participants in an open competition with explanations of the provisions of the competition documentation, the start and end dates of such provision; 9) criteria for evaluating applications for participation in an open competition, the significance of these criteria, the procedure for considering and evaluating applications for participation in an open competition in accordance with this Federal Law; 10) the amount of security for an application for participation in an open tender, as well as the terms of the bank guarantee (including its validity period); 11) the size and conditions of security for the execution of the contract, including each contract in the cases provided for in paragraph 6 of this part, based on the initial (maximum) price of the lot in proportion to the number of specified contracts, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 6 of Article 96 of this Federal Law; 12) information about the contract service, the contract manager, those responsible for concluding the contract, the period during which the winner of an open competition or another participant with whom a contract is concluded in accordance with this Federal Law must sign the contract, the conditions for recognizing the winner of an open competition or this participant who evaded concluding a contract; 13) information about the possibility of unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract in accordance with the provisions of parts 8 - 25 of Article 95 of this Federal Law.

1.1. Additional requirements for the content of tender documentation for open tenders during procurement:

1) for the provision of services of a specialized depository and trust management of pension savings funds are established by Article 19 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2002 N 111-FZ “On investing funds to finance the funded part of the labor pension in the Russian Federation”; 2) for the provision of specialized depository services provided to the authorized federal body, and trust management are established by Article 24 of the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel”; 3) to perform work related to the regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport, are established by federal law regulating relations for the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport. (Clause 3 introduced by Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 N 220-FZ)

(Part 1.1 introduced by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 396-FZ)

2. A draft contract must be attached to the tender documentation (in the case of an open tender for several lots, a draft contract for each lot), which is an integral part of the tender documentation.

3. The placement of tender documentation in a unified information system is carried out by the customer simultaneously with the placement of a notice of an open tender. Tender documentation must be available for review in a unified information system without charging a fee. Providing tender documentation (including at the request of interested parties) before posting a notice of an open tender is not allowed.

4. After the date of publication of the notice of an open tender, the customer, on the basis of a written application submitted by any interested person, within two working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application, is obliged to provide such person with tender documentation in the manner specified in the notice of an open tender. In this case, the tender documentation is provided in the form of a document on paper after the person has paid a fee for the provision of tender documentation, if this fee is established by the customer and an indication of this is contained in the notice of an open tender, with the exception of cases of provision of tender documentation in the form of an electronic document. The amount of this fee should not exceed the customer’s costs for making a copy of the tender documentation and delivering it to the person who submitted the specified application by post. The provision of tender documentation in the form of an electronic document is carried out without charging a fee, with the exception of the fee that may be charged for the provision of tender documentation on electronic media.

5. The tender documentation posted in the unified information system must fully comply with the tender documentation provided at the request of interested parties.

6. The customer has the right to decide to make changes to the tender documentation no later than five days before the deadline for filing applications for participation in an open tender. Changing the procurement object or increasing the amount of security for applications for participation in an open tender are not allowed. Within one day from the date of the decision to make changes to the tender documentation, such changes are posted by the customer in the manner established for posting a notice of an open tender, and within two working days from this date are sent by registered mail or in the form of electronic documents to all participants, who were provided with the tender documentation. At the same time, the deadline for filing applications for participation in an open competition must be extended so that from the date of posting such changes in the unified information system until the expiration date for filing applications for participation in an open competition, this period is at least ten working days, with the exception of provided for by this Federal Law. If such changes are made to the tender documentation in relation to a specific lot, the deadline for filing applications for participation in the open competition must be extended in relation to the specific lot.

7. Any participant in an open tender has the right to send a request in writing to the customer for clarification of the provisions of the tender documentation. Within two working days from the date of receipt of the specified request, the customer is obliged to send in writing or in the form of an electronic document an explanation of the provisions of the tender documentation, if the specified request was received by the customer no later than five days before the deadline for filing applications for participation in an open competition.

8. Within one working day from the date of sending clarifications of the provisions of the tender documentation, such clarifications must be posted by the customer in the unified information system indicating the subject of the request, but without indicating the person from whom the request was received. Explanations of the provisions of the tender documentation should not change its essence.


Dear Elena Leonidovna!

On behalf of the staff of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Chuvash Republic and on my own behalf, I congratulate you and your team on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day - a holiday of people who dedicated their lives to serving the Law, Truth and Justice!

Being a lawyer is a great honor and a huge responsibility. It is the activities of lawyers that allow the legal component of the state to function effectively. And regardless of the field in which a particular lawyer works, his work contributes to the accomplishment of this task. Your activities are aimed at ensuring justice and legality in society, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

I wish you good health, prosperity and further professional success in your work for the benefit of the Fatherland and dedication to the great cause of serving the Law!

Head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Chuvash Republic O.N. Nikonova

Dear Elena Leonidovna!

On behalf of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, I congratulate you and all employees of your department on Lawyer’s Day!

The activities of representatives of the legal community are multifaceted - protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring law and order in society, developing and strengthening the legal foundations of the state. The high professionalism of lawyers, their integrity, commitment to the spirit and letter of the Law are an important condition for improving the legal culture of citizens and maintaining stability in society.

Please accept our sincere thanks for your joint work and wishes for success in all your endeavors, good health and prosperity!

Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic A.E. Egorova

Dear Elena Leonidovna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Lawyer's Day!

Lawyer's Day is a holiday for everyone who sacredly values ​​the history of their country, who fulfills their civic duty with honor, who dedicated their lives to serving the law, truth and justice. I sincerely wish that your professional activity brings you satisfaction, serves the interests of the state and our citizens, and that the efforts expended are always returned with the consciousness of a fulfilled duty. May your life always be filled with respect and support from colleagues, warmth and love from family and friends, good health, peace, goodness and prosperity!

Head of the State Service of the Chuvash Republic for Justice Affairs Sergeantov D.M.

Dear Elena Leonidovna!

On behalf of the Supreme Court of the Chuvash Republic, I congratulate you and your team on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day, as well as on the upcoming Constitution Day of the Russian Federation!

These holidays unite everyone who dedicated their lives to serving the letter of the Law, who ensures the protection of the rights and interests of citizens. After all, the Constitution is the main law of the state, the guarantee of national harmony and social stability in Russia.

Thanks to the activities of the entire legal community of the country, a high legal culture of society is being formed and the Russian state as a whole is strengthening.

With all my heart I wish you and your employees good health, happiness, prosperity, as well as further professional success!

Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Chuvash Republic A.P. Petrov

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