The concept and types of crimes in the field of computer information. Features of the subject and objective side of this group of crimes
The concept of qualification of crimes. The importance of the elements of a crime for its correct qualification and imposition of a fair punishment
The concept of qualification of crimes Note 1 Qualification of crimes is the process of establishing the signs of a criminal act
What is fraud using electronic means of payment (Article 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Article 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – Fraud using electronic means of payment Under fraud with
Free telephone number of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs hotline
The activities, rights and responsibilities of the police are strictly regulated in the Federal Law “On the Police” No. 3-FZ. AND
Punishment for amphetamine: criminal and administrative liability
Prices for drug lawyer services Amphetamine is a psychotropic substance that stimulates the central nervous system.
Step-by-step instructions for debt repayment + personal experience
Money lent to friends and acquaintances is not always returned on time. Most often your own funds
Article 282.1. Organization of an extremist community
ST 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Creation of an extremist community, that is, an organized group of people for
So, after all, is it a counterfeit or a trophy? (Part 2 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Article 146. Violation of copyright and related rights ST 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Attribution
Tips and tricks on how to prove fraud 100%
Fraud is a criminal offense, a type of theft. It is characterized by defrauding the victim of money by
What is the liability for forging signatures on documents?
What the law says The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not have an article defining punishment specifically for counterfeiting
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