Main provisions Citizens in everyday life very often encounter the fact of forgery of documents, often
General information What is punishment in criminal law? This is a certain type of punishment
A crime is a socially dangerous act committed by a person or group of people, prohibited by criminal law
Article 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. A crime is recognized as committed by a group of persons if in its commission
Article 150 of the Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that the integral elements of a preliminary investigation are investigation and inquiry.
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of additional and repeated examination. Within the framework of this article, details will be revealed
To find out whether it is possible to get a job in a child care institution, do a little analysis - compare the type
Nowadays, for reasons unknown to many, slander has become very popular in all
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the law on the basis of which all other legal
Entertainment Gambling business * Average data for Russia are used in calculations How things stand