When we hear about natural disasters occurring in different parts of the world, we always
Criminal record - what does it mean and how does it affect life? If a citizen is recognized
06/11/2017 Fraud 0 comments The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly establishes that fraud (this is exactly how it will be
1. The trial of a criminal case is carried out with the mandatory participation of the defendant, except for cases provided for
There are no boundaries for loving hearts. If two people decide to formalize their relationship,
1. Theft, destruction, damage or concealment of official documents, stamps or seals, committed for personal gain
The objective side of a crime consists of a complex of superficial signs indicating unlawful human actions. Criminal law
If a writ of execution for alimony is lost, it can be restored in accordance with Art. 430
Hemp in our country is a prohibited plant, the illegal cultivation of which is subject to criminal penalties.
How to behave in a confrontation Confrontation - what you need to be prepared for,