Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Composition of the court (current version)
Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Composition of the court (current version) 1. Consideration of criminal cases is carried out by the court
What to do and where to go if your child is threatened with physical harm at school
Procedure for suppressing intimidation at school If the legal representative of a minor is faced with intimidation of a ward, it is necessary
The secrecy of adoption and its protection in the legislation of the Russian Federation
Why protect the secrecy of adoption Disclosure of confidential information about the adoption of a child can cause
The secrecy of adoption and its protection in the legislation of the Russian Federation
Adoption is a procedure for placing minor children into a new family. The state considers the care of adopted
What kind of telephone hooliganism will happen?
How to bring to justice for telephone hooliganism?
Very often, 112 service employees receive so-called hooligan calls. Anonymous callers call and
Medical error: how to protect yourself and what to do if you become a victim of a medical error
In the modern world, medical errors have entered our lives so deeply that no one
From Stalin to the present day. All about the “press hut” in the zone
Even those who have never been detained in penal institutions have heard about press huts. In the media
Detention Center 1 - Sailor's Silence
FKU SIZO-1 Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in Moscow “Matrosskaya Silence” - a prison within a prison
Contact information for pre-trial detention center 1 - Matrosskaya Tishina: Duty department of PKU SIZO-1 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for
What is the essence and purpose of criminal punishment?
General information What is punishment in criminal law? This is a certain type of punishment
Liability for defamation of an official and at work
Liability for defamation of an official and at work
Nowadays, for reasons unknown to many, slander has become very popular in all
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