The Supreme Court for the first time gave clarifications on cases of kidnapping, illegal imprisonment and human trafficking
Judicial practice under Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Resolution of the ECHR dated January 26, 2017 58. September 9
What is the list of information constituting a trade secret?
What is a trade secret? According to the law, Federal Law of July 29, 2004 N 98-FZ (as amended by
Article 136. Violation of equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen
ST 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Discrimination, that is, violation of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests
Subjective error, its types, impact on qualifications
Comparative characteristics of simple and complex participation
Depending on the functional roles performed by the accomplices of the crime, two types of complicity can be distinguished: simple;
Article 261. Guarantees for a pregnant woman and persons with family responsibilities upon termination of an employment contract
Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of an employer with a pregnant woman is not allowed, except in cases
Commentary to article 286. Violation of road safety rules
1. Commitment by an official of actions that clearly go beyond the scope of his powers and entail significant
How to hold accountable for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital
Illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital (including a clinic or department at a medical institution)
Beating of minors: punishment and responsibility
Currently, unfortunately, cases of mental and physical violence against minors are not uncommon. One
Methods of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 176 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
1. Receipt by an individual entrepreneur or the head of an organization of a loan or preferential lending terms by submitting
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