The history of Butyrka and the most famous inmates of the famous prison over the 230 years of its existence in the material of Gazeta.Ru

History of creation and composition

The history of the creative union of young people begins in 1998. That year, Vladimir Zhdamirov and Oleg Simonov created a group called “Dalniy Svet” and a year later they recorded the album “Presylochka” in a Voronezh recording studio. The group existed in this form until 2001.

In 2001, soloists Vladimir Zhdamirov and Oleg Simonov, together with the producer of “Russian Chanson” Alexander Abramov, decided to create a new group and called it “Butyrka”. This name appeared by chance, after a daring escape of several prisoners from Butyrka prison in September 2001.

During the existence of the group, its members changed several times. Of those who appeared in the team since the beginning of its formation, only 2 people remained. This is Oleg Simonov, who plays keyboards and creates lyrics, and bass guitarist Alexander Goloshchapov, who left the group in 2010, but returned 3 years later.

Bassist Alexander Goloshchapov

Drummer Tagir Alyautdinov and guitarist Alexander Kalugin left the group in 2006. Second guitarist Sergei Egorov worked in the band from 2006 to 2009, and bass guitarist Anton Smotrakov from 2010 to 2013.

The founder, composer and performer of songs, Vladimir Zhdamirov, who has been part of the group since its inception, left the group in 2013. This was a big blow for Butyrka fans and left many questions; everyone was interested in why the lead singer left the band when it was at the peak of its fame.

Vocalist Vladimir Zhdamirov

As it became known from the artist’s interviews for various Internet sites, he simply decided to pursue his solo career after many years of work in the group, the man records new songs and regularly pleases fans of his creativity with concerts in Russian cities.

After Zhdamirov left the creative team, a new soloist, Andrei Bykov, took his place in 2015. The public reacted ambiguously to the man. Since fans have gotten used to the permanent soloist for many years, not everyone liked the new man.

Vocalist Mikhail Borisov

The first concerts with the new lineup were not as welcoming as the musicians were accustomed to. Although Zhdamirov himself stated in an interview that he was not delighted with the creative abilities of the new soloist. However, after a while, the fans accepted the man, and today all concerts are held with the same full houses.

Andrey Bykov knew the creator of Butyrka long before he was on the team. Then Oleg Simonov appreciated the professional qualities of the man and even invited him to cooperate and recommended him to replace Zhdamirov. In 2015, the man began touring with the group, and a year later he took part in the anniversary concert, which took place in Voronezh.

Vocalist Andrey Bykov

The musician is not going to leave the group, he intends to continue to delight listeners with new hits, since his vocal qualities are suitable for performing Butyrka’s hits. Before joining the group, Bykov’s biography was almost unremarkable. He himself comes from the Perm region, traveled to Moscow to work and at the same time performed in various institutions, until he finally moved to the capital.

In addition to the “old guys” of the group, the current lineup includes drummer Yuri Akimov, since 2009 guitarist Andrei Zhuravlev, vocalist Andrei Bykov, sound engineer Valery Liznev and art director Yulia Griboedova.

Becoming an artist

Well, then time rushed to run. It started, it went, it spun, it spun. Homemade guitars that were made in the evenings in the courtyard while drinking alcoholic beverages. VIA, work at dances and weddings, amid the noise of drunken guests and shouts of “Bitter” to the newlyweds. Vladimir tries to perform constantly, but his busy schedule gradually kills his desire to write real music. A musician's career is limited to such small performances, and although he has a stable income and some kind of fame, the man wants something more. Something else, but what, unfortunately, he doesn’t know at all.

A new turn in the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirov occurred in 1997, when he met Oleg Simonov. Oleg had just been released from prison, where he wrote most of the lyrics for future songs. Vladimir was one of many performers to whom Oleg offered cooperation, but he turned out to be the only one whose voice, charisma and dedication helped make the right choice, which determined the fate of both for years to come. Their first joint project was called “Distant Light”, and, as many believe, it became a turning point in the lives of the project’s authors, forever changing their small world of music, showing it to the world exactly as the creators themselves saw it.


The musicians' debut "First Album" was released in 2002. The reason for the success that the young people achieved was the sincerity of Simonov’s poems and Zhdamirov’s unusual but memorable vocals. The most devoted fans of the group’s work at that time were people who were familiar with life behind barbed wire. And in order to get closer to ordinary people, in their songs the men used not only themes of prisons and camps, but also told stories from life.

Song “Smell of Spring” by the group “Butyrka”

The name of the next album, “The Second Album,” which was released in 2002, became a successful continuation of the first, and after its distribution, it finally consolidated the success of the guys in their creative endeavor. The team’s work was also noted at the “Worthy Song of 2002” music award ceremony. The event took place at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Butyrka group won in the Discovery of the Year category and even received an award for the video for the song “Smell of Spring,” which was filmed by director A. Tumandeev.

The next album of the musicians, “News,” was released in early 2004, and a year later, fans of the group enjoyed new compositions from the album “Icon.” Their songs became hits and remained at the top of the television charts for weeks.

Song "Baba Masha" by the group "Butyrka"

Poe exceeded the expectations of fans, while the music recorded, songs and albums released were of the highest level of quality. At this rate, in 2007 the artists were already releasing their fifth album.

The Sixth Album, released in 2009, had only a few new songs. It also became the last album that was released under the contract with Russian Chanson. The contract was not renewed, and the team decided to develop independently. Since then, Butyrka has been releasing new songs on its own and continuing its creative development.

The song “Walking September” by the groups “Butyrka” and “Vorovaiki”

Also in 2009, the group created its own website on the Internet, where fans listen to Butyrka’s hits and receive information about concerts. In the period from 2010 to 2014, the team pleases fans with 3 more new albums. By 2021, their discography already consisted of 11 albums.

The group has collaborated with other artists more than once; they have joint songs with Irina Krug, Vorovayki and other performers. In addition to songs, Butyrka does not forget about the videos that can be seen on the Internet today. The team shot a video for the song “Smell of Spring”, “Ball”, “Icon”, “Malets” and others.

Song “Certificate in the Blood” by the group “Butyrka”

There are also videos from fans on YouTube, for example, for the song “Certificate in the Blood.” The group still has many songs that even those who are not their fans know by heart. Among the most popular are “Baba Masha”, “Golden Domes”, “News”, “On the Other Side of the Fence” and others.


The guy’s youth was, to put it mildly, unsafe. In his youth there was hooliganism and constant arrests at the police station. The young guy lived life to the fullest. For him there was only one day, and everything besides it - let it all burn with fire, and let it perish! Several times the teenager came close to actually going to jail. But thanks to his parents’ connections, and simply incredible cosmic luck, the young man avoided the shameful stigma of “criminal” in those days.

It couldn't go on like this any longer. Since his parents were involved in art, and the guy’s brother, not just anyone, but in the field of the dance genre, it is not surprising that Vladimir decided to forget about the crooked and narrow road of a criminal and, with his father’s parting words, decided to seriously engage in music and independent creativity.

Quickly getting the hang of it, the guy begins trying to record his own songs. Little by little, his ability to play the guitar and his strengthened voice allowed him to record his first test songs. His personal level as a musician is growing, and the guy urgently seeks to find like-minded people.

The Butyrka group now

Since “Butyrka” has won the hearts of listeners from various Russian and foreign cities during its existence, today the group is active in concert activities and participates in events with other stars. Latest photos from the musicians' performances, trips and tours can be seen on their official website.

Butyrka group in 2021

In December 2021, the team took part in a concert in memory of Mikhail Krug. In addition to them, Grigory Leps, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Dubtsova, Irina Krug and other modern pop stars performed on stage.

At the beginning of 2021, the musicians released a new song “They Fly Away.” The composition is dedicated to the military pilot, their fellow countryman Roman Filipov, the man died in Syria while performing his military duty. Fans noticed that the song’s sound and manner of performance differed somewhat from the band’s main work.

Song “They Fly Away” by the group “Butyrka”

As for the tour schedule, Butyrka spent the summer of 2021 on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. The group also performed in Moscow, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, and in April - in Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk and Taganrog.


This prominent musical figure was born on August 6, 1958. He was not the only child in the family, so he grew up in conditions of fierce competition, since each of the children wanted to receive more attention and praise from their parents.

Parents surrounded their children with constant attention and care, and, despite the difficult and difficult years of hardship, they tried to fence in their childhood, showing only the good side of life. And they never, ever focused on the bad. It's as if she doesn't exist at all.

Only the children still could not help but see the truth. Everything around was not that bad, but not good at the same time. Gradually, life deteriorated, and the child’s inquisitive mind understood this perfectly. But while the family was responsible for them, until they were left to the streets, the children could take the word of their mother and father. Having matured, they set off with their own feet to plow the expanses of their vast homeland. And that’s when the truth came out.

Solo debut

On the first day of winter 2014, the official release of his debut solo album “Spring Behind the Fence” took place. Vladimir Zhdamirov is not upset. He continues to do what he loves - music. The song “Spring” by Vladimir Zhdamirov became popular on the radio. The tour begins, people's love returns to the singer.

", performing songs in the chanson genre. At the beginning of 2015, the artist got into a serious accident and fell into a coma. After recovery he left the team. He sang in the Bratva group, but soon decided to start a solo career. Mikhail is a strong-willed person who achieves results exclusively through his own efforts. He knows firsthand what prison is. It so happened that in his life he had to cut down wood and sit in a punishment cell. Perhaps this is why Borisov's songs are so heartfelt.


The group began receiving all kinds of national awards and honors. The musicians give up writing new songs and tour all over the country with the old and proven program. They are warmly welcomed in every city, they are stars and deserve the warmth and loyalty of people’s hearts. They always have full houses, but sometimes they play at half capacity. But even such performances are liked by the public.

Artists begin to attend thematic programs, expand their staff and open new vacancies. Now they are not just musicians, they are a brand, and the task of the brand is to live up to the level.

The end of the work of "Distant Light"

The group ended its existence in the “Distant Light” format for several reasons. Firstly, there were much fewer ideas for songs, and it seemed like creative differences, forgotten and buried in the ground, began to appear again. The musicians did not want to go through the most unpleasant moments of creativity again and decided to end it on a high note, remaining friends.

Secondly, it began to seem to spectators and listeners at concerts that musicians can do much more than they express emotionally and show in the quality of the music they wrote. Letters from fans began to increasingly contain hopes that the musicians would make a truly gorgeous project that would once again return them to the Olympus of Russian music.

Due to these circumstances, the men made a joint decision to open a new chapter in their lives. They say little about this stage, but from the words that journalists managed to extract from them, it is clear that now, after so much time, they do not regret anything.

Problems within the team

But nothing lasts forever under the sun. The group, of course, had problems and disagreements, which they skillfully hid from the audience. But even if you can deceive them, you certainly can’t deceive them by exposing yourself.

In December 2013, personnel changes took place in the team, which will become the final chord in life, and most importantly, in the work of the once famous group. Instead of Vladimir, a new vocalist is hired. Before this, no one informs the man about the previously made decision, which, in fact, is a behind-the-scenes game of other participants.

A new twist in the biography - Vladimir Zhdamirov is faced with a choice, but to the latter’s credit, he simply accepts it as a fact. Of course, it’s difficult for him, of course, he doesn’t want to leave his partners. But the choice was not made by him, which means nothing depends on him.

Vladimir gathers musicians who do not want to work without him, and together they leave Butyrka, leaving this musical project behind.

Personal life

Mikhail is married, the couple are raising a son.

The artist has several tattoos on his body, including stars on his collarbones, which signify defiance of the prison regime.

It is possible that he made them back in Arkhangelsk, where he openly opposed the camp administration and spent a long time in a punishment cell. But Mikhail himself did not talk about his tattoos.

Borisov loves to communicate with fans, he tries to respond to their letters and comments on social networks. He personally runs pages on Instagram and VKontakte.

“Instruments of torture were taken from Hitler’s Germany”

After the political events of 1905, a new part of the history of Butyrka prison began. The cells turned out to be filled to capacity with fighters against tsarism, and the rules of detention were tightened so much that the prison turned into a real hell. The prisoners were beaten daily, and those who were dissatisfied were immediately sent to punishment cells. A number of “status” prisoners visited the dungeons of “Butyrka” at the beginning of the 20th century - from the sailors of the mutinous cruiser “Ochakov” to the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. In 1908, for the amusement of exhausted prisoners in Butyrka prison, the legendary illusionist Harry Houdini conducted an experiment: shackled, he managed to free himself from a special transport box in which prisoners were transported to Siberia in 28 minutes.

The Bolsheviks, who came to power during the October Revolution of 1917, first of all released political prisoners from Butyrka and began to use it as an investigative prison - essentially, a pre-trial detention center. The years of Stalin's rule were perhaps the darkest time in the history of Butyrka: it turned out to be terribly overcrowded. Instead of 3.5 thousand prisoners, it simultaneously held about 20 thousand prisoners, most of whom were shot at the end of the investigation.

Butyrka prison inside. 1937

Photo: archive of the Memorial Society

According to some reports, death sentences were carried out directly in the Pugachev Tower. Only executioners, a prosecutor, a doctor and the head of the prison worked there, and therefore everything that happened in the tower remained a secret. There were rumors that the convict was launched into a narrow corridor, and, having previously measured his height, they shot him in the back of the head... After the execution of the prisoner, his family received only short news that their loved one was no longer alive.

In the 30-40s of the 20th century, up to 170 prisoners could be kept in the cells of the Butyrka prison, designed for 25-30 people. Journalist Evgenia Ginzburg in her book “Steep Route” describes in sufficient detail her life in Butyrka at that time:

“An entire wing of some floor, probably equipped with the latest executioner technology, was reserved for night interrogations at Butyrka. At least, Clara, who visited the Gestapo, assured that the instruments of torture were certainly taken from Hitler’s Germany.”


Relations within the team did not develop almost immediately after its founding. No, two adults with a wealth of experience behind them did not make demonstrative scenes and did not quarrel over trifles, as if this was what their life consisted of. But sometimes there were real conflicts of interest. The two musicians could not decide what their young group should become in the world of music and in what direction they would move.

For this reason, success came to the group after quite a long time, and the musicians had to put a lot of effort into this. The first songs of Vladimir Zhdamirov were not very warmly received by the public. The team, of course, attended events for money and gave a number of concerts. But the music of Vladimir Zhdamirov and his group was of average quality, and people immediately heard it and could not sufficiently enjoy the singing and playing of the men.

We had to sit down and negotiate among ourselves. The reconciliation between the two sides took a long time, but gradually, with the opening and emergence of dialogue, the quality of the songs began to improve. Of course, the new songs did not bring worldwide fame, but people had already begun to wait for them, somehow showing the singers signs of love and attention.

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