Falsification of evidence in arbitration proceedings
Quick navigation How to file a claim for falsification of evidence? Features of procedural activities before appointment and
Grounds for criminal liability of medical workers
Administrative responsibility of medical workers
Cases of adverse health care outcomes are often published in the media and receive public outcry.
Child suicide: how to distinguish real danger from blackmail?
My ex is blackmailing me with suicide Last week I put an end to my relationship with MCH.
Falsification of evidence in a case in the form of producing a document “retroactively” - is there any point in conducting a prescription examination?
Main provisions Citizens in everyday life very often encounter the fact of forgery of documents, often
Responsibility for hacking email and social media accounts
What responsibility do hackers bear for hacking a computer or VK page?
Modern life has already moved “with one foot” into virtual reality, which is tied to accounts in
fake work book fake record
Responsibility for falsifying a work record for employment in 2021
One of the reasons why the Government plans to introduce electronic work books is their
Article 256. Illegal extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources
Article 256. Illegal extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources 1. Illegal extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
How cybercriminals launder money stolen from banks
Where and how does the money go? An attack on banks can proceed according to two scenarios -
what to do if your ex-husband threatens you with violence
Ex-husband threatens physical harm and murder
Despite the fact that family support programs in Russia are developing rhythmically, divorce statistics remain
Article 159.3. Fraud using electronic means of payment
ST 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Fraud using electronic means of payment - punishable by a fine
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