difference between fraud and theft with elements of deception
The essence and concept of fraud, the main differences from theft and robbery
The criminal legislation of the Russian Federation traditionally qualifies six forms of unlawful taking of another’s property: fraud, misappropriation,
"Krasnaya Presnya"
“The air smells like a zone” - this is what experienced prisoners say about the Krasnaya Presnya prison
There are 8 pre-trial detention centers on the territory of Moscow, which are not fully operational today.
Collision with a pedestrian due to the fault of a pedestrian or driver: assistance from a lawyer
06/10/2017 Crimes against life and health 0 comments Hitting a pedestrian with a car does not cost
Federal Penitentiary Service, budget, colonies, contingent, convicts, labor, forced labor
Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2009 N 142 “On approval of the Instructions for organizing the execution of sentences and measures of a criminal legal nature without isolation from society”
In accordance with the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 2,
Where to contact in case of fraud with bank cards
Author: Polovnikova Anna Vyacheslavovna. Modern payment systems provide fundamentally new, very wide and convenient
Which countries do not extradite to the USA?
Which countries do not extradite criminals to Russia? List of countries where there is no extradition to Russia
What is it: definition The state has the right to request extradition if: the criminal is
petition for reclassification of an administrative offense
Reclassification of crime in criminal and administrative law
The accusation brought against a person is not always confirmed in court. Such
Qualification of crimes
The corpus delicti as the main tool for qualifying crimes
The classification of crimes is of great importance in the criminal process. She is the guardian of the principles of legality, justice,
Illustration on the topic PDN inspector: what he does, features, responsibilities and salary
Juvenile affairs inspector: pros and cons of the profession
For modern society, one of the most important social tasks is the search for methods to reduce crime.
False accusation - libel, criminal liability, conditions of involvement
A false accusation is information that does not correspond to reality and is not supported by evidence, but
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