“The air smells like a zone” - this is what experienced prisoners say about the Krasnaya Presnya prison

There are 8 pre-trial detention centers in Moscow, which are not fully operational today. Some of them, for example, “Butyrka”, “Matrosskaya Silence”, “Lefortovo”, are often mentioned in the media, in songs of Russian chanson stars, journalistic reports, films and TV series. There are other pre-trial detention centers with a rich history, which housed personalities known all over the world. One of these places is pre-trial detention center 77/3, better known as Krasnaya Presnya prison.


Krasnaya Presnya prison, which was built in 1938. Initially, it was entrusted with the task of a forwarding point. Several wooden barracks were built for the prisoners, in which there were no conditions for normal existence. In 1956, a decree was issued according to which the camp management came under the jurisdiction of local authorities.

Already in the 60s of the last century, a full-scale reconstruction was carried out in all cells. Upon completion of this process, hygienic conditions and sanitary facilities in the colony improved significantly. Additionally, special areas were built on the upper level for prisoners to walk around. The final stage of reconstruction and renovation of the prison was the construction of a duty station, a divorce room, and a clubhouse.

Krasnaya Presnya remained in this form until the early 90s. 1992 is the time of construction and commissioning of the food block and processing unit. For two years, from 1998 to 2000, the detention center was constantly overcrowded and, according to official data, more than 100,000 criminals served their sentences within its walls.

Reception times for personal matters

For the reception of citizens and relatives of prisoners serving sentences in prison, the following reception schedule has been established:

  • Deputy head of the colony

on Thursdays from 14.00 to 17.00

on Fridays 14.00 to 17.00

  • Head of Special Accounting Department

on Thursdays from 14.00 to 17.00

  • Head of Regime Department

Wednesdays from 14.00 to 17.00

  • Senior lawyerconsul of the prison

Tuesdays from 14.00 to 17.00

  • Warden

Tuesdays from 14.00 to 17.00

In some cases, changes in reception times are possible. Information about all changes can be found freely available on the official Internet portal of the pre-trial detention center.

No. 3. Andrey Belyaev (“Trunk”)

Belyaev’s first conviction turned out to be very impressive - he was given thirteen years for robbery. He tried to escape from prison, which increased his sentence by another three years. While behind bars, he refused to comply with prison regulations, did not cooperate with the administration - in general, he behaved like a real “denier.” After his release, he took up extortion. Often law enforcement officers detained him with fake documents. In the late 90s, he established channels for weapons smuggling. In the clan war he was on the side of Usoyan. In 2010, he changed his last name to Voznesensky, marrying the daughter of a famous poet.

He entered the Presnya pre-trial detention center in July 1999, having already been convicted of drug possession. In 2015 I returned here for the same reason.

Features of the pre-trial detention center

According to the majority of prisoners and lawyers, a distinctive feature of the Krasnaya Presnya prison is the conditions aimed at suppressing the will of the people held here. It is especially difficult for those who find themselves in places of detention for the first time and do not know the laws and rules of behavior in places of detention. The conditions of detention of prisoners are similar to similar colonies in other regions of Russia. There were no distinctive traditions and features in the prison. The only rule that is observed by all prisoners is strict adherence to all thieves' laws. Recently, the prison began to hold people who have not yet been convicted.

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Famous personalities who were in Krasnaya Presnya

During the entire existence of the prison, various famous people served their sentences in its cells, including:

  1. Lidia Ruslanovna – singer
  2. Alexander Solzhenitsyn - writer
  3. Pyotr Abakumov - military commander
  4. Friedrich Paulus - German field marshal
  5. Georgy Zhzhenov – actor
  6. Vyacheslav Ivankov - thief in law
  7. Salman Raduev – terrorist

How to write a letter

All letters for prisoners of Krasnaya Presnya prison must be sent to:

  • Moscow city
  • index 123308
  • Street 1st Silikatny proezd
  • House 11

When writing letters to Krasnaya Presnya, certain rules must be followed. First of all, when writing a letter, you must remember that the censor will read it first. If he discovers violations of the requirements in the content of the message, the message will definitely not reach the addressee. Harsh and negative statements addressed to the leadership of the country, the colony, and law enforcement agencies in general are strictly prohibited. You can attach to the letter photographs, pictures, drawings without elements of pornography, propaganda of homosexuality and other propaganda prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Have a question for a lawyer? Ask now, call and get a free consultation from leading lawyers in your city. We will answer your questions quickly and try to help with your specific case.

Telephone in Moscow and the Moscow region: +7

Phone in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region: +7

Free hotline throughout Russia: 8 (800) 301-39-20

general information

  • Phone numbers
  • Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 13:48 to 18:00
  • Official portal: https://www.sizo3-moscow.ru
  • Chief: Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Nikolai Alexandrovich Makarov.
  • Main name: FKU SIZO-3UFSIN of Russia in Moscow.
  • How many people: designed for 931 people.
  • Address: 123308 Moscow, 1st Silikatny proezd, 11 k.1

Conditions of detention

Compared to other similar facilities, the Krasnaya Presnya prison compares favorably with them in terms of the conditions of detention of prisoners. This is noted by human rights activists, independent observers and prisoners themselves who served their sentences in various prisons.

All prisoners constantly visit the bath complex located on the territory of the detention center. The entire territory, including the cells, is kept clean and tidy. This is strictly monitored by prison staff. Unlike the overcrowded St. Petersburg Crosses, in Krasnaya Presnya no more than 20 people are held in one cell. There is a store on the premises of the detention center where prisoners can purchase essential goods at their own expense.

The process of transmitting letters and parcels from relatives and close friends of prisoners is well established. Criminals sentenced for life are not placed in Krasnaya Presnya.

About reconstruction

In 1943, renovation work began on the territory. It was decided to supplement the transfer with new buildings. In 1944, prisoners set about restoring the brick workshop. A plant producing silicate building material was located near the prison. Later, using sand-lime bricks, a special building was erected, namely, a building for prisoners, and then a building for the administration.

According to experts, since 1944, the place where prisoners were accommodated was not wooden barracks, but a two-story brick house, in which there were 24 cells. The prison is surrounded by a four-meter brick fence 298 meters long. A 60-centimeter barbed wire was strung on top.

About the features of the institution

During the Great Patriotic War, the country's leadership organized a transshipment base on the squares of Krasnaya Presnya. A similar decision was made to relieve other Moscow prisons.

After the verdict was announced, the convict was immediately sent to Krasnaya Presnya, where the process of paperwork for sending the criminal to the stage took place. The time spent in temporary detention facilities usually did not exceed a month. In the prison, the contingent of prisoners was constantly changing, who considered Krasnaya Presnya as a transit base to the place where they would serve their entire sentence.

This situation led to real tyranny happening in the Krasnaya Presnya prison in the 70s of the last century. Official authorities were unable to restore order in the prison. Various methods and methods were used, but they did not bring tangible results. The criminal authorities dealt with the situation. They took quite tough measures and established rules for prisoners at Krasnaya Presnya. The thieves' methods worked. Since that time, all prisoners held in Krasnaya Presnya live according to the laws of thieves.

Today, a certain order has been established in the colony and riots and uprisings of prisoners practically do not occur. According to unofficial information, the famous thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) received the status of thief in law when he was in the Krasnaya Presnya transit prison.

No. 7. Merab Pipia ("Merab of Sukhumi")

In 1977, at the age of 17, Merab Pipia was first sentenced to two years. In general, he has several convictions behind him; in total, he served more than ten years in prison. In the 90s and the first half of the 2000s, Merab spent in Moscow, dealing with various criminal cases. The main profession of the authority was burglary. He achieved high skill in opening locks. In 2001, Merab was crowned at a gathering in Moscow. He gathered his own group in the capital, whose specialization was the same burglaries. They didn’t do anything more serious than what other organized crime groups did. Merab himself also took part in forays and opened locks with his own hands. He never pretended to expand his influence; he was pleased to simply do his own thing. Personal participation led to arrest in 2005 on three counts at once. He did not have Russian citizenship, so in 2010 he was deported to Georgia. From there, Merab went to Bulgaria, where he again took up the same business - he put together a gang of “burglars” and does not plan to interfere in the affairs of “high criminal” politics.

In 2006, after another arrest on charges of theft, “Merab Sukhumsky” ended up in the Presnensky detention center.

Transit prisons

A transfer prison is a facility where outright tyranny often occurs. Similar behavior can be observed both on the part of prison staff and some convicts. In places of temporary detention of prisoners, there are no specific rules and traditions. Many people held in transit prisons do not know the laws of the world of thieves or hope that they will never again meet those who witnessed their tyranny. Often, prisoners who have served a certain period of time in such a prison unite in groups and rob newly admitted prisoners.

Barrikadnaya Street and Zoo

As its name suggests, Barrikadnaya was the site of the main barricades during the revolutionary battles of 1905, where workers took refuge after an unsuccessful attempt to break into the bourgeois areas located within the Garden Ring. Barricades were erected in the area of ​​the Presnya River, hidden underground in 1908. The only part of the river that remains on the surface is a large pond, now located inside the Moscow Zoo.

Fenced off by a fairy-tale tower and an arch lined with large stones, the zoo consists of two parts, connected by a pedestrian bridge passing over Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street. A lot of money was spent on the reconstruction of some enclosures and the construction of the Exotarium, designed to demonstrate exotic wildlife, and the environment of the zoo is constantly improving. Children adore the zoo; they are especially delighted by the opportunity to play with animals in the young animals’ area, located on the eastern side of Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street.

Cinema center

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