This time the dispute flared up in our Northern Fleet. Dismissed from military service by
Falsification of evidence in civil proceedings is a criminal offense and is prosecuted under Art.
Researchers about Russia, that is, the penetration of culture and morals prevailing in places of detention,
What to do if you are caught in bookmarks? If you are under 18 years old, that is
Definition Any murder, by definition, is a manifestation of cruelty towards the victim. However, in
The most terrible, dangerous and large-scale crimes in criminal law are considered sabotage and terrorist acts.
Commentary to Art. 333 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation The main object of the crime is the established order of subordination and
For encroachment on the safety of someone else's property, damage to this property by arson, the perpetrators are punished
Car theft is a common occurrence these days, and car thieves always have “scenarios”
What is torture? This crime is qualified by the provisions of Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The indicated standards apply