Actions of a car owner when a car is stolen - how to write a report of theft and where to call

Car theft is a common occurrence these days, and car thieves always have many “scenarios”. A car can be stolen at night from a yard or from a paid parking lot, from paid and free parking. Fraudsters are usually well versed in the law and are familiar with the traffic police’s work patterns in searching for stolen cars. Are you familiar with them?

Make sure the car is really stolen

The next step is to make sure that the car was actually stolen. In practice, the following situations similar to theft occur:

  • The car was taken away by a tow truck.
  • My spouse or friend took the car.
  • The car owner mixed up the place where he left the car.

So you need to check all possible options.

Tow truck . In practice, a tow truck can also take away a car parked without violating traffic rules. Sometimes this is caused by an official error, sometimes cars are moved for road work or public events. In general, you need to call the impound lot and find out if they have your car.

Another driver took the car . This option is quite easy to check. Call all drivers who have access to the car keys.

The owner could not find the car . In this case, there is no universal way to find a car. We'll have to "comb" the surrounding area.

If at this step it turns out that the car was not stolen, call the police and report that the car was found. Otherwise, go to the nearest police station.

Who steals cars and why?

Vehicle theft is a very successful and well-developed criminal business in which many people participate: some “steal”, others steal, others dismantle or drive cars to customers. Currently, in Russia the most popular are five types of “moving a car without the owner’s consent”:

  • "Hooligan theft." Sometimes a car in which you accidentally left the ignition key in the lock can be stolen by ordinary hooligans. Usually this is the case of teenagers who decide to go for a ride or get to the right place. In case of such a “theft,” the traffic police will quickly find the car. To return it, you need to report the theft to the traffic police (then you will need the application to confirm the fact of the theft with your insurance company).
  • "Theft for dismantling." The car is stolen and dismantled for parts for sale. Cars that are usually stolen are unattended and the make and model don't matter. Finding a vehicle can be difficult, and the chances of getting it in its entirety are minimal.
  • "Theft for resale." Cars of popular brands and models are stolen. After the theft, the car remains in a hidden storage tank for 2-3 days, and then is resold under other numbers. There is a chance to find the car - it all depends on the experience and efficiency of the traffic police.
  • "Theft to order." Expensive brands of cars are stolen and quickly transported to other regions for ready-made clients. This is a crime for “professionals” who know how to bypass both security systems and search operations of traffic police officers. Most likely, you will no longer be able to find the car.
  • "Hijacking for ransom." Not the most common type of theft, since it falls under the criminal article of extortion, and attackers risk being caught during the transfer of the ransom.

You will be able to understand what category of theft the theft of your vehicle will be classified into only after you start the search process, and the traffic police officers carry out a full range of investigative measures.

Filing a theft report

The next action that needs to be taken after the car is stolen is to personally contact the police and write a report of the theft . Please note that you need to contact the local police officer, not the traffic police.

The application must indicate where and when you left the car, as well as at what point you discovered it was missing. In addition, for registration you will need documents confirming your ownership of the car (registration certificate, PTS).

If there were valuables in the car, they must also be indicated in the text of the application.

After filing a complaint, the police will begin searching for the car.

If you found a car on your own...

If the traffic police detects your car, it will immediately warn you about the find. You should do the same. At the same time, there is no need to touch the machine or try to open it! First, it must be examined by the police, who then draw up a seizure report, attach it as evidence, and then conduct an examination. All procedures may take several months.

In conclusion, it should be noted that car theft is an unpleasant event, but you should not despair and count your losses. It is necessary to quickly connect all legislative resources and conduct an active and consistent search for the car yourself.

After the car is stolen, you will have about a week to return it safe and sound - the criminals are in no hurry to dismantle or sell the vehicle in the expectation that the active search by the police will stop within 3 days. Therefore, your correct and consistent search efforts can yield successful results.

Self-search for a car

If you wish, you can search for a car yourself. Naturally, this is not necessary, but if you put in extra effort, your chances of success will increase.

Report the theft to the residents of your city. This can be done for free using thematic websites, forums and groups on social networks. In your appeal, ask witnesses to the theft to respond, as well as drivers whose DVRs recorded the movement of the stolen car.

In principle, this is all that the driver can do immediately after the theft.


Call the police. You must immediately report the theft to the police. You can do this by phone, and then come to the department and write a statement. The police are available on emergency numbers 112 or 002. Call the emergency numbers: in Moscow 233 12 33, in St. Petersburg 926 64 02. Knowing where to call if a car is stolen, the car owner will save a lot of time that could have been spent on searching for a phone or unnecessary conversations.

Actions of the police. The person on duty will accept the caller's request, check the data provided by the driver and draw up an application for the investigation team to leave. The police will inspect the scene, identify possible witnesses, and find cameras that could record the moment of the theft. They will check for possible falsification of the theft. There are cases when car owners deliberately report their car stolen in order to obtain insurance or avoid selling their car at auction.

Interception. Usually, an “Interception” plan is announced, when traffic police officers on duty at checkpoints check similar passing vehicles. Data about the stolen car is transferred to other services, data from surveillance cameras on city roads is checked, and posts may be posted.

Writing an application. The driver himself must later appear at the police station and write a statement. It is drawn up on the prescribed form. It indicates information about the owner, details of documents for the car, and the absence of transfer of the car for use or ownership to third parties.

The car owner must draw up a detailed description of the stolen car, indicating special features (chips, unusual paint, tinting, stickers, spoilers), markings applied, a description of the interior and personal belongings contained in it. In addition, the driver must remember the approximate amount of gasoline left in the tank and provide information about the alarm model.

If the owner of the car retains the certificate, it is handed over to the police against signature. After the application is accepted, the car owner is issued a ticket.

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg are required to notify their insurance company about the theft and provide them with copies of documents from the police. This action lasts only two days.

In three days you can expect the results of the search. This period can be extended up to 10 days. If no information is received, then the actions of unknown persons will be classified as theft, not theft. All procedural documents are received in person or by mail.

The driver, for his part, can take maximum action to help police officers search for:

  • inspect courtyards and gateways - perhaps the car was stolen and abandoned;
  • connect to the search for friends and acquaintances;
  • View the incident feed - perhaps the car thief got into an accident. This is usually typical for teenagers;
  • visit impound lots and dismantling yards;
  • write advertisements on social networks, newspapers, magazines and radio.

Receiving payment from the insurance company

If the car is insured against theft (under CASCO), then you should contact the insurance company to receive payments. The insurance company will need police documents confirming the theft.

Note. The MTPL insurance policy has nothing to do with car theft.

As for the rules and terms of application, I recommend checking them by phone with the insurance company. The fact is that there are no uniform rules for CASCO insurance; each organization has its own rules.

However, if the car is insured against theft, the owner will be able to receive an insurance payment. If the car is subsequently found, it will go to the insurance company.

Theft of a new car without license plates

It’s a completely unpleasant case when a new car without license plates is stolen. It follows that the car is not registered. It is not in the traffic police database. The theft application form can be filled out using a regular passport and a purchase agreement.

They will even take him into production using the usual investigative algorithm. But the hope for a quick discovery of such a loss is extremely insignificant. The numbers will most likely be fake. Finding such a machine would be an extraordinary success.

When purchasing a new car, when there is a fear of not registering the new car quickly, you should immediately install a mechanical lock. Carefully monitoring the location of the car. Especially in wonderful Moscow. And it’s the same in wonderful St. Petersburg.

If the car is found

Exactly a year passed, and the detective called me... from the city of Ivanovo! He said: “Congratulations! We found your car, and it is in this wonderful city." To be honest, I was not happy because it added problems. The investigator who led my criminal case in Moscow was in no way connected with his colleague from Ivanovo. Therefore, I needed to contact my branch in Moscow and explain the situation. Here I was once again glad that I took the personal number of the investigator, and simply wrote to him on Whats App, giving him the number of a policeman from Ivanovo, and they themselves began to negotiate among themselves.

Next, I had to inform the insurance company that my car had been found, and wait until the theft case was transported from Ivanovo to Moscow. It took two months. By the way, they sent me a photo of the car, and I saw that it was no longer my expensive wheels, but the most ordinary ones.

Then the insurance company contacted me, I needed to issue a power of attorney for the car, because I received the money, so I had to give the car back. It turned out to be very easy: I was invited to the company’s security service office, and I simply signed one document there; the insurance company apparently carried out all further operations itself.

It didn’t matter to me how things were going further, and I wasn’t interested in the details. The only thing I know is that some man bought my car in Ivanovo, it had broken license plates, they stopped him for a check and found out that the car was listed as stolen. Of course, it is strange that he bought an expensive car without checking it first. I don't recommend anyone to do this.

A car was stolen and crashed

According to the terms of insurance policies common in Russia - CASCO and OSAGO, if a stolen stolen car is found, the owner has the right to count on insurance payments. The first thing you need to do is file a police report. The success of the solution depends on several factors: whether the culprits are found, whether the fact of theft is proven. Once the guilty party is found guilty, you can file a civil lawsuit and recover the amount from it with the help of bailiffs. If the fact of theft is proven, and the car is found in a broken state, and the culprits fled the scene, you can count on receiving an insurance payment from your insurer. To do this, you must submit an application indicating all the details of the incident and an order to assess the damage caused.

How to avoid car theft

To paraphrase the words of a popular song: if you don’t have a car, then no one will steal it. In other words, it is impossible to avoid theft - the enemy is cunning and merciless. But this possibility can be minimized;

  • vigilance when owning or purchasing a car from a specific risk group; models of popular brands that are more often stolen;
  • new cars that have not been registered;
  • installation of modern telematic security systems with an interactive encryption system;
  • purchase and use of mechanical interlocks;
  • custom car painting;
  • marking of glass and its main components.
  • It will be very good if the car owner never needs the recommendations of this article. But when such a situation arises, it is necessary that there be fewer ill-considered actions, especially at the first moment. Do not forget in the first minutes after the discovery of a car theft, you can find the largest number of witnesses who saw or heard something, also do not forget about surveillance cameras, information from which can be automatically erased after time, without having time to be investigated for useful information on theft. There are always favorable chances.

    Difficulties when buying a car after theft

    Buying a stolen car is more like a lottery. Here you will either be lucky and your car will begin its history with a clean slate, or you will end up with complete losses and regret about the purchase.

    What nuances of buying a car that has been stolen may you face? What can happen if you buy a car not from the state or insurers? Let's break it down point by point.

    • If a car with the numbers indicated on it is on the federal wanted list, then Interpol already has its data. Any traffic police department has free access to them. This means that you won’t be able to drive a car for a long time. If you try to register your car, you will undoubtedly be accused of stealing it. Proving your innocence will be your next immediate task.
    • A similar situation with registration can occur if the documents are fake. It will be simply impossible to carry out the production. And you are unlikely to go abroad either.
    • Let’s say everything is in order with the documents, but certain parts of the car were manipulated. There is a way out of this situation, or rather, two. You can obtain a replacement by installing a new body or engine in your vehicle. Then you will be given a new number and everything is fine. The second solution is to sell for parts. Not the best option, of course. But first you need to calculate the costs, and only then can you make a choice.

    Another risk that lurks after acquiring a stolen vehicle is its previous owner. If the insurance company didn't pay him, he can find you and legally repossess you. Otherwise, the insurers will take it themselves.

    Conclusion! As we have already said, buying a car after it has been stolen is a risky business that can lead to unpleasant consequences. But if you really want to save money, and your motto is “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne!”, then go ahead. Be extremely careful when inspecting the car, choosing a seller and checking documents. And celebrate your purchase with a raised glass.

    If you are afraid to take risks, try getting a car loan. You can choose the bank offer with the lowest interest rate here.

    When to submit an application

    It is imperative to understand how to properly submit a car for theft and in what situations such a complaint must be filed.

    There are situations when people simply sort things out among themselves. An illustrative example is a situation where a car owner signs a relative or friend into a power of attorney, or transfers a vehicle for temporary use. In this case, the other party does not return the car within the agreed time frame, after which, in order to punish the offender, the owner writes a statement.

    You shouldn’t do this, because the police will probably refuse to accept the statement. They will simply send you to court for proceedings through this authority.

    There are 2 articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which theft is classified. There is article 158, which involves theft with theft. In this situation, the car is stolen completely, dismantled into parts, or the car is used for other selfish purposes.

    But there is also Article 166, where theft does not provide for the purpose of theft. These are situations where the attacker simply decided to take the car, drive it, and then leave it in another area. Or the vehicle is stolen for the purpose of committing another crime.

    Where to buy a car that has been stolen

    Stolen cars are hidden in places where it is almost impossible to find them. Most often, they are sent to garages or quickly transported to another area before the theft becomes known there. However, in order to save money, it is not difficult to find such a car to buy. After payment of compensation, insured cars are transferred to insurance companies, which then legally issue them.

    From the insurance company

    Many people find this option the most successful and safest. The procedure does not pose any particular difficulties. Every company has lawyers who do their work quickly and efficiently. Moreover, the car does not need to be deregistered for sale, and the license plates are restored. Insurance agents send the car for examination. If the numbers are interrupted, then changes are made to the data during registration. Next comes the absolutely legal execution of the purchase and sale agreement. This is truly the easiest way to buy a car after it has been stolen, saving some money and protecting yourself from further problems.

    At the impound lot

    At the impound lot, prices for criminal cars are much lower than on used markets and even from insurance companies. The reason for this is the increase in risk. Here you can meet the owner of the car directly, concluding a sales contract with him directly. But remember, under the guise of the owner of the car, it is quite possible to stumble upon a scammer, and at the same time, interrupted license plates and other delights.

    You also have the opportunity (recommended!) to buy a car from the state if its owner is still unknown. But in this case, you will have to spend time conducting an examination. Because the car will be sent there initially. In a positive case, you will sign an agreement, which will definitely indicate that the history of this vehicle is again clean, and you can safely register it in your name.

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