Priority actions if money is extorted. Where to go to bring criminal charges

What is extortion?

Extortion is a criminal act whose purpose is to seize someone else's property through blackmail.

Ransomware can use different threats to achieve their goals:

  • threat to life and safety (the offender threatens to cause physical harm);
  • threat to property (the extortionist threatens to harm property belonging to the victim or his relatives);
  • dissemination of compromising information or the threat of its dissemination that could cause damage to the moral character of a citizen;
  • dissemination of information damaging to close people of the blackmailed citizen.

It is worth considering that extortion is fundamentally different from robbery or robbery. The victim is not attacked, but is forced to give up something through the threat of future illegal actions against the victim. Threats can also be directed against relatives and friends of the blackmailed person. Sanctions for extortion are provided for in Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation .
Read Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

How much do parents pay and for what?

Buying textbooks, notebooks, curtains, classroom repairs, school renovations, cleaning and security - this is not a complete list of what parents are forced to pay for. Considering that by the beginning of the school year it is also necessary to buy a school uniform, notebooks and stationery, school fees seriously undermine the family budget of parents.

It is believed that the problem of extortion in schools dates back to the 90s of the last century, when “voluntary” contributions from parents were necessary due to critical underfunding of the education sector. Even though school funding is much better now than it was two decades ago, the problem remains. Moreover, the amounts requested have increased many times over.

The scale of the problem is vast. Thus, in 2021, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation organized a “hotline” on issues of extortion, to which more than a thousand people contacted with complaints in 4 months.

The purposes for which money is raised usually include:

  • needs of the school or class - routine repairs, purchase of desks, chalk, detergents;
  • payment for security systems – schools purchase turnstiles and pay for the work of security staff;
  • purchase of textbooks and workbooks - not all necessary (in the opinion of teachers) textbooks are included in the school curriculum; parents purchase the missing ones;
  • payment for meals - free meals are provided only to certain categories of schoolchildren.

On average across the country, school fees vary from 1 to 5 thousand rubles per student per year. As complaints from parents show, in some schools they collect 3 thousand rubles per year for new windows, for teaching aids - 3.5 thousand rubles per year, for the needs of the school and class, respectively, 3 and 2 thousand rubles per six months. Many schools also collect 70-100 rubles a month for cleaning and security services.

But the most unusual case of extortion was noted in the city of Kukmor (Tatarstan) - the school management invited parents to bring 16 kilograms of potatoes or a similar amount of money.

What to do when someone extorts money?

Extortion of material resources is an illegal, unlawful act that entails criminal liability. Therefore, if a citizen begins to receive threats and demands to give up any material value, it is worth taking priority measures.

Where to contact?

The victim of extortion must submit a corresponding application to the competent authorities at his place of residence.

To apply, you will need to visit the police station and take an identification document. The application can be submitted in two forms:

  1. oral form (when submitting explanations, the police officer draws up a protocol from the words and signature of the applicant);
  2. written form (when submitting a written application, the citizen is given a coupon confirming its acceptance).

The crime report must indicate:

  • number of the area in which it was registered; details of the applicant;
  • all known information about the bandits;
  • circumstances of extortion;
  • evidence of a crime;
  • awareness of liability for giving deliberately false testimony;
  • date and signature of the applicant.

The basis for proving the fact of extortion can be used:

  • audio recordings of conversations with scammers; printouts of telephone calls;
  • testimony of extortion witnesses;
  • recording of bodily injuries if they were inflicted;
  • if collectors are involved in extortion, you should send a formal demand to the credit institution whose interests they represent. To properly formalize this requirement, you can contact a lawyer.

Andrey Andreevich

Criminal lawyer. More than 17 years of experience

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Within 10 days (from the date of filing the application), law enforcement agencies are required to conduct an investigation into the fact of extortion and make a decision based on its results.

In a situation where the police refused to register a statement or made an unfounded decision, a complaint should be filed with the prosecutor's office.

If the criminals are law enforcement officers, then a corresponding application is submitted to the security service.

Why does the child demand money?

There are several reasons for this behavior among teenagers:

  • Doesn't know the value of money. This problem arises in families where the child has absolutely no responsibilities at home. Every whim is instantly fulfilled, and he does not have to make efforts to achieve the goal. In this case, when puberty sets in, it is quite difficult to force a teenager to work for the benefit of the family, because he is used to getting everything for nothing.
  • Not used to calm dialogue. The younger generation may have the wrong belief that they can achieve their goals only by speaking in a raised voice. Including adult family members. This happens because from an early age they were not taught to have constructive dialogue, they were not required to talk calmly and without ultimatums.
  • I decided to try my friend's method. A friend or classmate could share a working method of “extorting” funds from intractable relatives. And your child decided: “I’ll try, maybe it will work out for me,” and went to demand money.
  • This tactic once worked. Perhaps you or your family members lacked the patience and nerves to properly respond to child extortion. Therefore, in order to avoid scandals, you followed the child’s lead when he demanded money from you.

Responsibility for extortion under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Responsibility depends on the number of extortionists and the crime, so the term of serving a sentence for one similar crime may differ significantly from another similar one:

  • if the extortionist acts alone, this may result in a penalty of up to 4 years in prison;
  • if a crime is committed by a group of persons, the penalty is up to 7 years in prison;
  • for extortion of valuables valued at 1 million rubles or more, the penalty is 15 years in prison;
  • if extortion is accompanied by the abduction and detention of a person, this will entail the simultaneous imputation of several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition to imprisonment, a fine of 80 thousand rubles may be imposed.

Sample statement to the police

Threat as a component of extortion

As a rule, extortion consists of two components: demands for property (money) and threats. Moreover, a threat, as stated earlier, can imply both physical actions (causing harm to health, damage to property, and so on) and psychological (dissemination of defamatory information, reporting any facts or circumstances of life, creating certain problems, and so on). In any case, it is a crime to extort money. What to do, where to turn - this question arises every time for a person who has become a victim.

Special cases of extortion

Extortion is a fairly common type of crime, constantly changing, developing new mechanisms and methods.

Next, let's look at some examples of extortion that are popular these days.

Extort money online

Recently, the Internet and social networks have increasingly become a tool for extortion . The reason for this lies in the specifics of social networks, since communication via the Internet allows the attacker to remain unrecognized and avoid punishment.

Often the subject of blackmail is personal photos and videos to which the blackmailer has gained access - this can be a video from Skype, photos and videos from VK (VKontakte).

So, for example, a money extortion scheme could be as follows. A girl or woman meets a man on social networks. In the process of communication, they begin virtual intimate relationships using video calls.

Since such communication is, as a rule, long-term in nature and involves the formation of a trusting relationship, the interlocutor (male) may ask to show a passport to confirm the age of his interlocutor. After receiving all the necessary information, blackmail and threats begin.

Therefore, in order to avoid becoming the target of fraud, you need to refuse to communicate with strangers on social networks, or make it a rule not to send your intimate photographs and videos.

If a person has already become a victim of scammers, then they should file a complaint with the police. Even after paying money, the victim of blackmail cannot be sure that he will be left alone.

What to do if they extort money in the army?

Hazing in the army can have such an unpleasant criminal manifestation as extortion. Recruits often become victims of extortion.

If a recruit encounters this phenomenon in the army, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. under no circumstances give the extortionists what they want; most likely, the extortionists will not stop there and will continue their actions;
  2. a report should be submitted to the head of the company or military unit in which the conscript is serving. As a rule, extortionists do not assume that a recruit will dare to file a complaint;
  3. if a recruit receives real threats, parents should be informed, who will file a complaint with the police or prosecutor's office.

Since the consequences of extortion in the army can have disastrous consequences for both parties, it is worth immediately suppressing such demands from colleagues.

How to deal with car scammers extorting money?

With the increase in vehicles, the number of car stops on the roads has increased. Having deliberately provoked a traffic accident, the scammers begin to extort money.

If a car owner has become a victim of car scammers, you should adhere to the recommendations below:

  • lock the doors and do not get out of the car;
  • call the traffic police;
  • film everything that happens on your phone;
  • do not respond to threats from intruders;
  • do not agree to the proposal: “settle everything quietly”;
  • do not leave the scene of the accident.

Since scammers force their victims to resolve everything on the spot without involving traffic police officers, it is extremely important for them to force all participants in this incident to leave the scene of the accident, which is contrary to the requirements of the law. Most likely, after the appearance of the traffic police, the extortionists will leave the scene of the accident, or they will have to obey the letter of the law.

To protect himself and his property, the car owner should purchase a DVR, which will record any manipulations on the road and will be an excellent means of resolving any controversial situations.

Where to complain if money is extorted in a kindergarten (school)?

Getting a child an education can result in large financial costs, and this may apply not only to secondary specialized or higher education. Parents often encounter extortions in preschool educational institutions, as well as in schools.

Schools and kindergartens are increasingly demanding money from parents for various needs. Most often money is extorted for:

  • teaching aids, notebooks;
  • gifts for teachers, educators, educational institutions;
  • repair.

Parents need to remember that any contributions to schools and kindergartens are voluntary. It follows from this that each parent can contribute them or not, guided only by his personal desire.

If a parent believes that the amount required by these educational institutions exceeds the permissible norm and is unjustified, he can file a corresponding complaint with the head of the institution, the education department, or the supervisory authorities.

Contacts of the Department of Education of the Izhevsk Administration

Department of Education of the Izhevsk City Administration
Address and websiteTelephoneSchedule
Izhevsk, Maxim Gorky street, house 69; Website Reception 8(3412) 41-45-56; 8(3412) 41-45-62 additional education and upbringing; 8(3412) 41-45-60 department for development of the content of general and preschool education; 8(3412) 41-45-71 legal and personnel work; 8(3412) 41-45-63 department of health improvement and summer recreation Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:30 Friday from 8:30 to 16:30 Lunch from 12:00 to 12:48

What to do if a child persistently demands money?

Try to apply the following actions to a teenager extorting money from his parents:

  1. Stop disrespectful behavior. Any incorrect attitude towards adults on the part of a teenager is a sure sign that the parents once made a pedagogical mistake. The child should not demand, he can only ask or try to negotiate with adults to allocate him an additional amount for the purchase.
  2. Discuss the possibility of increasing the amount of pocket money. Perhaps you don't give your child enough pocket money. Over dinner, discuss whether your family can increase the amount given to your teen.
  3. Look for compromises. Find out why your child needs money. Invite your teenager to earn money on his own to buy something important to him. Or promise to give it as a gift for the next holiday. Teach your child to handle money wisely.

Traffic police officers extort money

Driving a car is a big responsibility and carries the risk of getting into an accident . Human factor can be the cause of a wide variety of driver offenses:

  1. intersection of continuous markings;
  2. driving while intoxicated;
  3. speed limit violation;
  4. ignoring the rights of a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing and much more.

The presence of various violations may become a pretext for an offer not to draw up a protocol in exchange for a monetary reward. In such cases, an effective way would be to turn on a voice recorder or make a video recording.

Andrey Andreevich

Criminal lawyer. Work experience more than 10 years

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Road users must not forget that giving a bribe to an official, as well as extorting it, is a criminal offense.

Why does a child need to beg for money?

With age, our children become more demanding and need some material resources.

  1. To buy unnecessary but important things for him. For example, a fashionable pen or stickers, which he recently began collecting, for games with peers. The child considers it necessary to keep a certain amount in his pocket for his own expenses in order to be able to immediately pay for his purchase, and not have to contact his parents every time.
  2. To maintain status. Teenagers care about their own authority among their peers. Therefore, it is important for them to make it clear to their friends that he does not need funds and is ready to spend money on an equal basis with others.
  3. To feel more confident. Funds in our wallet add to our self-confidence. This works with adults, let alone teenage children. With the money begged from his parents, he can easily buy breakfast during recess, go to the movies with someone of the opposite sex, or save up for an expensive gadget.

What is the law and how it really is

The Constitution stipulates that complete secondary education is compulsory, and that it is accessible and free of charge and is ensured by the state. And in accordance with Art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, the maintenance and development of the material and technical base is ensured by the founder of the educational institution - at a level sufficient to meet the requirements of educational standards and licensing conditions.

In fact, it turns out that parents must pay for everything: books, notebooks, hygiene products, sports equipment, repairs, furniture and even the work of technical staff. They are especially outraged by the fact that at their own expense they need to refurbish classrooms to meet the needs of the New Ukrainian School, but they see no other way out but to pay.

“Officials came up with NUS, but they didn’t invest anything in NUS, they just demand... Stools, rugs, shelving for boxes, boxes. We are parents and we want our child’s education to be at the proper level, and we buy everything that is needed... NUS is provided for everything only on paper, in fact, all parents do and buy. And neither the directors nor the teachers are to blame for this,” Yulia Esaulenko .

Parents complain: they are blackmailed - they say that if they don’t make repairs in the classroom, their children will be transferred to a much worse room or even brought to an office with bare walls. “Last week in Odessa we came to a 5th grade parent meeting, walked into the office and were simply shocked: bare walls, no cabinets, no blackboards, just desks and the teacher’s desk. The director began to tell us that they had already done us a favor by allocating an office that used to be a museum so that the children would not go to the second shift. And everything else is the parents’ problems,” shares Alexandra Titarenko .

The Ministry of Education has repeatedly explained that the school director or teachers do not have the right to extort money, so in most cases the initiator of fees is the so-called parent committee - a structure not provided for by law. Sergei Gorbachev tells Vesti , the director, as a rule, hides behind him.

“Just as luck would have it, the directors themselves could have extracted pennies, then they immediately began to try not to rob anyone themselves, but to try to extort pennies with the hands of the “guts” of Fatherland’s committees. The principal’s responsibility is to guarantee the educational process, to ensure that the school has everything necessary,” says Gorbachev and emphasizes that he communicates exclusively in Ukrainian.

He explains: usually a school does not have its own money - most have centralized accounting, but there are procedures according to which an educational institution can receive funding.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance reported that there are about UAH 7 billion of unused balance of the educational subvention in the accounts of regional and local budgets. In the next budget period, they can be used for the purchase of school buses, computers, textbooks and manuals, renovation of canteens, construction of restrooms, etc., otherwise they will be returned to the budget.

How to protect yourself from extortion

When faced with extortionists, you should not think that by paying them off once, you will be protected from their attacks in the future. Vice versa. Having learned your attitude to solving problems, having found a pain point where they can periodically apply pressure, criminals will not fail to take advantage of this again.

Nothing in life happens without a reason. Often, a person himself attracts extortionists through his actions. This could be material wealth displayed in public; disclosing information about yourself and your loved ones, especially on the Internet; transfer of personal data.

If you are blackmailed with any information, under no circumstances show how important it is to you. Be cool when speaking. Since criminals can simply test to what extent their knowledge about you affects personal interests. Well, if you receive threats to your life, then, whether you like it or not, you must contact the police.

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