“Gotcha, pay.” How supermarket security guards extort money from petty thieves

Punishment for theft is established by two codes at once: criminal and administrative offenses. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the crime, the severity of the punishment will vary. An unlawful act can be either a minor administrative offense or a serious crime.

If you have been robbed, you should know that a criminal case (in case of theft of more than 2,500 rubles) is initiated regardless of your statement.

This is a matter of public prosecution, so you will not be able to initiate or terminate it. But you will have to enter into the legal process and attend the court hearing if the court deems it necessary. We do not recommend doing this without an experienced representative.

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Prayer from robbers

Few people know how to punish a thief with prayer. Fraud has been around as long as humanity. For some, robbery is an extraordinary method of entertainment, for others it is a basic means of earning money, and for others it is an illness that is difficult to get rid of. Prayer to the warrior John protects the home not only from robbers, but also from other griefs. With its help, you will turn your house into a real fortress that the enemy will not be able to penetrate. This will be his punishment.

Read the prayer from time to time with a lit church candle. You can also take the candle with which you stood during the church service on Easter, and it was burning when Father blessed the Easter cakes. Walk around your home with her 12 times, making the sign of the cross at each corner, and say the following words: “Most Holy Warrior John, place your angelic guard around my house. On doors, gates and windows. Protect and protect the house itself and everyone living in it from evil. Amen".

Powerful Prayer

You don't know how to punish a thief? You can read the prayer “For the Lord God’s protection of the house and those living in it.” It looks like this: “Father of hosts, place the cross of the Lord near my house. Lock my doors with thousands of locks, let it be indestructible like the Holy Sepulcher. May the cherubim and seraphim, archangels and angels and all the powers of heaven protect my home and me from the dashing adversary. Amen".

This prayer from enemies can be read in the same way as the previous one - either by the light of a candle from the temple from time to time, or during a twelve-fold walk around the home with the sign of the cross overshadowing the corners.

Cruel laws

According to Sharia law, theft of any valuable property was punishable by self-mutilation: a thief caught for the first time had his right hand cut off, a thief caught a second time had his foot cut off, and the like. Further, self-mutilation was replaced by caning, which was considered a terrible disgrace in the mountain community.

Subsequently, horse thieves began to have their rights limited. For example, in Kabarda they were turned into outcasts. The tail of the horse thief's own horse was cut off, after which he had the right to ride only tailless horses. It was like a mark. It was forbidden to accept any gifts from people caught stealing horses, as well as to eat the meat of stolen livestock.

On the other hand, in some Caucasian communities the attitude towards horse stealing was quite tolerant; it was considered a completely masculine occupation. Stealing a horse, especially from an enemy, was a great achievement for a horseman. Horse stealing was often used as a means of warfare, as well as a tool for carrying out blood feud.

The famous Soviet and Russian writer Fazil Iskander in one of his stories mentions how the mountaineers proudly spoke about their horses, that they were not bought or gifted, but stolen.

Prayer to Theodore Tyrone

They pray to the Great Martyr Theodore, as well as to the warrior John, for the return of what was stolen. Learn the following prayer by heart and read it from time to time: “The great correction of faith, in a fiery source, like resting on water, the holy righteous Theodore rejoiced: for he was burnt with fire, like sweet bread was offered to the Trinity, through the prayers of that, Christ God, save our souls. You took the faith of Christ, like a shield, into your heart, trampled upon the opposing forces, the long-suffering one, and you were crowned forever with the crown of Heaven, Theodore, as if you were invincible.”

Special magic

People often ask: “How to punish a thief?” Not everyone knows that there is a special magic that allows you not only to punish a robber, but to return a missing item. A conspiracy aimed at returning something stolen is very often the last chance to get your favorite thing back.

But remember that such witchcraft rituals can only be used when the item has actually been stolen. The use of rituals, if it was simply lost, will result in a lot of trouble for the magician himself. So be very careful.

When should the ritual be performed?

So how to punish a thief? If you are sure that your expensive item has been stolen, perform a special ritual immediately. Witchcraft affects objects, and they will bring a variety of troubles to the robber.

If the ceremony is performed on time, the scammer will not only try to get rid of the unlucky item, but will also try to return it to its rightful owner. Subconsciously, he will understand that only such actions will remove the curse from him.

There are times when a burglar does throw away stolen items. As a result, sooner or later your item will end up in your possession, and the fraudster himself will be haunted by failures and troubles for a long time. In the world of thieves, there is even a sign that says that a stolen item that has brought misfortune cannot be thrown away. Otherwise, the robber will very soon be overtaken by imprisonment or retribution.

If money is stolen

A cashier or accountant often becomes involved in the theft of a company's finances. Money is embezzled by forging signatures on checks and payment documents.

What is the penalty for shoplifting by a cashier? In this case, Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies for theft of funds at work , as well as Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – Misappropriation and embezzlement . It all depends on the crime.

To bring the culprit to criminal liability, the company must prove that the person had access to cash flows.

For example, the corresponding responsibilities must be determined by the workplace, job description, and salary regulations.

If an employee is unfairly accused of embezzling money at work, he must build the right defense. And the lawyer of the accused will provide assistance with this.

In particular, through joint efforts it will be necessary to find out whether the employee had access to finance and whether he had the authority to sign financial documents.

In addition, you need to clearly understand when exactly the loss occurred. The construction of the correct line of defense will also depend on this.

For example, if funds were stolen from the cash register of an enterprise at a time when the cashier was not there, then the defense attorney will certainly take this argument into account.

Execution of the conspiracy

Many people wonder how to punish a thief. The ritual can be performed on any lunar cycle and at any time. It is only important that after the theft is discovered, the ritual is performed immediately.

Here the performer’s energy message and his state create the necessary effect. So, write the word “thief” on a piece of paper, and under it draw a human silhouette. Place a couple of church candles and an icon in front of you. Hold your right hand over a sheet of paper and read the following text: “On the island of Buyan, beyond the sea-ocean, there is an iron chest, damask knives are lying on that chest. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them stab his heart, let them chop him. So that the villain returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives away everything he took. That thief will be cursed by my powerful conspiracy, cursed by the land of the monk, by the spell of Ararat, brick disgrace, swamp mud, mill dam, combustible ash, bottomless house and bath jug. You become crooked, thief, lame, thin, stunned, stupefied. You will not get along with new people, you will not get used to it, you will not die your death, you will be nailed to the board with rusty nails, dried up more than grass, frozen more than ice. Once you return what was stolen from the servant of God (name), only then will you live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the final words, put the sheet with the picture in a safe place where no one can find it.

Theft in the workplace: article of the Criminal Code

How is theft from an enterprise by an employee classified? Such actions are considered from the point of view of criminal law. But there is another liability for theft at work.

Additional sanctions include:

  1. Termination of employment relations - dismissal under clause 7 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Full compensation for damage caused (voluntarily or in court).

If the theft was minor, then the employee may limit himself to a reprimand. It will entail close attention from the administration, as well as the absence of bonuses and other incentives.

What is the article for stealing money at work? Theft committed at the place of work can be considered under one of two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

So, if the property of an enterprise was appropriated secretly, then this is considered as theft - Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation .

If the culprit took possession of the company’s property in front of its other employees, then this will already be considered robbery. This is of course unlikely in life, but anything is possible. Accordingly, the punishments for these crimes will be different.

In addition, it also matters whether the theft was committed alone or with the complicity of other persons.

In particular, sanctions include forced labor, a large fine, arrest or imprisonment. Everything will depend on the composition of the stolen property and its value.

Types of rituals

We continue to find out how to punish a thief and return what was stolen. There are a huge number of similar conspiracies. Depending on your situation, you can choose the most effective ritual:

  • conspiracy to prevent theft;
  • love spell for retribution against a thief;
  • protective amulet against theft at the dacha;
  • door locking is magical;
  • conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • amulet against scammers (can be worn on yourself);
  • protection of the threshold of a dacha (country house);
  • conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • magical ritual for the return of stolen property.

How does one get fired for theft?

In case of theft at work, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action.

If the fact of theft has been revealed, then dismissal for theft at work is possible . This basis contains clause 6 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, for termination, either a court verdict or a ruling on an administrative offense is required.

When an employee is dismissed for theft, an order is issued and an entry is made in the work book. Naturally, such a mark indicating dismissal under the article can negatively affect the citizen’s future career.

Termination of an employment contract does not eliminate criminal penalties for theft in the workplace. It is established by the court by its verdict against the guilty person.

It is the employer’s right, not the obligation, to dismiss an offending employee. It is possible that minor theft may only result in a reprimand.

Magically locking home doors

Every person who suffered at his hands wants to severely punish the thief. In order to magically lock the doors of your house, you need to have old keys. Their number should be equal to the number of locks on the doors.

So, apply a key to each keyhole in turn, while pronouncing the magic formula: “I lock with words, I lock with a key, I hide from dashing people, all goods, all doors, everything is mine.”

Afterwards, collect all the keys together, tie them with a red ribbon and send them to a hiding place located inside your home. They will serve as a talisman for your home.

If you are accused of theft at your place of work, what to do and where to go

When a person believes that he is unfairly suspected of theft, he should raise the issue with the employer about a detailed investigation of the incident. You should also provide your written explanations on the merits of the charges brought against you.

You must send your arguments by registered mail with a list of attachments. In this case, it will be more likely that they will be taken into account in the future when investigating a crime for theft in the workplace.

You should also consult with a lawyer regarding your situation. He will suggest a line of conduct with the administration of the enterprise. In addition, a lawyer can negotiate a conflict with the company where the citizen is employed.

It is also important for the employee to study all documents signed with the employer. This includes an employment contract, an agreement on full financial responsibility, and a job description. It is quite possible that their points will help build a line of defense.

We emphasize that in any case it is important to convey in writing to the company’s management your position regarding the claims being made.

Love spell to punish a robber

Are you still asking how to catch and punish a thief? If a misfortune has already happened in your family and you have been robbed, perform this particular ritual. With its help, you will not only find and punish the culprit, but also return the stolen items back.

So, place 7 knives on the table so that their blades point in different directions. Then say these magic words: “Like on the river, on the sea, in a forged chest there are seven damask knives, seven brother guards. I open that chest, take out those knives, put them to work. Come, knives, to this and that. To the one who committed evil, laid hands on my good. Cut it crosswise and lengthwise so that you can turn back the theft and not hide anything. My word is true, my business is fast. Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.”

If the plot was carried out correctly, then after some time your problem will be resolved.

Hypnotherapy training center "Lotus" by Polina Sukhova

What punishment awaits for theft and fraud in the near future according to the Laws of Space?

Why do some people steal and feel fine, while others may even be tormented by their conscience, but they still want to eat and don’t have enough money to survive.
Others justify themselves by saying that the rich already have a lot of things and they will not lose them. Like, you can steal nails and everything that is bad in a factory or company where a person works who is not paid a salary. It seems like “God” himself sent us to do this to thieves. Some people appropriate benefits that do not belong to them, disabilities, etc. Someone dilutes gasoline at gas stations. Someone is cheating in a regular store. And someone extorts extra services and aggressively pushes their goods through deception.

And some people simply open personal pages on social media. networks and asks for money - this is called fraud. Oh, I have a special love for these people, I even wrote instructions on what people should do in such a situation and how we can stop them together, I wrote about them in a previous post.

There is a category who steal on a grand scale: raider takeovers, plunder the state treasury directly or by law. Officially, this is called embezzling money.

In one well-known city, I won’t say which one, they uproot good asphalt and sidewalls and lay new ones, which last for exactly a year, since they purposefully put deliberate defects into the new product. So that everything falls apart within a year and there is an official reason to start similar work again.

The same thing happens in automotive and other industries. But if the products produced will be used forever, then what will the manufacturers sell in a year? I’ll keep silent about direct theft and bribery on a large scale, because the point is not to list all the types. We already know them. Although theft would also include harvesting from other people's fields (private and public), and not holding back extra change or keeping silent to your partner about additional profit. Lack of 20 grams of sugar per kilogram in production, low-quality ingredients for the declared product. And at dachas and in houses we put film in electric meters to save money... Remember for yourself who is appropriating what and justifying themselves in different words...

As a parapsychologist and, above all, a regressologist, I will come from the other side of the Cosmic Laws of the Universe and the Supreme Justice of the Cosmos. Many people believe, some don’t, but everyone is still afraid in their hearts of what awaits them when their time strikes and the boomerang of karma flies back. And what awaits everyone after life also worries many, what if they ask from Above?

Among all categories of citizens who steal or steal, there is a category of people who will not take someone else’s penny, even if they go hungry. Why? And this question will be answered in detail at the end of this article.

Every reasonable person subconsciously understands that stealing is bad. He is taught this from infancy, both by society from the nursery and by adequate family members, and of course, by the laws of any state. But they steal everything early! By the way, in those countries where they believe in karma, theft is much less. For example, in Thailand, any thing left somewhere will lie there, although... I forgot... there are also tourists from other countries. We will consider this question from the position of the Higher Cosmic Laws of the Universe, what awaits people who appropriate someone else’s property?

Debt recovery through the Cosmic Laws of the Universe

The Cosmic Laws of the Universe have always been and will always be, we do not create them, but as human consciousness grows, we discover them by tracing them through the patterns of our life and society. As the consciousness of humanity matures, the Laws of the Universe are revealed in greater volume and with a deeper meaning for man.

The lower the level of human consciousness, the more primitive the set of Laws is given and revealed to humanity, and vice versa. Ignorance of the Laws does not exempt one from fulfilling them. Anyone who plays by the rules of the game - the Laws of the Mind of the Cosmos - is protected by the Universe from troubles, misfortunes and other misfortunes of all stripes. There is a proverb: “The righteous are invulnerable.” You just need to know what this righteousness consists of and, most importantly, you need to know the Highest Laws of Justice.

All of a person’s misfortunes on Earth occur precisely because of one simple thing: he simply does not know the rules by which the Universe interacts with him.

Law of the Universe HARMONY. Any appropriation of someone else's property to oneself: money, things, an object (person, relative, husband, wife, children, including), resource or phenomenon that does not belong to us returns as a boomerang in the form of a loss from a person several times more than he took.

When theft occurs, the balance in the Universe is disrupted. She strictly monitors each person and social group through an automatic system, one might say, a computer counting system. All information about the life activity of a living being is automatically recorded in the human soul, in his biofield, and is immediately stored in the Universe database about each unit of the Cosmos.

When a person “cheats” for the Supreme Organizing Principle, it looks like in my life story. When I was young and my son was growing up, he was 2.5 years old. At this time, he ate poorly and constantly cheated with what he had not eaten. One time I gave him a sausage and went about my business for a short time. I come and see a funny picture. A bitten off but almost whole sausage lies under the dessert plate, which stood almost vertically on this sausage. The son joyfully and solemnly said that “I ate everything!” I felt so funny. He hid it. I didn’t force him to eat it, but this story was so imprinted on me. I realized how they laugh from Above when we cheat and appropriate someone else’s property here for any reason. This also looks graphic and funny to the Supreme Beings, as in the story with the son and the hidden sausage.

All our actions are recorded in two versions, in your biofield (soul) and in the archive of the Universe database. At the right hour, day, although all this is not in Space, everything is scrupulously calculated and the result is given - your further eventful flow of life in accordance with your actions yesterday. In this summary, everything will be verified down to the last cent and gram!

After this, for some, debt repayment will happen quickly, in this life, for others a little later. A thief of national scale may be under the auspices of large egregors (astral field societies). Someone will take a karmic debt with money, someone will take what is most dear to a person: health, loss of business, relationships, someone’s house will burn down or all their property will be carried away by a flood. Someone will be robbed or scammed out of the last money saved for a funeral or a rainy day. Some people’s children/grandchildren will be in prison, others will become drug addicts, alcoholics or gambling addicts who will take everything out of the house (everything acquired by excessively dragging someone else’s property from a kindergarten/school or other public or private institution), or even the person himself will be somewhat dependent on the constant fear of being caught. The Universe ALWAYS TAKES THE MOST VALUABLE THING FROM a person, and AT THE MOST WRONG MOMENT OF LIFE, so that he understands that, first of all, TAKEING SOMEONE ELSE’S THINGS IS BAD FOR THE PERSON HIMSELF!

The boomerang of our actions always returns!

By taking something from someone: a person, a state, an organization, a planet (mercilessly plundering resources: forest, oil, gas... in non-ecological ways)... thereby a person or a social group chooses from their own future and their family, clan and even people! One such resourceful Ostap Bender can leave his entire family without a means of subsistence in the future. After all, life does not end with a dozen or two years of life; children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are born, who in the future will reap the seeds sown by their ancestors. The saying “Children are not responsible for their parents” does not exist out of nowhere! Of course, not everything is so primitive from the point of view of Cosmic Laws, but there is definitely a great truth here.

Every child ends up in the family he deserves karmically and evolutionarily! Children and parents have similar or related educational programs.

The experience and experiments of regressologists with children who in this life suffer from some serious diseases and illnesses show that these children in the past were plunderers of public goods or other major swindlers and schemers. This is precisely where the reasons arise why a child from a young age is all sick and suffers. As a rule, such people are left conscious, i.e. without mental disorders, so that they understand what is happening to them. As a rule, seriously ill disabled people (65-70% of the total) are a karmic boomerang from past lives. These people in the past oppressed people using power, depriving them of freedom in various spheres, including financial. Everyone who oppresses people today and their potential for realization should look more often at the immobilized disabled people they come across in life, because this is their future!

What is taught in situations with seriously ill relatives?

Parents in tandem with disabled children can work out a different program. For example, learn to care for such children and people with patience and humble acceptance of the situation. Past life regressions show that in the past they systematically refused help and care for loved ones. Moreover, this was even associated with fatal cases when their refusal to help led to death, for example, deliberate failure to provide medication during an attack leading to death. And in the next life, such a refusenik is forced to look after his parents, then his close relatives. Moreover, this chain does not end, one person leaves, another appears, of course, if the person did not understand the lesson.

Note*. There are missionary people, like Nick Vujicic, who, although born disabled, motivates people by his example to live a joyful and full life. His message: “If I made a miracle out of myself, then you, with arms and legs, can do it even more!”

So, everyone who steals on a grand scale will face serious physical torment and limitations of the physical body in the future and not only in the next life. Today, negative karma very quickly begins to return and be worked out in this life. Look at the list of disabilities and this will be the future for those (and their families) who today actively steal and use power for profit. Moreover, by the end of their lives, as a rule, such people understand that they will not take all this with them, and everything was in vain, in vain! And why did they tense and shake so much for fear that they would be caught? And this really happens to everyone who steals and through this they develop serious chronic diseases.

In future lives, such people find themselves in states and families where extreme financial need reigns. And such people really feel like they are almost kings, barons and counts from past lives, but in the slop. Relatives are perplexed where he came from - all regal and important, and besides, he demands to be treated like the highest person. I think everyone can remember such a person in their circle, or maybe it’s you yourself? And there have been such clients in my practice when in their last lives they were dragged from one extreme to another. Either rich and high status, then the last beggar with the entire society wiping their feet on him.

Thieves today, in the next life a person will be deceived out of the blue, set up and hang all the “dogs” on them, or in another way he will become a “scapegoat”. It seems like I don’t take anything from anyone, but I’m all in debt, full of loans for myself and for that guy. It’s generally funny here, a person feels so white and fluffy, and you are constantly “Face” about “Table”, and the internal question constantly sounds “WHY?” For the past, my friend! Are you wondering what they did in the past? Go into past life regression and see what you messed up there. When you see what you did to other people and accept today’s situation, when you were deceived or robbed or framed in this life, as positive and ask for forgiveness from your “hard” teachers, and of course, put a ban on such behavior for your entire future, Then happiness will come to you! You will work off your negative karma. For those who find it difficult to do this kind of work on themselves, very soon you can do it together in the “Past Life Regression” course.

How to improve karma or your future life?

So, how can you put your karma in order and live in accordance with the Laws of Higher Justice? It’s very simple - stop stealing or appropriating someone else’s property. But first, you need to analyze your life activity, because a person does not consider many things to be theft, for example, taking paper or tape, printing a book or other important documents at work. Many people will ask me the question “What nonsense? How can I take all this into account? Why carry everything back now?” One of my students, after her life taught her harshly through a serious financial loss, did just that, she returned to work with everything she could and even more than that! And at the same time I am happy that I live according to the Laws of the Cosmos. You can believe in the Supreme Justice, you can not - this is your everyday choice, this is what you came here for. Each time, choosing what to do (with internal reservations and your own criteria of justice or without them according to your conscience), you shape your future destiny and not only yours, but your family, clan, people and all humanity.

Why don't some people take someone else's in any situation?

These are wise and mature souls who have gone through dual experiences in past lives. They were in different roles, and when they stole and when they were punished, their hands were cut off, they were put in prison, and everything that was most valuable was taken away. They have already been in bodies with limitations and at the soul level they have drawn a conclusion and put a ban on any type of theft. I congratulate them, they have reached a new level of consciousness corresponding to the fifth level of measurement or the consciousness of the Aquarian era.

In the future, when all people learn the Higher Laws of the Universe and control themselves in this direction, humanity will not need many government institutions monitoring the honesty of citizens. And whoever begins to live according to the Laws of the Cosmos earlier, the better the fate of his and his descendants as a whole. He is “lucky” in life with honest people (in quotes, because this is not luck, but an honestly earned future through his actions and intentions today and yesterday).

I wish you the best choices for your life! Take care of yourself and your karma.

Regressionologist, parapsychologist Polina Sukhova.

Conspiracies for every day

If you want to protect your house from burglars, when leaving home, linger on the threshold, grab the doorknob and say this: “Take your hands and feet off the thief on my threshold.” This phrase must be said three times. With these words you will create an invisible screen against robbers.

There is another simple but effective conspiracy that will scare away unexpected guests. When leaving your home, place the salt shaker and an empty glass on the kitchen table, and then say the following: “A thief will come, I’ll give you salt, but I won’t pour you any water.”

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