Robbery (Article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): definition, corpus delicti, responsibility

When did you steal and when did you rob? Comparison of formulations

CompoundRobbery under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Theft under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
An objectProperty relations + human health (optional)Property relations
SubjectGeneral, responsibility begins at age 14General, responsibility begins at age 14.
Subjective sideDirect intent + selfish goal. The person knows that he acts OPENLY. Direct intent + selfish goal. The person believes that he is acting secretly, that his actions are not noticed by other people. And he wants to seize the property SECRETLY.
Objective sideProperty is confiscated openly.Property is confiscated secretly.

Robbery is a type of acquisitive crime, so it is very important for judicial practice to take into account all factors and carefully study the circumstances of the case. Depending on the subjective and objective side, the qualification of the crime may vary. But the fate of people depends on this.

Examples of robbery and theft from life: let's try to figure it out

Life situationRobberyTheft
A thief breaks into an empty apartment and takes jewelry. There is no one next to him, and he is well aware that he is taking possession of other people’s property unlawfully. +In this case, secret theft of property is committed.
The thief enters the apartment, but sees the owner there. In front of the owner of the apartment, he grabs a glass vase and jumps out through the window. +Open theft: the thief knows that he is being seen, that he is taking property “openly.” Even if the damage is minimal, the person will be judged under a more “strict” article.
A thief at a luxurious banquet with 100 people quietly removes the bracelet and puts it in his purse.+The sign of “secret theft” remains.
A friend takes off your bracelet in your presence and puts it in her purse before your eyes. You trust her, so you can't believe she took the bracelet forever. +Again, the sign of “secret” theft remains, since you do not realize the danger of what is happening.
You decided to steal sausage from a store without other customers noticing, stuffed it under your coat, but security detained you on the way out. There are cameras in the store, but you didn't know about them. +The subjective side is very important here: you believe that you are acting unnoticed by other people.
You went to a store where there are video cameras to buy sausage. On your way out you are stopped by security. +You know that there are cameras installed in the store (which means that you are operating OPENLY), you are aware of this.
You decide to steal a bag of potatoes from a deserted factory. During the theft, a person from a neighboring high-rise building was watching you, but you didn’t know it. +You believe that you are acting secretly. As soon as a person from a neighboring high-rise building shouts something to you, and you realize that you have been “burnt”, the continuation of the seizure of property can escalate into robbery.
You stand in the middle of the store, in front of other customers, you put the sausage under your coat and at the same time shout: “Yes, I’ll take it!” I take it because it’s mine by right!” Or something like that. Buyers think you're crazy and don't pay attention. +The subjective side is important here: you realize that other people can see you (and even want this).
You came to the nursery to steal a toy. In front of 12 children, you took her and disappeared. +Such an act will be classified as theft, since it occurred in front of those who could not realize the illegal nature of your actions. The same applies to the situation if you were to seize property in the presence of a sleeping person or someone high on drugs.
You quietly took her necklace for 1,000,000 rubles from your friend to go on a date, and then return it.This is not theft or robbery, since you do not have a selfish goal to take possession of someone else's property. This could be Art. 330 “Arbitrariness” or other articles of the Criminal Code, depending on the specific conditions and circumstances of the case.

IMPORTANT! All situations given are for illustrative purposes only. To understand each specific situation, it is necessary to study the objective and subjective side of the actions. But the position: “I didn’t know that they saw me!”, “I thought I was acting unnoticed” can save you from punishment for robbery under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Remember: when answering the question of what robbery is, the definition immediately indicates the OPEN nature of the crime.

More and more “decent” thieves are being caught in supermarkets

Because of the crisis, the number of thefts has really increased, noted in a conversation with a KP correspondent Maxim Trapeznikov, head of the public relations department of the X5 Retail Group (including Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Karusel. Last year, security guards in Moscow 21 thousand thieves were handed over to the police, 3026 criminal cases were initiated. At the same time, the lion's share of conflicts, as a rule, are resolved on the spot. In 2008, security guards of trading floors owned by X5 Retail Group detained 182 thousand thieves, in 2009 - 240 thousand. Goods worth 129 million rubles were seized. In total, goods worth approximately 700 million rubles were stolen. Data for Russia. Security guards interviewed by the publication say that over the past year the number of detainees has increased by approximately 1.5 - 2 times. On average, security guards at an ordinary supermarket in a residential area detect there are 6-7 cases of theft per day. But most often, criminals manage to get out unnoticed. Most often, small and expensive goods are stolen: alcohol, delicacies, coffee, sausage, household chemicals, as well as “as a gift” something that lies in the checkout area - chewing gum, chocolates. The guards see the "nonsense"

Experienced security guards see the “cracker” at first glance.
According to them, “non-professionals” most often steal, with alcohol in the first place. “I immediately see these clowns. Two drunks will come, one of them will come straight to me: what kind of vodka would you recommend? It’s distracting,” the guard grins. — The second one is spinning around the shelves at this time. As soon as I turn away, the bottle is in my pocket!” The security guard admits that at this job he has lost faith in people: everyone is dragged, even those you would never think of. Children are carried out in pockets, young mothers in strollers. Recently, we often come across pensioners. If they get caught, the answer is usually the same: oh, son, I forgot to pay. Most stores have acquired security cameras, as advertised at the entrance and in the halls. But most of the cameras are dummies. And advertisements are meant to intimidate. “It’s very expensive to install and maintain cameras. In addition, you need to place a separate security guard at the monitors,” admits one of the supermarkets. Shop owners themselves are partly to blame for the increase in crime cases on their territory. In an effort to make maximum use of the sales floor, shelves with goods are placed too close to each other. In addition, large tenants, wanting to save money, are hiring micro-tenants for their space. As a result, a crowd arises, and this always attracts dishonest citizens. Buyers have to pay for the stolen goods. “In Russia, the Western practice is in force: the cost of the stolen goods is included in the price of the goods on the shelf,” explains Anton Nedzvetsky, deputy chairman of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. — Approximately 2–3% of the price is just losses from theft. And honest buyers reimburse them.” Igor Chumarin, a consultant who conducts training for security services, is confident that preventing thefts is not that difficult. “Security must be in uniform. Where visual control is difficult, it is necessary to place guard dummies or advertising posters with full-length figures of people,” the expert said. “These measures have a strong psychological impact. Checkout counters should have mirrors so cashiers can see what customers are doing. The gates at the entrance should be one-way so that everyone exits through the cash register. You just need to comply with these requirements. 15 days for a toothbrush
Stanislav Yurchenko, lawyer, member of the Moscow Bar Association warns that even “harmless” shoplifting, for example, a toothbrush, is a violation of Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences. This violation is punishable by a fine of up to five times the value of the stolen property, but not less than a thousand rubles. Or arrest for up to 15 days. If the amount stolen is more than a thousand rubles, you will have to answer under the Criminal Code. They might give it two years. Stanislav Kozlovsky, candidate of psychological sciences, divided supermarket thieves into three categories. There are kleptomaniacs - they are sick people and cannot help but steal. There are those who steal for sport, for a dose of adrenaline. As a rule, these are teenagers in a group. And the third category is poor and embittered people who are trying to save money by stealing and “get what is theirs.” “But theft does not leave its mark on the psyche. Having successfully stolen once, a person, as a rule, does it again and gets involved. Theft is becoming the norm,” the expert noted. Experts note that in our country, theft has its own characteristics - it is not condemned by society. There is a joke about “nonsense”: “everyone in the house.” Since Soviet times, workers stole from factories and factories what was produced there, office workers carried home stationery, catering and kindergarten employees took home “supplements.” Over time, little has changed, except that they began to steal not from the state, but from their “uncle.” A “hare” ride on public transport is generally perceived as a “social protest.” There is a community of “shoptifters” on the Internet who boast about their success in free shopping and share their secrets. The civilized world suffers no less from shoplifters. According to EHI - the European Trade Institute - Britons are the most likely shoplifters. About half a million people are caught stealing every year. The French are in second place in terms of theft, and the Greeks are in third place. According to EHI, condoms are the most frequently stolen item in Europe. 57.7% of goods remain unpaid. Researchers explain: condom packaging is small and easy to put in your pocket. In addition, many people are embarrassed to buy contraceptives. In addition, 20% of razor blades, 17.1% of chocolate, 17% of tampons and pads, 16.2% of batteries, 7.3% of alcoholic beverages go past the checkout.

What can you “sit down” for for a long time? Or qualifying (aggravating) signs of robbery

Part 2 of Article 161 directly lists the qualifying signs of robbery:

  • The act is committed with illegal entry into an object (home, premises, other storage).
  • The act is committed with the use of violence, which does not pose a danger to life and health. There may also be a threat of such violence. This could be psychological violence in the form of threats: “I’ll tear you into pieces!” “Yes, you will crawl on my knees!” and others. The taking of property will be considered violent if the robber causes harm not only to the owner, but also to other people. The form of violence can be different: handcuffing, tying hands, leaving someone in a closed area, and others.
  • The act caused damage on a large scale. At the time of writing, this is 250,000 rubles.
  • The act is committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. This means that 2 or more people agreed IN ADVANCE to commit a robbery.

INTERESTING! If out of 2 people one is 32 years old and the second is less than 14 years old, then there will be no qualifying personnel. This is due to the fact that persons under 14 years of age are not recognized as the subject of a crime.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! There will be a qualifying composition only if the use/threat of use acted as a means of taking possession of property. For example, you locked the owner in order to take out your grandmother’s old set from the house.

If you entered the house, calmly began to take out your grandmother’s set, carried it to the truck, got behind the wheel and drove off, and after that a neighbor jumped out onto the road with the words: “Why are you doing this!”, the robbery will not be considered violent (you have already took possession of the property, the act is over).

If you entered the house, calmly began to take out your grandmother’s dinnerware, ALMOST carried it to the truck, and then a neighbor ran up to you in order to prevent you, then the act will be considered violent robbery.

What punishment is provided for committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 161?

Criminal liability is clearly regulated:

  • Forced labor for up to 5 years.
  • Or imprisonment for up to 7 years + a fine of up to 10,000 rubles or in the amount of wages (other income).
  • Or restriction of freedom for up to 1 year.

For especially malicious acts - specially qualifying offenses (Part 3 of Article 161).

Part 3 Art. 161 contains 2 qualifying features:

  • The act caused damage on a particularly large scale. At the time of writing this article, 1,000,000 rubles are recognized as such.
  • The act was committed by an organized group.

Since such acts have an increased danger to society, the punishment for them is appropriate: imprisonment for a term of 6-12 years + a fine of up to 1,000,000 rubles (or in the amount of five years’ salary).

What is an "organized group"? Let's study the example of Don Corleone

These are not just accomplices who got together to commit one theft. An organized crime group has the same characteristics that Don Corleone's gang had:

  • Sustainability. The group was formed a long time ago, it has committed criminal acts more than once, special training of participants (“pickpockets”, “burglars”, “stickers” and others), long preparation for committing a crime and a thorough analysis of possibilities).
  • Availability of an organizer. Not everyone may know about this person, but his words and actions decide the fate of members of the criminal group, as well as future victims.
  • Pre-developed action plan. In it, each group member has his own role.
  • Distribution of roles both in the organized group itself and when committing individual crimes.

Such activities pose an increased danger to society, and therefore appropriate punishments are provided. But criminal groups are well “encrypted,” which allows them to carry out their activities for many years without being punished.

With qualifying characteristics in accordance with Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation


The impact can be both physical and psychological . Physical includes:

  1. causing bodily harm;
  2. restricting the victim’s movements (tying hands or feet, using means that limit the ability to move, holding the victim in a closed room);
  3. any other impact on the victim’s body.

What sanctions will follow for committing robbery with violence:

  • forced labor for up to 5 years or;
  • imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with a fine in the amount of up to ten thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it.

By a group of persons by prior conspiracy

A group of persons with a preliminary conspiracy under Part 2 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are persons who initially planned the crime. There are several nuances in the context of the robbery that become clear during the investigation:

  1. whether the crime was planned before the robbery began;
  2. robbery is spontaneous without prior agreement, but still committed by a group of people.

Robbery with an organized group is such when, by prior conspiracy, direct theft is carried out by one person, and others act in accordance with pre-assigned roles.
Such persons are called “co-executors”. They are qualified as accomplices to the crime with reference to Part 5 of Article 33 of the Criminal Code. The punishment for this type of robbery is:

  • forced labor for up to 5 years or;
  • imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with a fine in the amount of up to ten thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it.

We talked in more detail about the robbery committed by prior conspiracy with a group of people in a separate publication.

With penetration into the premises

Premises in the context of paragraph c) of Part 2 of Article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation means a dwelling or any other premises, regardless of the purpose of its use (residential/non-residential).

Reference. Burglary is also considered the theft of property without directly entering the premises.

For example, when a burglar puts his hand through a kiosk window and steals goods from there. Impersonating another person for the purpose of entering a premises and stealing property is also considered home invasion robbery.

Assisting in a burglary involves assisting the burglar (for example, handing over a house key or guaranteeing the burglar).


  • forced labor for up to 5 years or;
  • imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with a fine in the amount of up to ten thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it.

Crime on a large and especially large scale

Robbery is considered major when the value of the stolen goods exceeds 250 thousand rubles.


  • forced labor for up to 5 years or;
  • imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with a fine in the amount of up to ten thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year or without it.

Particularly large sizes start from one million . In such cases, the offender is punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to twelve years with or without a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to five years and with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years. such.

By an organized group of people

A crime is recognized as committed by an organized group if it is committed by a stable group of persons who have united in advance to commit one or more crimes. In such cases, the offender is punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to twelve years with or without a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to five years and with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years. such.

Judicial practice: real situations and court responses

Judicial practice (Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 29 of 2002 “On judicial practice in cases of theft, robbery, robbery”) becomes the fundamental act that judges use when making decisions on the classification of a crime, sentencing and other subtleties. If you know the main provisions of the act, you will be able to develop an adequate defense in court. So, the main provisions of judicial practice:

  1. The crime is complete when the attacker has seized the property, taken possession of it and can use it at his own discretion (clause 6 of the Resolution).
  2. Liability under Part 2 of Art. 161 for acts committed by a group of persons also occurs when the property is confiscated by only 1 person, and the rest take part: they break open the bars, “stand on the rack” and perform other actions (clause 10 of the Resolution).
  3. If a person did not commit robbery himself, but involved in this act persons under 14 years of age, incapacitated and other persons (they are not the subject of the crime), then this person is recognized as the direct perpetrator + bears responsibility under other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (clause 12 of the Resolution) .
  4. When deciding on the illegality of entering a home during robbery and other types of theft, the court is obliged to find out the person’s intentions (clause 19). For example, if a person was at the site legally (visiting, visiting friends, acquaintances or relatives), and then committed a crime, then there will be no qualifying elements.

The above situations once again prove how important it is for courts to pay attention to the objective and subjective side of the commission of acts.

Statute of limitations for robbery. How to count correctly?

The established statute of limitations depends on the category of crime (minor gravity, moderate gravity, grave, especially grave). The category of crime is determined by the duration and type of punishment.

To make it easier for you to understand, take a look:

Article norm for robberyMaximum sanction (punishment) and category of crimeLimitation periods
Part 1 of Article 161Imprisonment for up to 4 years. Refers to crimes of medium gravity.6 years
Part 2 of Article 161Imprisonment for up to 7 years. Is serious.10 years
Part 3 of Article 161Imprisonment for a term of up to 12 years. Belongs to the category of especially serious ones.15 years.

What are the statutes of limitations?

If the established statute of limitations expires from the day the crime was committed, the person is simply released from criminal liability. People call these “hanging cases”; many films are made about such categories of cases. And every law enforcement officer has several dozen such cases “suited for archive.” It is important for you to know about statutes of limitations:

  1. They are calculated from the day the crime was committed. But the terms for each crime are calculated separately.
  2. The running of the statute of limitations is suspended if a person evades trial and investigation.
  3. The question of the possibility of using statutes of limitations against a person who has committed a particularly serious crime for which capital punishment is established is decided by the court.
  4. Persons who have committed crimes against peace, security and humanity (genocide, ecocide and others) cannot be released from liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Video: Lawyer on the intricacies of the concepts of theft, robbery and robbery

How much do they give for an act without qualifications?

Robbery without qualifying characteristics (which will be described below) is punishable:

  • compulsory work for a period of up to four hundred eighty hours;
  • or correctional labor for up to two years;
  • or restriction of freedom for a term of two to four years;
  • or forced labor for up to four years;
  • or arrest for up to six months;
  • or imprisonment for a term of up to four years.

Our experts have prepared other publications on the topic of robbery. From them you will learn:

  • What is the corpus delicti and what types of robbery are distinguished?
  • What are the differences between violent robbery and robbery?
  • When will a crime be considered an attempt, and when a completed theft?

How often do people get robbed in Russia? Latest statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

For January 2021, the department published statistics on the number of crimes on the official website. We specifically looked at the latest data, and this is what we saw:

The country recorded a serious increase in crimes: 171,900 (this figure is 4.6% more than in January 2015). Of these, 4,900 crimes were committed through robbery (almost 14% less than during the same period last year.

Be careful! Of the 33,300 crimes registered in parks, gardens, streets and squares, 2,300 were robberies. Things are not very calm on the roads, as well as on highways outside populated areas: 12 robberies were committed here.

The most “dangerous” in terms of robberies are considered to be the Udmurt Republic, the Yaroslavl region, the Vladimir region, the Republic of Karelia, the Mari El Republic, the Perm Territory (according to the “Criminal Map of Russia”).

Many jurists and legal experts say that the increase in the number of economic crimes (including robbery) is primarily associated with the state of the country’s economy.

By the way, there is interesting information on robbery statistics in other countries. According to data available to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in 2011, Russia ranks 4th in robberies and 3rd in thefts .

Thefts in supermarkets: who steals, how and why?

“If I fall asleep and wake up in a hundred years and they ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: they drink and steal.”

Back in the 19th century, Saltykov-Shchedrin uttered this phrase, and to this day it is more relevant than ever.

This situation is especially relevant in stores. Let's figure out what is the reason for such bad behavior of citizens and why many are caught stealing without leaving the cash register.

What do people steal the most?


The first place is occupied by food. It’s logical: natural needs can push people to do something else. For example, one hungry native of Kursk once stole 16 pigeons and immediately ate them. Another hungry man managed to take a huge pork ham weighing more than 100 kg out of the store. A resident of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky stole a box of boiled sausage, sold it for 200 rubles, after which he was detained.


Alcohol products are in second place in terms of theft volumes. Probably, dependence on strong drinks leaves drinkers with no choice - they steal without thinking about the consequences. An example of such a reckless act is the underage boys from Kuzbass, who three of them took 70 liters of beer from a supermarket and drank it in the neighboring forest. Another curious incident occurred in the Kemerovo region, where a man, while drunk, accidentally stole berry syrup, canned food and olive oil from a store instead of alcoholic beverages, confusing the labels. The disappointed and upset thief was detained by law enforcement authorities not far from the store.


The third item on the list of popular items for theft is clothing. It’s easy to put it on yourself, or put it in foil bags. They steal everything you can imagine. A 19-year-old native of Blagoveshchensk was detained for trying to steal a Santa Claus costume directly from the monument, and a not very attentive resident of the city of Tchaikovsky stole 2 sneakers, both on one foot. A resident of Orenburg tried to smuggle in a jacket and 14 underpants without paying, making the excuse that he had nothing to wear to the wedding.

Household goods

People who steal household items that are useful in the household can be classified as a separate category. One such thief stole about a hundred wooden pallets from a store. He could have achieved greater heights in his business if he had not been caught by the hypermarket security. The citizen thief did not say why he needed so many pallets. Another man broke into the store at night and stole a toilet and a box of accessories, and a third man managed to take out an entire concrete mixer. Also popular takeaway items outside the cash register are lighting wires, bear skins, cafe strobes, etc.

What methods of theft can be noted?

In order to remove goods from the sales floor for free and go unnoticed, you need dexterity and ingenuity. Russian publishers were famous for their mastery of original methods of theft, and here are some of them.

Walls are not a hindrance

Two indigenous residents of the city of Kemerovo, well familiar with courtyards and secret passages, entered the supermarket through an underground passage... Having dismantled the brickwork in the basement they had known since childhood, the citizens stole 12,000 rubles from the store’s cash register, taking with them also power tools. Maybe their strategic thinking will be useful in the colony where they will spend about 5 years.

Everything that’s yours is in yourself

A Syktyvkar city dweller wanted to drink and came to the supermarket with an empty bottle. Having poured expensive alcohol into her container, she decided to taste it right there. After draining the bottle, the resident was detained at the checkout counter.

Use of infants

Young mothers used a very unusual way to steal goods they liked. When you come to the store with a stroller, you can bring out a lot of useful things in it. If the child doesn't mind, of course.

And one gypsy from Siberia, on the contrary, tried to steal a stroller from a store, putting her child in it and rolling it out onto the street, bypassing the cash registers.

Bags are anti-scanners

As soon as the scans appeared in supermarkets, the Russian mind immediately began to invent an answer to them. They have been trying to invent miracle bags that block the triggering of a signal for a long time, for example, using foil as a scan blocker. Either the inventions turned out to be not very successful, or the thief’s cap is on fire, but all attempts to carry out goods in magic bags were not crowned with success.

Run Forest run

A popular tactic is the good old “grab and run away.” Residents of the Kemerovo region tried to use it when they were intoxicated and decided to commit the “great robbery.” They decided not to invent original ways to take beer out of the supermarket and simply ran straight past the cash registers, repelling the attacks of cashiers and security guards. Inspired by the success of the operation, the robbers were detained 2 minutes after the committed act. Now they face a fine for drunk driving and 7 years in prison.

Who is stealing?

Oddly enough, completely different segments of the population become thieves, regardless of income: from young mothers to government officials. apparatus. Maybe it's not just about need and hunger?

Recidivist pensioner

A citizen from Krasnodar, aged 67, was caught trying to take a set of women's cosmetics from a store. Why he needed it is unknown, but this is not the first time in the grandfather’s life. By the way, that same foil bag became the instrument of theft.

Poor student

One first-year student at the institute was so hungry that he tried to take food worth 1,400 rubles from the Auchan hypermarket.

Deputy - seed eater

One deputy distinguished himself by stealing an ordinary light bulb and seeds from a supermarket. The reason for this action was given by the deputy as his penchant for theft and nostalgia for the Soviet Union, where it was difficult to imagine life without seeds.

Turned away from the righteous path

In Borisoglebsk, one young man was heading to the monastery, but on the way he decided to rob a grocery store for 10,000 rubles. It’s easy to guess that the citizen never made it to the monastery, but he was taken to the pre-trial detention center for free.

Why do they steal?

It is difficult to find logic in the actions of thieves and the reasons that motivate Russians to commit theft. Sometimes robbers are guided by spontaneous desires, sometimes the reason is the desire to surprise their soulmate, and sometimes lack of funds for living and hunger force people to break the law. But sometimes thieves have completely different motives...

For my father's sake

A young resident of the city of Penza tried to get her father out of debt by robbing a shopping center. The girl and her friend took 7 beer kegs out of the store, and everything would have ended well if they had not been caught on the eighth one.

Romantic impulse

A native of Astrakhan, having no means of subsistence, was about to go on a date, but discovered that he had nothing to wear. Without thinking twice and wanting to impress his beloved with his appearance, the young man attempted to carry new jeans past the cash register. Having been caught at the crime scene, the Astrakhan resident was left without jeans and without a date.

It's all spring

One resident of the city of Ryazan, succumbing to a momentary impulse, took a painting with a picture of a cat out of the decor salon. Having been caught, the lover of beauty declared that the reason for his action was spring, which had turned his head and clouded his mind. After all, it is in spring that a person is drawn to everything beautiful. Why the art connoisseur did not pay for this beauty, history is silent.

Modern Robin Hood

One young man from Naberezhnye Chelny decided to become a modern Robin Hood and feed passers-by ice cream. However, there was no talk of buying cold sweets: the citizen decided to steal three baskets of ice cream from a store and, right next to the shopping center, tried to feed it to people walking by. The philanthropist was caught on the spot, and the loss to the store was estimated at 10,000 rubles.

Dispute is more valuable than money

An Astrakhan man once entered into a bet with a friend: would he be able to steal a jacket and remain unnoticed? The citizen fulfilled the first part of the dispute, but difficulties arose in fulfilling the second: a resident of Astrakhan was caught, and now he faces 4 years in a colony.

Seasonal theft

On May holidays in Russia it is customary to go to barbecues, and residents of the Mari El Republic also do not break this tradition. But who would have thought that the barbecue season could become the reason for theft for a poor student and his school friend. Having found no money to buy meat, the friends, without hesitation, broke into a store in their village and stole meat and alcohol worth 12 thousand rubles. Fortunately for the attackers, they managed to feast on and enjoy the barbecue just before the police arrived.

For sports!

Migrants from the Caucasus were so happy about the victory of the Russian national hockey team at the World Championship that they decided to steal three bottles of expensive Hennesy cognac. The victory of the Russian team cost the would-be patriots 2 years in prison.

I want to get married…

A native of Saratov wanted to get married so much that she stole all the day's earnings from the cash register of the store where she worked. The citizen was going to spend it on organizing a wedding, hoping that by changing her last name she would escape justice. But it was not there. Now the happy husband is waiting for his wife to be released from the pre-trial detention center.

How do you get caught?

As you may have noticed, all the above cases have the same outcome. A happy ending does not happen for thieves, either because of their inexperience and poor preparation of the crime, or due to an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. Here are a few short stories of someone's broken destinies.

Queue for payment

An attentive native of the city of Biysk came to the clinic and saw a familiar face there. Just the day before, this face was the star of the evening news - a thief took a bicycle from a sports store without paying, and the next day he sat peacefully in line at the doctor. The vigilant citizen immediately called the police, and the thief did not deny his guilt.

The phone is to blame

A young resident of Penza was so enthusiastically taking money out of the bag of a saleswoman in one of the stores that she accidentally left her phone at the crime scene. She returned for him just in time - right before the police arrived.

You are being filmed by a hidden camera

A comical incident happened in Yurga: a citizen managed to steal a CCTV camera. However, he missed one moment - the camera turned out to be working and managed to capture his face in close-up. The photo was instantly transferred to remote servers, which the resident did not have time to steal...

A woman is a bad partner

Two residents of Astrakhan in love tried to take a bottle of whiskey and a carton of cigarettes from the trading floor. The young man skillfully completed his task, but the girl turned out to be not so professional and lingered among the supermarket shelves. The guy did not leave his girlfriend alone and came back for her, forgetting to take out the loot. The couple was immediately detained. The result was the initiation of criminal proceedings for both.

sleeping Beauty

An anecdotal story happened in the city of Ulyanovsk. Two friends, having stolen 8 bottles of cognac from a store, drank them and returned for more. However, one of the drinking buddies... fell asleep right at the crime scene, where he was discovered by law enforcement agencies. His friend was also unable to escape. Both shared the punishment.

All the stories described above are real and happened in just one year. And the most amazing thing is that no matter how many thieves are caught, people do not stop stealing from supermarkets, despite the likely consequences.

According to the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, retailers' annual losses amount to about 700 million rubles. And this is not the limit.

Editorial team

The most famous robbers in history

For a long time, the Criminal Code of 1903 did not use the term “robbery.” The concept appeared a little later, and all crimes committed with an attack were classified as robbery. Odessa was especially famous for this, which for a long time had the status of a criminal city (and still remains so, because everyone knows the words of the song: “A gang from the Amur arrived in Odessa...” Among the most famous robbers-“raiders” are Mishka Yaponchik, Lyonka Panteleev , gang of Tolstopyatov brothers, Mikhail Ustinovich, Yakov Koshelkov and others.

The greatest robberies in history are considered:

  • Robbery of the Pennsylvania Bank on August 31, 1798 in Philadelphia (the first in the world). But US legislation looks at the concept of “robbery” somewhat differently.
  • The 1963 Royal Mail train robbery in Buckinghamshire.
  • US robbery of the Dunbar plant located in Los Angeles in 1997.
  • The February 2003 robbery of $100,000,000 worth of diamonds, gold jewelry and cash.

There have been other crimes in history. We hope that our review has helped to better understand the essence of the term “robbery” in Russian legislation. Let you come across it only in articles.

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