Money under your feet: natural treasures that can be sold for profit

Many people puzzle themselves every day with the question of how to make money? Some of them get hired jobs, others build their own businesses, etc. However, few people think that nature itself gives people the opportunity to earn income if they use natural treasures, from which they can easily make money.

What natural treasures can you find for free and sell?


When talking about natural treasures, this is the first thing that usually comes to mind. Gold is really expensive. However, the main difficulty is its extraction. Not all gold miners succeed in acquiring wealth, but even the process of mining this metal itself is beautiful. On the other hand, you probably won't regret mining gold. You'll enjoy the sun, the water, the beautiful scenery and maybe even find a real gem.

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So what will you need?

  • First of all, buy the necessary equipment.
  • Find a place where you can find gold.
  • Gather information on how to do it correctly.
  • Find buyers who will pay you for the precious metal. These, for example, could be local stores that buy gold.

How to protect yourself from deception: what should a manager do if an employee steals

The company's profit depends not only on successful sales, but also on the honesty of its employees. Theft in the workplace increases losses and is a serious problem for small and medium-sized businesses. What should a manager do if he catches his employee stealing?

Reasons for theft

People with strong moral principles will never steal. But if an employee has more flexible ethics, he may well decide to steal. The trigger for such an act may be dissatisfaction with the level of wages, open access to material assets, imperfect accounting of the company and poor control over employees, due to which shortages are not immediately identified.

The negative attitude of employees towards the manager or the company itself also plays a huge role. It is rare, but it happens that theft occurs out of revenge for a refusal to receive a promotion or a desired increase in salary. In this case, it is worth thinking not only about improving the accounting and control system, but also about creating a favorable microclimate in the work team.

How to screen candidates when hiring

The first thing a manager can do when hiring a new employee is to contact their former employers or clients. The conversation will take no more than a quarter of an hour, but you will know all the nuances about the candidate. If an applicant for a position brings recommendations, there is no point in paying much attention to them: a positive review may turn out to be fake.

Find out why the employee left his previous job. Former employers may not admit that theft was committed. But you shouldn’t waste time and effort to insist on your own and get honest feedback. If this is not possible or something raises suspicions, ask the applicant for a police clearance certificate.

When hiring, the manager should try to establish a favorable relationship with the new employee within the framework of business ethics. If the position offers growth prospects, ask the applicant what their career ambitions are and what they want to achieve in the future. This way you will understand what the employee wants to get from the company, and how willing he is to be honest and loyal.

How to monitor employees legally

You can counter theft using digital security methods: installing a video camera in your office, recording conversations, tracking Internet activity, checking correspondence on social networks and email, controlling access to information, and others.

But they can only be used with the consent of the employees, which is specified in the employment contract. If the company is engaged in the creation of information products, the document indicates that the employee is developing it for the employer within the established time frame.

Subsequently, if an employee tries to appropriate the results of labor and resell them, it will not be difficult to prove the employer’s rights to this product.

What sanctions can be applied to an employee?

If an employee’s involvement in the theft is obvious, it is better to try to resolve this issue face to face, especially when the amount of theft is small. The employee must be interested in the peaceful resolution of the conflict. If the employer contacts law enforcement agencies, the court will issue a verdict, and it will be difficult to find another job with a criminal record.

But the company owner must remember: an attempt to return without a court decision an amount exceeding the employee’s salary is punishable by law, falling under the article on extortion. If an employee has stolen heavily and does not strive to resolve the conflict peacefully, it is better to immediately write a statement to law enforcement agencies.

Examples of theft

You can steal not only directly, taking money from the cash register. You can make a deliberate mistake in the invoice, indicating the wrong quantity of goods, and get rich from the difference.

In a store, employees can write off goods ahead of time, taking them for free, or make themselves a markdown. Another way of theft is to replace expensive goods with cheaper ones, so that not every buyer will notice the deception.

Theft can also take larger forms. For example, when purchasing goods or equipment, an accountant can indicate a higher cost of the product and take the difference for himself.

The best way for an employer to protect itself from dishonest employees is to keep things in order and conduct personal checks from time to time. Then the risk of theft will be minimized.


If you live in a big city, you may have seen street vendors selling bouquets of flowers that florists throw away. In fact, this is another affordable way to sell what you get for free.

However, you can collect flowers in another way. To do this, you need to go to the nearest forest or field. Of course, you should not pick endangered species of flowers that are listed in the Red Book. However, no one is stopping you from collecting daisies, daisies and other wildflowers. Also, do not neglect the fern leaves, which will become a stylish touch in your bouquet.

You can make bouquets and sell them in foil wrapping, or put them in inexpensive vases and double the price.

Find or theft? What you need to know to prevent your find from being stolen

A phone in the fitting room, a wallet on the sidewalk, a bag in the luggage cart, gloves on the seat on the bus... What, where and how is not left. And they find it. But not everyone knows that a seemingly ordinary find can result in serious consequences, including criminal liability. Let's figure out when a find can be considered theft and what to do with what is found to prevent this from happening.

When a find becomes a theft

Find or theft? The relevance of this issue lies in the different understanding of “theft” and “find” at the everyday level and in the law.

Most people, when talking about theft, imagine: taking a wallet out of someone else’s pocket, quietly taking something out of a store, secretly entering someone else’s apartment, etc. Keeping, for example, a telephone found on a bench in a park, money dropped by someone on the street, or someone else’s umbrella forgotten in a taxi is considered a find, but not theft. What could be the responsibility for the find?

The legal approach to the distinction between “theft” and “find” is different - more strict. In a broad sense , theft is when someone who finds and takes someone else’s thing:

a) knows whose it is. For example, I saw how a passerby accidentally dropped money, but decided not to tell him about it, but to pick it up and keep it for himself;

b) realizes or guesses that the owner of the thing may return for it. This most often applies to things forgotten on a table in a cafe, on a bench at the entrance, in a fitting room, near the ticket office, in a train carriage, at the reception desk in a clinic, in a trolleybus, etc.

A find is any thing that is accidentally lost (lost) by one person and accidentally found and taken by another. In this case, the finder understands that the item belongs to someone else (and was not simply thrown away), but does not know who exactly, and reasonably assumes that no one will return for it. For example, money on the sidewalk, a knife lost by a mushroom picker in the forest, a gold ring found while weeding beds in the country, etc.

As you can see, the line between discovery and theft is quite thin and not always obvious. But in any case, a forgotten or lost thing still belongs to someone. This means you can’t just leave it to yourself. To do so is to break the law. This may be regarded as misappropriation of the find <*> or theft <*> and entail corresponding liability.

What to do with what you find to avoid trouble

Wherever an item is found, you should not keep it and look for the owner yourself. It is assumed that searching (placing advertisements in the media, on Internet sites, etc.) is the prerogative of the lost person.

From the point of view of the law, it would be correct to do the following <*>:

a) if the owner of the thing or the person who lost it is known for sure, immediately inform him about the find and return it;

b) if the owner of the thing or the person who lost it is not known for sure, report the find as quickly as possible in (your choice):

- police;

- any local government and self-government body: executive committee, administration, local council of deputies, etc.

While the search for the owner is ongoing, the finder has the right to either keep the item for safekeeping or transfer it to the above-mentioned authorities <*>.

Note: In a situation where a found item is returned to the owner or the one who lost it, the finder has the right to demand a reward for the find - up to 20% of its value <*>. If, within six months from the date of the statement of the find, the owner or the lost one is not found and declares his rights to it, the finder has the right to keep the thing for himself <*>.

If an item is found in a vehicle or in any premises (establishment, institution), and not on the street, then the find must be handed over to the representative <*>:

- owner of the premises (administration of the establishment, institution). For example, a security guard or administrator of a store, bank, entertainment center, etc.;

- owner of transport: driver (driver, conductor, etc.) of a bus, trolleybus, tram, metro, train, taxi, etc.

After such a transfer, it is the representative of the owner of the premises (vehicle) who acquires all the rights and obligations of the finder of the thing. For example, he must report it to the police, can count on a reward if the owner of the forgotten property is found, etc.

Responsibility: what happens if you appropriate what you find

As noted above, keeping a find for yourself and not reporting it anywhere means breaking the law, which is fraught with prosecution.

If such an act is regarded as misappropriation of the found property, then the finder faces:

a) administrative liability - a warning or a fine of up to 5 BV <*>;

b) criminal liability - community service, or a fine, or arrest. This is typical for cases when the value of the appropriated find is 1000 or more times greater than the BV <*>.

If it is like theft, then for the finder this may result in criminal liability in the form of community service, or a fine, or correctional labor for up to two years, or arrest, or restriction of freedom for up to three years, or imprisonment for that same term <*>.

Note! Prosecution for appropriation of a found thing does not relieve one from the obligation to return it to the owner or the loser.

Wild berries and other products

Having gone into the forest to pick flowers, you may come across a clearing of wild berries. You shouldn't ignore it. After all, this is another natural treasure from which you can earn extra money.

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Some people hate picking berries but would enjoy eating them. Use this idea to make money. Go to the same forest or to a sunny meadow to pick wild blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. Once you collect enough crops, you can sell them and earn money. This may not be the biggest income. However, you will be working outdoors. At the same time, you won’t pay a penny for the berries themselves, which grow in the wild.

In a similar way, you can earn money by collecting other wild fruits. For example, it is enough to visit an abandoned apple or pear orchard and come out with buckets full of ripe fruits that you can sell.

Your clients can become not only ordinary people, but also entire catering establishments that need the food products that you offer. However, to do this, you will have to agree with management on such cooperation.

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What else can be stolen if everything has already been stolen?

The greatness of our era lies in the discovery of a new group of capitals. It turns out that you can rob not only material, but also organizational capital - this is the energy reform, and social capital - this is the new Forestry and Water Codes, the reform of education, healthcare, and so on. But these possibilities are close to exhaustion, says economist and State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin. After the revolution of 1917 and the era of war communism, the NEP policy was announced and the golden chervonets was introduced. This era lasted until 1929 and pulled Russia out of ruin. The gold ruble performed its standard function - it sharply compressed the money supply. In parallel with the mass of unsecured money, hard money was introduced that could be saved. Accordingly, an incentive to work and an incentive to invest arose. Because in conditions of hyperinflation it makes no sense to invest; money needs to be spent before it depreciates. When your price growth is within some limits, you can already start forecasting complex activities. Prices have been reduced every April 1st since 1947. The reduction in prices for essential goods was very serious, but at the same time it was accompanied by a serious increase in prices for luxury goods. It was at their expense that the state’s losses were compensated by reducing prices for goods that everyone needed. Money worked either for consumption or for the development of productive forces. They were not distracted by speculation. Now it's the other way around. Money works only for speculation, and the state’s task is to minimize its diversion to production, people’s needs and other “nonsense”. This is the fundamental, fundamental difference between the situations. And secondly, each production was motivated to reduce costs and receive insane bonuses for this. Read more in the latest issue of Arguments of the Week.

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One day the media reported that a British resident, while walking along the beach, found a piece of ambergris worth several dollars. This is a really expensive find that can bring you extra money too.

What is ambergris? This is a waxy substance that forms in the whale's intestines and is then spewed out. Sometimes such lumps end up on the beach, where anyone walking can find them.

You may not know, but ambergris is used in the perfume industry. This is a rather rare and incredibly expensive substance that is used to make luxury perfumes. It is not surprising that ambergris is highly valued in the market. Currently, a record has been set that is more than a million dollars for a piece of ambergris found by chance.


These mushrooms are among the most expensive in the world. They grow in the depths of the earth. That is why it is quite difficult to find truffles, and in appearance they resemble the root crops of the familiar potato.

As a rule, these mushrooms grow near oak trees, and sometimes near coniferous trees. Truffles have a persistent, pleasant aroma. As you know, pigs are great at finding them.

However, you can also try your luck and go in search of truffles, the sale of which can bring a good income. For example, some manage to collect truffles growing in forests and then sell them to restaurants, earning money in this way.

In addition, you can offer the found truffles to a private buyer, who can be found on the Internet by placing an appropriate advertisement.

There are even special maps that help you find out in which places truffles grow. Prices for them vary depending on the area, so it is better to find out about them at retail outlets in your locality.

What to do if things are stolen from a storage room?

​Next steps:

1The main rule is to save the key with the cell number. This is the only confirmation of the fact of depositing the item and, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 887 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is equivalent to a concluded agreement. If you give it to store employees, it will be impossible to prove the transfer of property.

2Record what items were left behind. To do this, request in writing to provide video footage from surveillance cameras. To prove what items were in the bag, witness statements and any other facts will do.

3Based on this, make a calculation of the stolen goods. For this, preserved receipts are suitable, and if they are missing, your personal assessment.

4Write a complaint addressed to the administration of the outlet. Send the document by registered mail with a description of the attachment. You will find the address in the Buyer's Corner.

5 File a lawsuit if the store administration refuses to compensate for the damage voluntarily. As judicial practice shows, the plaintiffs' demands are satisfied in full.


Of course, you won’t be able to find a ready-made cane in nature. However, you can find many thin branches that require minimal processing before they can be turned into canes.

A hand saw will cut the wood in a minute, and a pocket knife may be enough for finishing later, depending on what kind of canes you're making.

If you do this regularly, you can cut a dozen canes a day. Old leather jackets can be used to cut strips to make handles. You can also decorate the canes with marbles, coins and other decorative elements to increase their value. To purchase decor, it is enough to spend mere pennies, but this will significantly increase the cost of the finished product.


These are some of the natural treasures that can bring you extra income. However, finding gems is not so easy. You need to know the places where you really should look for minerals. Otherwise, you may be wasting your time.

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If your area has public lands where you can find gemstones, why not try this method? You may be lucky and find a diamond or other stone that you can sell at a profit.

Your buyer can be a jewelry store or a private client.


Gemstones are rare, but natural treasures can be found everywhere! And interesting ones can be sold. To do this, you can go to a flea market or a craft show where your potential clients gather.

Some craftsmen create works of art from rocks. However, for this they need material. You can become a supplier of this very material, earning money in this way.

Rocks may also be of interest to private clients, who often use them for landscape design or interior decoration.

If you have abandoned mines near you, this is one of the best places to find interesting rocks, crystals and minerals that you can later sell. You don't need to climb inside. Just rummage through the slag and debris piled up at the entrance to the mine. Rivers and streams are also good places to look.

You can sell not only the rocks you find, but also something more interesting. If you have artistic talent, you can paint on large smooth stones, turning them into original works of art.

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How to steal money?

All fraud and theft schemes have a well-developed algorithm. Let's take a closer look at how and where you can steal money, as well as what is needed for this.

At an ATM

Skimming equipment reads bank card data.
With some technical skills, you can steal cash directly from an ATM. One method requires access to the top of the device using a special splint.

This breaks the connection between the ATM software and the device itself that dispenses money (dispenser). After that, fake software is connected to the latter and the required command is given to issue cash.

For the second method, you will need a skimmer (reading device) and a hidden camera. The skimmer is attached to the hole for bank cards on the ATM, and the camera is installed in any place from which you can see the typed PIN code (for these purposes, you can also use an overhead keyboard that remembers keystrokes).

Video: Ways to steal money from plastic cards.

After the card owner inserts it into the device, all information on it remains on the skimmer. Then, using the received data and provided you know the PIN code, you can make a duplicate card and cash out the funds.


Data on bank cards can be obtained without the use of special equipment, if the attacker is a hacker. It is enough to hack the server of a large bank and steal confidential information about the plastic cards of its clients.

Using this scheme, many criminals have already stolen more than one million rubles.

Bank or store robbery

Such an operation can only be carried out if there are accomplices. First, you need to carefully inspect the premises in which you plan to commit the theft, track all entrances and exits, and study the security system.

In order to have time to escape from law enforcement agencies, you also need to make sure that a car is waiting at the exit.

Black accounting

Working as an accountant and having access to company funds, an experienced financier will be able to regularly steal small amounts of money through fictitious transactions. For example, artificially inflate the company’s expenses (falsify checks or estimate documentation).


Most often, money is stolen in crowded places.
This type of theft occurs in crowded places, including public transport. During a stampede, it is easy to pull money and other valuables out of your pocket or bag. In addition, you can steal money from sleeping passengers on a train or bus. Yes, you can’t steal a million in one go this way, but if you work for a long time, you can save up.

Theft of funds through online services

To use this method, you first need to download the database of phone numbers. Such information is now publicly available on the Internet. Next, you can use several methods:

  1. Send messages with the text: “Your card is blocked, call back at +7ХХ...ХХ. Your bank (be sure to indicate the name of a popular banking institution).”
  2. Call clients yourself, pretending to be a security officer.

Under any pretext, you need to ask the owner for the card number and password to access online banking. After logging in, transfer funds to your account.

Robbery of houses and apartments

With this type of theft, criminals usually target a wealthy “client.” Then they track his daily routine (and that of his household) and, making sure that there is no one in the room, they break the lock and sneak into the house or apartment.

Theft from cars

Car owners often leave purses, bags, and wallets in the car, which can be seen through the car window. If an attacker knows how to hack a car alarm, then stealing money this way is as easy as shelling pears.

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