With millions - on the run. How bank tellers steal money

In the center of Moscow, a cashier at an exchange office stole 41 million rubles from a client. First, information appeared in the media that the head of the Tyumen enterprise, Andrei Korotchenko, decided to exchange rubles for dollars while the exchange rate was good. Together with the guards, he drove to the bank branch on Eliseevsky Lane. After counting the money, the cashier said that the required amount in dollars was not currently available, but it would be brought soon. Korotchenko waited outside for two hours, and when his patience ran out, he tried to return to the exchange office, but the door was locked. But the window was open, through which the woman got out of the room, taking 41 million.

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Later it turned out that the story is not so clear-cut. The bank branch turned out to be “fake,” and Korotchenko and his millions were apparently waiting there. A week before the incident, the owner of the premises in Eliseevsky Lane was approached by an alleged manager from the Siberian Stroylesbank, a certain Khapersky . The man said that he urgently needed to open a bank branch in the capital, presented false documents and set up an office. You already know what happened next. Why Korotchenko decided to deposit 41 million rubles in this particular bank and how the swindlers knew about this, history is silent.

Cases where bank employees steal money from real financial institutions are not at all uncommon. Let's talk about them.

Article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines the concept of “theft” and indicates the penalties for the crime committed.

Theft is the secret theft of someone else's property.

The sanctions depend on how the theft was committed:

  1. Misappropriation or embezzlement of someone else's property by a person who was responsible for this property is punishable by:
  • a fine in the amount of wages, other income or up to 120 thousand rubles;
  • corrective labor for a period of six months;
  • forced labor for up to two years
  • restriction and or imprisonment for up to two years;
  1. The misappropriation or embezzlement of someone else's property committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy and causing significant damage threatens the criminal with:
  • a fine in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles, or in the amount of wages for two years;
  • compulsory work for up to 360 hours;
  • correctional labor for up to one year;
  • forced labor for up to five years with restriction of freedom for up to one year;
  • imprisonment for a term of up to five years, with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year.
  1. The same violation committed through the use of official position is punishable by:
  • a fine in the amount of 150-500 thousand rubles or wages or other income for a period of 1 to 3 years;
  • deprivation of the right to hold a certain list of positions and engage in a certain type of activity for a period of up to five years;
  • forced labor for up to five years with restriction of freedom for 1.5 years or without limitation;
  • imprisonment for a term of up to six years with a fine of up to 10 thousand or one month’s salary.
  1. The crime described in the paragraphs above, committed on a particularly large scale or by an organized group, has the following penalties:
  • a fine of up to one million rubles;
  • a fine in the amount of wages or other income for up to three years;
  • imprisonment for up to 10 years.

From Salavat to Kazan with 20 million

This story happened more than a month ago in the Bashkir city of Salavat, where senior cashier Luiza Khairullina , before going home, emptied the cash register of her native Rosselkhozbank for 23 million rubles.

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The loss was noticed quite quickly: during an evening check. Colleagues tried to contact Khairullina, but her phone was treacherously silent. A police squad arrived at the woman’s home, but there was no one there either: at that moment, the senior cashier, who had become rich, disappeared with her husband and daughters in an unknown direction.

It turns out that the husband and mother-in-law of the kidnapper also worked in banks, and the father-in-law worked in a security company. It is quite possible that the family had been preparing for the theft for a long time and thoroughly. Plus, Khairullina deleted all accounts on social networks. And the children told us at school that they would soon go to the sea with their parents.

By the way, her husband Marat was a chronic debtor: several enforcement proceedings are underway against the man for debts of almost 1 million rubles, according to the bailiff database.

Acquaintances of the Khairullins assumed that they left the country with the stolen money. But the family was hiding in neighboring Tatarstan: on Friday, July 5, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, announced the detention of the cashier in Kazan. The location of the stolen money is still unknown.

"Louise, run!" Why was the woman who robbed a bank in Bashkiria supported by social networks? Read more

What criminal penalties and liability are provided?

In accordance with accepted standards on the decriminalization of theft, criminal liability is provided if the theft was committed in an amount exceeding 5 thousand rubles. If the amount of stolen funds does not exceed the specified limit, the punishment will be administrative. However, if a citizen commits theft in an amount of less than five thousand not for the first time, there will be criminal liability for this. Criminal liability will also be applied if the theft was committed in an amount of less than five thousand rubles, but the crime was committed by a group of persons.

Spent clients' money in online casinos

An employee of a large bank in the city of Kotov (Volgograd region - ed.) acted more cautiously than her Moscow and Bashkir colleagues. And she spent the stolen money on unexpected things. But she was caught anyway.

For almost a year, the senior teller visited the bank vault and pulled out large banknotes from stacks of money. In total, she pulled out 12.8 million rubles. And the woman spent it in an online casino.

Over time, the shortages were noticed, and then the gambling cashier was caught. By the way, she immediately admitted guilt. History is silent about whether she managed to “raise money” using Internet roulette, but she will have to return the money stolen from a financial organization.

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What to do if you are accused of stealing money from a cash register

According to the presumption of innocence in force in the Russian Federation, a citizen is considered innocent until proven otherwise.

The employer has the right to dismiss an employee under clause 6 (d) part 1. Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - for theft in the workplace - only when investigative actions are carried out, the employee’s guilt is proven and the court verdict comes into force.

If a citizen is accused of stealing money from a cash register, but he did not commit this, you need to act as follows:

  1. Find witnesses who saw the citizen at the alleged time of the crime and can confirm his alibi. Or witnesses who were near the employee of the establishment and can prove that he did not take funds from the cash register.
  2. File a civil claim for physical or moral compensation in court. As evidence, you should submit documents confirming the costs of purchasing medicines, a doctor’s conclusion that the suspect suffered moral damage and, as a result, his health condition worsened.

If law enforcement officers force you to write a confession, you should not do this; you should contact the prosecutor’s office to check the legality of their actions and a lawyer.

If the manager ordered the taking of money from the cash register and then accused the employee of theft, you need to tell the investigator about this fact. During the investigation, it can be proven that such an order was received from the manager; perhaps there were witnesses who heard about the management’s request. In this case, for a false denunciation, the employer faces liability under Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Knowingly false denunciation.”

Damage in no time

In our case, it was because of the negligence of an employee in the institution that the theft occurred.

The employee did not deny his guilt in the incident. But he only disagreed with the fact that his employer demanded full compensation for damages. In the vast majority of cases, this is what enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership do—both public and private. If the employee is at fault, let him answer fully.

And few of them pay attention to such an important point. If the one who caused damage to the enterprise - in our case, robbed him - was caught, investigated and convicted, obliging him to compensate for the damage in the verdict, then in this case nothing can be demanded from the employee, that is, he cannot be obliged to compensate for the losses. That is, an employee of an enterprise through whose fault the theft occurred cannot be required to reimburse the enterprise for the amount of the stolen goods.

Citizens who find themselves in a similar situation may find this clarification of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation useful.

The employee through whose fault the theft occurred cannot be forced to compensate for the stolen goods if the thief is caught

The story began in the Far East with a claim by a local bank to recover material damages from its employee. The employer motivated his demands by the fact that as a result of the employee’s negligent attitude to his duties, conditions were created for the theft of funds from an ATM by another bank employee.

This crime was successfully solved by law enforcement agencies. The thief himself was prosecuted. The court hearing also took place. And by a court decision, the entire amount of the stolen property was recovered from the thief in favor of the bank. But in our case, the financial institution considered it right not to limit itself to this. The employer decided to punish the one who, albeit unwittingly, helped the thief.

The bank considered it necessary to hold the employee financially liable, whose negligence the criminal took advantage of.

The court of first instance refused to satisfy the bankers' demands. They did not agree with this verdict and appealed the refusal to a higher court.

The appeal concluded that the bankers were right and overturned the district court's decision. As a result, the Sakhalin Regional Court adopted a new decision that satisfied the bank’s requirements. The regional court, considering the bank's claims to be legitimate, decided, on the basis of Article 1080 of the Civil Code, to recover the amount of damage jointly and severally from both the thief and the responsible employee. A bank employee began to appeal this decision and appealed to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. There, the case materials were requested to Moscow, they were studied and... they sided with the bank employee, disagreeing with the conclusions of the appeal.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation indicated that the court's verdict against the criminal, by whom he was found guilty of theft and by which the full amount of damage was recovered from him in favor of the bank, is prejudicial in nature, including for the resolution of the labor dispute under consideration.

The Supreme Court ordered the regional court's decision to be overturned.

Help "RG"

Prejudice is a requirement in legal proceedings to accept data as fact, without checking its evidence. This requirement applies if data from a decision that has entered into legal force in another previously considered case is used. This acceptance is mandatory for the courts in a situation where a new case is considered involving the same persons. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in its decision emphasized the main thing - since the local Sakhalin court had already established that it was the thief who was guilty of causing damage to the bank, the court had no grounds for assigning responsibility to another employee. In addition, Article 1080 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates civil law relations and is not applicable to labor relations. The conditions and procedure for holding an employee liable for property damage caused to the employer by the employee in the performance of work duties are regulated by labor legislation. And in this labor legislation there are no provisions on joint liability of employees when compensating the employer for damage caused by employees in the performance of their job duties.

Ways to prove money theft in Russia

According to statistics, the most common crime in Russia is theft.

Here we can already talk about the reputation of the store and everything that comes with it.

Responsibility is defined art.

158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The target of the attack can be any property - from a telephone to a fortune in bank accounts.

To initiate a criminal case for theft, it is necessary to establish evidence and elements of the criminal act. Depending on the purpose, location of the crime and circumstances, information may vary. Regardless of the situation, each case is individual and requires careful consideration.

You can get advice on the issue of complete theft from qualified lawyers on our company’s website and by phone. Simply saying that you were robbed does not mean anything.

In any investigation, it is important to establish the fact of what was done by collecting evidence and testimony.

Evidence of theft may include:

  1. recordings from video cameras of external surveillance or car;
  2. fingerprints;
  3. hair of the culprit, pieces of fabric from his clothing;
  4. a shoe print left at a crime scene;
  5. witness statements and more.

The accusation line is drawn up depending on the stolen property and accompanying circumstances.

Let's look at some of the popular situations. Proving the theft of money is not always easy, since the loss can be discovered a long time after the theft.

This could be theft in public transport, by breaking into a safe in an apartment, or financial fraud with bank accounts and cards, which is the most difficult to identify a criminal person.

In case of theft of natural banknotes, the following information should be provided:

  1. who had access to the storage, etc.
  2. denomination of banknotes and their quantity;
  3. where financial savings were stolen from;
  4. time of commission of the crime (exact or approximate);

The following may serve as evidence of money theft:

Probation for theft of 4 million

A resident of the city of Cherepanova (Novosibirsk region - ed.) Yulia Demidova temporarily replaced the senior cashier at B&N Bank. She stole 4 million rubles. It all started in 2016, when a woman learned about her child’s illness and urgently needed money for treatment, as stated in the materials of the prosecutor’s office of the Novosibirsk region. And then Demidova could no longer stop. Every day she took different amounts from the cash register, sometimes even 300 thousand rubles at a time.

The thefts did not stop even when Yulia’s colleague, whom she was replacing, returned from vacation. The senior cashier trusted Demidova. “She covered up the fact of the shortage by taking money from cassettes that were intended for loading into ATMs. And during the audit, she reported this money to the safe. That is, when the audit was carried out, there was money. And there wasn’t enough money in the ATMs,” local publication NGS quotes. News” by Assistant Prosecutor of the Cherepanovsky District Ksenia Dotsenko.

And six months after the systematic thefts, an unscheduled inspection came to the bank. The shortage was revealed, and Demidova herself admitted to theft. The court found her guilty and sentenced her to a suspended sentence of three years with a probationary period of two years.

Legal assistance

So recently, when I went there, they accused me of stealing this money, they said that the money was given back to the girls just on those days when I went to the store on my weekends.

What nonsense!!!! they are forcing me to write a letter of resignation! Lawyer's answer: Daria. be quiet. after all, this is only their assumption.

they are waiting for your reaction to the accusation. and you shouldn't quit. You don’t work alone in the store; from time to time the thief himself, having stolen something, reports his own loss.

The ingenuity of sellers: how to stop it Psychologists say that 10% of store employees are just looking to steal something, 80% are potentially capable of taking someone else’s property under favorable circumstances, and only 10% will never steal under any circumstances.

===================================================== ==================================== How to prove that your partner stole money from the cash register Question: How to prove that your partner stole money from the cash register Lawyer's answer: What do you need this for? When you change, accept it and return it to the cash register, and there will be no problems.

Important I worked for about 2 weeks without getting a job or any documents...read answers (1) I need help and advice. I found a job through an advertisement on the Internet. I worked for about 2 weeks without getting a job or any documents...read answers (1) I need help and advice.

I found a job through an advertisement on the Internet.

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Worked for about 2 weeks without

Theft from the cash register: accounting and taxes. How to prove the fact of theft of funds


CASH REGISTER! Cashiers-operators of retail enterprises are one of the most “risky” categories of store workers.

Risky from at least three points of view. The first is that cashiers often suffer from robberies involving money.

The second is cashiers serving customers, i.e. those on the “front line” of sales experience severe psychological overload.

The third point of view, no matter who it offends, is that cashiers are more likely than other store employees to commit thefts, in particular of money, and also contribute to the theft of goods in collusion with other persons. We are not talking about a blanket accusation of all cash workers, but only of dishonest ones people to whom employers have entrusted money. Unfortunately, this problem exists and has become extremely relevant today. The object of theft by cashiers is money or goods (to a lesser extent).

Money can be stolen for the entire transaction or operation, or for part of the purchase, for “extra” goods (its quantity or weight), for unreturned goods, for the amount of discounts, for differences in cost, etc., including, of course , banal theft from the cash register. The cashier can carry out most methods of theft independently, without the participation of “his” customers and without collusion with colleagues. In this case, the subject of direct damage will not always be the store itself; in approximately half of the cases, it is the buyer who will be deceived and, as a rule, will not receive the goods for which paid the money.

In addition, some of the illegal manipulations of cashiers distort cash balances for some time, which may be the reason for sanctions from inspection authorities. More than half of the schemes for causing damage to the store itself are based on collusion with the buyer, sometimes with the senior cashier (other person), especially in those cases when certain operations (cancelling a check, making a refund) require the sanction or technical presence of a senior official

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