The territory of monsters “Black Dolphin” is the most terrible prison in Russia. Maniacs, cannibals and terrorists live here begins a series of publications about special regime colonies - the most terrible zones in Russia. There, in extremely harsh conditions, the most dangerous criminals are serving life sentences - from maniacs and cannibals to terrorists and creators of criminal gangs. Our first story is about the Black Dolphin colony in the Orenburg region, the largest special regime zone, which dates back to the 17th century. The prisoners live here under round-the-clock surveillance; each of them is taken out for walks by a whole detachment of jailers, and so that no one even tries to escape, black bags are placed over their heads. For their terrible crimes, these prisoners will remain in the Black Dolphin until the end of their days.

Uniforms of convicts

There are no uniform standards for this in the colonies either.
According to the law, every woman must be given a set of clothes and underwear for a period of one year. But in reality, this rule is almost never observed. Based on the stories of the convicts, one can judge the situation with the provision of clothing in the colonies. For example, in Mordovia, convicts are often given the following set of forms:

  • shirt;
  • skirt or trousers;
  • handkerchief;
  • padded jacket;
  • one set of underwear.

Typically, such a set is worn for about three years, or even longer. In addition, in winter frosts, women do not have the opportunity to wear a jacket or T-shirt under a thin shirt. Women freeze in cold sewing workshops, and they do not have the opportunity to take off their headscarf until lights out. It must be on the head constantly, which is extremely inconvenient.

In other colonies, ladies receive only trousers and a padded jacket in the winter, this significantly complicates the life of women who do not have the opportunity to receive parcels with things from home. They have to buy clothes from their cellmates or wear cast-offs. This leads to unsanitary conditions and a large number of colds.

Life by the clock

The entire life of the Black Dolphin prisoners is subject to a strict daily routine. Having risen at 06:00, the prisoners fill their bunks and wash themselves. In addition to a washbasin and a bed, standard cells in IK No. 6 are equipped with a mirror, toilet, table, stool and bedside table. Convicts must keep all state property in perfect cleanliness, as well as their clothes and shoes; the latter in “Black Dolphin” is allowed to be worn only without laces - just in case.

Breakfast starts at 06:30. While eating, you can listen to the radio, on which religious preachers who came specially to the colony often speak - conversion to faith is not uncommon among life-sentenced prisoners. At 07:15, after breakfast, the sockets in the colony are turned on: convicts can use razors or boil water. Those who didn’t make it in time are late: at exactly 08:00 the sockets are turned off and the check begins.

When the door to the cell opens, the prisoner must approach the wall, put his hands behind his back, raise them up with his palms turned outward, state his name and all the articles under which he is serving his sentence. Then the command follows to turn around and approach the grate separating the entrance from the main room of the cell. “Yes, citizen chief” is a phrase that prisoners memorize in the first days; they are required to pronounce it after each request from the overseers.

The inspection of the cell begins at the moment when the handcuffs are tightly latched on the inmate’s hands. To do this, the prisoner, turning his back, puts his hands through a small window in the bars. Then the convict is taken out into the corridor. There, in addition to the jailers, he is met by a dog handler with a dog: animals for this service have been prepared for many years in the nursery at the Black Dolphin. The lives of dogs are sometimes in real danger: once an aggressive prisoner tried to strangle a shepherd, but the guards prevented this.

Meanwhile, out of the entire “Black Dolphin” contingent, about 160 people are registered with a psychiatrist. There are different problems here. For example, one of the convicts refused to get out of bed in the morning: he assured the doctor that his legs had been stolen at night. Others suddenly begin to howl or sing songs.

Women's zones in Russia general characteristics

According to the latest data, there are thirty-five colonies and prisons for women in our country. They contain about sixty thousand representatives of the fair sex, which is approximately five percent of all prisoners in Russia. If we compare all these figures with the total number of residents of the country, it turns out that for approximately one hundred thousand Russians there are forty convicted women.

Minor girls behind bars make up a fairly large percentage of prisoners. There are currently about thirteen thousand of them in Russia, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service.

There are three types of women's colonies:

  • general regime;
  • strict;
  • colony-settlement.

Most often, women are assigned to general regime colonies and settlements. For minors there is an educational women's zone. A strict regime is provided only for repeat offenders; there are two such correctional institutions in Russia. They are located at the following addresses:

  • the city of Bereznyaki;
  • Shakhovo village.

Typically, female killers who have repeatedly or repeatedly committed this criminal act end up in such zones. It is quite rare for people to end up in a strict regime for theft or robbery.

Women's areas are not the only place where women are detained. There are approximately twenty thousand representatives of the fair sex in pre-trial detention centers. They are awaiting trial and sentencing. If found guilty, the woman is gradually sent to a correctional facility. It is worth noting that pre-trial detention centers in our country are mixed, but recently there has been a tendency towards reforming the system of serving sentences. In this regard, three women’s pre-trial detention centers appeared in the country, located in the following cities:

  • St. Petersburg
  • Moscow.
  • Ekaterinburg.

The conditions of detention in some of them are an order of magnitude better than in mixed pre-trial detention centers.

From drunkards to maniacs

In 1905, the Iletsk prison department was transformed into a transit prison and it operated in this mode until the 1917 revolution. With the arrival of the Bolsheviks and until 1942, the institution was called the Iletsk concentration camp. Deserters, White Guard accomplices from the civilian population and military personnel caught drunk were kept there. Some of them managed to atone for their guilt by high-quality repairs of the prison building: after its completion, in 1919, the first batch of prisoners was amnestied.

In those years, those who did not pose any particular danger - deserters, idle alcoholics and speculators - were sent to the Iletsk camp. The conditions of detention were very humane: prisoners ate the same as the jailers and could go outside the institution. But over time, more serious contingents began to be brought to Iletsk: cadets from Kolchak’s army or prisoners of war in the Soviet-Polish War of 1919-1921. Of course, they no longer had soft conditions - and soon the Iletsk prisoners were again involved in salt mining.

Photo: “Orenburg POLITICS”

In 1942, the status of the correctional institution changed again: now it was called the Sol-Iletsk prison of the NKVD No. 2 for the detention of persons under investigation. In 1953, it moved to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in 1965 it became a refuge exclusively for convicts suffering from an open form of tuberculosis.

“Black Dolphin” received its current status as a special regime correctional colony, where prisoners sentenced to long terms up to life sentences are kept, only in 2000. Before the first batch of convicts was delivered to the territory of correctional colony (IK) No. 6 - this is the official name of the "Black Dolphin" - a major overhaul was carried out there and a modern tracking system was installed. In addition, the cells were equipped with additional bars at the entrance to enhance personnel safety.

The perimeter of the colony was also strengthened: additional checkpoints appeared there. In part, this measure was a response to the mass escape of 1967, when prisoners dug under the prison wall. And considering who is sitting in the Black Dolphin today, any escape from there poses a serious danger.

The hen waits for the newcomer to lay eggs

You can’t force a seasoned prisoner to “confess.” He already knows the rules and keeps quiet until he thoroughly studies the local population. First movers will have to learn this. You need to keep your mouth shut from the very first minute of detention. Free life and “freedom of speech” ended there. Now the prisoner is monitored by both the prison administration and the entire colony.

An informer is always placed in the detainee’s cell, who is called the “mother hen” on the thieves’ hairdryer. His responsibilities include obtaining the information the investigator needs from the newcomer. The role of the “mother hen” can be played by any operative or detainee who earns himself a reduced sentence.

They bring you into a frank conversation—they force you to “get over it”—in different ways. Usually, the figurehead has some information about the prisoner who is being developed by the operatives. This information helps the “mother hen” earn the trust of her “comrade in misfortune.” Having heard familiar names or facts, a newcomer can trust the person in charge and lay out all his ins and outs to him “on a silver platter.”

Inexperienced prisoners need to remember that any “compassionate neighbor” may have information about them from the investigators themselves. Names, biographical facts, some kind of thieves’ gatherings and so on - all this is written in the prisoner’s file and is obtained by the “authorities” during the preliminary investigation.

A naive first mover, imbued with trust in the “mother hen,” can utter yet another article of the Criminal Code and seriously increase his time behind bars. For this reason, those detained in the detention center prefer to remain silent. Anyone who intrudes with extraneous questions can be severely beaten, suspected of collaborating with the authorities.

Informers can be useful even after a verdict has been passed. In each prison there is a certain number of prisoners who eavesdrop on conversations in cells and find out interesting details about certain prisoners. All this information is carefully collected by the prison administration (“godfathers”) in order to keep abreast of events and control the mood of prisoners.

Usually all the inmates know very well which of them is the informer. In the zone, they don’t beat “mother hens”, because the administration will plant a new one anyway, and prisoners have no reason to complicate their lives by finding out who it will be. When dealing with informers, they simply keep their eyes open and keep quiet more and more.

Bloody past

The Tolyatti Ripper, the torturer and murderer of children Oleg Rylkov, whiles away his life in the Black Dolphin. From 1993 to 1997, he raped 37 (according to other sources - 39) minor girls and committed four murders (three children and one woman). When Rylkov was asked what he felt during his crimes, he replied: “As blasphemous as it may sound, it’s something like that... Supreme pleasure, or something.”

Oleg Rylkov

Shot: Documentary / YouTube

Another maniac from “Black Dolphin,” whose name still brings horror to residents of the Rostov region, is Vladimir Mukhankin. His mother named him in honor of Lenin, not even suspecting that for her son the ideal would be a completely different person - Andrei Chikatilo, whose terrible crimes Mukhankin decided to surpass. In the first half of 1995, he killed eight people. The maniac cut out internal organs from some of his victims, which he then put in his bed. The serial killer was caught after he was identified by a miraculously surviving girl.

The fourth maniac of Penal Colony No. 6 is serial killer and rapist Vadim Ershov, who operated from 1992 to 1995 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory; 19 people became its victims. Ershov committed his first crime while serving in the army: unable to withstand hazing, he beat his offender with a brick and stabbed him several times with a knife, after which he deserted from the unit. Once free, the maniac began attacking women, most of whom he robbed, raped and killed. He probably would have continued to kill, but chance helped. Ershov attacked a 16-year-old girl at the entrance, and a neighbor ran out to her screams and hit the maniac on the head with a fire extinguisher. He lost consciousness and fell into the hands of the police.

Vladimir Mukhankin

Frame: Marina Golovkova / YouTube

Former investigator from Yekaterinburg Sergei Vinogradov is Ershov’s neighbor in the colony. In the early 90s, taking advantage of his official position, he entered the apartment of two local residents, a mother and daughter, and strangled both of them. And then Vinogradov began dating a resident of Yekaterinburg, who had a nine-year-old daughter - the girl became another victim of the investigator. They wanted to entrust him with the investigation of this case, but Vinogradov refused. Some oddities in his behavior aroused suspicion among his colleagues - and the investigation ended in accusations.

Mikhail Ivantsov, another killer from the “Black Dolphin”, killed his pregnant wife out of jealousy. He killed a woman in front of his six-year-old son. The incident did not have the best effect on the child’s mental development. At the age of 15, he received a five-year sentence for his first crime. According to some reports, he was not going to stop - and all because he wanted to get to his father. In "Black Dolphin".

List and location of them

Correctional colonies are located in different regions of the Russian Federation. Each of them has its own characteristics.

There are those that include women's areas with a children's home.

These include the following correctional institutions:

  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Samara;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kemerovo region;
  • Vladimir region;
  • Krasnodar and Khabarovsk Territories;
  • Mordovia;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Sverdlovsk region.

Why do they give life imprisonment? Find out the answer right now.

For minors

Correctional colonies for persons who have not reached the age of majority exist in Russia.

About 21 thousand young girls are serving their sentences there.

One and a half thousand girls were placed in educational colonies. One of these colonies is located in Bryansk on Komarova Street 30.

Maximum security colonies

Strict security zones are provided for the detention of dangerous repeat offenders. They are located in the Perm region at the address: Berezniki Ave. Lenin 81. The second maximum security colony is located in the Oryol region in the village. Shakhovo.

Life imprisonment zones

In accordance with Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a woman cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment.

This means that there are no women’s prisons with life sentences in Russia.

However, those women who received 25 years in prison for one crime or 30 for a combination of several crimes live hard. Because they cannot go for walks, and they serve their sentences in prisons located in the taiga.

Who gets there and why?

The colony houses the most dangerous criminals, sentenced to life imprisonment.

This sentence is imposed relatively infrequently in our time and is applied to those who have committed a particularly serious crime.

Murders with extreme cruelty, cannibalism, terrorism, rape of minors - this is not a complete list of acts for which they serve time within these walls. Such a severe punishment is not provided for everyone.

For example, there are no women in the Black Dolphin: for them, life sentences are prohibited by law . Also, such punishment is not provided for persons who committed a crime as minors, and for those who were already 65 years old at the time of sentencing.

Among the prisoners there are also those who were initially sentenced to capital punishment, but were saved (or perhaps, on the contrary, prolonged their torment) on the basis of a moratorium on the death penalty introduced in 1996.

One of the criteria for placement in prison is the increased social danger of both the crime committed and the personality of the defendant himself: recidivism, lack of repentance, motives for the crime play an important role in the decision of the judge and authorized employees of the penitentiary service and can significantly increase the dubious “chances” of spending the remainder of your life right here.

No even minimal help at first

Of course, it’s difficult to call my case typical, and I can’t be called an ordinary prisoner. Even before prison, I received my education and worked as a lawyer. After prison, I continued my legal practice. I had somewhere and someone to return to. And there are those who return and do not find their home: either it was transferred to someone else, or relatives drank away. Sometimes they find themselves physically with nowhere to live—and yet many women return with children.

Even if a woman has housing, the main problem remains - finding employment. Now all work forms contain a question about criminal record: employers do not want to get involved with those who have been in prison. Unfortunately, the state does not help former prisoners with this. Charitable foundations and activists help, but it is always difficult: any rehabilitation program requires a lot of money.

When a woman gets out of prison, she receives about seven hundred and fifty rubles for travel - that's all. No even minimal help for the first time, no special benefits. If a woman and her child are entitled to some kind of state benefits, then they need to be processed, and this requires time and money - at least for the same journey to this or that department. Often former prisoners have problems with documents, registration, they need to collect all kinds of certificates - for example, to send a child to kindergarten and to go to work.

It's hard to maintain self-esteem in prison

Before going to the colony, I only read about prisons in fiction. The same Solzhenitsyn, for example. These books were, of course, not about Russian, but about Soviet prisons, about the Gulag. I never thought that I would ever encounter a similar world.

Conditions in the colonies have changed greatly since then: what Solzhenitsyn described is almost gone. Although I had the opportunity to visit one of the transit prisons, where you had to sleep on the floors - these large two-story beds covered with wooden flooring. Several people literally sleep on them side by side. I still had this. Now, I hope this is no longer the case.

What has really survived from Soviet times and is unlikely to disappear soon is the attitude towards prisoners in prisons. It is very difficult to maintain self-esteem in Russian colonies. A person is seen as an object, a creature without rights, and not a person, and this attitude is manifested in everything, from the arrangement of everyday life to the appeal to prisoners. In prison, everyone will address you as “you.” I remember that, out of habit, I tried to address both prisoners and prison employees as “you.” The female prisoners were alarmed by this; they saw some kind of catch in this, they were so unaccustomed to such treatment.

Right to parole

Parole means conditional early release. In other words, this is a situation in which a person serving a sentence is released from prison early. This means that the woman has changed her behavior for the better and can count on parole:

  • if the judicial authority made such a decision based on the available facts;
  • the damage from the crime was partially compensated.

Many women believe that after parole a person becomes completely free. This decision means parole, that is, the main requirement is compliance with the law.

By decision of the court, the following obligations may arise:

  1. Get treatment for alcohol or drug addiction.
  2. Complete your studies or get a job.
  3. Refuse to visit places determined by the court in the verdict.
  4. Do not change your place of work, study or residence.

To release a woman, the following information is required:

  • positive opinion of the administration of the correctional institution;
  • information about behavior, compliance with conditions of stay in prison, participation in activities, as well as attitude towards studies.

Prison is a scary experience for many women to go through. The principle of discipline is intended to influence a woman’s behavior and encourage her to abandon her usual way of life.

However, it is necessary to comply with the disciplinary rules and internal regulations established by the administration, so that in the future there will be a chance to reform or be released on parole.

One day in a women's colony:

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IZ 33/2

Code name: IZ 33/2;

Mode: pre-trial detention center;

Number of seats: 200;

Address: Alexandrov, st. Lenina, 81;

Phone: 2-38-60


Today there is a significant improvement and development of Detention Center No. 2:

  1. — The entire building is undergoing a major overhaul, work is being carried out on both external and internal decoration.
  2. — A nursery has appeared on the territory of the institution for service dogs.
  3. — In 2008, the Orthodox chapel was consecrated and is successfully functioning. Anyone who wishes can, if desired, confess and pray.
  4. — In the pre-trial detention center building, staff rest areas, visiting rooms for prisoners and a weapons storage room were restored and improved.

Thus, the correctional facility is being restored at tremendous speed. There are plans to create even more favorable conditions for prisoners and create comfortable conditions for employees.

Nothing to do other than work

Some necessary things can be bought with money earned from. I was lucky to find myself in a colony where I could work: I ended up in a sewing workshop. For many this is a great help. In colonies where there is no work (and such exist), it is more difficult. Not only because it is impossible to earn even the smallest things. The fact is that in prison, apart from work, there is nothing to occupy oneself with. We felt this very much on weekends. I usually read in my free time if there was such an opportunity, but few of the prisoners liked to read.

Another available entertainment is TV. He was in a separate room, and, of course, he could not spend the whole day there. In addition, no one could decide for themselves what to watch, because there was only one TV for dozens of women. And there weren’t really any other options. I remember that on weekends there was a lot of squabbling in the colony, and there were fights.

In women's colonies there is no such rigid system of “concepts” as in men’s colonies. There is no obvious division between thieves and ordinary prisoners. Although there are also so-called short-term offenders. They try to use criminal jargon and behave accordingly. Now, as far as I know, such prisoners are kept in separate colonies, which, in my opinion, is correct.

OD 1/T-2 “Vladimir Central”

Mode: Prison
Number of places:

Head: Vladimir Mishchenkov

Address: Vladimir, st. B. Nizhegorodskaya, 67

Phone: 32-4539, 32-2033.


At the moment, the main prison building still faces the same Bolshaya Moskovskaya street with its main windows - one of the most important and central in the city of Vladimir.

The facade of the prison is practically no different from the facades of neighboring buildings - a building stretching approximately 150 meters on two floors of an ancient building. Externally, it is a standard hospital in provincial cities.

The differences between the building and others begin immediately after the entrance. In the courtyard, rolled into asphalt and spacious in size, massive masonry buildings of the prison appear, which are limited along the entire perimeter by various posts with an innovative security and alarm system.

In total, on the territory of the Vladimir Central there are 4 buildings - 1 is a hospital building, and the remaining three are for holding prisoners there. The oldest of them is the “Polish” building, which got its name due to the fact that it housed Polish rebels who took part in the mass uprising that occurred in 1861.

Today, compared to the past, practically nothing has changed in the internal appearance of the prison. These are also durable windows, equipped with the same powerful bars, metal doors, which replaced oak ones. Walks of convicts and prisoners in custody take place in a courtyard with a ceiling with bars. Many believe that it was from the Vladimir Central that such an expression as “checkered sky” came from.

Over the two and a half centuries of the existence of the Vladimir Central, a lot of people have seen the checkered sky, from small thieves and fighters against the tsarist regime, to ideological opponents of the authorities, maniacs and rapists.

Now Vladimir Central has become a prison for the most dangerous criminals. These are rapists, murderers, repeat offenders, and many other lawbreakers.

It should be noted that now the regime in this prison has become more humane when compared with the regime that existed before - now it has become closer to generally accepted international standards. The cells have televisions, refrigerators, literature and much more.

Rules in the women's area

Judging by the reviews of former convicts, the zones are radically different from each other. Some of them resemble hell, while in others life can be quite bearable and tolerable. Of course, if you have money and the ability to constantly receive parcels. Life in women's zones directly depends on the amount of money; for it you can buy yourself a relaxation of the regime, tasty food and a relatively quiet existence without duty and harassment from fellow inmates. But let's talk about everything in order.

Women live in barracks designed for approximately forty people. Typically, such cells are large in size, they have a shower, a designated area for the toilet and a fenced off small kitchen area. In conditions where privacy is almost impossible, this layout allows you to at least sometimes be away from the noisy crowd of people. It is much more difficult to stay in smaller cells; they do not have a separate kitchen, and the TV is always turned on at the request of the elder.

Each squad has four separate beds. Only a select few sleep on them. Usually this is the eldest and those whom she herself appoints. A sleeping place can be purchased for money or cigarettes. The rate depends on the person in charge of the detachment; she sets the rates and the number of days when you can use the special position.

The eldest is always elected by a general vote of women, but her candidacy must be agreed upon with the administration of the colony. In general, the person in charge can be appointed directly by the administration; she is responsible for everything that happens in the detachment. The slightest violation of the regime, disorder or fights immediately become a reason for punishment by the eldest, and she, in turn, will begin to deal harshly with her cellmates.

In order to maintain cleanliness, the elder draws up duty schedules. This makes women's zones significantly different from men's - here almost every action is regulated by a schedule. Even washing and drying clothes occurs in every woman’s day. Being on duty is not considered something shameful, but it is quite difficult to clean the entire cell area three times a day alone. Many women who have money hand over their duty to fellow inmates in exchange for cigarettes. Together with tea, they are the most popular goods.

Fights and showdowns in cells, of course, happen. But still they are not as frequent as they show in movies. Many women live in “families,” but such groups do not have sexual overtones. It’s just that several people lead a joint household and communicate; usually the whole detachment eventually splits into such groups. People communicate only within the “family”; loners can communicate with anyone.

Cases of rape, which, according to journalists, abound in women's colonies, are in fact extremely rare. Lesbian couples usually form among women who have been incarcerated for more than ten years. This is not particularly welcomed or advertised, but no one will force you to cohabitate.


Prisons with orphanages have maternity wards. These institutions help women serving time.

In accordance with the law, these institutions must be designed so that the children living in them feel comfortable. A convicted mother has the right to communicate with her own child if she has free time from work. They are allowed to live together.

After the child turns three years old, then, with the consent of the mother, he is given to his closest relatives. Otherwise, he will be sent to a state institution for education.

The arrangement of the child is that the woman is given fifteen days leave. In the future, the administration will provide the mother with the same leave to visit the baby.

If the mother is serving a sentence of less than three years, then the child can be left in the orphanage and the woman will take him immediately after release.

However, this right is granted only if all rules are followed and behavior is impeccable.

About motherhood in women's prisons in this video:

OD 1/7

Code name: OD 1/7;

Mode: special;

Number of seats: 1000;

Head: Viktor Timakov;

Address: 601960, Vladimir region, Kovrovsky district, Pakino village, st. Central, 1-a;

Telephone: tel. 33-19-10.


A correctional institution called FBU IK No. 7, whose former name is OD-1/7, belongs to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Vladimir region. The institution is a maximum security correctional colony.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia “On changing the type of regime and filling limits of correctional institutions ...” dated August 17, 2012, number 162, the limit of convicts for this colony was set at 1,550 people.

The population of this correctional institution consists of persons who have committed serious and especially serious crimes, as well as repeat offenders. Most prisoners have very long sentences. Conditions for prisoners range from strict to general.

A correctional colony is a closed institution comparable only to particularly important facilities. Security measures here are at the highest level, meaning the possibility of escape is almost completely excluded.

Convicts in this colony are subject to strict requirements that must be strictly observed. Otherwise, the offender ends up in isolation. Such tough measures have borne fruit - many convicts serving time in this colony are released on parole. For law-abiding behavior, the administration rewards prisoners with various kinds of incentives - visits with loved ones, receiving parcels.

The administration encourages prisoners to get married and even facilitates this by creating comfortable conditions for dating potential wives.

The colony has developed the following areas of production activity:

  1. — Production of refrigeration equipment;
  2. — Production of tableware;
  3. — Woodworking;
  4. - Clothing industry.
  5. — Production of paving slabs and curbs

A social rehabilitation center is successfully functioning on the territory of the colony; the number of places is designed for 30 people. The center gives prisoners the opportunity to spend their holidays in comfortable conditions, and also prepare for life outside the walls of the colony.

The infrastructure of the correctional institution is at a high level.

On the territory of the colony there is a Temple in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In the future, it is planned to reorganize the colony into a high-security prison, where even more comfortable living conditions for prisoners will be created.

What problems do women face in colonies?

Each correctional institution has its own rules, established, among other things, by prisoners.

Therefore, conflicts that occur against the background of misunderstanding are not uncommon.

Some try to live peacefully, while others start quarrels and fights.

Problems are most often associated with mutual conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as the fact that in many prisons there is a shortage of personal hygiene products. This problem is especially acute for those whose relatives do not carry out the transfer.

Cases of beatings do occur, but not in all correctional institutions. Rape also occurs, but it is very rare because lesbian couples are not welcomed or advertised.

Such cohabitation can only develop among women who have been in prison for more than ten years.

“At night I jump up in a cold sweat”

In 2021, one of the Snezhinka convicts, serving a life sentence for murder and theft, submitted a request to be transferred to Solikamsk IK-2 “White Swan”. In Elban, the prisoner was very annoyed by the fighters flying low over IK-6, which are produced at the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Photo: Alexey Filippov / RIA Novosti

“I have great difficulty falling asleep and at night I shudder or jump up in a cold sweat. This is a consequence of the fact that fighter planes without silencers are flying very low [over the zone] in the village of Elban,” the inmate complained. And for some reason, with reproach to the employees of the local traffic police department, he added: “The traffic police inspectors do not fulfill their duties, like those who caught me on the highway when I removed the muffler from my bike.”

The prisoner managed to get his issue resolved. Moreover, the head of the airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur also gave a recommendation to listen to the convict’s complaints and transfer him to the “White Swan”. As a result, the prisoner was transferred to Solikamsk, although the reason for the transfer did not fall into the established list of significant reasons - illness, ensuring personal safety, or liquidation of a correctional institution.

Also, a newcomer to prison needs to remember that you should never take other people’s things

You can only take what is on the table, the so-called dorm, within reasonable limits, of course. Then, if possible, you should give part of your package to the hostel. You can’t take other people’s things without asking, even a book - you can be accused of theft, even if you didn’t do it, and those who steal from their own are subject to very strict demands. In the cell you should be prepared for the fact that fellow inmates can beat you or “put you down” - that is, rape. The reasons for this are various.

Restrictions in prison

Black dolphin A look from the inside: The most terrible prison in Russia

In prison you cannot hit anyone or shake hands when meeting or greeting anyone.

All misunderstandings must be resolved on the basis of concepts, without stooping to assault, for this they can be asked - but prisoners know how to beat. An exception can only be if you were called a person of non-traditional sexual orientation or were asked to become one, or your mother was insulted. This must be answered immediately, otherwise you will join the caste of “devils”, that is, people unworthy of any respect.

Watch your speech

You should better remain silent in the very first months, so as not to run into a “jamb” - incorrect behavior. If someone doesn't like you, they will try to catch you with words. Remember that among prisoners it is strictly forbidden to send someone away, as well as to call someone a person of non-traditional sexual orientation. Swearing in the zone is also not welcome.

Compliance with prison rules

Try to avoid contact with the administration

Your cellmates may accuse you of writing denunciations, and if there are more or less compelling arguments to accuse you of this, then the consequences can be dire. In the best case, you will find yourself completely isolated from your cellmates; in the worst, you may be beaten or even deprived of your life. However, if you find yourself in a zone where power and arbitrariness of the administration reign, then you can cooperate with it. But do not forget that in this case denunciations against cellmates should be excluded. The police department may not be against your parole, but in what condition will you be released? What if you go out at all?

You shouldn’t join the thieves or the reds, stay a man

Simply put, prisoners in prisons are divided into three categories:

  • men are convicts who are trying to peacefully serve their sentence, working in production, not cooperating with the administration, but not contradicting it;
  • reds - administrative assistants, informers and traitors to cellmates;
  • thieves - who do not accept contacts with the administration of the correctional institution, do not work, try to enter into conflict with the administration if, in their opinion, any rights have been violated or any amenities have been removed.

There is also a caste of “devils” - people with whom a decent prisoner cannot communicate. These are, as a rule, homeless people and the most weak-willed, broken people, and in prison there is also a caste of “roosters” or “offended” (as a rule, these are those convicted of rape).

Don't cheat, don't smoke, don't borrow, don't play cards

In order not to become dependent on someone or to avoid falling into the caste of “roosters”, you should not start smoking or chifir. These are such bad habits that in prison conditions a person is especially dependent on them. ! Borrowing is also not recommended, even if they say that there will be no interest, and you can pay it back at any time. According to prison concepts, a person who does not repay a debt automatically becomes a “rooster”, and if there is no specific time frame for repayment, then the creditor can do this at any time. Playing cards is also not recommended; you can get into debt in the excitement, or get caught, which will entail putting you in a punishment cell.

By the way, in the zone, in the absence of money, tea and cigarettes serve as currency. Having a supply of this food and regularly sharing it with your fellow inmates will gain you a certain amount of respect. But often it’s not worth being so noble - you’ll simply be tormented with requests, and there won’t be enough for everyone. By the way, the same tea and cigarettes can be exchanged for things that you need - from socks and toothpaste, to a call home through an illegally obtained cell phone.

Play sports that are available to you. Prison food causes weight and muscle loss, so exercise will help you stay in good shape, even if you eat poorly. In addition, they try not to offend a physically strong person over trifles.

Women's prison in Russia. How do women live in the zone?

Window on TV

From the moment of wake-up until lights out, sitting on a bunk, much less lying down, is strictly prohibited. After lights out, the ban is lifted, but you have to sleep with a bright light burning around the clock, with your head towards the door - this is what the Black Dolphin rules require. You cannot cover your head: this is regarded as a violation of discipline, entailing punishment. Jailers monitor all actions of convicts 24 hours a day using video surveillance, which is carried out in each cell.

There are very few options for entertainment in Correctional Colony No. 6. It is strictly forbidden for prisoners to smoke - for this they will immediately be sent to isolation ward. A small indulgence is the opportunity to watch TV. To do this, you must spend at least 10 years in the Black Dolphin, and the convict’s relatives must buy a TV. Not everyone has them: many people’s loved ones turn away when they learn about what they have done.

You can pass the time by watching programs for 4 hours and 15 minutes a day. At the same time, the prison authorities reserve the choice of content: prisoners watch only central channels and only programs that do not contain scenes of violence. And no advertising - videos are blocked using special programs. But this is more of a privilege than a limitation.

In addition, convicts are not prohibited from reading, but chess is strictly prohibited in the colony for security reasons - it is possible that one of the “wasps” will try to swallow the piece and then end up in a hospital bed. Finding yourself in an infirmary, where more lenient rules apply, is the cherished dream of almost every convict in the “Black Dolphin”.


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Russia in which region are the most women's colonies located?

Traditionally, Mordovia is called the camp region. There are twenty correctional institutions located here, three of which are women’s zones. Mordovia is a rather difficult place to serve a sentence; former convicts talk about difficult living conditions, cases of bullying by the administration, poor nutrition and lack of basic hygiene supplies. Even uniforms are not always issued here or are not complete.

The list of women's correctional institutions in Mordovia is as follows:

  • IK-2 (Yavas village).
  • IK-13 (Partsa village).
  • IK-14 (Partsa village).

Each of the colonies has an industrial zone, some have their own subsidiary farms.

See also edit

  • Alphabetical list of dependent territories of the world
  • List of countries and territories of the world that were ever colonies, by their metropolises
  • Central Asian possessions of the Russian Empire
  • Colonial empires
  • Russian empire
  • Russian history
  • Imperialism
  • Colonialism

Colonial Empires of the WorldColony | Colonialism | Imperialism | Neocolonialism | Separatism | National liberation movement | Sovereignty

Colonies of Germany | Colonies of Belgium | British Colonies | Colonies of Denmark | Colonies of Spain | Colonies of France | Colonies of Italy | Colonies of Japan | Dutch Colonies | Colonies of Portugal | Colonies of Russia | Colonies of Sweden | US Colonies |18px Ottoman Empire | Austro-Hungarian Empire | Chinese Empire List of dependent territories of the world | List of countries and territories of the world that were ever colonies, according to their

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