Black dolphin as they sit in the harshest Russian colony

Each prison in our country, in addition to its official name, which contains the familiar letters IK and various numbers, also has an informal name.

Most often, the unofficial names of colonies are not prosaic in nature, describing the area in which it is located or the features of the layout of buildings. “Crosses”, Butyrskaya and Lefortovo prisons are a few examples of ordinary names of such correctional institutions.

Due to unclear circumstances, prisons serving life sentences in Russia have more interesting names, perhaps identifying the existence of a ghostly hope for such convicts for potential release.

“Black Dolphin” and “White Swan” are two of the most famous prison colonies in the country.

In this article we will talk about the Black Dolphin prison. What are its features, where is the Black Dolphin prison located and why was it named after such a noble animal?

Vladimir Central

Vladimir city

“Russian Alcatraz” is the name given to this largest prison in Europe (1 kilometer around the perimeter). Previously, political prisoners were thrown there, but today they hold especially dangerous criminals: every second is a rapist, every third is a drug dealer. And so that murderers, maniacs, “authorities”, repeat offenders and instigators of prison riots cannot influence each other, they are carefully isolated from each other, placed in different conditions.

The most dangerous prisoners are kept in a special unit under extremely strict control, where cell doors are unlocked only in the presence of a representative of the prison management and a dog handler with a dog. They are also escorted along the prison corridors.

The four buildings of the prison are connected to each other by passages located at a height. They are the only means by which prisoners are transferred – this is called “by air”. The prisoners “walk” there. However, there are also walking wells with a barred “ceiling” - it is believed that this is where the expression “checkered sky” came from.

Women and minors are not kept here - the conditions are too harsh. However, they are much more humane than in “Black Dolphin,” and in the last couple of years they have been trying to bring the local regime closer to “international standards.” The new type of cells are quite spacious, with air conditioning and, most importantly, with an isolated toilet.

However, when the new cells were shown on TV in 2013, they were not yet inhabited. The prisoners lived in ordinary cells 4 by 6 or 6 by 6 meters, mostly 4-6 people, but with televisions and even refrigerators.

Broadcasts and visits are allowed here, almost any literature is available, you can subscribe to the press, even listen to music (although the same “Vladimir Central” by Mikhail Krug and other “thieves” are prohibited).

But there is no common dining room - as in the “Black Dolphin”, food is carried to the cells. At the same time, there is its own bakery, where the so-called household team is involved in auxiliary work.

Getting into it is a kind of “privilege”: people convicted of the most serious crimes and drug addicts are not accepted there. They say that it is the household servants, taking advantage of their relative freedom, who most often plot escape, but no one has ever succeeded.

Most of the convicts in the central work, and for money. They mainly produce sports equipment - football and volleyballs, sports equipment. Salary, according to various sources, can range from 3 to 10 thousand rubles per month.

It is said that after World War II, prisoners at the Vladimir Central were forced to wear the uniforms of prisoners of Nazi death camps, which were taken from liberated Poland, and the local prison uniform is supposedly based on that “design” to this day.

By the way, the Vladimir Central is open for excursions: there is a special museum on its territory. Of course, they won’t be allowed into the buildings of an active prison, but just being inside these walls is creepy.

Visitors are overcome with a depressing feeling: “Grey asphalt, barbed wire, dusty walls, not a single leaf breaks through the concrete and stone. There is no place for life, joy and laughter - only survival. Silence, a musty smell and a kind of hopelessness hanging in the air.”

\"Black Dolphin\" or a one-way road

In Sol-Iletsk, near Orenburg, there are healing salt lakes with a hospital and a prison for life prisoners “Black Dolphin”. Sometimes they are confused. The colony headquarters building is painted bright pink, and on the lawn there are figurines of dolphins and large roses, almost the size of a tea saucer. Holidaymakers mistake the area for a boarding house, and newlyweds even try to take pictures here. They are politely escorted out. “The energy here is terrible. For 700 prisoners, there are 4,000 ruined souls,” says Alexey Khalzunov from the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Orenburg Region.

They are going to follow an example from correctional colony No. 6, as “Black Dolphin” is officially called. Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov announced the upcoming prison reform. People who stole a bag of potatoes will go to a colony settlement. Repeat offenders, murderers and other especially dangerous criminals will move from barracks to prison cells under video surveillance. FSI officers say that in such conditions it is easier to fight riots and the transfer of drugs into the zone and limit contact with security. But this pleasure is not cheap. The Federal Penitentiary Service has already calculated that it costs about 700,000 rubles to refurbish one place for a prisoner. The authorities are so far only willing to spend this kind of money on maintaining the most dangerous criminals.

There are 1,509 life sentences in Russia, and their number will apparently only grow. President Medvedev, for example, proposes giving life sentences to particularly guilty leaders of organized crime groups. “We have 124 places in the new block. There are free [places],” estimates the head of IK-6, Alexander Kandalov. His business card has a hash mark on it and says: “Those who are not with us are with us.” The first stage of PLS ​​(life imprisoned) came to Black Dolphin nine years ago. Now almost half of all pardoned Russian death row prisoners are imprisoned there: murderers, serial maniacs and terrorists.

There have been no executions in Russia for 13 years. The moratorium expires on January 1, 2010, but the death penalty will not return, this has already been announced in the Kremlin. In any case, the prisoners of IK-6 do not face the death penalty: they were replaced with a life sentence, and the law does not have retroactive effect. But the president's speeches at the Black Dolphin are listened to even more closely than the radio sermons of a local Protestant pastor. They dream of humanization. “Some people think that humanization means that they will be moved to a special village somewhere in Siberia,” says Sergei Shcherbakov, deputy head of the colony for treatment and preventive work. “And others say that humanization will come when they are given an inflatable rubber doll.”


Over the 255 years of Sol-Iletsk’s existence, they have learned to do only two things professionally: extract salt and guard prisoners. The latter seems to have been brought to perfection. The convict, bent in half, is led into the room. His hands are cuffed behind his back and raised up. The guard fastens handcuffs to a stool welded to the floor. “I wish you good health, citizen chief! Convict Oleg Vladimirovich Kostarev, born in 1986, convicted under articles 210, 222, 223, 167, 213, 205, 105-30. Killed 14 people...” the prisoner reports quickly.

Chemistry student Oleg Kostarev joined the nationalist group Spas, made a bomb and in August 2006 detonated it at the Cherkizovsky market. Now Kostarev sits in the new prison building on the first floor. On the outer wall of the building hangs a poster that can bring any prisoner to tears. A blue-eyed blonde with a child in her arms and the caption: “They are waiting for you at home.” But those sentenced to life imprisonment have never seen this poster: they are led around the yard blindfolded.

The four-story building, built in 2006, is of particular pride to the colony administration. They spent 56 million rubles on it. Iron alone took 108 tons. The cleanliness inside is unusual for Russian prisons. The zone is non-smoking, tobacco is taboo here. There are tiles on the floor, hoods and split systems on the ceiling. The massive iron doors and “glass” were painted blue. “A certain aesthetic has appeared,” smiles the deputy head of the colony for educational work, Alexey Tribushnoy. The “glass” is an iron cage in the middle of the corridor, where the prisoner is put when he needs to enter his cell.

A reserve group passes along the corridor, leading the convicts out. The duty officer gives the command: “170th - to the starting line!” 170th is Kostarev. Everything that happens in the corridors and cells is visible on the monitor in the operator’s room. The convicts froze, raised their hands and turned out their palms with their fingers outstretched. “You can hide a blade between your fingers and cut an employee in the eyes,” explains Alexey Khalzunov. “The electricity is turned on for several hours a day because you can throw a wire on the grill and electrocute an employee.” Similar cases occurred in other colonies. In “Black Dolphin” we learned from the experiences of others.

Before we are allowed into the cell, two guests are taken out and placed in the “glass”: the terrorist Zainutdinov and the cannibal Nikolaev. Their cell is three by four meters. Inside there is prison minimalism: a neatly made bed, a stool, a table. After getting up, sitting on the bed is prohibited. You can sit on a stool, read books at the table, or walk back and forth around the cell. According to human rights activists from the Moscow Helsinki Group, there are practically no complaints of ill-treatment from those sentenced to life imprisonment.

“Black Dolphin has the toughest regime and the strictest rules,” human rights activist Valery Borshchev tells Newsweek. “On the “Vologda nickel” (the zone for PLC on Ognenny Island. - Newsweek), the convicts carried out their buckets even without handcuffs.” The administration of IK-6 does not argue: the laws are strict, but the cells do not have buckets, but toilets, wooden floors, and hot water. And most importantly, there are no escapes. Outside the cell, all movements are only in handcuffs, with hands behind the back. In the prayer room they fasten only the left hand - they cross themselves with the right. The handcuffs are removed in the shower, but they wash behind bars.

In IK-6 there is no prison romance and thieves' laws do not work: a former policeman sits in the same cell with a bandit, and a rapist with a terrorist. Everyone cleans their cells themselves, and even the Chechen field commander Salaudin Timirbulatov, nicknamed Tractor Driver, who slaughtered Russian soldiers, obediently polishes the copper tap of the washbasin to a shine. Those who do not want to comply with the requirements are sent to an isolation ward. “There is no point in rioting. The farther from freedom,” says bomber Kostarev. His description says: prone to escapes, attacks, and has hand-to-hand combat skills.

When the first lifers were brought to the Black Dolphin, a bag was put on their head and they were driven through a line with dogs. Now the bags have been replaced with bandages. In appearance, all the convicts are almost trained. “Who knows what’s on his mind. The convicts have nothing to lose. I honestly warn the employees that they may not return home,” says the head of IK-6, Kandalov. There are 161 convicts under psychiatric treatment. There are exacerbations - one attacked the shepherd and began to strangle him. Another refused to get out of bed, claiming that his legs had been stolen during the night. The quiet ones throw concerts and sing songs.


Here everyone has charges for murder, the only difference is the number of corpses. The convicted Mukhankin, calling himself a student of Chikatilo, killed eight people. The convicted Ershov escaped from the army and killed 19 people by cutting their throats. Oleg Rylkov from Tolyatti raped 37 young girls and brutally murdered four children. Akhmed Ismailov was convicted of bombing a government building in Grozny, killing 83 people.

The cannibal Vladimir Nikolaev, who killed and ate two people, is not in a good mood this morning. “No tea, no sweets, what’s the mood here,” he mutters gloomily, looking at his fingers, blue from tattoos. In the colony they say that Nikolaev caught star fever. Previously he asked for a fee for an interview, now he begs for sweets. Having received a promise that there will be sweets, the convict begins to willingly talk about the death penalty. In fact, he is against the “tower”, but for himself personally he would make an exception: “I could either be shot or burned at the stake. In ten years you’ll still be dead.” The inhabitants of the “Black Dolphin” hope to be free, but admit that life imprisonment is sometimes worse than death.

Almost all of them committed their crimes sober. Mikhail Ivantsov killed his pregnant wife out of jealousy. He has been in Sol-Iletsk prison for eight years. “This is the ultimate measure for me. I have no forgiveness,” the pale man says quietly. Now he has written a letter to the head of the colony - he is seeking a meeting with his son. My son is 15 years old, and he has already received a sentence of five and a half years. “To get to his father, he decided that he had to kill three people. He must be stopped,” Ivantsov writes in the letter.

Librarian Sergei Khametov, who is himself under strict regime, says that convicts subscribe to almost 250,000 rubles worth of newspapers and magazines, but the most popular book is the Bible. Almost everyone became believers. “They are most interested in whether God will forgive them,” says Mennonite church pastor Vitaly Mokrushin. - We say: yes. But with the rest of your life you will atone for your guilt.”

Besides faith, there is one more salvation in the zone. This is work. The convicts of the “Black Dolphin” sew shoes - slippers, army combat boots, shoes and even felt boots “farewell to youth.” Each pair features the Black Dolphin emblem. This is already a brand. According to the deputy head of the colony, Alexei Tribushny, when the workshop was just opening, only two people knew how to sew, but the competition was for 100 people per place. There are currently 300 convicts working.

The zone even has its own art workshop. Restorer Andreev, convicted of triple murder, painted 239 icons behind bars. They are in churches, private collections and even in the collection of the Swedish Queen. “I prepare the paints according to old recipes, adding, for example, honey. It’s a pity, there’s no way to add vodka,” he worries.

Even the jailers call his case “very complicated,” hinting that his sentence is one of the fatal miscarriages of justice. Andreev was lucky: his relatives did not turn away from him, he was supported by the noble assembly of St. Petersburg, and the administration treated him humanely. For many of his neighbors in the building there is no turning back. One convict (the administration asked that his last name not be indicated) after many years in prison wrote a letter of repentance to the relatives of the victims. In response, he received a photograph of two murdered children with the caption: “Die, scum!”

Life imprisonment is a death sentence extended over time. In the first years, the mortality rate among convicts was high - 20-30 people per year. Recently, three to five people have been dying. Two were buried this year. The zone has almost conquered tuberculosis. “The most important achievement,” says doctor Sergei Shcherbakov, “they are psychologically stable.” Previously, he said, convicts were tormented by hallucinations and nightmares: a bloody ax, a mother locked in the basement. “Now they have good erotic dreams and sound sleep,” the doctor assures. “No heart attacks, no paralysis.”

One of these psychostable people is Oleg Kostarev. He says he doesn't have nightmares at all. “I didn’t even look at the photographs [of the dead] so that it wouldn’t be reflected in my head,” he admits. In prison, Kostarev wants to study to become a lawyer: “New laws are constantly coming out. There are chances that the life sentence will be replaced with a regular term.”

Kostarev is only 23 years old. With a life sentence, the order is as follows: for the first ten years - under a special regime with a minimum of transfers and two visits, then - a softening of the regime: they will be allowed to receive more transfers and longer visits. After 25 years, if there are no comments in the last three years, the prisoner can be transferred to a maximum security colony. And from there he can seek parole. The first of those sentenced to life imprisonment could theoretically be released in 2014-2015. At the same time, in informal conversations, FSIN employees hint: serial maniacs and pedophile murderers will not be released.

Three kilometers from Sol-Iletsk, in an open field, there are rows of identical rusty signs with numbers - this is a prison cemetery. Recently, relatives have been allowed to take the body. Or put a cross. Under one of them lies Valery M. In “Black Dolphin” they tell the following story: bandits pressed the guy, he wrote a statement to the Organized Crime Control Department, and the police promised to send a group. In the evening, a Mercedes pulled up with a man in civilian clothes inside. The guy was on edge - he went out and unloaded his carbine. It turned out that there were operatives in the Mercedes. When M. found out about this, he himself demanded to be shot, but ended up in the “Black Dolphin” and died a natural death.

How one of the harshest prisons in Russia works, Black Dolphin

All over the world, Russian prisons are considered almost the most severe. And one prison is especially famous for its strict regime and the prisoners who are kept there.

The special regime colony for life prisoners “Black Dolphin” is located on the border with Kazakhstan, in the city of Sol-Iletsk. According to a National Geographic documentary, the prison houses the country's most dangerous criminals - serial killers, cannibals and terrorists. One of the guards told the crew that the only way to escape was to die.

The prison got its unofficial name “Black Dolphin” thanks to a statue in front of the entrance made by prisoners. In fact, the colony is called “FKU IK-6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Orenburg Region.”

There are 700 prisoners in the prison, including cannibals, serial killers and maniacs, and terrorists.

In total, these criminals killed about 3,500 people. That's an average of five murders per prisoner.

The Black Dolphin houses life-sentenced prisoners. In the photo: Vladimir Nikolaev is imprisoned for cannibalism.

Nikolaev killed a man during a drunken brawl, then dragged him to the bathroom, where he chopped the body into pieces.

He ate some of it and gave the rest to a friend, whose wife cooked the meat and served it to the family for dinner. Nikolaev is one of the most famous murderers in Russia.

Criminals are under 24-hour video surveillance.

The prisoners are separated from doors and windows by massive steel bars, the cell is a cage within a cage.

Two prisoners share a 5 square meter cell.

Every 15 minutes the guards make their rounds.

When convicts leave their cell, they must walk bending over with their hands behind their backs.

When moving to another building or going out for a walk, prisoners are blindfolded so that they cannot remember the layout of the prison.

Physical exercise - wandering from one corner to another. There is no prison yard for walking in the Black Dolphin.

While the prisoners are out for a walk, the cells are searched - looking for contraband or evidence of preparations for an escape.

There is no canteen in the prison either.

Convicts eat directly in their cells.

They feed you soup and bread.

No one managed to escape from the Black Dolphin prison.

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The last monastery for life-sentenced prisoners

"Black Dolphin" is a special regime correctional colony for life-sentenced criminals. The main name of the correctional institution is IK No. 6 of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation for the Orenburg Region.

In what city does the Black Dolphin exist? This abode of evil is located in a very beautiful place - the city of Sol-Iletsk. This is a city in the Orenburg region, surrounded by steppes, on the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Near the colony there is the healing lake Razval, known throughout Russia for its beneficial properties. Recently, local authorities have even created medical and health complexes there for numerous tourists.

But if some people go to Sol-Iletsk to improve their health and breathe clean air, others go there on a convict basis - to serve a sentence for the most terrible crimes in history.

Among the special regime colonies for life prisoners, “Black Dolphin” is the most numerous. It houses about 900 prisoners.

Approximately the same number of citizens work in a correctional institution to maintain safety there.

After all, the convicts of the “Black Dolphin” are the most dangerous criminals, ready to escape or attack the guards at any time.

History: from Emelyan Pugachev to the present day

The decision to create a prison in the Orenburg region was made by Tsarina Catherine II, who in 1773 successfully overcame the peasant uprisings led by Emelyan Pugachev.

Quite a few robbers were caught, and the prisons were sorely insufficient to contain them. And Orenburg at that time was a young city, which was not located at a very convenient territorial distance and which no one was in a hurry to develop.

Afterwards, a transit prison was created in Sol-Iletsk, in which those convicts who were sent to prison were kept for a short time.

During the Soviet regime, since 1965, there was a “hospital” there for convicts suffering from tuberculosis. They spent their last days in it before their death.

Until 2007, the “Black Dolphin” was called YUK-25/6 . Today the prison is designed for 1,600 people and almost half of it is empty. On average, there are 4-5 corpses for each convict.

Dolphin analogy

Why is IK-6 called that? The zone acquired its name thanks to a small, neat sculpture located in the courtyard of the prison.

This is a black dolphin, surrounded in a circle with decorative stones, and functionally plays the role of a fountain. The fountain sculpture with a black dolphin was installed in 1996.

Moreover, the prison acquired its special status only 4 years later. The name “Black Dolphin” does not have any special meaning, perhaps only a hidden subtext.

Approximate daily routine in the Black Dolphin

  • 6:00 - getting up, making beds, washing, cleaning the cell.
  • 6:30 - breakfast, turn on the radio.
  • 7:15 - turn on electrical outlets. Prisoners can use electric shavers. You can boil water, drink tea if you have tea leaves, or just boiling water.
  • 8:00 - start of the morning check, turn off the radio.
  • 9:00 - examination of prisoners by a doctor.
  • 10:00 - morning walk in a special chamber several meters long. At the same time, patients are taken to the medical unit.
  • 13:00 - lunch.
  • 13:50 - cleaning of cells.
  • 14:00-17:00 - the radio turns on again.
  • 18:00 - dinner (40 minutes).
  • 20:00 - evening check.
  • 20:30 - again switched on sockets and radio are available to prisoners.
  • 22:00 - lights out.


The inmates cannot communicate with each other. There are no more than two to four people in each cell. There are also those who are kept in solitary confinement. There is no standard division for other prisons according to the terms of detention or the severity of the crime. For example, a former policeman and a rapist can sit in the same cell.

Prison gate with dolphins

The prisoners are constantly monitored and sleep with the lights on. Video surveillance is carried out even in showers and toilets. The security guards check the cameras every 15 minutes. Each cell is a kind of “cage within a cage”, as prisoners are separated from doors and windows by additional bars. Moreover, the size of the chamber does not exceed four and a half square meters. Prisoners spend most of their time here, in this essentially small and cramped coffin...

The prescribed daily walks take about an hour a day; for exemplary behavior they can be increased to two hours. Walks are carried out in specially designated boxes.

Prisoners get up at 6 am. They must immediately make the bed, wash themselves and put away the cell. At 7.00 – breakfast, the radio starts working (until 8.00). At 8 o'clock verification begins, after which there is an examination by doctors. At 10.00 – walk in a special narrow box, visit to doctors (if necessary).

At 13:00 there is lunch, from 14:00 to 17:00 the radio is on. Dinner at 18.00. At 20.00 – evening verification. At 22.00 – lights out. During the daytime, lying on the bed is prohibited; you can only sit on a stool. As for food, prisoners are mainly served soup and bread. There is no special dining room; prisoners eat directly in their cells.

The prison has a shoe and sewing workshop. There is even a kind of “vacation” provided for working prisoners - once a year they are placed for twelve days in a special building, where they have the opportunity to play tennis and watch TV. Prisoners can also write letters “from outside”. Four visits are allowed per year: two short-term and two three-day.

Escape from the Black Dolphin is impossible. No one has ever managed to escape. Of course, newcomers made such attempts - but they did not end in success. Such prisoners were put in a punishment cell for fifteen days and their daily food was cut off. In 2021, information was confirmed that one of the prisoners, a certain Alexander Alexandrov, managed to escape (for the first time in the history of the prison). However, he was not kept on death row, but in a settlement colony. The fugitive was subsequently caught. Interestingly, the prisoner was supposed to be released within six months. He managed to escape from a work site where cinder blocks were being made.

Content Features

The rise of prisoners always begins at 6 a.m., regardless of holidays or weekends. After this, time is given to make the bed, wash and check in the morning. You cannot use the bed until lights out. Inmates spend their 16-hour day either standing or taking turns sitting on the only stool in the cell. Here you cannot make noise, talk loudly, sing songs, or smoke. Convicts can listen to the radio for half an hour a day. A TV is a reward for good behavior, but it can only be provided after 10 years of imprisonment.

Every 15 minutes, a round is carried out, during which prisoners are required to stand facing the wall and raise their hands up, palms facing out. The cell duty officer reads out information about each convict. The list includes: last name, first name, patronymic, article and term.

In cells ranging in size from 5 to 10 square meters, 2-4 people sit, who are selected according to their psychotype. If incompatible, inmates are immediately resettled. There are also solitary confinement cells for maniacs and cannibals. Particularly dangerous ones sit in “glasses” - a cage inside the cell. There are 161 prisoners registered with a psychiatrist. Exacerbations of mental illness are not uncommon here. The quiet ones sing songs and cry. Violent people can rush at a shepherd dog - there was such a case.

There is no dining room in the Black Dolphin - food is served into the cell through a small window. The diet mainly consists of soup and bread. Every minute of life is recorded by a video camera. An operator watches the prisoners around the clock, even when the prisoner relieves himself.

Bright lights are on in the cells all night. At the same time, convicts are prohibited from covering their faces with anything. Lighting promotes better recording quality and prevents unforeseen situations, such as suicide attempts or murder.

“Black Dolphin” is a colony with a special regime and strict discipline. Thieves' laws do not apply here, and any violations are excluded. Prisoners are instilled with the idea almost from the doorstep that their lives are worthless and that in case of disobedience, the most severe measures await them. The prison administration explains: the harsh regime is caused by the contingent of inmates. In some institutions, convicts carry out buckets of slop without handcuffs. Here, such negligence can have disastrous consequences for the criminal himself or the colony staff.

Beginning of the 21st century

The official name of the colony is “PKU IK-6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Orenburg Region (YUK-25/6)”, but it is best known by another name – “Black Dolphin”.

Why was the prison called that? It got its name thanks to two sculptures of black dolphins installed in the courtyard in front of the entrance to the administrative building of the colony. They were installed back in 1996, 4 years before the colony was given a new, special status, and they never carried a “high”, poetic meaning.

However, the prisoners held here can only see these statues on TV . The fact is that they enter the territory of the institution in a closed paddy wagon, and move between buildings in a bent position with their hands behind their backs.

In addition, he was also accompanied by at least three guards and with a thick black bag on his head.

At the same time, the whole procedure is not fiction, but real facts, and this is not done just like that. Let's look at the reasons.

  • Firstly , this is done so that the prisoner cannot remember the location of the colony buildings, towers and fence.
  • Secondly , the administration of the colony is very careful to ensure that prisoners do not maintain any contact with each other, including that it is strictly forbidden for them to know who exactly was brought and who “lives” with them in the same walls. This is done, among other things, and for humane reasons, because in the “Black Dolphin” there is, for example, Oleg Rylkov, convicted in 1998 by the Samara Regional Court for the murder of four and rape of 37 minor girls. Or Sergei Shipilov, who came here in 2000 by a court verdict for 14 murders and 9 rape. One can easily imagine what neighbors might do to such citizens if they found out who exactly they were sharing the same walls with.
  • Thirdly , the colony is located within the city limits, and the courtyard is clearly visible from the windows of neighboring buildings and residential buildings. Therefore, concealing the identity of the one who is currently being led through the territory helps to avoid banal blood feud.

“Black Dolphin” has an exemplary and extremely harsh regime of detention. Prisoners are kept in cells of two to four people. The most dangerous are kept in solitary confinement. One of these houses the murderer and cannibal Vladimir Nikolaev, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1997.

Another such “lucky guy” is the notorious Vladimir Mukhankin, a serial killer and robber who terrorized the Rostov region for two months in 1995, killing eight and wounding four people. In 1996, the Rostov Regional Court handed down the death penalty to him, but thanks to the moratorium introduced in the same year, the preventive measure was replaced with life imprisonment and Mukhankin went to the Black Dolphin.

No “thieves’ laws” or criminal “concepts” apply on the territory of the colony . All violators of the regime are placed in isolation, deprived of any entertainment, including short-term (half an hour a day) listening to the radio, and the permitted limit for receiving letters and broadcasts is reduced.

And there is no one to comply with all these “concepts”. If you ask who is in the colony and for what, we can say that the contingent there consists mainly of:

  • serial and mass killers;
  • leaders of organized crime groups;
  • terrorists;
  • Caucasian field commanders.

However, among them there are also professional criminals of the old school. For example, Valery Skoptsov (1951-2004). Having started his criminal activities in his youth, he specialized in thefts and car thefts for a long time. While serving a seven-year sentence for theft of church items, Skoptsov mastered the skills of an engraver, and subsequently achieved serious success in forging documents.

Between 1995 and 1998, he committed several murders, including the group murder of several members of one criminal group, which “dumped” Skoptsov when he worked for them as an engraver. In 1998, he was sentenced to capital punishment by the Oryol Regional Court, but the preventive measure was replaced with life imprisonment. Skoptsov served his sentence in the Black Dolphin , where he died on Cosmonautics Day, April 12, 2004.

Or Sergei Maduev, nicknamed “Chervonets” (1956-2000). He received his first term back in 1974. Upon his release in 1980, he immediately took up robbery and robberies, and a year later he went to jail again, this time for 15 years. In 1988, he escaped from the colony-settlement and returned to his usual craft.

Very soon Maduev began killing people. In total, he accounted for 10 human lives. In 1990, he was detained in Tashkent and transferred to Leningrad, to the famous Kresty detention center.

It was at this time that he gained the greatest fame when he tried to escape from the “Crosses”. Maduev was then detained, but a detention center employee was seriously wounded. The story of this escape formed the basis of the plot of the film “Prison Romance” with A. Abdulov in the title role.

Later, Maduev tried to escape twice more, but in 1995 the St. Petersburg City Court sentenced him to capital punishment, which was commuted to life imprisonment. At first he was in Kresty, then in Novocherkassk, and in November 2000 he was transferred to Black Dolphin, where he died a month later.

It cannot be said that the “thief's suit” avoided acquaintance with these walls . They were most often sent here for “re-education.” The first “thieves in law” who were destined (and awarded) to become acquainted with the order in the colony were the “thieves” known by the nicknames Shurik Ustinovsky and Karzuby. This happened back in the first half of the 1980s and at the moment both are no longer alive.

But he is quite alive, but not to say that another thief in law is alive - Sergei Volkov (Kommunyai), who is serving a five-year sentence within the walls of the Black Dolphin for possession of large quantities of drugs. It should not be surprising that a person who was not sentenced to life imprisonment ended up here.

  • Firstly, Volkov himself is a very authoritative person in the criminal environment. According to rumors, it was he who “uncoronated” another famous thief in law of the North. And keeping him here is only a measure of isolation from his accomplices and “colleagues” in the workshop.
  • Secondly, structurally, IK-6 is a fairly large institution, which includes not only special regime buildings, but also strict ones and even a colony-settlement, where prisoners with different terms are kept.

It was from the colony-settlement that the escape took place in 2021. It was arranged by a certain Alexander Alexandrov, who was sentenced to 5.5 years for robbery. However, he was caught quickly enough. Despite the fact that he legally fled from the same institution, in fact this man had nothing to do with the “Black Dolphin”.

However, it should be noted that in the history of the prison in Sol-Iletsk, this was not the only escape. Thus, in the first 8 months of 1935 alone, 38 escapes were made from the colony, and in 1967, several prisoners made a group escape by digging under the wall. But still, all these episodes happened at a time when the colony was not under a special regime.

From the articles of our experts you can learn about other terrible prisons of the Russian Federation, including the Polar Owl, Snowflake, White Swan, Black Golden Eagle, Vologda Pyatak, Vladimir Central, Matrosskaya Tishina, Butyrka and Lefortovo.

In what conditions are criminals kept?

Prisoners spend most of their time in cells. There is no division based on the number of crimes committed or the time the sentence was served in other prisons (a representative of law enforcement agencies and a rapist may be in the same cell).

Prisoners can leave the secure building for only two reasons - for work or for a walk. The colony has its own production. Prisoners are employed in the sewing or shoe shops.

Features of conditions of detention for convicts:

  1. Prisoners clean their cells themselves.
  2. Daytime sleep is prohibited (you can’t even lie on the bed during the daytime).
  3. The prisoners in the cell are protected from doors and windows by additional bars.
  4. You can listen to the radio for thirty minutes a day.
  5. The main diet consists of soup and bread.
  6. There is no canteen in the prison (convicts eat food in their cells).
  7. For making noise or ignoring prison rules, a prisoner can be placed in isolation.
  8. A cell can hold up to four prisoners, but particularly dangerous ones can be placed in isolated cells.
  9. Smoking is strictly prohibited on prison grounds.
  10. Contact between prisoners is prevented.
  11. Prisoners sleep with the lights on.
  12. If it is necessary to transfer a prisoner to another building, he is blindfolded (so that the criminal cannot remember the layout of the prison).

Prisoners of the “Black Dolphin”: the life of those who can no longer breathe the air of freedom.

Terrible legends surround the places of stay of life-sentence prisoners, but the reality turns out to be even worse. Terrorists, cannibals, rapists, and gang leaders serve life sentences here. Those who are already deprived of all hope of returning to ordinary human life are deprived of all hope of forgiveness.

All such correctional institutions are unusually harsh and, yet, even among them, IK-6 stands out - a colony that has become known as the “Black Dolphin”, the largest colony for life prisoners.

In this article I will tell you about the harshest prison in Russia and at the end we will even “talk” to some of the locals.

Let's go) If the inhabitants of this building participated in a referendum on the use of the death penalty, many would vote “for”, that is, “for” a quick death for themselves.

Among them is Zainudinov Isa Isaevich, born in 1938. Committed a terrorist attack in Buinaksk in 1999. As a result, 58 people died. Tends to run away. And there are about 900 such terrifying examples...

An excerpt from a conversation with Alexander Valerievich Maslich, who was previously repeatedly convicted of premeditated murder. While serving his sentence, he made an attempt on the life of a cellmate with particular cruelty and a subsequent act of cannibalism:

“And what are the most joyful moments of life here, what is the most pleasant thing for you in the situation where you are?”

“Only everything seems to be fine, but the next day everything is bad again, in constant neurosis. There’s even a regime here, the fact that they don’t give us at least 2-3 hours a day to lie down to read a magazine or a newspaper... well, I’m just tired... I, for example, can’t sit for a long time in a cell on a bench - I have kidney disease, it’s cold. On my feet, too, I quickly lose strength. And if there is an extra opportunity, he is constantly in a state of neurosis... If the cellmate is so quarrelsome, constantly swearing, some sideways glances... And one can simply go crazy - I was recently sitting alone, I see he has already started talking to himself...” says Maslich. We would like to bring to your attention another conversation, but this time with Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikolaev, born in 1959.

Characteristics: prone to escape, attack, cannibal. Chronic alcoholic, rude, unbalanced:

-Are you not afraid of the prospect that now you will no longer be released? It’s just that some people told me that they regretted that they weren’t even shot at the time, that life is so hard here, that it would be better to shoot them right away.

-Well... well, I’m of the same opinion. You can simply choose to be sentenced to life or death, you just choose and that’s it. It would be easier that way... If someone wants to live and suffer here, let him suffer. Someone chose the death penalty, let him go to the firing squad,” Vladimir answers.

-Do you have any dreams? Terrible, for example?

-laugh... Well, I don’t remember dreams well... I have both good ones and bad ones.

-Well, you sleep well, right?-

“I sleep well... They give me compotes, they change my linen every week,” says Vladimir.

-Some kind of hotel, one might say...

-Until you’re sitting here, it seems like a hotel. But we ourselves would have sat here, determined whether it was a hotel or not,” Nikolaev added in conclusion. Have you heard about this prison? What do you think, would you like to return the death penalty?

How prisoners work and rest

Approximately 400 prisoners work in the sewing and shoe shops, where there is a real massacre for places. Work is almost the only way to occupy time and get distracted. Prisoners make slippers and other shoes, as well as bed linen. Black Dolphin products are in quite high demand among local enterprises.

In the cells, prisoners are prohibited from talking loudly, singing songs, making noise and smoking. Once a day they are allowed to listen to the radio, but only for half an hour. Some cells have televisions that were bought and brought to the prisoners by their relatives. In this case, convicts can watch some channels, for example, “First” and “Match-TV,” but strictly for four hours.

The Black Dolphin also has a fairly extensive library, it contains more than 12,000 different books. There are both classics and modern literature. In the same library, prisoners can only play checkers (dominoes and chess are prohibited due to the risk of injury) or write a letter to family or the prosecutor. Special regime prisoners are allowed to meet with relatives or friends four times a year, and those who work in sewing workshops can even count on a twelve-day vacation in a neighboring, more comfortable building.

Tatyana Taranova10/11/2018

There are giant black bees

Women's colony in Krasnoyarsk IK-22

(Hereinafter photo Reuters)

This does not include women who have broken the law for the first time - only repeat offenders who have been convicted more than once. There are three types of detention conditions for them: strict, ordinary and light. The strict ones contain the “most inveterate” ones, as well as those who violate internal regulations. You can get into the lighter ones for “exemplary behavior and a conscientious attitude to work.”

A convict and a convict in a prison greenhouse, which at the time of filming (2007) was used not for growing vegetables, but for storing potatoes:

According to 2015 data, of the 837 convicted, the majority (682) are serving their sentences under ordinary conditions, 134 under light conditions and 21 under strict conditions. But everyone’s main occupation in prison is work – mainly in the sewing industry.

Women are also employed in sanitation and construction. On the forums of former inmates, there are complaints that “they were forced to dig a trench and lift concrete slabs.”

The main feature of Krasnoyarsk IK-22 is the opportunity for prisoners to serve their sentences while raising their children, for whom there is a children’s home on the territory. True, we are talking only about children under 3 years old. While mothers are busy with work and other prison duties, the children are under the supervision of qualified caregivers and teachers “from the outside.”

Convicted mothers take their children for a walk:

After 3 years, children are either given to relatives or sent to a regular orphanage. But if the mother has less than a year left to sit at the time of his third birthday, the child is left to her.

In addition to reminders of family, incarcerated women are given experimental therapy designed to return them to normal life. For example, in this photo they are drawing pictures from sand under the supervision of a prison psychologist.

There is also a psychological relaxation room.

The Russian prison system is just beginning to be changed to meet global “humane standards,” and many doubt that the improvements that are shown to journalists and television reporters are actually then used in everyday prison life. And a significant part of society does not understand at all why “brighten the lives” of ordinary criminals and murderers. Here, by the way, is an example of maximum humanity: look, .

How life prisoners live in the “Black Dolphin” of the Orenburg region

Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service work daily with accused and convicted persons. According to inspectors, the work is not easy, because among the criminals there are also especially dangerous ones. So, Yuri Kozlov works in the “Black Dolphin” in a special regime zone.

Yuri Kozlov, head of the center supervising the production activities of IK No. 6: “I have been working in the system since 2007, for 12 years. You can show softness in your attitude towards convicts, which will not allow you to conduct the service normally, because there are different types of convicts.”

The official name of “Black Dolphin” is correctional colony No. 6. Its history begins in the 18th century. There are currently 608 people sentenced to prison in prison. PLS nicknames are the short name employees of the institution give to those who will remain in prison until the end of their days. Here rapists, murderers, maniacs get a chance for education and employment.

Yuri Kozlov, head of the center supervising the production activities of penal colony No. 6: “Convicted prisoners are trained on the job, they are also given lectures, there are teachers who come, give lectures, and arrange exams. After which they are given a certificate that they have completed professional training.”

The knowledge that convicts receive can be applied in practice only in prison, in daily work. Those serving sentences provide themselves with everything they need, including food. There is money left over even for sweets that you can buy at a local store. Convicts produce uniform items themselves. Caps, leather combat boots, tunics, which are then supplied to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in different cities of Russia.

Valery Yants, serving his sentence in Correctional Colony No. 6: “In the morning we get up at six o’clock, correction, exercise, breakfast and go to work. Each performs its own specific operation. For example, I do the cutting of sleeves and assembling cuffs.”

Valery Yants has been in the Black Dolphin for 11 years of his life sentence. Convicted of killing three people. However, he assures that the punishment was too cruel. Other convicts also consider their imprisonment in this colony to be cruel. They ask the inspectors to let them go home as a joke, because they know that now their home is here, within four walls and with bars on the windows. Those sentenced to life are also entitled to rest. At one o'clock in the afternoon they are taken out of the cells for a walk, which is also limited by the walls. Convicts are allowed to walk, run around the square perimeter and sit. But few people want to sit, because after the walk they go back to the cell. This procedure applies to all convicts, especially those who are not busy with work.

Danil Kandyba, deputy head for personnel and educational work, lieutenant colonel of the internal service: “About 80 percent of convicts are employed. There are people who are not employed, but they have either reached retirement age or are disabled.”

As convict Valery Yants admits, he would be glad to see his family; a child, wife and mother remain free, but it is difficult for them to get from Kaliningrad. And he himself hopes for parole, as do many here. Let us remind you that the right to apply for early release begins after 25 years of imprisonment. Prison officials say that most of the convicts do not understand why they were imprisoned, because they killed under the influence of alcohol. Now here they all not only don’t drink, but also don’t smoke.

Colony history

The first life-long prisons in the Orenburg region appeared in Catherine’s times:

The history of the “Black Dolphin” dates back to Catherine’s time. After the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion in 1773, a need arose in these parts for a prison for exiled robbers. Centuries have passed, but the purpose of the institution has never changed. Strong walls in the Orenburg steppes served all Russian Sovereigns equally faithfully. There was transfer here, a prison, and tuberculosis “specialization,” but the prison always remained a prison[2].

The famous German actress Carola Neher died in this prison in 1942.

It received the status of a colony for life prisoners in the early 2000s; previously there was a special hospital for prisoners here.

Reception schedule for citizens

Reception of citizens occurs daily strictly according to the schedule:

  • from 9 to 10 o'clock applications from relatives of the prisoner are accepted;
  • from 10 to 11 a.m., paperwork and applications are processed;
  • from 9 o'clock they begin to receive broadcasts;
  • from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., long-term or short-term visits with relatives or loved ones of the imprisoned person are permitted;
  • from 14 to 16 hours, parcels, parcels and letters from prisoners are issued (correspondence is subject to strict censorship - for example, swearing in letters is strictly prohibited);
  • From 15 to 18 hours, citizens are received individually.

Disabled people of the first and second groups, veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War are accepted without a queue.

Colony history

The facility was erected in 1756 by decree of Elizabeth Petrovna, which read: “Kolodniks subject to exile to Orenburg should not be kept in prison for a long time, but sent away immediately, those fit for recruits and any work should be selected.” Convicts were sent to Iletskaya Zashchita to work in the salt mines. In 1824, the fortress was destroyed, and in its place a prison was erected to hold prisoners. Before the October Revolution, it served first as a transit prison, then as a concentration camp, and at the end of the war it received the status of the Sol-Iletsk prison of the NKVD for holding persons under investigation.

Then in 1965, the institution was transformed into a special regime correctional colony for prisoners with open tuberculosis. And only in the early 2000s was its current status determined - a correctional colony for convicts sentenced to life imprisonment. During the same period, a global reconstruction of the building and a major overhaul of all buildings and structures were carried out in a short time. In connection with the change in the type of regime and the contingent of inmates, new video surveillance cameras, tracking and access systems to the territory were installed, new checkpoints were built and the number of service dogs was increased. And in 2006, a new security building was opened.

In its current state, “Black Dolphin” is the largest specialized penitentiary institution in Russia, which many experts call exemplary. Exceptional discipline and order are maintained here; the colony fully complies with all international norms and standards.

During the USSR

In Soviet times until the mid-1960s, it was an ordinary penal colony. It was within its walls that the German actress Carola Neher died of typhus in 1942. After the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1934, she and her husband, communist Anatoly Becker, moved to the USSR.

However, already in 1936 they were both arrested and convicted under the notorious Article 58. Becker was sentenced to death, and Neer herself received 10 years in the camps and was sent to the Sol-Iletsk colony. In 1959, Neher and Becker were rehabilitated.

After the war, the Sol-Iletsk colony received the status of an NKVD prison for holding persons under investigation. In 1965, it was rebuilt again, this time to house prisoners suffering from severe forms of tuberculosis.

In 2000, this institution underwent another conversion - this time into a special regime colony, which would house prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment. In connection with the radical change of regime, a huge amount of work was done to reorganize the cameras, tracking and access systems , the staff was significantly increased, and even a new building was put into operation.

Since then, the colony has been the largest place of detention of its type. It can hold up to 1,600 people.

Prison Black Dolphin

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Black Dolphin

The city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg region

It is called “death prison”, “a prisoner’s worst dream” and “a cemetery for bandits”: the majority of the inhabitants of this maximum security colony are the most severe criminals, sentenced for life. For example, the cannibal Vladimir Nikolaev, who butchered his drinking companions into minced meat for dumplings, Oleg Rylkov, who raped 37 little girls, or Sergei Shipilov, who killed 12 women.

In total, about 700 people are detained here, over 160 of whom have mental disabilities. According to the jailers, local prisoners are responsible for at least 4,000 innocent people killed.

The colony got its unofficial name from the sculpture of a black dolphin that adorns the pretty lawn in front of the administrative building.

Some sources claim that it was once made by the prisoners themselves. Whether this is true or not, none of the modern inhabitants of the area have ever seen the sculpture with their own eyes: upon arrival here, everyone is put a canvas bag on their head. Firstly, for the safety of the convicts themselves, and secondly, so that they would not have the slightest idea of ​​the layout of the area.

Indeed, no one has escaped from this prison since 1967. There is a dark joke in circulation here: “The only way to escape is death.” And the conditions of detention are such that most prisoners would prefer execution instead of a life sentence.

Prisoners generally live in groups of two, in a cell measuring 4.5 square meters. meter, where there is an iron bunk bed (the beds must be made immaculately), a washbasin, a toilet, a narrow table and an iron stool. Everything is firmly screwed to the floor, and from the moment you get up at 6 a.m. until 16 hours before bedtime, it is strictly forbidden to even sit on the bed - the violator will be punished with a rubber truncheon and sent to a punishment cell.

The cells are under video surveillance around the clock; the lights are never turned off, even at night. Only a narrow strip of light is visible from the barred window. It is impossible to see anything else: the cell is a “cage within a cage”, which is separated from both the window and the door. The food - a bowl of soup and a piece of bread - is served directly to the cell (there is no canteen in the prison).

The convict makes any movements along the corridors of the prison outside his cell, accompanied by three guards and a dog handler with a dog. At the same time, he is kept in a half-bent position, and, if necessary, blindfolded.

The Black Dolphin doesn't even have a prison yard for exercise - the prisoners "walk" (that is, step back and forth) in the same four walls with bars on top, and only dim daylight penetrates here through the canopy on the roof.

During the “walks,” security carefully checks and searches the cells.

The rest of the time, a round is made every 15 minutes. Moreover, as soon as you ring the key or the window for serving food, everyone in the cell is obliged to freeze in place, spread their arms and legs and spread their fingers. At the command “Report!” The cell officer on duty quickly lists who is in prison for what crimes - full name, start date and article.

If the security notices the slightest violation, the command “Return to the starting line!” is sounded. The prisoners instantly take the so-called “KU pose” - although in fact it is too far from the one in the comedy film “Kin-dza-dza”: facing the wall, bending towards the knees, with eyes closed and mouth open, with eyes raised up hands and fingers spread out.

Unlike other prisons, in the Black Dolphin, prisoners are allowed to work only after serving 10 years, and only if they behaved “exactly,” so work for them is the main reward and entertainment. Such “lucky” people sew shoes in specialized chambers.

However, the strictest regime, constant stress, poor nutrition and tuberculosis even earlier lead to degradation - mental and physical. At best, prisoners simply turn into robots.

Life in a special regime colony

The colony contains especially dangerous criminals who have killed a large number of victims, rapists of children and women, cannibals and leaders of criminal gangs. Conditions in prison are, of course, particularly harsh.

Convicts are housed in cells for 2-4 people, and some of them are strictly in solitary confinement. Each of them has a space of 4.5 square meters.

Before convicts are moved to their cells, psychologists work with them. This is necessary so that the cellmates fit each other as well as possible and do not show aggression. By the way, the most famous cannibal Nikolaev is sitting in a cell all alone.

In addition, the Black Dolphin colony has a number of other features:

  • The lights are on in the cells day and night;
  • Video filming is carried out around the clock;
  • Every 15 minutes the guards make their rounds;
  • Each chamber is surrounded on the inside by bars;
  • One convict is escorted by three guards and one dog handler with a dog;
  • When convicts move within the colony, their eyes are tightly covered with bandages or bags;
  • Walks are carried out in special boxes;
  • Complete smoking ban.

For the first 10 years, convicts are subject to a special regime. They are only entitled to 2 short-term visits. If during this time no violations of order were recorded on the part of the convicted person, he receives the right to long-term visits.

Only after 15 years of serving his sentence can he be transferred from special to strict regime.

Theoretically, a high-security criminal has the right to be released on parole after his request is granted. However, in fact, in 2021 this is only an illusory hope.

The judges have an unequivocal conviction on this matter - to reject all petitions. But according to statistics, most of those held in the “Black Dolphin” still hope to be released on parole.

Severe daily routine

Every day spent in a colony for lifers is a test. The prison staff does not show any respect, concessions or sympathy for them.

After all, these people should have been shot if a moratorium on the death penalty had not been imposed in the country.

Every day in the colony we wake up at 6 am. No one has the right to sit or lie down after 6 a.m. until lights out. You have to spend the whole day on your feet.

The daily routine of a particularly dangerous criminal looks something like this:

  • 6.00 – rise and wash;
  • 6.30 – tomorrow, radio;
  • 7.15 – providing access to sockets for shaving or boiling water;
  • 9.00 – examination by a doctor;
  • 10.00 – walk;
  • 13.00 – lunch;
  • 18.00 – dinner;
  • 22.00 – lights out.

The rest of the time, convicts work. On the territory of the prison there are several workshops for sewing, carpentry and cinder block production.

Convicts can receive a TV from relatives, but the number of channels they can watch is strictly limited. Advertising is cut out, leaving only news, movies and sports TV shows.

Who is sitting in the "Black Dolphin"?

“Black Dolphin” is a prison for life sentences and more . In addition to them, convicts held under general regime are serving their sentences within the prison walls.

Those who behave well are transferred to a strict regime . Their daily routine and conditions of detention change slightly. By the way, one of the convicts once took advantage of this relief and escaped.

When did the prisoner escape?

In 2021, news leaked to the media about how an escape was made from the harshest prison.

The story achieved resonance due to the fact that all citizens are aware of the special conditions of detention in this prison, and it is clear how it was necessary to contrive in order to escape from the “Black Dolphin”.

Everything turned out to be much simpler. A certain convict, Aleksandrov, was serving a 5.5-year sentence in a colony for robbery. He was kept under lenient conditions of detention.

While working in a cinder block workshop, he escaped, although at that time he only had a few months left to sit.

Aleksandrov was quickly caught free and returned to serving his sentence, but under stricter conditions of detention.

The most dangerous criminals of the Black Dolphin

In this prison, if he is not convicted, he is a particularly dangerous criminal. The number of victims of these people sometimes amounts to tens of people.

Here is a list of those who ended up in custody in this correctional institution for the atrocities they committed:

  • Vladimir Nikolaev is the same famous cannibal who killed and ate 2 people;
  • Akhmed Ismailov - terrorist who blew up the government house in Chechnya, killing 83 people;
  • Oleg Rylkov is a rapist and murderer who took the lives of 4 people and committed 37 rapes;
  • Radik Galiakberov – head of the organized crime group “Hadi Taktash”;
  • Vladimir Mukhankin – killer of 8 people;
  • Sergei Shipilov – killer of 12 women.

In addition, several thieves in law were imprisoned in the Black Dolphin. Among them are Gorgidze, Oniani, Shurik Marimukha and Kommunyai.

What is "Black Dolphin"? “Black Dolphin” is the most terrible prison in Russia. Dangerous criminals, bloodthirsty killers and maniacs serve their sentences there. Among them there is even a man who raped and killed his six-month-old daughter.

The history of each crime of a convicted person in this colony instills fear and horror in the heads and souls of even seasoned investigators and judges.

These people pose a huge danger to society and should be isolated forever in a place where only a sculpture of a dolphin can please their eyes.

Video: Black Dolphin Prison


The history of life-long prisons in general and the “Black Dolphin” in particular began under Catherine the Great - after Pugachev’s uprising, the need arose for the exile and imprisonment of robbers related to the rebellion.

By the middle of the 18th century, the prison became a place of exile for especially dangerous robbers and political criminals - prisoners here performed hard hard labor associated with the extraction and primary processing of salt. Few could withstand such conditions, so the prison always had a high mortality rate among prisoners.

At the beginning of the 20th century, “Black Dolphin” was a transit prison and a place for exile for prisoners suffering from tuberculosis.

During the Soviet Union, this place turned into a concentration camp. At the end of the 20th century, the Black Dolphin building housed a hospital for convicted criminals suffering from advanced tuberculosis.

And only at the beginning of the 21st century “Black Dolphin” turned into the institution that it still is - a place of detention for citizens sentenced to life.

In addition to the so-called “death row” prisoners, who are destined to spend the rest of their lives within these walls, the institution houses criminals sentenced to a long period with the right to apply for consideration of release after 25 years of imprisonment.

It is worth noting that not a single person has ever been released from the Black Dolphin.

“Vladimir Central” - what is it: a prison or a museum? Read about it here.

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