From scrip to prison: what you can’t talk about and how not to get caught in the “sixes”

Period of settling into the cell. Features of behavior

It is believed that the most difficult test for a prisoner is meeting convicts. In the zone, this stage is called “registration”. In our article, you can find out not only how to survive in prison, but also how to properly get to know the convicts so that the term of imprisonment does not turn into a series of serious trials.

It is important to know how to behave when meeting convicts. In each prison, “registration” is completely different. As a rule, a beginner is asked questions with meaning. It is for this reason that you need to be careful and not say anything unnecessary. Under no circumstances behave aggressively towards other convicts, even if you are an athlete and confident in your abilities. This is no coincidence, because in prison everyone lives “by rules”, and any thoughtless word towards a local authority can result in a series of trials for you.

When entering the cell, do not rush, walk at a slow and measured pace. It is imperative to say hello and get to know everyone. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when meeting convicts for the first time, you should under no circumstances extend your hand to shake hands. This is no coincidence, because in prisons there are categories of citizens who are not greeted in this way.

The recommendations that are described in our article will allow you to figure out how to survive in prison. Thanks to them, if you are convicted, you will be able to quickly adapt to the zone and preserve your physical and mental health as much as possible.

Russia and the romance of the zones

Russian prisons are a separate topic for discussion. Only in our country the place of serving a sentence is so romanticized. AUE culture, concepts and thieves' chanson are still in demand in society. You know for sure that you need to answer the question about a fork in the eye, because in our environment this is a common topic.

The Russian prison differs from all others because of its prisoners. Or rather, their ingenuity. They came up with hundreds of ways not to die of boredom. Tattoos, songs, gambling and much more help pass the time. By the way, you can bring a mobile phone into a prison with a lower security regime and post your photos to the public page “Overheard in the Zone.” It’s not difficult to meet “smooth women” who will wait until you, poor fellow, “lay back.” The main thing is not to be considered a rooster.

In zones like the Black Dolphin, everything is much stricter. People never leave there, and life there is completely different. There are constant checks, and prisoners are led around the perimeter with a blindfold - so they won’t remember the layout of the building.

The living conditions are not the most comfortable, but the hands are trying to equip their shack. You can get a fresher sheet, snatch an old TV, or find a mattress without yellow spots if you make good contacts. It’s difficult here without connections, because the rules of residence are often dictated by local authorities. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to warm someone up with tea or cigarettes.

Features of communication in prison

Few people know, but prison has its own rules of communication between convicts. If a newcomer does not comply with them, then he risks falling into the caste of the socially unadapted. As a rule, criminal authorities do not accept such convicts and humiliate them every day. First of all, you need to remember a few features.

Under no circumstances should you say the words “thank you” or “offended” on prison grounds. The use of profanity is also prohibited. This is not accidental, because you can accidentally offend a person respected in prison and thus lower your authority. It is also worth noting that in the zone all convicts use slang. It is for this reason that at first it will be quite difficult for a newcomer to understand what his cellmates are talking about.

If, through your own or someone else’s fault, you have ended up in prison, we strongly recommend that you follow the prison rules. Thanks to this, you can earn authority.

From scrip to prison: what you can’t talk about and how not to get caught in the “sixes”

Having lived in three Zakamsk pre-trial detention centers and a Nizhnekamsk colony, Sergei Eretnov spoke about prison life and the life of prisoners Photo: Oleg Spiridonov
Often, the person under investigation spends many months, or even years, in a pre-trial detention center cell, waiting for a court decision and with it another 20 people. Every day in the cell begins with cleaning - washing the floors, toilet, sink. The prisoners themselves do this, having determined the order of duty. You can refuse to clean - no one will force you, but is it worth opposing yourself to everyone? Usually only older people are not involved in duty. The administration provides all the tools and supplies needed for cleaning. In Chistopol, for example, the head of the pre-trial detention center is so passionate about order that the employees themselves go through the cells asking who needs what to maintain cleanliness. Cleanliness is the main rule of prison life, both in the cell and personally. If someone starts to smell, they will reprimand him for not washing his hands after using the toilet - “go wash it.” One way or another, the dirty roommate will be forced to wash himself. Since assault is prohibited, they can hit you with a basin if you really don’t understand the words. It's not so much painful as it is humiliating.

There are no exercises or morning walks here; prisoners wake up at whatever time they want, just before the morning divorce. Prisoners are counted in the morning and evening. There is nothing to do in the cell, so everything is constantly being erased. If you want to get a haircut, you turn to the supervisor for the scissors; in general, you can contact him for any similar reason. In addition, household or personal care items are sold in the prison store.

Money is prohibited in the zone, but every prisoner has an account. This store does not have a display case - there is a list of goods from which you can order: groceries, cigarettes - in general, everything you need is there, the list is extensive. The assortment, of course, is not very diverse - for example, there are not 20 types of gingerbread, but one, but there are enough product categories.

Cigarettes remain the main currency in domestic circulation. When I got here, I once again congratulated myself on not smoking. Even financially secure prisoners experience difficulties with smoking - they are shot at. This, of course, is not accepted, but what remains for those who have no money at all? No one will say a word about refusal, of course, but there are almost no overtly rich people in the zone, and most prisoners have very, very limited opportunities - relatives do not send money, they do not send large parcels. Cigarettes can be used to pay for services. For example, prison hairdressers work for cigarettes and sweets. In the Nizhnekamsk camp there were three of them with professional hair clippers, each with several clients every day. Hairdressers don't know the need.

Tea is also a currency, but not a clear one, we need to negotiate. Many people drink chifir, but I would advise you not to forget that it is harmful. I didn’t chifir myself.


It is better to share transfers from the outside, although no one obliges you. What and how much a prisoner will allocate “to the common fund” depends only on him: you can pour some tea, you can treat him to sweets. No one will take anything without permission, unless there is a special mutual understanding in the cell or room. The easiest way, by the way, is to receive parcels through the temporary detention center when you come to investigative events - you should warn your relatives to bring them there. When you arrive from a temporary detention center with a parcel, it is not inspected again - it is considered that it has already been checked. In some cases, this matters - in particular, you can get the cigarettes through intact, otherwise during inspection in the camp they are often broken.

By and large, there are no taboo topics for conversation behind bars, but there are topics that are best avoided. I would not recommend talking about your relationships with women. There are people who are interested in this after a long celibacy - they can spin it for frankness, and this is fraught. In general, you shouldn’t reveal too much, especially from those sides that don’t concern anyone. There have been cases when, due to careless statements, a person ended up in a cell with “lowered” ones. I’ll tell you how an ordinary village boy of about 25 got into trouble. They asked him how things were with his wife, would he wait? It will, he says. Do you like kissing? We love you. Do you have oral sex? Not without it. And that’s it - the guy went to another cell, because he admitted that first his wife stimulated him orally, and then with the same lips... In general, there is no need to tell much about yourself - people are still strangers, criminals. If provocative questions are too persistent and alarming, you can simply ask: “For what purpose are you interested?” Let them first explain what the questions are for.

Whether to talk about why he ended up in a pre-trial detention center (or in a camp) is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but asking about it is not very polite. If they do ask, then there is no point in hiding it - they will find out anyway. The shameful article will appear immediately, but now there are few of them left. About 20 years ago, life was difficult for a rapist in the zone, but at some point there were too many prisoners jailed for rape. They stopped standing out. The article, of course, still remains disrespected, but people in the zone have now begun to figure out on an individual basis whether you really are an animal or a victim of circumstances. There were many cases when girls wrote statements because of some grievances that were not related to violence. We had a guy who “raped” his wife. But a real rapist may well be transferred to the “dead” at the request of prisoners - for example, there was a man who was imprisoned for 11 years for raping minors. Having received a sentence from the state, he lives in the camp like hell, actually paying for the crime twice as much. In this I see the highest justice.

Caution in conversations about the article and your criminal case is especially important at the stage of the temporary detention facility, because here there may be a decoy provocateur among the cellmates. People from the street are sitting in the temporary detention center; it’s easier to place an employee here - there’s no need to open a criminal case. In addition, the investigators’ interest in the prisoner’s frankness is at its most lively at this time. A person does not appear in a pre-trial detention center out of the blue, he is already under investigation, but in the camp there is no point in planting an agent - everyone there is already convicted.


Of course, special slang also exists in the camp for first-timers, but it is not as developed as in the zones for experienced campers. Well, for example, a person prone to deception, who is not very decent, can be characterized as “curly-haired”, and it can be said about him that he “braids curls.” It’s not a stigma and doesn’t seem to be offensive, but everyone understands what it’s about.

Gambling is regulated. If a newcomer is offered to play for fun, for example, cards, then the game is allowed only with what he has on him. Playing in debt is prohibited in principle - not only agreeing to it, but also offering it if the initiator knows that there is nothing to pay with. Before the game, you need to show what you are playing for - only someone who is trusted at his word, who is known to be responsible for his words, can ignore the rule.

Requests like “go and get me something” should be refused in most cases. A person with whom you have a trusting relationship can ask, and that’s normal. There is also no shame in helping an elderly person. You need to feel the line between a friendly request and exploitation. Requests for certain services require a reason; an overly executive person can easily acquire the label of “six”. At the same time, there are certain responsibilities that need to be treated with understanding. For example, in a pre-trial detention center at night, ropes are stretched between the windows along which mail moves. This is called "road". Someone has to sit up half the night and watch the “road.” This method of communication is officially prohibited, of course, but since there is nothing wrong with it, prison administrations allow it. Young people sit on the “roads” - people over 40 are automatically exempt from this duty.

It hasn’t happened to me, but there are still circumstances when you have to firmly protest against the actions of the administration. If it has come to this, I want to warn you that a hunger strike is not the best form of protest. Today there are ways to force feed, pump nutrients into the body. If you nevertheless decide to go on hunger strike, the first thing you need to do is write to the prosecutor about this, submitting a statement through a lawyer. But in general, if the situation is ripe, no matter how crazy it may sound, it’s easier to “open up.” Experienced prisoners, by the way, know how to open themselves in such a way that the threat to life is minimal. I have already written that in the zone there are always people ready to open their veins for the common good, although in Tatarstan they try not to let prisoners do this.

Next time, in the final part of the series about prison, we will talk about the differences between the three Tatarstan pre-trial detention centers and the main systemic problem of the regional Federal Penitentiary Service.

Sergey Eretnov

Prison tattoos

It is no secret that convicts often get tattoos on their bodies. Few people know, but each drawing has a separate meaning. Prison tattoos allow you to learn more about the views on life of a particular convict. You can find their detailed decoding in our article.

It is not uncommon for prisoners to see a tattoo of five dots on their arm. As a rule, it is stuffed at the base of the thumb. Such a tattoo is a kind of symbol that indicates that the person was in prison.

The most popular prison tattoos are epaulets. As a rule, such a pattern is located on the shoulders. It can symbolize that its owner completely denies any power. Often such convicts do not obey the supervision inspectors and start a riot.

On the territory of the prison you can meet prisoners with a rather unique tattoo, namely a dot above the eyebrow. Such a symbol indicates that its owner belongs to the group of socially maladapted people. As a rule, they are subjected to constant violence and humiliation within the zone.

China and prison cities

China is a progressive economic state. But it’s not at all humane. Because every person within the country is under total control. The government has introduced ways to influence the population: electronic karma and a facial recognition system. Now think about where this was tested. After all, you can’t just enter something without knowing whether it works or not.

China used the local ethnic minority, the Uyghurs, as experimental mice. In western China, near the border with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the Xinjiang province is located. In the 40s of the last century, the communists of the Middle Kingdom annexed this territory for themselves. This is where those same Uyghurs live. They have a different culture and religion (Islam), which does not fit into the Chinese framework.

The government tried for a long time to assimilate the people, but nothing succeeded. Then the authorities took advantage of the 2009 case. There was a rumor that a group of Uyghurs raped a Chinese woman in Urumqi. The Chinese population of the city came out to a spontaneous rally. They demanded reprisals against the criminals. This is where the most interesting thing happened. The government said:

“If we don’t re-educate the Uyghurs, things will get worse.”

As a result, repression began in Xinjiang. The government spent $8 billion on its cruel games. Urumqi, a city of over a million, has turned into a testing ground. Cameras, police and everything you need for an ideal dystopia. Residents were labeled into three categories: Chinese, safe Uyghur and unsafe. The latter are no longer on the city streets. No, they are not sitting at home - they are being exiled en masse to camps. Imagine: every tenth representative of this national minority is in a “re-education center”. This is how assimilation is carried out in China.

We'll add a little more tin, so don't relax. In the colonies, prisoners have no time for chess made from bread crumbs. They are instilled with the basics of communism, prohibited from practicing religion, and taught the Chinese language. In general, they turn into full-fledged citizens of the country. Or robots, whatever you want to call them. The day begins with exercise at 7 am with the national anthem and flag raising. Thus, an alien culture is forcibly instilled. If you do not agree, you will be subject to torture. Therefore, after two years you come out of there like silk.

Propaganda tools also work outside the concentration camp. There are dozens of mosques in the million-plus city of Urumqi. But none of them work. Bans on beards and conversations with Muslim relatives are the apogee of cruelty. Total surveillance, metal detectors, passport control and a sea of ​​police - this is what the locals live among. Lack of freedom in the colony and beyond.

General information about prison concepts

If you do not want your life in the zone to turn into a series of humiliations and trials, then you need to respect the local rules. It is no secret that convicts in prison set their own laws. You can find out their features in our article. We strongly recommend that you study them.

Thieves' concepts and their observance will allow you to take your rightful place in the prison hierarchy. Few people know, but all those convicted belong to one caste or another. In general, all prisoners can be divided into lawbreakers, authorities, socially maladapted and statistically average. The most important place in the prison hierarchy is occupied by authorities, but socially unadapted prisoners are constantly subjected to humiliation and violence. It is worth noting that not all newly arrived convicts know that thieves’ concepts prohibit eating food from the parcel on their own. The prisoner must share food in order to avoid conflict situations in the future.

It is worth noting that sexual topics are under no circumstances allowed to be discussed on prison grounds. This is not accidental, because convicts who live by the rules react aggressively to certain types of sexual contact. Any thoughtless word can result in a bad reputation.

Norway: Criminals are people too

On social networks 7-8 years ago, news was actively promoted about the conditions of detention of the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik. He killed 77 people. You probably remember the terrible events in Oslo in 2011. So, many were surprised that the maniac would be kept in a five-star hotel. A soft bed, like a grandmother’s in the village, a work area with a computer and a window overlooking the garden. The confusion among people is easy to explain. In our minds, a person who has committed a crime must rot out the remains of his life on a hard bunk. This is his legal punishment for what he did. Norway treats prisoners humanely. The main argument in favor of such views:

“We let criminals know that they are people too. They can reform and live among people.”

Evil does not thrive inside Norwegian prisons. There are no crime bosses or thieves in law here. Prisoners conduct introspection and look for a place in life. The state is trying to return them to society and teach them how to live. In our prison, prisoners fit into the established framework of “concepts” and emerge as carriers of the AUE culture. It's logical. Statistics on repeat offenders confirm this argument. In Russia, 70% of criminals repeat their rotten experience. In the USA - 80%. At least in some ways they are better than the Americans. In Norway, only 20% of people go to the colony again.

In order to fight the evil in the hearts of criminals, in Scandinavia they are placed in normal conditions. Sports grounds help keep the body in shape, access to literature gives a chance to enrich oneself culturally, and working with a psychologist eradicates the source of the problem. Thus, the prisoner develops within the framework of traditional society. Unlike China, here people are free to choose the boundaries of their interests. The main thing is to remain humane.

Prison jargon

As we said earlier, prisons have their own language jargon. In our article you can find out the meaning of some words and phrases.

On the territory of the prison you can often hear the phrase citizen chief. It has several meanings. First of all, this phrase is used when addressing surveillance inspectors and security. In this way, the convicts demonstrate their respect for the administration. As we said earlier, the phrase “citizen boss” is used in different variations. This is often addressed not only to the administration, but also to prison authorities.

On the territory of the zone, the convicted person may be offered chifir. Few people know, but this is a strong tea that includes a large amount of tea leaves. As a rule, it is drunk by prisoners who do not want to go to bed.

It is worth noting that you should never steal on prison grounds. In the zone, such people are called rats. As a rule, such prisoners are subjected to constant violence and humiliation.

Tattooing in prison conditions. Past and reality

Not everyone can withstand life in the zone. The reality is shocking. In fact, there is unsanitary conditions and lawlessness in the colonies. As we said earlier, almost every prisoner has a tattoo on their body. Is this procedure safe in a prison environment? You can find out this and much more in our article.

During Soviet times, getting a tattoo in a zone was extremely dangerous. Ink or soot was used as paint. Instead of a needle, which, by the way, is a prohibited item, staples from notebooks were used. Today more professional tools are used. Due to the unsanitary conditions that are present during the process of applying drawings to the body, prisoners run the risk of contracting serious infectious diseases.

Prohibited items

Life in the zone is a serious test for a prisoner. In order not to conflict with the administration, you need to know the rules of conduct in prison. In our article you can find out which items a prisoner should never have in his possession.

Supervision inspectors are required to confiscate prohibited items from convicts. These include drugs, phones, alcohol and weapons. If a prohibited item is found on a prisoner, he is placed in a punishment cell for an indefinite period. After this, life in the zone for the violator turns into a series of trials.

The USA is the most criminal country in the world

In the USA there are problems with safety on the streets. 80% of those in prison are prone to relapse. The country also ranks first in the world in terms of the number of prisoners: 655 prisoners per 100 thousand people. For comparison: in Russia the figure is almost 2 times less. The fight against crime in the States is less productive than in Norway.

There are 7 thousand correctional institutions in the country. Agree, this does not fit with the idea of ​​the most democratic country. Particularly surprising is the fact that there are more prisons than colleges and universities.

What makes local prisons stand out is the presence of clans. Blacks and Latinos are constantly at odds with each other. The plot of the film “Shoot into the Void” is quite true. Therefore, if you sit down, be prepared to join one of the groups. Otherwise, while walking you will snatch from both one and the other. By the way, the walking areas in prisons are spacious. If you haven’t done anything wrong, then you’ll sit where you can freely walk around the yard, go to the rocking chair or play basketball with the black kids.

There is nothing unusual in the cell: two bunks and that’s it. The prisoners share showers. By the way, prisoners do not welcome those who spread violence inside the zone. Homosexuality is not in fashion with them; they are disgusted to live in such an environment. But there is a place for tenderness: Latinos love to watch soap operas. Perhaps they watched the American version of “House-2”. Black people turn on music channels. And don’t even think about switching! For this you can get a sharpening in the liver.

Items of prison production

Most of the convicts work in the zone. Almost every prison has a huge variety of production machines. Thanks to them, convicts can not only work, but also receive wages for this. As a rule, prisoners sew uniforms and create forged and wooden products. Those convicts who can draw well make paintings and icons. Subsequently, handmade items are exported. They are in great demand. This is no coincidence, because the price of the finished product is quite low, but its quality will please even the most demanding buyer.

Types of prisons

There is a certain classification of prisons among inspectors and prisoners themselves. The black zone is limitless. Convicts who are on its territory freely use mobile phones and can even afford drugs and alcohol. As a rule, sooner or later all employees of such a prison become convicted.

Another variety is the red zone. On its territory, prisoners are completely under the control of inspectors. Riots often occur in such prisons. Convicts protest against the administration. They go on hunger strikes, run away and refuse to work. As a rule, such riots are quickly eliminated. Convicts who staged a protest are punished and placed in isolation. Often, violators are also given additional time.

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