Party for 8 years in prison. Why is the “rapist” more pitied than the “victim”?

  • Laws and rules for the location of buildings
  • How to take measurements correctly
  • Location of the house on the site according to the standards
  • Standards for the location of other buildings
  • Other requirements and standards for site planning
  • Penalties for non-compliance

Before starting active development, each owner needs to study the rules for the location of buildings on a land plot.
This will allow you to subsequently avoid conflicts with neighbors and all kinds of penalties from authorized bodies. Today we will talk about how to properly place structures.

Laws and rules for the location of buildings

To avoid unnecessary questions, we note that the current standards were created taking into account the experience of operating structures and were developed specifically to ensure the safety of health and life. That is, you need to follow the norms not because someone just invented them, this is a real necessity that can save you a lot of nerves, strength and health.

All standards for the location of the house and other structures on the site, which we will talk about, are mandatory or advisory in nature. The first ones must be fulfilled, the second ones - at the request of the owner. The latter include, for example, requirements that were previously in force but were cancelled.

How many days of sick leave are payable?

Child care benefits are paid from the Social Insurance Fund. This is a significant difference from sick leave for temporary disability of the employee himself, who is paid by the employer for the first three days.

The limitation on payment terms is important. In relation to children's sick leave, they are determined depending on the age and severity of the disease:

  • no more than 60 days a year (for code 09) and no more than 90 days a year (for code 12) - for children under 7 years of age;
  • no more than 45 days in total and no more than 15 days at a time - for children aged 7-15 years;
  • no more than 120 days a year - for a disabled child up to the age of 18;
  • without restrictions and limits - for a child under 18 years of age who has HIV, malignant tumors or post-vaccination complications.

These time limits apply exclusively to sick leave payments. The right to be with a sick child and the absence of the need to attend the workplace without the risk of being fired is retained by the employee, regardless of the duration of the illness.

Location of the house on the site according to the standards

The rules for the location of a residential building on a site are regulated by several documents, namely:

  • SP 42.13330.2016;
  • SP 53.13330.2011;
  • SP 30-102-99;
  • PZZ of local government.

In accordance with these documents, the house must be located in accordance with the following requirements:

  • at least 3 meters from the neighbors’ fence;
  • at least 5 meters from the red line of the street;
  • at least 3 meters from the red line of passages.

The roof of the building must be built in such a way as to completely prevent water from draining or snow falling onto the territory of neighbors.

When placing a building, it is also necessary to comply with existing fire safety distances.

Educational process

The main task of the VK is the education of a teenager, his socialization and crime prevention. Educators, psychologists, doctors, career guidance specialists, subject teachers, and sports coaches constantly work with convicts.

For good behavior, teenagers are encouraged: they are transferred to a softer regime, they are allowed to go outside the VK, accompanied by employees or visiting relatives. Informal rewards are also possible: more TV watching, free time and other “goodies”.

Study, work, leisure

The daily routine is very busy, with the bulk of the time devoted to studying. This is understandable: many 16-year-old colony students have difficulty writing and have no idea about the multiplication table. Some did not go to school at all when they were free. What’s interesting is that even when serving a sentence in a pre-trial detention center (like a pre-trial detention center, but “underage”), teenagers are taken to classes.

The rest of the time, juvenile convicts are engaged in activities according to the schedule. Many work in subsidiary farms, canteens, workshops - the role of labor in education cannot be overestimated. They have at their disposal sports sections, gyms, hobby groups and clubs, libraries and leisure rooms with board games and TVs.

In colonies for girls, even milder rules reign, which is primarily due to the relationships between the convicts themselves - violations associated with violence are extremely rare there.

Dates and transfers

The number of permitted visits with relatives is determined by the regime of detention, but even under strict conditions it is allowed to meet with relatives up to 6 times for short periods and up to 3 times for long periods in a year. The number of parcels, parcels and packages is not limited.

Short-term and long-term visits under strict and general regime take place on the territory of the colony, in specially equipped rooms. And under light and preferential regimes, they can even take place outside the “minor” limits. Moreover, “beneficiaries” can live outside the colonies, wear ordinary clothes and not deny themselves anything special. At the same time, the supervision of the colony administration over them still continues to operate.

Despite such a loyal policy of the Federal Penitentiary Service towards minors, visiting rooms often remain empty even on weekends. Many children either do not have parents, or they are completely uninterested in the life of their own offspring behind bars. This often provokes “extra” children into aggression.

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