Search for people. How to find out whether a person is wanted or not

Let's look at such an important issue as clarifying the status of a person regarding being on the wanted list. Quite little is known about this, but the topic may be relevant when drawing up some kind of contracts or agreements with people, so as not to come under the attention of the authorities. It is worth noting that this is also necessary when searching for missing people.

When a search is initiated by police officers, this happens in relation to criminals in various criminal cases, and when at the request of relatives, the search is carried out in relation to missing citizens. We will talk below only about what relates to the first case.

What are the ways to find out if your interlocutor is wanted? Isn't he dangerous?

Types of searches and who is usually searched for

Fundamentally, there are several types of citizen searches:

  • local;
  • regional and
  • federal.

They are ranked according to the scope of the search area. In the first case, we are talking about searching for a person within the area of ​​​​residence or city. It is assumed that he did not go far.

Only if you can’t find it locally, a regional search opens. And then federal - on a national or district scale.

In addition, an international search is also highlighted separately - when the crime goes beyond borders, or the criminal managed to leave Russia. In fact, it covers the entire globe, but here everything depends on politics and agreements.

As a rule, a criminal must be of particular interest to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB in order to be put on the international wanted list through Interpol. These are mainly terrorists, participants in large and high-profile (high-profile) crimes, or political figures.

Other categories include non-payers of alimony, fines under court decisions, etc. They are also looking for military draft dodgers. In general, there can be many reasons.

What is included in operational search activities

It all starts with interviewing friends, relatives, colleagues, spouses, including former spouses. This is followed by an inspection of the missing person’s home, requests to medical institutions, the morgue, and work.

Most importantly, control is established over the alleged persons with whom the missing or escaped person, this applies primarily to criminals, can contact, in other words, wiretapping and surveillance.

Naturally, information is sent to the traffic police and line departments of the transport police, train stations and airports.

An ordinary citizen can find out whether a person is wanted on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website in the “attention wanted” section. Also, a citizen, if he is a relative and can document this, can submit a request to the territorial police department or to a bailiff. Typically only spouses, children, parents, siblings, and grandparents are responded to.

Electronic databases

If you need to determine whether a given subject is in the search, then there are now many electronic databases for this and such information is publicly available and is in the public domain. Come in, register and check.

Base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Attention, wanted"

The most common resource is the portal of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Attention, Wanted”. This is a universal section where you can find a person or determine that he is on the run. Why should anyone pay if everything can be done for free and first-hand.

This site includes both missing persons and those wanted on criminal charges.

To search, you need to enter basic known personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth. Then you need to leave your email address, which will receive messages about the progress of the search, and solve the captcha (to combat auto-robots). The site is configured to notify subscribers itself.

In the window that appears, the answer to your question will immediately appear, but all the detailed information will be sent to your email in a confidential letter - who initiated the search, why, signs of the suspect, etc. and so on.

FSIN database

There is a separate search database of the Federal Penitentiary Service: https://xn--h1akkl.xn--p1ai/criminal/. Here you can immediately see a photo of a person and all the details: full name, signs, date of birth, etc.

Bailiff Service Base

The Bailiff Service also provides its information: There you can find interesting information about the amounts of debts, writs of execution and contact information.

Interpol database

For international search, information can be obtained on the Interpol website:

Initiation of the search

The basis for starting the search is the publication by an authorized person of a document that contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME; Date of Birth;
  • reasons for the search;
  • preventive measures (if they can be taken against a citizen);
  • description of appearance or other specific characteristics, etc.

Next, this document is submitted for approval to senior management, and after receiving a signature, to the department that is responsible for posting information on official resources.

What organs can initiate a search for a person?

  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs (including its territorial divisions) in cases where we are talking about persons suspected or accused of committing a crime;
  • FSSP - when there is a debtor who does not comply with the requirements of the bailiff and does not appear for an appointment upon written request;
  • FSIN - in case of escape of a convicted person or a citizen under investigation, in respect of whom a preventive measure was chosen - detention;
  • FSB - as a rule, the security service receives information from other agencies in order to prevent the possibility of leaving Russia across the border;
  • court - the judge may issue a decree to search for a person who has not appeared in court in a criminal case, who is in the status of an accused or suspect; The resolution will indicate the preventive measure.

Search activities are quite serious actions. They can affect a citizen’s reputation, harm his career, etc. Therefore, the authorities initiating the search have compelling reasons to issue relevant documents.

How to write an application correctly

To submit an application, it must be completed correctly. The document must be written on an A4 sheet, with an indication at the top to whom and from whom the application is being submitted. Initially, the full name of the head of the police department is written, then the full name of the institution where the paper is being submitted, the full name of the applicant with his address and telephone number. Then the word “Statement” is written in the middle.

The main part of the document will need to provide a full description of the problem that arose, describe the applicant’s request that the police take action and help in finding the missing person. The applicant must provide absolutely all the information about the missing person, indicate his last place of stay and where and who could have seen him.

The date and signature are placed at the bottom.

Why is it better to punch your car through Autocode?

Autocode performs online search checks quickly and efficiently. The service sends more than 500 detailed reports daily and works uninterruptedly with clients via the support phone line.

Why choose Autocode:

  • The information is current and verified against the traffic police database.
  • Possibility to check the car for search by license plate number.
  • It takes 5 minutes to check!
  • The Autocode application is available.

By using the service, you get a clear history of the car. To check, you do not need to look for VIN and other data. The site allows you to find out whether a car is wanted at any time of the day. The Autocode application is available for all models and works from anywhere in the country. Protecting yourself from unwanted cars is simple and convenient!

Check the car for VIN or state registration. number right now!

Why is it important to check a car for search before buying?

Denis Lukin, auto expert,:

— Buying a wanted car threatens that it will be taken away by the traffic police during registration, and while the investigation continues, and this can drag on for a long time, the car will be parked in the impound lot. It’s even worse if the new owner is also somehow involved. You must prove that you bought it recently and have nothing to do with the dark past of this car. Therefore, when concluding a deal, I recommend immediately checking the car for wanted information and finding out its ins and outs.

How to file a missing person report online

Today it is possible to submit an application via the Internet. Let’s look at how to put a person on the wanted list in this way in more detail:

  1. Naturally, first of all you will need to write a statement to the police through the State Services website. A portal opens, where there is a “Security and Law and Order” tab.
  2. Next, you will need to open the section where applications and reports of offenses are accepted.
  3. On the same page you can find a service for receiving reports of crimes and other incidents. There is also a ready-made application form, which you will need to carefully fill out and indicate all the information that is required there.
  4. After clicking the “Send” button, the document will be sent to the police electronically.

Of course, having looked at how to put a person on the wanted list via the Internet, we can conclude that there is nothing easier than using the State Services website. But still, filing an application online is for those who cannot urgently go to the police on their own, therefore, as soon as such an opportunity arises, you need to print out the already completed form and take it to the police again, but in person.

How and why a list of persons on the federal wanted list is formed

Their information systems are used on the official page opened by bailiffs. But they can be used to check the organization of the search for only a few reasons:

The purpose of the detention procedure itself is to select an appropriate preventive measure.

According to statistics, about 80 percent of all citizens put on the wanted list are detained.

This is especially true for criminals who have committed unlawful acts of minor or moderate severity. This is due to several factors, the main ones being:

The category of criminals who hide after committing a crime of high or moderate severity is not so large.

How long does a federal search last?

Missing persons are reported to the federal authorities after three months from the date of the start of the local one.

Accordingly, they should be instructed in advance in something like this: If people in gray ring the doorbell, call first, alert me (if you don’t get through, send an SMS) and only then open the door.

The decision to place persons on the federal wanted list earlier than the established deadlines may be made by the head of the internal affairs agency if there are sufficient grounds to believe that local search measures have been exhausted. A search for a suspect or accused may be announced both during the preliminary investigation and simultaneously with its suspension. Here are a few simple actions that can greatly simplify life in the event of a personal “P”.

Relatives - if something happens, they will definitely come to them.


The search is initiated only on the basis of a statement drawn up by a private individual, investigator, prosecutor or other specialist. Citizens contact police officers and investigators, and often submit official statements to prosecutors. You can report a missing person not only by visiting a government agency in person, but also by telephone.

If the search is initiated by a private person, then the following actions are performed:

  1. a missing person report is drawn up, for which it is advisable to visit the police station with a photograph;
  2. if there are no suitable photos, then an identikit is formed;
  3. the signs of a person are indicated, represented by scars, tattoos, height and weight, moles and other external distinctive features;
  4. information is provided about whether the person has documents with him or her that allow identification;
  5. police officers are interested in information about the wanted citizen’s acquaintances and places where he spends a lot of free time;
  6. if a person has debts, then he must tell the police about them;
  7. the applicant receives a special coupon confirming acceptance of the application.

If a federal search is required as part of a criminal case, then the following actions are performed:

  1. first, the investigator searches the suspect’s home, and also monitors close people with whom the criminal often communicates;
  2. neighbors, colleagues and friends are necessarily questioned to determine the person’s last location;
  3. to obtain up-to-date data, it is advisable to send requests to different organizations;
  4. if standard search methods do not produce the desired results, then the process of investigating the crime is suspended, so a search for the suspect is initiated;
  5. search activities are carried out by police officers, and instructions for finding criminals are sent to traffic police officers;
  6. If the local search does not produce results within 6 months, then a federal search is initiated.

Reference! Before you start searching for a person throughout the country, you need to perform certain actions in a specific region.

Who is eligible to apply?

According to the law, not only relatives, but also any other person who is interested in the search can apply to search for a person. For example, it could even be very distant relatives, friends, work colleagues, other Russian citizens who have their own motives for the search. Internal affairs officers do not have the right not to accept an application to search for a person, arguing that there is not sufficient proximity between the person who submits the application and the missing person himself.

If a person is faced with such injustice, you can contact the prosecutor's office. To be sure that all necessary measures are being taken to find the person, you should ask the document registration number from the applicant.

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