Is it possible to look at lists of Russian prisoners and find out where a person is sitting?

Unfortunately, not a single person in the world is immune from the troubles and misfortunes that fate has in store for him. And it just so happens that we worry not only about ourselves, but also about the people close to us. Even if they stumbled and committed some serious offense, we do not stop caring for them.

This article is devoted to how to find a convicted person, or rather, find out the name of the correctional institution where he is located. Because, as it turns out, due to various circumstances, it is very easy to lose contact with a prisoner.

How to check a future employee's criminal record

Checking a person for a criminal record is most often a desire to verify the reliability of a potential employee, business partner or counterparty.

In the article you will find answers to the questions: how to find out if a person has a criminal record online, and what resources to use for this.

What restrictions does a criminal record impose?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what the current legislation understands by this term. Thus, according to Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this is a special legal status of a citizen against whom the court has pronounced a guilty verdict for a crime he has committed.

This is the final stage of criminal liability, which is associated with the imposition of punishment or other measures of a criminal legal nature. The status of a criminal record begins from the day the court verdict enters into legal force and continues until it is expunged or removed early in the manner prescribed by law.

Problems with the law leave a negative imprint on a person’s entire social life, but there are also consequences that are imperatively established by law. Among them are prohibitions on:

  • election to governing bodies;
  • performing state civil service;
  • obtaining a weapons license;
  • employment in some structures (educational, law enforcement);
  • enlistment.

The list is impressive, and it becomes clear that the question of how to check a person’s criminal record legally is of interest to many: employers, officials, military structures.

When is it permissible to request a certificate?

Employers seek to exclude candidates who have suffered criminal penalties in the past. How to check a person’s criminal record via the Internet by first and last name is the most popular request among employers.

Let's figure out how legal it is. Thus, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains an exhaustive list of documents that can be requested when concluding an employment contract.

Among other things, a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record (in some cases).

An employer may require such a certificate in strictly defined cases provided for by Russian legislation, in relation to:

Only the citizen himself can obtain such a certificate by contacting the MFC in person, the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or by sending an application through the State Services website or the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The certificate looks like this (the form may vary slightly depending on the region in which the department is located).

But what should an employer do if the employee does not fall under any of the conditions prescribed by law, and it is very important to check it? For such cases, we have prepared some tips on how to find out about a person’s criminal record online.

Online criminal record check

The easiest way to detect a criminal record is to check the Ministry of Internal Affairs database. Is it possible to check a person’s criminal record online by last name in the Ministry of Internal Affairs database online? In many companies, security personnel are former law enforcement officers who turn to their former colleagues for help and obtain all the necessary information from them.

However, this method violates the current legislation: Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits checking the accuracy of the documents provided by the employee and obliges to obtain his written consent to transfer his personal data.

Moreover, part 2 of article Art. 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for violation of the rules for the use and dissemination of information about citizens:

  • for citizens - a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for officials - a fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - a fine from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles.

We'll tell you how to legally find out about a person's criminal record by last name.

Court websites

Since you have the passport details of the person you want to check, you know his registration address.

All you have to do is find the official website of the court of general jurisdiction at the place of its registration, go to the “Court proceedings” section and enter the name you are interested in in the search column.

This will allow you to check your criminal record in the court database. As an example, let's look at the search system of the Petrogradsky District Court of St. Petersburg:

Bailiffs website

Using the bailiffs website you can find out the following information:

  • about the debts of an individual, organization, individual entrepreneur;
  • on open enforcement proceedings against an individual, organization, individual entrepreneur;
  • about persons who are wanted on suspicion of committing a crime.

Despite the fact that with the help of this service you can find out whether a person has problems with the law, only by indirect signs, the capabilities of this database are very extensive. It includes citizens who are hiding from paying alimony and fines, serving in the army, and other violators and criminals.

Website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also has a database accessible to everyone, which contains information about people who are wanted. To check a person, you need to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, go to the “Attention, wanted!” section. and fill out the data entry form.


Find a convict through a correctional facility

So, you know in which region the sentence was passed and has a list of prisons suitable for your relative to serve his sentence. Now you can find out where the convicted person is sitting by contacting directly the prison that is the intended location of the prisoner. You can contact the administration of the correctional institution using:

  1. Personal appeal;
  2. Email;
  3. Telephone communication;
  4. By registered mail.

You can also turn for help to the bailiffs of the territorial branch of the FSSP or to the police station on whose territory the convicted person was taken into custody. To apply, you will also need the passport details of the sentenced person and the date of his detention.

It is most effective to seek help from a lawyer, since internal affairs officers are more willing to contact them than with “heartbroken” relatives.

In addition, the lawyer will be able not only to send requests to various government agencies to find out where the convicted person is sitting, but also to further communicate between him and his relatives, as well as seek their visit and the transfer of food and personal belongings.

A small life hack: to quickly find out where a convicted relative is sitting, you can tell a law enforcement official that you are looking for a missing relative.

Please note that Russian legislation is constantly changing and the information we write may become outdated. In order to resolve the issue you have regarding Criminal Law, we advise you to seek the advice of a lawyer in support of the site.

Often relatives and friends of people who have committed a crime are faced with the following problem: it is known that a particular person has been convicted, it is known that he has already been transferred from a pre-trial detention center to a colony - but there is no information about which one.

And until he himself writes or calls from there and provides new information about which penal colony or other FSIN institution he is in, it is difficult to know exactly where to address letters to him or send parcels. In the article, we will look at how to find out where a convict is located after being transferred, which colony or zone he is in, whether only the prisoner’s full name is enough, whether it is possible to obtain information online via the Internet by last name and first name, and other nuances.

We advise you to read the beginning of the article to know your rights and easier ways to find a convicted person. Otherwise, if you are confident in your abilities, go to the “search for a person through the federal prison administration” item.

DP No. 2. hiring how to determine whether a person has been in prison or not using a passport


Diary of an entrepreneur and weapon lover hilazhev

2015-12-09 01:12:00 Categories: The other day I was asked whether our employees steal a lot. To which he replied that most likely they don’t steal at all. As of today, shortages at outlets are negligible in relation to revenue. But it was not always so. It is believed that theft in public catering is the norm.

2.5 years ago we could agree with this statement, since after the first audit the shortage of meat alone amounted to more than 200 kg. Back then we had an imperfect accounting system and no understanding of how to properly form a staff. Most of the catering entrepreneurs we know told us that it is impossible to fight theft in the kitchen. They will steal no matter what.

And you just need to come to terms with this fact. We were not happy with this state of affairs. We believed and believe in two principles:

  1. the employer should not condone theft, and for this a multi-level accounting system should be built;
  2. There are more decent people than crooks, you just need to learn to separate the former from the latter.

We worked on the mistakes and decided to build an accounting system that, on the one hand, would completely control inventory and balances, and on the other hand, fine-tune a complex, multi-level personnel selection system that would prevent thieves and swindlers from getting a job with us.

The credit for building a system for total accounting of raw materials and inventory balances in the Green Plate eco-fast food goes to my partner Maria. This very difficult question took us 2 long years.

I was responsible for developing principles for recruiting personnel who, with a high degree of probability, would not steal. Since I know this issue 100% and it may be of interest to a wide range of people, I am ready to discuss it in detail on the pages of this magazine. I will make a reservation that if it were not for seven years of experience in the field of attracting financing for legal entities. persons, we would not be able to develop a system for checking applicants in a short time. But there was experience and there was a complete toolkit for testing. Any transaction to attract financing with us began with checking the business reputation of the founders and signatories. We are not talking about psychological tests, we are talking about tools that you can actually touch or count. And one of these tools is... a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. No matter how strange it may sound, it is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation that can inform about its owner not only well-known passport data, but also whether the person was in prison or not. And this is done very simply. All you need to do is take the passport in your hands and look at the owner’s photograph through the light. For those citizens who have not been in prison, when held up to light, you can see two stripes sewn into the photograph. Those who were sitting had one. If you Yandex or Google the phrase “two stripes in a passport” you can find a lot of intricate conspiracy theories, none of which stand up to criticism


What laws regulate this issue in the Russian Federation?

There are some opportunities for relatives to obtain information:

  • Art. 394 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation requires that before transferring the place where the prisoner will be located, his closest relatives must be informed.
  • Art. 75 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation requires that within 10 days from the moment the sentence is passed, the convicted person is given a short-term meeting with his closest relatives, at which he can inform where exactly he will be sent to serve his sentence.
  • Art. 17 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation indicates that no later than 10 days from the moment of arrival at a colony, prison or other correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the administration must inform one of the relatives, whom the convict himself has chosen, about this.

However, this option does not work if the convicted person himself refuses a visit and does not name relatives to whom information can be provided. In addition, these norms do not apply to distant relatives, as well as friends, “common-law spouses” and other persons who are close to the convicted person, but are not his relatives.

How to find out where a convicted person is sitting by last name?

Unfortunately, at the moment in Russia there is no single data bank in which you can find out where a convicted person is sitting.

The main reason for its absence is the protection of the confidentiality of personal data of convicts (Federal Law No. 103 “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes”).

However, questions from readers about how to find a convicted person by name via the Internet and other means are appearing more and more often.

Is it possible to find a person in prison by last name?

First of all, you should find out the following information about the convicted person:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic;
  2. Date of Birth;
  3. Place of Birth;
  4. Special examples;
  5. Date and reason for detention;
  6. The number of the criminal article under which the prisoner was convicted.

Next, you need to find out which colony the convicted person should be in. There are two types of prisons in Russia:

The main type of prison in which criminals sentenced to long-term imprisonment for a period of 1 year or more serve their sentences.

Intended for serving sentences by people sentenced to a short term of imprisonment (from several weeks to several months). There may also be people here awaiting sentencing.

Is it possible to find out where a convicted person is sitting via the Internet?

So, how can you find out which prison a person is in via the Internet, knowing only his full name and personal information? Internet search engines and official websites of correctional institutions will come to the rescue.

In this case, you need to find the official site of a county or federal prison located in the region where the convict was detained.

If you do not have this information, you can try to find a person in prison based on his region of residence.

  • County jails (if the term of imprisonment does not exceed 12 months)

County jails are trying to run their own databases where you can find out where an inmate is sitting. However, the data in it is minimized, and the search for a prisoner is carried out only by his name and date of birth.

By going to the county prison website, you enter information about the prisoner in the search menu: full name, date of birth and date of imprisonment. If you can’t find out where the prisoner is, you can try your luck on the websites of prisons in neighboring counties.

  • Federal prisons (term of imprisonment of the convicted person is one year or more)

To find out which colony a person is in, you need to go to the official website of the Federal Administration of Prisons of the Russian Federation.

Here you can find where the convicted person is sitting, by last name, regardless of what region he was detained in, because the site contains all the data on absolutely all federal prisons of the Russian Federation.

The search on the site is carried out using a standard algorithm, identical to the search on the websites of county prisons.

So, if you need to find out where a convicted person is sitting by last name online, then you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Find out the prisoner’s personal information;
  2. Find out the term of imprisonment to which he was sentenced;
  3. Go to the official website of the Federal Administration of Prisons of the Russian Federation or the district prison in your region;
  4. In the site search, enter information about the prisoner.

As a rule, this search does not cause any particular difficulties. True, often data about a prisoner cannot be made publicly available, so as not to violate the norms of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes.”

Corrections websites take anywhere from a day to a week to update, so be patient and update your search query daily.

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Special services and services

To find out in which prison a person is sitting, you can use the services of specialized services that provide information about where the convicted person is sitting.

However, their data is also limited by the above-mentioned Federal Law, which states that personal information and information about the place of detention of those convicted or suspected of committing a crime cannot be made publicly available for public disclosure.

There are no specialized services for searching where a convicted person is sitting in Russia, and there cannot be one due to the law prohibiting the publication of such data about prisoners in the public domain.

However, despite this prohibition, you can always use standard search, like Google, Yandex and other systems that are most convenient for you. To do this, you can enter the following into your browser search query:

  • Passport details of the convicted person;
  • Full name of the convicted person;
  • The article under which the sentence was passed;
  • Details and address of the court location;
  • Nome of the criminal case;
  • Full name of the judge.

Such queries can help you find publicly available documents, such as court verdicts, cassation appeals, and other court documents. If you take the time to search, it is quite possible that in one of these documents you will find the exact address of the correctional institution where the convicted person is imprisoned.

Find a convicted person through the police department

Of course, if you want to find out where the convicted person is sitting, you can simply contact the nearest police station.

Only close relatives and lawyers can find out the address of the prison where the convicted person is sitting through the police department.

So, in order for law enforcement officers to meet you halfway and provide information about his whereabouts, you need to provide documents confirming your relationship. They will also need:

  1. Prisoner's passport details;
  2. Criminal case number;
  3. Date of arrest.

Based on the information received, they will send a request to the internal database of all prisoners and will be able to provide you with the prisoner's identification number and the address of the prison where he is serving his sentence.

Find a convicted person through the police department

Of course, if you want to find out where the convicted person is sitting, you can simply contact the nearest police station.

Only close relatives and lawyers can find out the address of the prison where the convicted person is sitting through the police department.

So, in order for law enforcement officers to meet you halfway and provide information about his whereabouts, you need to provide documents confirming your relationship. They will also need:

  1. Prisoner's passport details;
  2. Criminal case number;
  3. Date of arrest.

Based on the information received, they will send a request to the internal database of all prisoners and will be able to provide you with the prisoner's identification number and the address of the prison where he is serving his sentence.

We evaluate appearance

Imprisonment is a punishment for a serious crime. In real life, anyone can be put behind bars, even an innocent person (which happens extremely rarely). And if a citizen is not guilty, but served time, it will still have a negative impact on his future life.

Often people with a criminal record can be easily identified by their appearance. For example, such citizens have prison tattoos. Stars on uniform, half-naked women, one's own name in Russian - all this may indicate that the potential suspect has already been to prison.

Tattoos are most often done on the hands, fingers and chest. Tattoos are usually done carelessly; they are devoid of beauty. And they are quite easy to distinguish from work in a tattoo parlor.

A citizen can simply take a closer look at the “suspect.” The appearance of a person who has served time changes over time. Especially if we are talking about a criminal who has seriously violated the law.

Outwardly, a person may look like a bandit. A stoop, a hoarse voice, some external untidiness - all this can indicate that a person has a serious criminal record. People who have served time do not take care of themselves. Appearance is not the main factor in life for them.

From all of the above, it follows that it is best to look for prison tattoos on the suspect. They are not done in regular tattoo parlors. And such tattoos can often be distinguished with the naked eye.

Self-ordering a certificate

Let us study in more detail the procedure for obtaining police clearance certificates. This is a fairly simple operation that anyone can come across. Regardless of whether you have a criminal record, the process will follow the same principles.

First of all, we will consider a personal appeal to the registration authorities. In such circumstances, the applicant will need:

  1. Fill out an application for a certificate of good conduct or its availability.
  2. Prepare a number of papers, without which obtaining documentation will be impossible. Usually this is a passport and registration certificates.
  3. Contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police or the MFC with pre-prepared statements.
  4. Take a certificate at the agreed time, which will indicate the information we are interested in.
  5. As practice shows, the process does not cause any difficulties. Especially if the person has no criminal record.

Important! If you do not have a passport, you must attach any other identification document. Otherwise, the service will be denied.

Repurchase of databases

There are several more options for the development of events. Information about citizens' criminal records is kept by law enforcement agencies. The data is collected in a special database. Using it, you can at any time obtain up-to-date information about when and for what a particular suspect was convicted.

Some people prefer to buy databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Then resellers look for the information they are interested in based on the suspect’s last name, first name and patronymic. It is advisable to know where the person is registered. This will make the process much easier. Information about the age of the potential offender will also be useful.

Such an offer can be considered illegal. Repurchase of databases is a violation of Russian legislation. Therefore, resorting to this method of solving the problem is not recommended.

Moreover, the proposed method for bringing an idea to life is not always reliable. Data on criminal records is updated daily. And therefore, the database reseller runs the risk of acquiring outdated information. In this case, the citizen will simply spend money, and quite a lot of it.

What information do you need to have?

To find a convicted person, you need to know the following about him:

  1. The prisoner's full last name, first name and patronymic, as well as date of birth, are required for the search. Without this, it is generally pointless to start a search: there are many namesakes in Russia, and even the banal “Ivanov Ivanov Ivanovichs” in the FSIN system at any time contain more than one or two people.
  2. The article on which the verdict was made.
  3. The court by which a person was convicted.
  4. Date of sentencing.
  5. Special characteristics of the convicted person.
  6. Degree of relationship with him. This is necessary for searching using official services, where information is provided only to close relatives.

Other information may be required, but the above is the minimum without which there is no point in starting the search at all.

Myths and misconceptions

First, let's look at a number of myths and misconceptions regarding former prisoners, for which it is IMPOSSIBLE to obtain reliable information.

Must have tattoos?

One of the most common misconceptions, especially relevant in the 80-90s.
Nowadays, when tattoos have become a culture and a way of self-expression, every second person has a design on their body, therefore, this point naturally disappears. Naturally, the domes on the chest framed by a swastika may lead to certain thoughts and will not add advantages to the moral character, however, it cannot be evidence of a criminal past.

Manner of speech

Simply put, talking about a hairdryer. It is quite possible that a person has had a similar social circle since childhood, or he simply likes prison culture, this also happens. Let's not forget that there was a certain fashion among teenagers for thieves' jargon a couple of decades ago. Manner of speech can serve as an indicator of cultural level and general development, but not of a criminal past, definitely.

Marginal appearance, untidiness

These signs do not say anything about a person regarding his prison past, but only indicate his attitude towards himself and his appearance. There can be many reasons, from alcoholism to lack of basic living conditions.

Passport photo

An interesting myth has been circulating on the Internet recently. A certain entrepreneur claimed that if you hold a person’s passport photograph up to light, you can see two black stripes. A person who has been in prison will have one such strip.

This is false information and is nothing more than a myth and fiction. All citizens of the Russian Federation have two black stripes on their photographs, which is a standard from a technical point of view.

Behavioral factors

How to find out if a person has been in prison? The next method is to conduct an analysis of citizen behavior.

Some claim that a person who has served time changes his speech. You can come across phrases like “baby”, “lawlessness”, “starring” and so on. Sometimes people not only begin to use prison slang, but also completely lose their speech literacy.

The behavior of those convicted may vary. Some behave extremely aggressively and assertively. This behavior can scare and alienate almost anyone.

Some believe that a previously convicted person will avoid eye-to-eye contact and behave warily and very carefully. Those sitting appear anxious and nervous. Such changes are clearly visible in the company of men.

Important! The methods proposed up to this point for determining criminal records cannot be called reliable. After all, appearances and behavior are deceiving. Therefore, you often have to look for reliable, documented information.

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