Is it possible to grow hemp at home Russian law 2021

A high-profile bill on the legalization of the cultivation of plants containing narcotic substances for medical purposes was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2021 in the third reading. This law lifts the current ban on growing marijuana (cannabis) and poppy, but not for everyone. Only state enterprises (federal state unitary enterprises) that have the appropriate license for this type of activity will be able to cultivate plants. There are only 2 such enterprises in Russia so far. Thus, the law on growing marijuana in Russia in 2021 establishes a state monopoly on this type of activity.

On June 20, bill No. 621437-7 “On amendments to the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” in terms of improving the procedure for cultivating narcotic plants” was adopted in the third reading. Now he will have to be approved by the Federation Council and receive the signature of the President of the Russian Federation. There is no doubt that this will happen in the near future. After this, the Marijuana Cultivation Act 2019 will come into effect. Read the official text of the law and the explanatory note to it later in the article.

It’s possible, but be careful: Mishustin allowed the cultivation of hemp and poppy

— Allow the cultivation of poppy varieties for the production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances used for medical purposes and (or) veterinary medicine and the cultivation of hemp varieties and varieties of poppy for industrial purposes not related to the production or manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances included in the state a register of breeding achievements approved for use, taking into account the zoning of places where poppy soporific and hemp grow,” the document says.

Poppy can be grown for medicinal purposes “with unlimited content by volume of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.” For industrial purposes, hemp can be cultivated with a tetrahydrocannabinol content of no more than 0.1%, and poppy - with a codeine, morphine, oripavine and thebaine content of no more than 0.6%.

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov previously said that 98% of the substances for the production of painkillers are bought abroad. President Vladimir Putin signed a law lifting the ban on the cultivation of narcotic plants for medical purposes in 2019.

Marijuana is the dried tops of the hemp plant with flowers or fruits, which may be accompanied by leaves and seeds of the hemp plant - i.e. without the stem. How many were dug up, how many pieces were counted, that’s how much they charge. In practice, questions about the narcotic activity of seized plants are usually not asked. But the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2006, as amended on June 30, 2015, prescribes taking into account the possibility of using substances (and by analogy, plants) for non-medical use. The same is the position of the Constitutional Court: “Courts of general jurisdiction, when resolving this category of criminal cases, must take into account the quantity, properties, degree of impact of a particular narcotic drug on the human body, as well as other circumstances of a particular criminal case” (Determination of February 8, 2007 No. 290- O-P and others).

Article 231 of the Criminal Code provides for liability for the cultivation of narcotic plants “on a large scale”, which for hemp ranges from 20 to 330 plants (over 330 - especially large). For large size - punishment of up to 3 years in prison, that is, this is a crime of minor gravity. Up to 19 plants - Article 10.5.1 of the Administrative Code. Cultivation includes sowing (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”). Purchasing seeds is preparation for sowing. 50 cannabis plants is a large size. According to the first part of Article 30 of the Criminal Code, criminal liability arises only for preparation for a serious or especially serious crime. The division of narcotic drugs obtained from hemp, as well as those obtained from poppy, into groups is carried out due to the different content of the active substance - tetrahydrocannabinol - in the drugs of each group. Marijuana contains an average of 0.5 - 5% tetrahydrocannabinol, hashish - 5 - 10%, hashish oil - 10 - 30%. Accordingly, the strength of action of these groups of drugs is different. Therefore, it is important for the investigative authorities and the court to determine in relation to which narcotic drug the illegal actions were committed. Growing up to 19 cannabis bushes entails administrative liability. Article 10.5.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses implies liability for the illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, unless this action contains a criminal offense. What makes cultivation criminally punishable is not the purpose of cultivation (for storage, consumption), but the number of cultivated plants. The fact that, in addition to cultivation, you possessed marijuana in a criminally punishable quantity cannot be a basis for recognizing other actions as criminal. The decisive thing here is that these plants were not stored, but grown. Up to 19 hemp bushes inclusive - administrative liability under Article 10.5.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses with punishment in the form of a fine from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days with confiscation of discovered plants. A picked plant or part of it instantly turns from cultivated to stored, for which the liability is different - over 6 grams (after drying) - criminal liability under part one of Article 228 of the Criminal Code. So the law does not consider the exclusively decorative use of the hemp plant a crime, but only an offense.

Explanatory note to the “law on cannabis”

Explanatory note to the draft federal law “On amendments to the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” in terms of improving the procedure for cultivating narcotic plants”

The draft federal law “On amendments to the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” in terms of improving the procedure for cultivating narcotic plants” (hereinafter referred to as the draft federal law) was prepared in order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 598 “ On improving state policy in the field of healthcare" in terms of bringing the volume of production of domestic medicines according to the nomenclature of the list of vital and essential medicines (hereinafter - VED) to 90% by 2021.

In the Russian Federation, 13 opium-based drugs are registered (9 of them are included in the list of vital and essential drugs), which are produced by federal state unitary enterprises from imported pharmaceutical substances. The international market of pharmaceutical substances for the production of opium preparations is controlled by a group of 10 companies, 9 of which are under the jurisdiction of states that have imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation for political reasons. Thus, import substitution in the segment of painkillers is necessary to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the above, it is advisable to organize a full cycle of production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from cultivated narcotic-containing plants on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The full cycle of production of narcotic analgesics of central action involves the cultivation of approved varieties of the narcotic plant poppy (Papaver somniferum L, in agricultural practice - oil poppy, in accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 - opium poppy) with a high content of opium alkaloids (morphine, thebaine , codeine), processing of poppy straw into active pharmaceutical ingredients and production of narcotic drugs.

At the same time, in accordance with the Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. 3-FZ “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), the cultivation of narcotic plants on the territory of the Russian Federation for the production and manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is prohibited.

The bill proposes to cancel this ban, determine the procedure for cultivating narcotic plants for the production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances used for medical purposes and (or) veterinary medicine, and also extend the provisions of the Federal Law regarding the establishment of a state monopoly and requirements for the conditions for the cultivation of narcotic plants for use in for scientific, educational purposes and expert activities, for the cultivation of narcotic plants for the production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances used for medical purposes and (or) veterinary medicine.

In addition, the bill defines the organizational and legal form and scope of activity of legal entities entitled to carry out cultivation for these purposes - federal state unitary enterprises with licenses for the production and processing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Currently, in the Russian Federation, two enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, which have a proven effective safety system and many years of experience in carrying out activities in this area, meet such requirements.

In addition, the bill proposes to regulate the system of legal relations associated with the cultivation of narcotic plants to ensure the possibility of their use for industrial purposes not related to the production or manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The cultivation of such a narcotic plant as the opium poppy and the processing of a mixture that includes poppy straw in order to obtain seeds and oils for food use will be carried out by federal state unitary enterprises licensed for this type of activity. Currently, the entire volume (from 8 to 13 thousand tons annually) of opium poppy seeds needed for food purposes is imported.

All legal entities (including state unitary enterprises and government agencies), as well as individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the bill, can cultivate narcotic plants for industrial purposes not related to the production or manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and the cultivation of opium poppy.

The bill also proposes to establish that varieties of narcotic plants permitted for cultivation for the production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances used for medical purposes and (or) veterinary medicine, and for industrial purposes not related to the production or manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as requirements for varieties and cultivation conditions of these plants are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The bill complies with the provisions of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014, the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and other international treaties of the Russian Federation.

What is nasvay - is this drug banned or not in Russia in 2021?

Cannabis cultivation law of Russia 2021

In almost every major city in Russia you can find a grower, dealer or smoker of hemp products. On the one hand, it is prohibited, on the other hand, getting it is not particularly difficult. Varieties and quality vary depending on the manufacturer. Plants may contain different amounts of cannabinoids in regions, but there are several places that have long been known for their quality hashish: Krasnodar region, Buryatia, Altai Mountains, Tuva, Amur region and Volga region, as well as the Far East.

After all, marijuana is a drug that is obtained from Indian hemp. If law enforcement officers have recorded the fact of cultivating marijuana on a large or especially large scale, then the perpetrator faces criminal liability; if in an insignificant amount, then the suspect faces administrative liability.

Article 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for punishment for the cultivation of drug-containing plants, is necessary to prevent the cultivation of such crops for the purpose of consumption or distribution. The commentary to this article explains why people are sentenced under this article.

State policy in the sphere of trafficking in narcotic and psychotropic drugs is aimed at establishing strict control over the distribution and use of these drugs in order to reduce the number of crimes related to the illegal purchase, storage, transportation, and trade of drugs and psychotropic substances.

For growing hemp, from which marijuana is produced, a person can be subject to both administrative and criminal liability. This depends primarily on the amount of marijuana grown. If the act is committed in an insignificant amount, then the person will only be brought to administrative responsibility. This legislative norm is established:

It should also be noted that previously, everyone who tried to recover their personal income tax when purchasing a summer cottage site received a refusal from the tax authorities, since houses located in garden areas did not meet the conditions of the property deduction for the purchase of housing. Now it is quite possible to get a tax deduction.

There should be no garbage on the site - this is one of the main changes. 09.16.2020 - Mikhail Mishustin signed Resolution No. 1479 “On the approval of fire regulations in the Russian Federation” ; it came into force on 01.01.2021. You can punish those summer residents who have grass sprouting in their dacha or garden plot instead of beds. The only concession is that by the beginning of the warm season, it is not at all necessary for everyone to have a fire extinguisher or a barrel of water. But the number of responsibilities of summer residents has increased.

  • All driveways must be in good condition so that in the event of a fire you can easily access water sources that can be used to extinguish the fire, for example, a pond (indicated in paragraph 71).
  • A barrier or gate should open automatically in case of fire, or manual opening is possible, but only if there is some kind of post that is constantly on duty.
  • At the entrance there should be diagrams that indicate entrances, entrances, fire passages and all water sources used during fires.
  • If repair or construction work is underway, management is obliged to report the closure of roads and passages, and indicate the detour direction on a special sign (this is paragraph 72).
  • If there are natural or artificial reservoirs within a radius of 200 meters, then an access road must also be created to them, a paved road measuring at least 12x12 meters

How many cannabis bushes can you grow? Legal basis

Cannabis is viewed negatively in Russia - for decades, anti-drug propaganda has formed the impression among our fellow citizens that the plant is of interest exclusively to drug addicts, and simply cannot be used in any other way. However, perhaps this will cause considerable surprise for some readers, but the legislation of the Russian Federation is not so clear about the cultivation of this weed, and in this article we will look at how many hemp bushes can be grown in Russia by law, and what is needed for this.

Potential benefits from industry development

Government authorities still do not favor marijuana, not wanting to adopt the positive experience of Europeans who use cannabis to produce effective medicines, biofuel, textiles, and a whole range of other useful and sometimes irreplaceable things. But there are simply no analogues to some medical preparations based on green raw materials; for example, epilepsy is treated with these drugs and severe pain is relieved. Hemp fabrics and paper are much stronger than products made from cotton and wood; moreover, biofuel from the resulting oil may well revolutionize the entire energy industry - its extraction from easily renewable raw materials may turn out to be cheaper than mining.

Is everything really forbidden? Let's talk about seeds...

Today, this weed in Russia has the status of a raw material for narcotic drugs; accordingly, the circulation of such drugs is under the control of the government. Cannabis-based medications are not used in domestic medicine, and citizens cannot legally use, store and sell; there are also restrictions and issues of growing for one’s own needs, as well as cultivation - all this cannot be done.

On the other hand, the seeds were not banned; on the basis of the international anti-drug convention, to which the Russian Federation joined, the seeds were brought into the legal realm, since they do not contain tetracannabinol, which causes certain psycho-emotional effects. The seeds are freely available, as are derivatives based on them, for example, oil can be bought at a pharmacy - this is a good dietary supplement that helps with various diseases, and the grains are sold in pet stores and are used as bird feed. Making tinctures and cosmetic masks at home is also not a violation. Export is also not prohibited, and many varieties come to us from countries where they are legally cultivated.

What will happen if...?

But if you suddenly want to use these grains as seed, then you need to know that such actions are discussed in Art. 231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, preventive measures are provided for this - from a fine (1500 rubles - 4000 rubles) to imprisonment, depending on the volume and other circumstances.

For example, if a few bushes are found on the site (up to twenty), the punishment will be imposed within the framework of administrative liability, and if a small plantation is discovered (twenty or more), then criminal liability will be imposed, namely, isolation from society for up to two years.

It is possible, but subject to conditions. Licensing and inspections

However, on the other hand, even in modern legislation there are indications of varieties that are permissible to grow, that is, under appropriate circumstances this can be done. There are several dozen technical subtypes, where the THC content is reduced to almost zero; they cannot be used to obtain various products that can cause any effects in terms of emotional or mental impact.

These subspecies were traditionally used for the needs of the textile industry back in Soviet times, and hemp was the most profitable crop, which gave more profit (per hectare) than other crops (cereals, legumes, etc.). At present, no one is stopping anyone from doing this; already in Soviet times, a legislative framework, rules for issuing appropriate permits, and a methodology for conducting analyzes for the threshold content of cannabinoids were developed. The latter is the main requirement for domestic hemp growers; by the way, such licensing practice is used not only here, but throughout the world.

Naturally, in addition to documents, it is really necessary to create special conditions - to provide security, fence the perimeter, and maintain strict reporting on harvests and supplies. Domestic businessmen who work in this direction often encounter bias from regulatory authorities, who in some cases try to substitute tests, thereby causing a lot of trouble. By the way, as a result of the actions of his own employees (who may sow part of the area with the “wrong” variety), the farm owner may seriously suffer.

And a little about selection

Cultivation - the breeding of varieties that meet certain characteristics, is also allowed, of course, only within specialized research institutes; several large agricultural institutes in different cities were inherited from the Soviet era. But if you suddenly decide to justify the presence of several “weeds” in your yard for purely research purposes, then you must have documents stating that you have the right to conduct such activities. Otherwise, the thirst for knowledge will quickly be reclassified as an act described in the Criminal Code.

World practice. How is this going abroad?

There are several countries in the world where this area of ​​agriculture is actively developing, which is very promising. In addition to pharmaceuticals and fabrics, paper is made from cannabis (in particular, for US dollars), as it is more resistant to wear and tear, biofuel, environmentally friendly, “natural plastics” - it is estimated that plant starting components can be used to make tens of thousands of products.

The leading country in this regard is China - it has fairly strict legislation, which has made it possible to minimize consumption among the population. At the same time, in two regions at once there are industrial crops and dozens of private farms that are licensed and earn good money (this is more profitable than planting rice). By the way, the Celestial Empire has actually managed to capture the market for “medicinal marijuana,” which is exported and is also used to manufacture numerous medications within the state (for domestic needs and for export).

They do this in the Netherlands too, however, the focus here is completely different, the product is mainly for sale within Europe and is intended, let’s say, for relaxation. It is allowed to consume marijuana here, but there are quite a lot of restrictions - you can’t sell it to minors, you can’t smoke in public places, there are specially designed “coffee shops” for this, where you can buy everything you need.

By the way, in many European countries, citizens are given the opportunity to have a few plants in their yard or on their windowsill without persecution or any consequences.

In the United States, perhaps, there is the most ambiguous attitude towards the subject. In some states, you can do everything - use, plant and carry with you; in a number of territorial entities only technical or medical varieties are welcome, and in some places everything related to hemp is prohibited.

In states where marijuana has been legalized, a whole industry has already formed within a decade, and legal millionaires have appeared. However, some issues could not be resolved, for example, many entrepreneurs who work in this niche have difficulties with banks. Many banking networks operating throughout all districts refuse to process payments and service accounts, because the financial system is strictly bound by global legislation that is aimed at combating drug trafficking and money laundering. Such businessmen do not always manage to purchase the necessary equipment (cash payments in large transactions are simply not accepted) or otherwise obtain investment funds.

The amazing is nearby: the Uruguayan example

In an interesting way, everything is structured in Uruguay, where cannabis is sold directly in pharmacies, and local residents can sow it legally and use it as they please, they just need to submit a special application to the registration authority. How much marijuana can local residents grow? No more than six bushes per house; they must be registered with government agencies.

But joint cultivation of hemp is also allowed; for this purpose, it is permissible to unite in groups and conduct collective farming. The authorities were prompted to make this decision by the idea that legalization would lead to the absence of a criminal component in circulation. The cost of a serving is just over a dollar, which is much cheaper than before, dealers have left the streets, and criminals have lost a significant part of their profits, which went to finance other illegal projects.


So, what's the bottom line? In fact, for now all manipulations with grass can only be carried out in specialized enterprises; private individuals cannot even get close to this area; doctors are also deprived of advantages. The chances of a quick lifting of restrictive acts tend to zero, which is confirmed by government policy. As the President recently stated, he is not against technical exploitation, but the use of the plant as a drug for general consumption (for therapeutic purposes or for relaxation) is unacceptable.

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This article was prepared with the support of the GrowerZ store

Is it possible to grow hemp at home Russian law 2021

During a personal search of the man, 11 packages containing a substance of plant origin were found in his bag. Based on the results of a chemical study, it was established that the seizure was a narcotic plant - cannabis (marijuana), with a total weight of about 100 grams. The attacker explained that he purchased the prohibited substance from an acquaintance who lived in the house where he was detained.

As a result of further measures, the police found that the apartment in question was rented by a 44-year-old native of Yekaterinburg, who equipped the balcony as a specialized greenhouse where he grew hemp. During the inspection, 46 vacuum bags with a substance of plant origin were found in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, as well as a bucket with a similar substance and 7 pots with hallucinogenic plants. According to the results of a chemical study, it was revealed that the seized drug was a narcotic drug - marijuana, with a total weight of about 600 grams. In addition, investigators found items necessary for the cultivation of hemp, scales, a device for vacuum packaging and plastic bags.

Employees of the Directorate for Drug Control of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, together with colleagues from the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city. Podolsk as a result of operational search activities at the entrance of an apartment building on the street. The 43rd Army detained a 52-year-old resident of the city. Mytishchi, suspected of illegal acquisition of narcotic drugs.

A criminal case has been initiated against one of the detainees under Art. 30, art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Attempt at illegal production or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues), in relation to another - under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, production, processing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.”

The bill also addresses the issue of regulating controversial issues related to the cultivation of narcotic substances, but to meet the needs of the food industry. The document says, in particular, that the state currently purchases 100% of such raw materials abroad, which is an average of 10 thousand tons of products per year. The right to cultivate such plants is also granted to federal state unitary enterprises that have the appropriate license. Requirements for varieties and cultivation conditions will be put forward, according to one of the provisions of the bill, by the Government of the Russian Federation.

  • The adoption of amendments to the law is associated with the need to implement V.V. Putin’s Decree No. 598 of 05/07/2012. The President, in particular, pointed out the need to take measures that would allow increasing the amount of domestic medicines necessary for the life support of Russians to 90%.
  • The explanatory note also states that currently 13 drugs containing narcotic substances are produced in Russia, nine of which are considered vital. Some of these drugs are imported, and the raw materials are 100% produced by foreign companies. This market is controlled by 10 states, nine of which are under the jurisdiction of states that support the sanctions policy.
  • The deputies believe that this situation requires fundamental changes, and this need arises in connection with the need to ensure the national security of the country, which has become dependent on Western “partners.”
  • Legislators have proposed a solution that will allow organizing a full cycle of production of medications based on cannabis, sleeping pills poppy and other narcotic crops.
  • According to the new rules, oilseed or opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L), which contains a large number of alkaloids, will be grown. According to the new law, Russian enterprises will be able not only to grow this valuable crop, but also to produce vital medications from poppy straw.

If Russian history had turned out differently, perhaps it would be hemp, and not hydrocarbons, that would be called a national treasure today. In the current circumstances, this would be very useful, given the situation with oil prices. But it turned out the way it turned out. If we once ranked first in the world in hemp crops, now Russia accounts for about 1%. And China has become the leader in this area. Its rapid economic growth proves that they know what they are doing. And all this despite the fact that the attitude towards drugs in the Middle Kingdom is far from liberal. They wouldn’t get involved with hemp farming if they saw it as a threat to the nation.

  • Article 10.5.1. “Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors” of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
  • amendments to the Federal Law of May 19, 2010 No. 87-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors.”

Mentioned in the document Federal Law No. 3 of 01/08/1998, which prohibits the cultivation in Russia of plants containing prohibited substances. The deputies called for the provisions of this law to be repealed, and noted that there should be a state monopoly on the cultivation of drug-containing flora, and their cultivation for the needs of medicine and veterinary medicine should be carried out in compliance with legal norms and regulations.

Responsibility for growing hemp according to the law in the Russian Federation

There are many countries where marijuana is legalized, including as an agricultural crop. But the Russian Federation is not one of such states. In Russia, unauthorized landings are still strictly prohibited. It doesn’t matter whether it’s growing hemp on a windowsill at home, a couple of bushes in a greenhouse or a hectare on a farm. The size of the plantation will only affect the severity of the punishment.


The prohibition of hemp falls under Article 10.5.1. “Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors” of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The term “cultivation” in it means both cultivation itself and selection, breeding new varieties, experiments with the selection of fertilizers, watering, lighting to obtain a better harvest. As we have already mentioned, only federal state unitary enterprises with a special license can do this in Russia.

Amendments to the legislation appeared thanks to the Federal Law of May 19, 2010 No. 87 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors.” But they only concern the abolition of criminal prosecution for a minimum amount of cannabis. Unauthorized (including home) cultivation of cannabis remains prohibited.

Penalty for growing cannabis at home

Liability for marijuana depends on the quantity. For storage, sales, and transportation, the following gradation has been introduced:

  • a small amount (up to 6 grams);
  • significant (from 6 to 100 grams);
  • large batch (more than 100 grams);
  • especially large batch (from one hundred kilograms).

When growing, the calculation is different. It doesn’t matter whether a person has planted one bush or more – cultivation is still considered illegal. But if a personal plantation contains less than 20 bushes, then the punishment will be exclusively administrative: a fine of 1,500 to 4,000 rubles or 15 days of arrest.

That is, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to grow hemp at home?” in any case - “No!” But there will be no criminal case for a few bushes.

If the police find more than two dozen bushes (that is, we are clearly not talking about personal “pleasure”), then the punishment will be imposed according to the Criminal Code, and, naturally, it will be much more severe:

  • imprisonment or restriction of liberty for up to 2 years;
  • community service (up to 480 hours);
  • a large fine (from 40 to 300 thousand or up to two annual salaries).

In aggravating circumstances (sales via the Internet, distribution in educational institutions, organized group, repeated recruitment, etc.), the term may increase to 8 years.

The foreigner will also be deported.

By the way, you don’t need to think that when growing at home, “no one will see, no one will know.” Cultivated cannabis (the one from which the drug can be obtained), unlike industrial varieties, is a very capricious plant. The frenzied increase in the meter for powerful lighting, the purchase of special fertilizers and other signs give hemp growers away. And even the most ignorant neighbors will recognize the characteristic foliage.

Is it possible to grow hemp at home Russian law 2021

The State Duma has allowed the cultivation of marijuana and opium poppy in Russia. We are talking about the cultivation of plants for the production of narcotic drugs, but only in the interests of medicine and veterinary medicine. Deputies adopted the corresponding amendments to Article 228.2 of the Criminal Code today, July 23, in the third reading. The amendments were needed after amendments were made to the law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances,” which were adopted back in June.

This is not the first time that the use of cannabis for medical purposes has been discussed. In January of this year, the Ministry of Health proposed allowing the import of several of its derivatives into Russia. In some countries it is used to relieve chronic pain, treat cancer, psychosis and anorexia in HIV-positive people. Opium poppy is also used to produce codeine. Medicines containing codeine began to be sold by prescription in Russia only in 2012 - before that, even a child could easily buy drugs such as Pentalgin, Codelac and Nurofen Plus. Currently, 13 opium-based drugs are produced in the country.

Self-cultivation of drug-containing plants will still remain illegal: the most “popular” article has been rewritten only for doctors. But they will also be able to use this right not without restrictions: penalties are provided for violating the rules for the production and circulation of narcotic drugs. The minimum is a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles, the maximum is up to 3 years in prison. The latter threatens if the court manages to prove that the criminal was motivated by self-interest or that his action affected a person’s health.

Is it possible to grow hemp at home Russian law 2021

During a personal search of the man, 11 packages containing a substance of plant origin were found in his bag. Based on the results of a chemical study, it was established that the seizure was a narcotic plant - cannabis (marijuana), with a total weight of about 100 grams. The attacker explained that he purchased the prohibited substance from an acquaintance who lived in the house where he was detained.

As a result of further measures, the police found that the apartment in question was rented by a 44-year-old native of Yekaterinburg, who equipped the balcony as a specialized greenhouse where he grew hemp. During the inspection, 46 vacuum bags with a substance of plant origin were found in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, as well as a bucket with a similar substance and 7 pots with hallucinogenic plants. According to the results of a chemical study, it was revealed that the seized drug was a narcotic drug - marijuana, with a total weight of about 600 grams. In addition, investigators found items necessary for the cultivation of hemp, scales, a device for vacuum packaging and plastic bags.

Employees of the Directorate for Drug Control of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, together with colleagues from the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city. Podolsk as a result of operational search activities at the entrance of an apartment building on the street. The 43rd Army detained a 52-year-old resident of the city. Mytishchi, suspected of illegal acquisition of narcotic drugs.

A criminal case has been initiated against one of the detainees under Art. 30, art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Attempt at illegal production or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues), in relation to another - under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, production, processing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.”

In the Russian Empire, revenues from the sale of hemp to the world market constituted a significant part of the state budget. They say that almost the entire rigging of the fleet of the “Queen of the Seas” of Great Britain consisted of Russian hemp. During the 1930s, the USSR still produced the majority of the world's industrial hemp. It was used for ropes and tarpaulins, drying oils and paints, oils and cosmetics, paper and threads. The plant was unpretentious, and the industry was considered extremely profitable.

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