7 new fines in 2021: what can you get a “letter of happiness” for?

Traffic cameras are getting smarter every year. What violations will be recorded in 2021? We tell you what drivers should be prepared for:

Increasingly, motorists are receiving fines for violations that traffic police inspectors could “forgive” or not notice. But traffic cameras have learned to see much more, and every year they will be able to record more and more traffic violations. The capabilities of the technology are regularly tested. Autonews talked about the most unusual types of traffic violations, for which “chain letters” will be received in 2021, and ways to record such offenses.

Fine for exceeding average speed

A fine for exceeding the average speed on a certain section of the road surprised many motorists in 2021.

What is average speed?

Average speed is the speed at which a car drove a certain section of the road between two synchronized cameras located at the beginning and end of the control section.

How is this violation recorded?

Standard situation: a driver, seeing a speed limit sign and a traffic camera, slows down to the permissible speed, and after passing the camera, accelerates again. And so on until the next recording camera. However, if you drive the distance between the cameras too quickly, the driver will receive a fine for exceeding the average speed.

What is the fine for exceeding the average speed?

The amount of punishment is commensurate with exceeding the instantaneous speed - for example, 500 rubles - for +20-40 km/h, etc.

How many cameras record average speed?

There are more and more traffic cameras capable of recording average speed. At the moment, their greatest concentration is in Tatarstan, where more than 950 km of road surfaces are controlled in this way. In the Moscow region in the summer of 2021, there were 68 average speed control sections with a total length of 254 km.

It is important to note that the concept of “exceeding the average speed” is not spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offences. On this basis, drivers who received a fine “for average speed” could challenge it in court. But soon this controversial issue may be corrected. The Association of Manufacturers and Operators of Recognition and Photo-Video Recording Systems “Oko” intends to make a proposal to include this definition in the Administrative Code.

Reasons why a suspended sentence is not given

A suspended sentence is as follows: the administrative body makes a verdict, but does not prescribe serving it in prison, but only a conditional form of it.

The administrative body does not carry out the punishment only if it is subject to the fulfillment of specific conditions specified in the judicial decision. The possibility of receiving a suspended sentence is applicable only under the conditions established by law and with certain types of punishment:

• Corrective actions. • Arrival under different conditions.

A suspended sentence is not assigned under the following conditions:

• Committing a serious/especially serious crime. • Committing an action that threatens the lives of other people. • For crimes against sexual integrity.

Fine for not wearing a seat belt

In which regions do cameras record an unfastened seat belt?

So far, road cameras are recording this violation in test mode. They are “trained” in Moscow based on thousands of examples of images of drivers driving without shoulder belts. The received materials from the cameras are sent for processing to the data processing center, and then the data goes to the traffic police, where decisions are issued.

The rest of the regions have not yet shown any active desire to introduce a similar practice in their own countries. This is primarily due to the cost of such camera functionality. After all, for investments to “pay off”, the traffic flow must be high, and the MKAD, Moscow and cities with a population of over a million have this. In this regard, the prospect of introducing a fine for not fastening a seat belt is shining on Kazan, St. Petersburg and cities where there are highways with heavy traffic flow.

What is the fine for not wearing a seat belt?

The fine is 1000 rubles. According to traffic regulations, both drivers and passengers are required to wear seat belts in the car. However, many people ignore this requirement.

Is it possible to get a suspended sentence?

There is no clearly limited answer to the question posed, because everything directly depends on the components of the case.

But to the question: “is a suspended sentence possible?” you can get the answer: “when you admit guilt and help the investigation understand the case.” But you shouldn’t stop there and you need to urgently look for an experienced criminal lawyer. It is with an active defense that a suspended sentence in a criminal case is more often possible than when a lawyer hides the details of the case only to prove the defendant’s innocence. The judge will be more adequate in this case when he knows the truth and that you are aware of your wrong actions.

The lawyers of our company will always help you and provide any legal assistance on any issues that arise. Even the most difficult cases can only be resolved within the maximum suspended sentence.

Contact us and you are guaranteed qualified protection. With the question of in what cases a suspended sentence is given, you can easily contact a lawyer, because only he can help you in clarifying all the circumstances of the case.

You should not rely on unqualified specialists in this section, because they can only lead you to imprisonment in your case. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact specialists who will help in any situation.

Penalty for talking on the phone while driving

Not long ago, Moscow cameras began collecting “incriminating evidence” on drivers who do not part with their phone even while driving. The innovation received support from other motorists, who were also pretty fed up with the “telephone operators”. However, many questions were raised about the accuracy of recording violations. Drivers were concerned that the camera could mistake another device or an object of similar size for a phone. To these concerns, the Traffic Management Center (TCOC) responded that the training of the neural network has achieved the result that cameras are now able to detect the presence of a phone in a hand even better than the human eye. The rest is up to the operator, who must process the information received.

What is the fine for using a phone while driving?

For using a mobile phone without a hands-free system, the violator will be fined 1,500 rubles. But for now, the circumstances under which a fine will be issued are not fully known. Will the mere presence of a phone in one’s hand be a violation, or will the system only record the moment of using the device? There is no exact answer. In any case, the phone is not the best companion while driving, try to use it to a minimum.

General information

According to Part 1 of Article 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “If, having imposed correctional labor, restrictions on military service, detention in a disciplinary military unit or imprisonment for a term of UP TO EIGHT YEARS, the court comes to the conclusion that it is possible to correct the convicted person without actually serving the sentence, it decides to consider the imposed punishment suspended.”

Thus, the maximum suspended sentence is 8 years.

A suspended sentence does not exclude the possibility of assigning additional types of punishment to the convicted person, which will be carried out independently.

A suspended sentence according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows you to assign it with mandatory consideration of the nature and degree of public danger of the crime committed, the identity of the perpetrator, mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

In this case, a conditional sentence is not assigned:

  • those convicted of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors under fourteen years of age;
  • convicted of terrorist crimes;
  • in case of dangerous and especially dangerous recidivism of crimes;
  • when committing a serious or especially serious crime during the probationary period of a conditionally convicted person.

A probationary period (or, as they say, a probationary period) is a period during which a probationer must prove his correction by his behavior.

This period can range from 6 months to 5 years.

Lack of compulsory motor liability insurance policy

It was known last year that it is planned to “teach” cameras to check whether motorists have an MTPL policy. The Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) announced that it is ready to launch checks for the availability of compulsory motor liability insurance policies through traffic cameras throughout the country. Tests of the cameras' capabilities were carried out in Moscow together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Data Control Center. If the camera recorded a car without compulsory motor liability insurance, the owner received a notification of the violation and an offer to take out insurance.

At the moment, the innovation is only in plans, since specialists have not yet been able to combine the RSA database with information about insured motorists and the traffic police information base. But the likelihood that cameras will “catch” cars without compulsory motor liability insurance in 2021 is high.

What is the fine for driving without compulsory motor insurance?

It is assumed that the violator will receive a fine of 800 rubles once a day. That is, for every day that a violator drives without a policy and is caught by cameras, he will be required to pay 800 rubles.

No inspection certificate

As of March 1, 2021, new inspection rules will come into force. To receive a maintenance pass, the driver must go to an accredited service center. The vehicle inspection process will be recorded on camera, and the images will be transferred to the Unified Automated Information System for Technical Inspection (UAISTO). In addition to photographic images, the system will receive data on the date and time of the diagnostics, as well as the coordinates of the vehicle’s location at the time of the photo.

What is the penalty for lack of maintenance?

From March 1, drivers can receive a fine for driving a car that has not passed MOT. Traffic cameras will also keep order. The equipment will record vehicle license plates and check them against the database, but not more than once a day. The fine for not having a vehicle inspection ticket is 2,000 rubles.

How to register with a suspended sentence

The decree established the person who verifies the actions of the probationer - the criminal executive inspection (CII).
As soon as the ruling is announced, the countdown begins for 10 days to challenge it, after which the ruling comes into force. The court is then given 3 days to enforce the decision.

Namely, when a suspended sentence is established, the judicial officer within a given period forwards a photocopy of the decision to the correctional institution at the place of registration of the convicted person for its execution. The moment the decision is received by the Penitentiary Inspectorate is considered the date the convicted person is registered.

After receiving the decision, an inspector is appointed responsible for the activities with the probationer, who is obliged to call him to carry out the first dialogue.

You must come when called with your passport. All other documentation that must be brought with you must be noted in the notice of visit sent to the convicted person. Date of visit - no later than 10 days from registration.

Unpaid travel on toll roads

From January 10, 2021, traffic cameras on toll roads can “issue” a fine for failure to pay the toll. The innovation is directly related to the fact that Russia has begun implementing a new barrier-free toll road payment system - “Free Flow”.

Read more about how you can pay for travel on barrier-free routes, what the tariffs are and how you can cancel a fine here.

What is the fine for unpaid travel on a toll road?

  • For owners of trucks and buses – 5,000 rubles
  • For other road users - 1,500 rubles

A fine will be assessed to the violator if payment is not received within five days from the moment the passage on the toll highway is recorded.

For what articles do they receive a suspended sentence?

The basis for the possibility of choosing the use of a method may be the possibility of application with visible results. The final decision about whether this can be done or not is based on the degree and characteristics of the action performed. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of danger to the surrounding society.

But you should not base punishment only on aggravating circumstances. Often, when granting a suspended sentence, the judge takes into account all the positive qualities of the defendant.

After you have found out why you are given a suspended sentence, it is worth remembering two penalties for a suspended sentence:

• The period of suspended sentence. • Correctional period.

A person who has committed a serious crime is not limited in the right to receive a suspended sentence, under certain conditions. If you are wondering exactly how to get a suspended sentence in this case, then here you can hope for an exception to the rule.

The court may give preference to a suspended sentence, because there is the possibility of proving one’s minor role in the crime committed, which does not provide for the isolation of the convicted person from society. In this case, he does not pose any danger to others. If the convicted person has received several charges at once, then a suspended sentence under the article is awarded not for each individual case, but for the totality of crimes.

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