Day of the security and escort service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Escort Day) 

Date in 2021: May 13, Thursday.

Every year on May 13, Russia celebrates the Day of the Convoyor (security guard service officer). The work of a guard is dangerous and requires special training, attention and compliance with the regulations. On this day, certificates and awards are presented, concerts are held, and congratulations are heard in poetry and prose.

When is it celebrated?may 13
When was it foundedIn 2002, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov
TraditionsOrganization of formations, concerts, awarding of honored employees with certificates and material prizes. The next titles are being awarded

The professional holiday of employees of the security and escort service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is celebrated annually on May 13. The guard's day is not considered an official or state day, but employees working in this department and directly related to it celebrate it quite widely.

About the profession

People performing security escort service deliver criminals to correctional institutions, where they will serve their sentences, and also protect them in places of detention. They accompany prisoners to places of detention along railways and roads. By rail, criminals are transported in specially equipped cars, which are often attached directly to passenger cars, and law-abiding citizens do not even know who they are traveling with. The guard's task is to deliver the convicts to their destination without incident and prevent their possible escape.

Since representatives of this profession have to deal with people dangerous to society, the standard equipment of a security guard certainly includes a bulletproof vest, a firearm and a helmet. Fortunately, weapons are used extremely rarely. After all, the primary goal of security guards is to prevent a dangerous situation from arising.

On May 13, 1938, by order of the NKVD of the USSR, the “Temporary Charter of the Convoy Service of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Militia” was announced. The date of adoption of this document is considered the day of the formation of the security and escort service of the USSR and the Russian Federation. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of temporary detention centers (IVS).

On the eve of this holiday, within the walls of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voskresensky District, a meeting was held between the management of the temporary detention center for suspects and accused of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voskresensky District with representatives of the regional media. Temporary detention center employees told reporters about the specifics of their service.

The main responsibilities of temporary detention facility employees are the protection and maintenance of suspects and accused of committing crimes for the period of investigative actions of up to 10 days, in accordance with Federal Law No. 103 “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing a crime,” and escorting suspects, accused and convicted persons to the place appointments, that is, to the courts, to a pre-trial detention center and, if necessary, to a hospital and for investigative actions, preventing their escape and other emergencies. That is, while cases are being considered in the city and magistrate courts of Voskresensk, violators of the law are kept in the temporary detention center of suspects and accused of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voskresensk district, after the trial they are transferred to a pre-trial detention center. All movements of criminals outside the cell are only in handcuffs. Particularly dangerous criminals are accompanied by a reinforced escort. Protecting them from the external environment and the external environment from them is the main task of the guards. Also, on the basis of the temporary detention center in our city, investigators, interrogators, lawyers communicate with suspects and accused, interrogations and confrontations with victims are conducted.

Today, 26 employees are serving in the Voskresensky temporary detention center, of which 6 are guards, 4 are on duty shifts, and the rest are security guards. Almost half of them have worked in internal affairs bodies for more than 15 years. This is the backbone of the service; others look up to it.

The conditions in which security guards work are characterized by tension and unpredictability of the situation. The work seems to be inconspicuous, but complex and responsible, requiring good physical preparation and special moral and psychological stability. The contingent varies from hardened recidivists, from whom you can expect anything, to HIV-infected people, drug addicts and citizens with an open form of tuberculosis. It is not for nothing that since 2000, according to the law, the period of service in a temporary detention facility is calculated as a year and a half - for harmfulness and for a special mode of work.

The complex specifics of official work, irregular working hours, physical and psychological overload, the need and readiness at any time to professionally and competently respond to the complication of the operational situation when guarding and escorting the accused - all this requires the guard to have iron endurance and stress resistance. Few people can meet such demands. Only those with strong spirit and iron will remain here.

The following took part in the briefing:

Head of the temporary detention center for suspects and accused of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Voskresensky district, police captain
Sergei Evgenievich Ukladnikov
, paramedic for the temporary detention center for suspects and accused of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Voskresensky district , Natalya Vladimirovna Shveda.

Veteran of the internal affairs bodies Vadim Anatolyevich Polunin.

Press service

Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voskresensky district

Svetlana Dubtsova, tel. 8-496-442-47-69

The history of the convoy unit

Figure 2. NKVD escort troops

The convoy of prisoners appeared during the times of Imperial Russia. Alexander III ordered the formation of a special unit intended for escorting prisoners in 1886. In 1907, the first charter was created and applied. During the Soviet Union, the unit existed independently and only in 1999 it was annexed to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To get a more detailed look at the work of a guard, you can watch a video in which a correspondent for the 24 TV channel spent one day with these heroic people.

"One day in the life of a guard"

The work of guards today

Figure 3. Daily danger is normal for them

Currently, they belong to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and serve not only during the transportation of dangerous prisoners and repeat offenders, but also in numerous temporary detention centers. Today there are tens of thousands of employees who risk their lives every day to isolate murderers, thieves and rapists from society.

Convoying criminals to courts, medical institutions, camps and places of investigative experiments carries serious danger. Therefore, their work must be valued and respected, because it is thanks to these people that we can feel safe.

Confinement in a temporary detention facility

The nature of the detention in the detention center, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is prison-like, that is, the detained subjects are kept in locked cells, which are often not equipped with sanitary facilities, and have only places for sleeping. The period of stay in a temporary detention facility is not long, so activities such as walks, cultural leisure and other benefits available to residents of colonies are implemented only if equipped premises are available.

The conditions of detention are quite strict, which is necessary to prevent escape and collusion of detainees, therefore movement without escort is unacceptable, and when it gets dark, the cells are illuminated until dawn.

This video will tell you more about the features of detention in a temporary detention facility:

General standards

The limited number of places in cells at police departments often causes them to overflow during influxes of detainees, which are usually observed on holidays and weekends. Medium and large temporary detention facilities equipped in basements or separate buildings, respectively, usually do not have such a disadvantage and are equipped in accordance with current rules, namely:

  • have a number of sleeping places and seats at a common table corresponding to the number of detainees;
  • supplied with sanitary appliances and washing supplies;
  • equipped with cabinets for storing clothes and basins for washing them;
  • equipped with lamps for different times of the day, supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • They have a tank with drinking water, a radio speaker, a button to call the attendant, etc.

In addition to the conditions that make it possible to satisfy primary needs, the rules of stay in a temporary detention facility imply the issuance to each prisoner of:

  • laundry soap;
  • periodicals, if the administration has the funds to purchase it;
  • paper for hygiene purposes;
  • board games;
  • equipment and items for cleaning the cell;
  • sewing items.

We will talk further about the procedure for detention in temporary detention centers and internal regulations.

Procedure for receiving detainees

Admission of detainees to the detention center for their temporary detention is carried out continuously, that is, on any day of the week and time of day. During the initial examination, the admitted subject is interviewed to determine whether the accompanying documents and identification documents correspond to his testimony.

The presence of bodily injuries is the basis for drawing up an appropriate act, which records the nature and severity of the damage to physical well-being. If the person's condition requires medical attention, admission will be denied, and the detainee must be hospitalized under police protection.

The acceptance procedure also includes photographing, fingerprinting and a thorough personal search, including the body of the detainee and his clothes, which can be torn open and shoes taken apart if there is suspicion of bringing in unauthorized items. A personal search of persons taken to a temporary detention facility includes the removal and examination of prostheses, casts and bandages, as well as inspection of internal cavities for foreign objects.

All belongings of newly arrived prisoners are subject to disinfection, and they themselves are washed in a bathhouse or shower, with the exception of patients with lice, who must undergo sanitary treatment.

Inner order rules

Persons held in temporary detention facilities spend the majority of their time within locked cells, leaving them for the following reasons:

  1. For a daily walk, if there is a designated area or room, which lasts at least an hour for adults and two hours for teenagers, but can be interrupted early at the request of the detainee.
  2. For meetings with a lawyer, which can occur daily, lasting at least 2 hours.
  3. To communicate with loved ones and relatives, if the investigative or inquiry body gives permission, but no more than twice a month and no longer than 3 hours.
  4. For taking a hot shower or visiting a bathhouse, which are sold weekly.
  5. To participate in investigative activities, work with the inquiry officer and investigator, and implement other procedural procedures.
  6. Minors may be absent for training under the guidance of visiting teachers if such a measure is considered necessary.

The organization of the activities of temporary detention centers, temporary detention centers, involves different regimes, which we will discuss further.


To respect the rights of detained citizens, the rules for the functioning of temporary detention facilities regulate restrictions on the joint detention of various subjects, namely:

  • persons of the weaker and stronger sex;
  • teenagers and adults, except those detained for the first time for not too serious offenses;
  • government officials and criminals;
  • those who committed an offense for the first time and those suspected of relapse;
  • those under suspicion and already convicted;
  • subjects involved in one or related criminal cases;

Subjects suspected of committing a number of serious crimes, including those against individual citizens or significant social values, are subject to separate detention.

It is even possible to keep mothers with infants in temporary detention facilities if there is a proper order from the prosecutor and the family relationship is documented. For this category of detainees, additional furniture (crib) and hygiene products are provided, and detention, if possible, is organized separately from the rest of the contingent.

The video below will tell you more about the regime and conditions of detention in the temporary detention center:


Release from a temporary detention facility is possible in two cases:

  1. When the period of justified detention expires and the sanction is not extended by the relevant court order.
  2. By order of the prosecutor or investigator, as well as by decision of the justice authority.

We will discuss below how and what can be transferred to a temporary detention facility, what the procedure is and whether it is necessary to write an application to the temporary detention facility for transfer.


Citizens can receive all things and items contained in temporary detention facilities necessary for everyday life or for private needs through parcels, the number of which is not limited, while the total weight of items should not exceed 30 kg and contain prohibited items. Limitations on the maximum monthly weight of gear do not apply to persons:

  • those who have not reached full adulthood, that is, 18 years of age;
  • having a medical certificate confirming the presence of a serious illness;
  • the weaker sex, bearing a child, or serving detention together with a baby.

In addition to the list of acceptable products and items, teenagers are allowed to receive packages containing textbooks, literature, manuals and stationery that they need to continue the educational process.

The nomenclature acceptable for shipments is publicly available in the temporary detention facility where shipments are received, and upon delivery they are inspected and weighed.

  • Persons who, due to their behavior while in a temporary detention facility, are charged with confinement in a punishment cell are prohibited from receiving transfers that are retained until the end of the disciplinary punishment and transferred after being returned to the general cell.
  • Any transfers during meetings with relatives or a lawyer are not allowed, and if they are detected, communication with the visitor will be terminated early.
  • Transfers of counterfeit and prohibited products and items between cells or convicts are not allowed, and if such facts are revealed, disciplinary measures may be taken.

Why was this date chosen?

Figure 1. Not only men work in the escort service

The day of security and escort service appeared for a reason. This date coincides with the order of the People's Commissar of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR dated May 13, 1938, which announced the temporary charter of the workers' and peasants' militia service. However, in fact, the holiday appeared only in 2002, when B. Gryzlov signed a corresponding decree, thanks to which people who risk their lives every day when transporting prisoners received their own professional holiday.

Do not confuse the guard's holiday with the FSIN Employee's Day, celebrated on March 12.


Figure 4. Awarding a certificate of honor

Every year, on the day of the professional holiday, management congratulates subordinates, presents diplomas, greeting cards, the best employees are encouraged by promotion, verbal and written thanks, and material awards.

The commander of a separate company for the protection and escort of suspects and accused of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Crimea, V. Marusevich, spoke about the celebration of the Day of the Security and Escort Service Worker on the air of the “Open Studio” program of Radio Crimea.

Due to specific working conditions, exemption from duty is granted only to employees who have a day off according to their work schedule on that day.

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