Daily routine in a pre-trial detention center - how does a detainee’s day go?

Since a pre-trial detention center is a penitentiary institution in which suspected or convicted citizens are kept, there is a special procedure that everyone must adhere to.

Conditions of detention in a pre-trial detention center do not always coincide with those prescribed by law, and in general the situation in any penitentiary institution cannot be called favorable. Next, we will look in detail at the daily routine in the pre-trial detention center and the conditions of detention.

General definitions

To completely or partially isolate a citizen who has committed an unlawful act, several types of correctional institutions have been created in the Russian Federation, most of which are colonies. There are three types of operating modes for such institutions:

  1. General.
  2. Special.
  3. Strict.

This division is associated with the variety of crimes committed, the personal characteristics of those convicted, and the varying severity of the acts. In general regime colonies, the conditions for serving a sentence in terms of loyalty are in second place, immediately after settlement-type colonies. A distinctive feature of the regimes is the availability of more freedoms for prisoners.

Types of crimes

The current Criminal Code in articles 120 and 121 regulates all processes related to correctional institutions with general regime. The peculiarities of correctional colonies with general regime lie in the content of convicts. Regulatory legal acts establish categories of citizens who can be sent to such institutions to serve their sentences:

  1. Criminals who intentionally committed an illegal act, but for the first time in their lives.
  2. Persons who violated the rules of detention in a more loyal settlement colony. By decision of the court, they are transferred to a general regime correctional facility.
  3. Convicts held in a correctional facility for persons under the age of majority.
  4. Women who have committed particularly serious crimes or relapsed.
  5. Male repeat offenders who have committed a crime falling into the category of moderate or minor gravity.

What it is?

A general regime colony is a closed type penal colony . It provides detention for adult citizens after the entry into force of a court sentence for men for serious crimes (who have not previously served a sentence), for women sentenced to imprisonment for committing serious and especially serious crimes, including any type of recidivism.

In addition to general regime colonies, there are other types of closed institutions. Let's figure out what the difference is between them.

How is it different from other correctional institutions?

This institution has quite a lot of differences. The following are the most important differences from other colonies.

Main differences:

  • The conditions of detention for citizens serving sentences are more lenient than in strict and special regime colonies: they are allowed to spend more money on food, and are entitled to more visits and transfers from relatives.

    You can learn more about the conditions of detention of prisoners in a maximum security prison in a separate article, but in this material we talked about what the main differences are between staying there and in other correctional institutions.

  • The contingent of criminals is also different - not to say that everything is absolutely good there as in colony settlements, but everything is not as cruel as with repeat offenders in strict regimes.

The process of carrying out punishment

There are three content options:

  • Strict;
  • Ordinary;
  • Light regime in a general regime colony.

Persons under a light or normal regime of detention are allowed to live in the same area.

All convicts subject to strict conditions of detention are kept separately from other convicts in isolated premises.

Initially, all convicts are placed under normal conditions of detention. During the process of serving the sentence, based on the behavior of the convicted person, a special commission decides to transfer him to another regime of detention. This possibility, as well as situations in which a transfer to another mode of serving a sentence is allowed, is regulated by Penal Code Article 120.

To change the conditions of detention of a convicted person to more lenient ones, he must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Do not violate the rules of detention in a correctional institution.
  • Carry out all production tasks conscientiously.
  • Serve the sentence in a colony under general conditions for at least six months.

The basis for transfer of a person sentenced to strict conditions of detention may be a malicious violation of order in a correctional institution, which can be expressed:

  • Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Distribution or use of drugs.
  • Initiating a strike.
  • Other illegal acts.

The prisoner can be returned to normal detention after 6 months, but only if there are no new violations. Another correctional measure is the performance of various types of work by convicts.

Thanks to their work activities, lawbreakers become socially active, and the money they receive is spent on their personal needs or sent to their relatives as financial assistance.

Who gets into them and for what crimes?

In the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, Art. the features of a general regime colony are fully listed, indicating the persons who may be in this institution.

These include:

  1. Persons who have committed a serious crime for the first time, but intentionally.
  2. Criminals transferred from colony settlements due to malicious violation of the established order.
  3. Convicts who previously served a sentence in a juvenile colony (upon reaching the age of 18 they must be transferred to adult institutions).
  4. Women who are repeat offenders, as well as women who have committed serious and especially serious crimes.
  5. Repeat offenders convicted of criminal acts of moderate and minor gravity.

Are there strict regime colonies for women in Russia? Find out the answer right now.

Conditions of serving the sentence

There are no absolutely identical correctional institutions; each of them has its own distinctive features that must comply with established rules.

Daily regime

The administration of each correctional complex has the right to draw up a daily routine for citizens serving sentences, but on the condition that it does not contradict current legislation. One of the mandatory conditions of any schedule is continuous sleep for convicts for 8 hours every day. Approximate schedule:

Actions PerformedStart time
Getting up, hygiene procedures, physical warm-up6:00
Beginning of work. Day length can be 8 or 12 hours 8:00
Continuation of work13:30
Free time20:30
Lights out22:00

Other schedules are developed for weekends, in which most of the time is devoted to the education and training of prisoners.

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In each general regime colony, the administration is obliged to organize meals for prisoners 3 times daily. All prisoners have breakfast, lunch, and dinner in blocks specially designated for these purposes. During meals, guards and representatives of the administration are present in the dining room. A special diet is developed for prisoners, which is as balanced as possible and includes the elements necessary for full life.

Providing clothing

Each prisoner admitted to the colony is given a special uniform, which will be the main outer clothing. Convicts are not prohibited from having their own personal belongings:

  • T-shirt.
  • Socks.
  • Underpants.
  • Shoes.
  • Hats.
  • Gloves.

Time for rest and entertainment

Entertainment in a prison colony:

  • Library equipped.
  • There is one common TV installed.

Conversations between prisoners on free topics are not prohibited, but only during free time from work. As a form of recreation, persons serving sentences are provided with daily walks in the fresh air. For persons who have been transferred to a stricter regime of detention, the walking time is reduced to 1.5 hours.

Labor activity

In general regime colonies, conditions for all convicts provide for compulsory labor activity. Even if the convict does not have any professional skills, he will be provided with a job in the colony. If the prisoner expresses a desire to undergo training, the administration of the institution will provide such an opportunity, if provided for by the conditions of the colony.

Most often, workshops, tailoring or welding workshops are organized on the territory of the colonies. Convicts in the colony can perform work only outside the colony territory.

Learning process

Not all persons serving a sentence in a general regime correctional facility need to undergo training. But if a convicted citizen wants to obtain a higher or basic education, such a right is established by the PEC.

Visiting a Prisoner

Everyone serving a sentence in a colony has the right to meet with relatives. The number of permissible meetings directly depends on the regime of detention of the convicted person.

Conditions of detentionNumber of dates per year

Permitted transfers and expenses

The number of parcels for convicts also depends on the conditions of detention in a general regime colony

Conditions of detentionNumber of transfers from relatives per year

Each convict working on the territory of the colony receives a monetary reward, which accumulates in his personal account. The amount that a convicted person can spend monthly from the accumulated fund also depends on the regime.

Conditions of detentionMaximum allowed amount of spending per month in rubles
Regular9 000
LightweightAny amount
Strict7 800

Specifics of serving sentences for women

Women and men are kept in the colony separately from each other. Unlike men, convicted women serve their sentences in the same room without separation depending on the severity of the crime committed. There are no fundamental differences between the conditions of detention of men and women in the colony. They must work, have set free time and the opportunity to receive parcels and meet relatives.

A special feature of women's colonies is the established schedule. Each of the convicts must be on duty and clean the barracks.

A woman, regardless of the severity of the crime committed, is not given a life sentence. The maximum possible sentence for female criminals is 35 years.

Meetings with relatives

Everyone serving a sentence in a general regime penal colony has the right to meet with relatives. For these purposes, there is a special room on the territory of the colony, which is equipped with a telephone. After the meeting is completed, the relatives are taken on a special bus outside the colony, and the convicted person is sent back to his cell under escort.

Direction to a colony settlement

Every convict serving a sentence in a general regime colony has the right to file a petition to consider transfer to a correctional institution with milder conditions - a settlement colony. The main requirement that must be met before submitting such an application is the period of serving in a general regime colony:

Part of the sentenceFor which persons is it intended?
1/3For convicts
1/2After being released on parole, he committed another crime
2/3For persons who have committed a serious crime

Photos of general regime colonies

Photos were kindly borrowed from the official pages of these institutions: PKU IK-1 OF THE FSIN OF RUSSIA FOR THE TVER REGION, Federal State Institution “Correctional Colony No. 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the KBR” (FKU IK-1).

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