How many women's colonies are there in Russia and what are the conditions of detention for prisoners in them?

33-year-old Galina Vorobyova knows firsthand what is going on behind the high walls of women’s colonies in Russia. The mother of three children has two terms in the Leningrad and Mozhaisk colonies. Thieves, the struggle for survival, lesbian love and separation from children are just a small part of what she saw behind bars. And although prisoners are reluctant to talk about their time in prison, Vorobyova agreed to talk with and talk in detail about life in a women’s colony.

Galya was born in Rybinsk, in the Yaroslavl region. Her parents divorced when she was very young; the girl stayed with her mother. Then her mother died, and ten-year-old Galya ended up in an orphanage. By that time my father had another family. At the age of 16, Galya Vorobyova graduated from an orphanage with a specialty as a tailor and cutter, and began to live independently: parties, soft drugs, friends - and no control. Then heroin and amphetamine appeared.

How many prisons are there in Russia and what kind of regimes are there?

Currently, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service, there are 35 women’s correctional colonies in Russia. About 60,000 women and girls are serving their sentences in these institutions, which is 5% of the total number of prisoners in Russia. About thirteen thousand of them are minors (read more about how life is for inmates of female juvenile colonies here).

In a general regime colony, convicts serve time for serious criminal acts committed for the first time, as well as for crimes of minor and medium gravity, if the judicial authority considers that the correction of such persons is impossible in a settlement. A strict regime is applied only to repeat offenders and especially cruel murderers.

In addition to correctional colonies, there are institutions such as pre-trial detention centers, in which convicts are under investigation and awaiting further distribution. There are three women's pre-trial detention centers in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg).

Read more about the main differences between a maximum security colony and a general colony and others here, and learn about how they live in a maximum security colony, what it is and why it’s better not to go there, in this material.

"I was closed"

There are periods of enlightenment in the life of every drug addict. I got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son. But then a breakdown pulls you back, you want some movement. She left the family - parties, get-togethers - and then returned. Two or three weeks of absence were normal for me. In 2007, the guardianship authorities deprived me of parental rights. My father took custody of my children, despite the fact that we had no contact. Apparently, he had a feeling of guilt for having distanced himself from my upbringing at one time. My husband and I had already divorced by that time.

The most stringent correctional MLS

Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 6 is considered one of the most brutal prisons. The prisoners themselves call it nothing more than “SIZO 666”, since the conditions of detention can be called hellish.

Attention! More stringent conditions are observed in colonies where women who have committed repeated and serious crimes are sent, i.e. repeat offenders.

Lack of sleeping places, overcrowded cells and unsanitary conditions. Diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis flourish as a result of the lack of medical care and basic living conditions. A completely healthy, and sometimes innocent, person emerges sick and exhausted a few months later. Activists and human rights defenders are sounding the alarm, however, to no avail.

Correctional colonies in Mordovia are often mentioned as places where it is better not to go. These institutions are classified as high security detention centers. Their conditions are much worse compared to other similar places of detention. The arbitrariness of the authorities, dirt and meager food are just a few of the things that those serving sentences on the territory of these institutions will have to face.

  • IK-13 and IK-14, located in the village of Partsa.
  • IK-2 in the village of Java.

It’s better to forget about formal politeness

The polite treatment that is practiced in the wild is considered a manifestation of weakness and softness in places of deprivation of liberty. Excessive politeness may be regarded by prisoners as ingratiation, and then it will not be possible to gain respect from fellow inmates. Here, they are more likely to respect straightforward and tough individuals who are capable of giving an opponent a bad name in their hearts, rather than those who constantly apologize and try to curry favor with others.

Politeness in prison is demonstrated not in words, but in actions. Let's look at a few examples:

  1. You should not interrupt people who are having a dialogue.
  2. Helping an older person carry bags is the best sign of respect.
  3. Politeness is giving up the queue for the kettle or shower to someone who clearly needs it.

Pre-trial detention center for women - what is it?

A pre-trial detention center stands for a pre-trial detention center in which there are persons under investigation, namely, those people whose criminal case is under investigation or legal proceedings and who are awaiting further distribution to a correctional institution or colony.

All other institutions of this type in Russia are mixed, where both men and women serve their sentences. Unlike some men’s detention centers, where certain “concepts” may apply in everyday life, for women everything is simpler and relatively freer. The main attention is paid to everyday life and the distribution of responsibilities between cellmates.

“I have no right to go down”

On November 13, 2021, Matvey and I were released; he was two years and one month old. Before my imprisonment, I had two rooms in a four-room communal apartment. My neighbor's grandmother died while I was sitting there, and her daughter sold her share. The new owners dumped all the construction debris, all the rubbish into my rooms, the ceiling collapsed in them, the windows were broken, and now they are uninhabitable. I need funds for repairs, I don’t have them. For the first months, my son and I lived in a crisis center, where I went through a rehabilitation program to get rid of prison habits.

Galina Vorobyova with Matvey

Photo courtesy of the hero of the material

Now a friend has given us shelter. I have a lot of plans, I want to live normally, like an ordinary person, take my child to kindergarten, work. I want to restore ties with relatives, with older children, and restore parental rights. I have to give Matvey everything so that he grows normally. I am a rare piece of trash, I had to serve two terms to understand and appreciate what was given to me. Now I have no right to go down. Of course, I deserved all this, but there is a category of people who will not judge, who will lift me up from the ground. Strangers showed us care, attention and sympathy. I am very grateful to them.

Correctional colonies: living conditions

Most cells are designed for 40-60 people, the beds are installed in two rows , the prisoners themselves call them “bunks”. The cell has a kitchen, where women cook themselves using products purchased from a local store or those sent by relatives, as well as a toilet and shower. Once a week – bath.

Reference. According to prisoners, one of the main inconveniences is the lack of privacy, since most intimate procedures are carried out in full view of their fellow inmates.

Cleaning in the barracks is carried out three times a day, the schedule is set by the senior. Missing duty is unacceptable and is punishable by additional cleaning days. The right to skip duty can be purchased for a pack of cigarettes, food or money.

According to the rules, each convicted person must be given a set of clothes and underwear for a period of one year. Often this rule is not followed. Half of the things are missing, or even issued less than once a year. Prisoners do not have the opportunity to dress warmly in the winter, which leads to an increase in the number of colds. Those who are unable to receive parcels from home have to exchange clothes from fellow inmates or wear cast-offs.


A prisoner's standard schedule includes items such as:

  • climb;
  • toilet;
  • Three meals a day;
  • working hours with a lunch break;
  • personal time from 30 minutes to 1 hour;
  • continuous 8-hour sleep.

The day begins with getting up at 6 am, making beds, hygiene procedures and formation for roll call. The prisoners have breakfast and the working day begins, with a break for lunch, until 7-8 pm. After dinner - free time, which is spent at your own discretion: reading, letters home, handicrafts, etc.


The calorie content of the daily diet is approximately 2600–3000 kcal. Dairy, meat, vegetable dishes, as well as hot dishes are required. Prisoners purchase sugar, confectionery, fruits, and semi-finished products on their own, according to the permitted list.

Read more about food in prisons here.

Work and leisure

The working day is 12 hours or on a two-to-one schedule.
The main task is to meet production standards. Reference. Women carry out activities such as cutting and sewing, making workwear, working in a bakery, washing dishes, cleaning, cooking, and working in local art workshops and libraries.

In the absence of the necessary skills, convicts have the opportunity to obtain a profession or retraining in order to subsequently work in the acquired specialty. Training is carried out according to a separate schedule and is compiled individually.

Many correctional institutions have amateur clubs, libraries and study groups organized by the prisoners themselves. Women organize competitions, organize exhibitions, stage plays, hold holidays and even beauty contests.

Religion and Worship

According to the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 14 “Ensuring freedom of conscience and freedom of religion of convicts,” prisoners have the right to profess any religion , as well as to conduct the necessary rituals both in the territory of detention and in specially designated territories, if any.

According to the convicts, faith and religion are what give them the strength to endure their sentences and with dignity endure all the hardships and difficulties associated with prison life. It helps to sincerely repent and enter a new life not as a broken person, but as a full-fledged person with new goals and hope for the future.

Prisons often build their own churches for prisoners to visit during their free time. The convicted person can confess or receive communion, and in case of serious illness the prison provides a priest.

Dates and visits

The types of visits with convicted persons, as well as their number, are determined by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (Article 89) - a convicted person has the right to two types of visits within the framework of the rules of a particular correctional institution:

  1. short-term, which last 4 hours;
  2. up to three days with accommodation on the territory of the correctional institution;
  3. in a general regime penal colony it is permissible to have 6 short-term and 4 long-term visits;
  4. in a strict regime penal colony, 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits are allowed.

The head of the correctional institution independently determines the procedure and place of the meeting.

Read more about the nuances of long-term and short-term visits in maximum security colonies here.

Transfer of things and products

The transfer of things and products is carried out as usual, like all other institutions of this type. List of items allowed for transfer:

  • socks, T-shirts and underwear;
  • towel and bed linen;
  • sports suit;
  • sneakers, shower slippers, boots, galoshes;
  • personal hygiene items: napkins, toilet paper, sanitary pads, combs, toothbrush;
  • unbreakable dishes (plastic, aluminum);
  • writing paper;
  • a set of pens, with a blue and black core;
  • personal photographs (no more than three);
  • objects of religious worship (cross, icon, Bible, Koran);
  • sweater;
  • jacket.


  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • instant noodles, crackers, chips;
  • honey and condensed milk in soft packaging;
  • confectionery: sweets, cookies, gingerbreads, chocolate (up to 2 kg);
  • vegetables and fruits, except citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, pamelo);
  • Tea coffee.


Perhaps one of the most difficult and painful topics regarding a woman’s stay in prison. Motherhood is the main purpose and meaning of every woman’s life, and the pregnancy period is one of the most difficult and responsible. Medical care in prison is often unable to provide the expectant mother with the necessary medications, and poor nutrition and hard work only worsen the situation.

Important! Doctors do not bother to examine expectant mothers, who may not be under medical supervision during the entire period, as a result of which a woman is not always able to carry a child to term, not to mention the fact that the baby is born healthy and full-fledged...

Most often, immediately after birth, the newborn is sent to the children's department of the hospital where he undergoes a medical examination, after which he is sent to a baby home.

Not every colony provides the opportunity for a mother to be with her child up to three years of age. Currently, there are 10 colonies with an orphanage in the Russian Federation. Children in such institutions are under the supervision of teachers and provided for at state expense until the age of three, after which they are sent to an orphanage or to the relatives of the prisoner. During the period of placement of a child, the mother is granted leave of 15 days excluding travel. In the future, annual leave for visiting the child is granted for the same period.

Show of force

Strong personalities are respected in the zone. A determined, persistent person will always find like-minded people. Physical strength is not particularly important, since according to this parameter all female prisoners are more or less equal. The exception is female athletes, but they have to demonstrate their physical data only in extreme cases. For example, if you need to move heavy furniture or help at a construction site.

Fights in women's colonies are a rare occurrence. Those who fight are mainly those who are unable to resolve their issues differently. If a person is strong in spirit and self-confident, then he will not have to participate in a fight. It is important to immediately defend your personal space, and then problems will not arise in the future. You should not descend to gossip, whining and petty squabbles.

Release on parole

Conditional early release can be applied only after the convicted person has actually served:

  • at least one third of the sentence imposed for a crime of minor or medium gravity;
  • not less than half of the sentence imposed for a serious crime;
  • at least two-thirds of the sentence imposed for a particularly serious crime.

How to get it and what does the court pay attention to?

  • behavior of the convicted person in the colony, compliance with the regime and internal regulations;
  • degree of repentance, admission of guilt and willingness to bear responsibility for the offense committed (compensation for moral and material damage to the victim);
  • sincerity in repentance and willingness to change one’s life, learn a new profession, and be useful to society;
  • whether the convicted person has received incentives or penalties from the prison administration;
  • presence of an official place of work and attitude towards work in general;
  • participation of the convicted person in the life of the team, work and leisure activities during the process of serving the term;
  • availability of permanent residence or plans to acquire it;
  • willingness to become a good citizen, benefit society and work.

Attention! It is worth noting that the court will evaluate the totality of the circumstances. Lack of place of residence or work, in the presence of other positive factors, will not become an obstacle to satisfying parole.

Excessive talkativeness is a vice

Prisoners should not talk too much about their past. This especially applies to personal life and sexual contacts - communication between prisoners should not go beyond certain limits.

You shouldn’t be frank even with your best camp friends. Talking less and listening more is the best advice for surviving in a women's colony.

Drug addicts should not be trusted. This is especially true for those who are addicted to heroin. These will be sold as soon as possible. They can leak information to both senior staff and administration employees. And they will do it for a pack of tea or a few cigarettes.

Hierarchy in cells

Relations between prisoners are, as a rule, neutral. This is not a men's prison, where there is a struggle for leadership; the concept of “lowered” does not come up often. The exceptions are child killers - they, as a rule, are hated in women's prisons and can be humiliated or even beaten.

The hierarchy in the women's cell is like a beehive and, in fact, resembles a large family, with its own nuances, of course. There is a “womb” - the eldest, her assistants, to whom the eldest delegates her unspoken responsibilities, and the rest of the women.

The assistants monitor cleanliness, draw up a duty schedule, monitor food intake, and inspect the cell for items that are not allowed. Women's unions are often formed in prison, a so-called “family” in which they communicate, they can share food, clothing, cosmetics, but these relationships cannot be called bosom friendship, although the cases are different. Sometimes former cellmates remain friends even after release.


In prisons where children's homes are open, there are maternity wards . These institutions help women serving time.

In accordance with the law, these institutions must be designed so that the children living in them feel comfortable. A convicted mother has the right to communicate with her own child if she has free time from work. They are allowed to live together .

After the child turns three years old, then, with the consent of the mother, he is given to his closest relatives. Otherwise, he will be sent to a state institution for education.

The arrangement of the child is that the woman is given fifteen days leave . In the future, the administration will provide the mother with the same leave to visit the baby.

If the mother is serving a sentence of less than three years , then the child can be left in the orphanage and the woman will take him away immediately after release.

However, this right is granted only if all rules are followed and behavior is impeccable.

About motherhood in women's prisons in this video:


This is the name given to women who enter into relationships with cobles and play the role of passive lesbians. Moreover, in the zone they are the majority, and they are often left without a mate. According to statistics, for every 10 pickers there are only three cobbles.

Active lesbians often achieve their other halves in the same way as men do. They court, give gifts, and then protect them, trying to provide a comfortable life. Manifestations of jealousy among cobbles are not uncommon. Therefore, they often prohibit pickers from wearing overly revealing clothes.

Who are cobbles?

Active lesbians have significant influence in the zone. We are talking about representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation taking on the role of a man. Such a woman is called a male here. These are active lesbians, who are characterized not only by masculine behavior, but also by an appropriate appearance - they cut their hair short and wear appropriate clothes. They are often rude in communication and very hot-tempered, which is why other prisoners avoid them. By the way, it is the males who most often start fights in women’s colonies.

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Since both in the wild and in the colony the family plays a primary role in the lives of most women, males try to find a mate. Moreover, they jealously protect their soulmate, ready to get into a fight at any sideways glance in her direction.

What do cobbles look like?

It is not difficult to identify an active lesbian in a women's colony. Kobles have short hair, do not wear skirts, smoke a lot, spit and actively use obscene language in their speech. There is no polish on their nails, they wear men's shoes and do not shave their legs. In general, they do everything to be as similar to men as possible.

To do this, they even take male camp names for themselves, trying to speak in a deep voice. And over time, a certain transformation does occur - the woman really becomes masculine, her features and faces become coarser, her gait changes.

As a rule, cobles are imprisoned for committing serious crimes: robbery, murder. They like to resolve conflicts with brute force, so other prisoners prefer not to quarrel with the kobla once again.


The administration of any correctional colony has one very important responsibility. It must provide convicts with employment. In this case, the woman’s age and, if possible, specialty are taken into account.

Working convicts have the right to paid annual leave. Its duration is twelve days, excluding weekends.

Juvenile offenders in an educational institution are granted longer leave. It is eighteen working days. The same leave is granted to women who have reached the age of 55.

It is noted that convicted women work more diligently than men. Only a small percentage of women do not want to work or are dishonest about their duties.

In order to diversify the monotonous work of convicts, who are usually employed in clothing production, the administration of penal institutions often offers them new areas of employment. This includes knitting and lace weaving, folk crafts, etc.

Types of PS

What could a women's area be like? First of all, it is worth saying that correctional institutions belong to the criminal correctional system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. With the help of colonies, punishments are carried out, which are expressed by imprisonment either for a certain period or for life. Those sentenced to death are also held in correctional institutions.

A zone for women can be a correctional or educational colony, a prison, or a medical correctional institution.

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