Special regime correctional colony. What is it and what are the conditions of detention there?

People who have never faced trials or serious offenses in their lives have no idea what a special regime colony is like.

Typically, such concepts are only available to qualified lawyers and former prisoners.

But today you and I will be able to figure out this most important issue together.

What is it and are there any differences from other ICs?

In Russia, there are four types of correctional colonies (CIs) for convicts: settlement colonies, regular regime, strict regime and special regime. Let's consider how special regime IR differs from other MLS, for example, from strict regime IR.

Special regime correctional colonies have the most stringent conditions for keeping prisoners . This includes those sentenced to life imprisonment and repeat offenders on particularly serious charges. Prisoners sentenced to death are also held in special colonies.

  1. The largest Russian special regime colony is “Black Dolphin” . According to 2021 data. 733 people are imprisoned here, but this is far from the limit, because the total capacity of the correctional colony is 1,600 convicts. Even with a prison population half the maximum, Black Dolphin employs more than 900 correctional officers.
  2. "Polar Owl" is the northernmost prison in Russia. IK is located in the polar Urals, and is the last refuge for life prisoners. For most of the year, the temperature in these parts does not rise above -40 degrees, for this reason the “Polar Owl” is considered a colony with the most difficult living conditions. By 2021, there are 458 prisoners in the penal colony.
  3. Another high security penitentiary institution is "White Swan". A correctional colony famous for its strictest regime. Despite the fact that prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment are kept here, the average term of serving a sentence is 3-7 years (according to unofficial data, prisoners no longer live). The reasons for this may be different:
    • illness;
    • suicides;

  4. mental illness, when prisoners withdraw into themselves and refuse food.
  5. One of the versions of why the penal colony is called “White Swan” talks about the way convicts move around the territory: leaning forward almost 90 degrees, they walk with their arms thrown behind their backs, like a swan.

We talk in more detail about the main differences between Russian correctional institutions in a separate material.

The difference between a prison and a special regime penal colony

To understand the difference between a prison and a special regime colony, it should be noted that convicts held in a correctional institution of this type cannot be transferred to a regular prison or a colony-settlement. But they may be eligible for parole.

When transferred from another penitentiary institution, they are placed in the same conditions as before. In addition, working prisoners who have the right to annual paid leave cannot spend it outside their colony.

Prisoners sentenced to life sentences live in rooms designed for 2 people. In case of emergency, they can be moved to solitary confinement.

Another feature of a special regime zone is a certain daily routine, which includes personal time, work process, physical activity, nutrition and cultural events.

If prisoners work in several shifts, the daily routine may vary slightly. For those who are in punishment cells, solitary confinement or quarantine, a separate schedule is drawn up.

What offenses can you get there for?

Those sentenced to life imprisonment and persons sentenced to death are placed in a special regime penal colony for particularly dangerous repeat crimes (Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Recidivism is a repeated intentional crime under the same article under which the convicted person was previously sentenced (Part 1 of Article 18 of the Criminal Code).

The following cases are considered particularly dangerous relapses::

  1. committing a repeated intentional crime while serving a sentence in a prison;
  2. commission of a crime by a person who has previously been twice convicted of serious crimes.

Sentenced to life imprisonment for:

  • murders accompanied by extreme cruelty;
  • encroachment on the lives of government officials, public figures, and persons administering justice;
  • genocide;
  • Act of terrorism;
  • hostage taking;
  • participation in a criminal organization;
  • sabotage;
  • sexual assault;
  • sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years of age;
  • drugs spreading;
  • drug smuggling.

It is worth noting that life imprisonment is not given to women. Also, women are not assigned to a special and strict regime colony (we talk about the nuances of serving sentences for women in correctional institutions of the Russian Federation here).

Differences between special regime and strict regime

How is special regime different from strict regime? The difference is not very big, but it is there.

Special regimeStrict regime
StructureUnlimited security requirements. The possibility of escape is zero. High requirements for content safety.
ContingentParticularly dangerous repeat offenders sentenced to life imprisonment.Serious crimes, rape.
Dating2 short-term + 2 long-term3 short-term + 3 long-term
Spending money1 minimum wage per month2 minimum wage per month

Conditions of serving in a special regime colony

Like any penal colonies of the Russian Federation, special regime colonies have several conditions of detention :

  • ordinary;
  • lightweight;
  • strict.

Depending on the severity of the crime committed, the behavior of the prisoner and the years spent in the correctional facility, the conditions of detention of the convicted depend.


Under normal conditions, defendants are kept in dormitories, have the right to independently purchase food and necessary personal items on a monthly basis in the amount of no more than 1 minimum wage, have 2 short visits and 2 long ones (no more than 3 days) per year. The number of parcels and parcels is also limited: 3 parcels or 3 parcels and no more than 3 parcels per year.


In light conditions, convicts also live in dormitories and have an amount for personal use in the amount of 2 minimum wages. All finances are stored in personal accounts. Prisoners have the right to short-term visits 3 times a year, and 3 times a year for long-term visits. The number of parcels/deliveries and parcels increases to 4 per year .

In both ordinary and light conditions of detention, defendants have the right to telephone calls. The frequency and duration of communication is determined by the correctional facility in which the prisoner is held. In the absence of appropriate conditions, telephone calls may be limited to 6 per year. Telephone conversations should not exceed 15 minutes. The conversation takes place at the expense of the person making the call or his relatives.


Things are completely different in the strict conditions of detention in special regime penal colonies. The most dangerous criminals serve their sentences here. They are kept in cell-type rooms with no more than 2 people. Just like other prisoners, they have the opportunity to buy food and necessary items in an amount not exceeding 70% of the minimum wage.

The number of dates for them is significantly reduced - 2 short-term and 1 long-term per year. Receipt of parcels or transfers should not exceed 1 per year, as well as parcels . Regular communication with loved ones by telephone is out of the question; communication is made only in extreme cases.

Differences in detention conditions

The conditions of detention of convicts in a special regime penal colony are regulated by Art. 125 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

Conditions of detentionPossible to spendDatingParcels, transfers and packages
Regular1 minimum wage monthly2 long-term (up to 3 days) and 2 short-term (up to 4 hours) dates per year3 parcels/deliveries and 3 parcels per year
Lightweight2 minimum wage monthly3 long and 3 short term per year4 parcels/deliveries and 4 parcels per year
Strict70% minimum wage monthly1 long and 2 short dates per year1 parcel/transmission and 1 parcel per year

From our separate publications you can learn about the peculiarities of the stay of prisoners in punishment cells and punishment cells.

Under what circumstances can a prisoner be transferred from one regime to another?

In most cases, repeat offenders who have been ordered by the court to serve their sentences in a special regime colony are sent to normal conditions. But if they are convicted of intentionally committing a crime in prison, then, according to Article 87 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, they will immediately be sentenced to strict conditions.

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Transfer from strict to ordinary and then to lighter conditions is possible only in the absence of violations of the regime. A repeat offender must serve at least one year of his sentence, and a person sentenced to life imprisonment must serve at least 10 years.

Accordingly, for serious violations of the regime (use of alcohol and drugs, disobedience to the administration, distribution of illegal items, etc.), the prisoner will be recognized as a persistent violator of the regime and transferred to more strict conditions of detention.

Conditions of detention

Regular and lightweight

Convicts of a special regime with general conditions of detention live in dormitories. Their day is strictly regulated in accordance with the internal order established by the PS :

  • climb;
  • eating;
  • work time;
  • free time.

If convicts work several shifts, the activity schedule is adjusted. The prisoner can choose the type of activity independently :

  1. wood harvesting;
  2. production of furniture, clothing;
  3. metallurgy.

For his work, the prisoner receives money credited to his personal account. In their free time, convicts can spend their free time in the library, watching TV (if available), doing creative work or studying, or consulting with a teacher. But it all depends on the general procedures that are established in a particular PS.

Also, on the most significant holidays, MLS hosts cultural events and concerts . Sports events are periodically organized for prisoners: football and volleyball games.


A completely different situation is observed in a special regime penal colony under strict conditions of detention. Convicts live in premises equipped on the principle of prison cells and buildings. The entrance to the cell is locked with double doors with a window installed in the center for the transfer of food, books and hygiene products. The cells are equipped with 2 beds, a table, a toilet and a washbasin - everything is designed for long-term stay of convicts in the cell. The living area must be at least 2.5 square meters. m per convicted person.

Prisoners kept in strict conditions carry a minimum of personal belongings. Hygiene items are provided immediately before bedtime. It is allowed to have religious literature from the library, as well as religious objects, in the cells. Here in the cell the prisoner can store :

  • court decision;
  • books, magazines, newspapers from the library;
  • writing utensils and blank sheets of paper.

For clothing, convicts are given a special uniform, of an established pattern and appropriate to the season.

Convicts held in strict conditions live in cells of two . Apart from their cellmate, they are prohibited from communicating with other prisoners.

Prisoners work in cells specially designed for them, with bars installed.

Free movement within the territory of the penal colony is prohibited. No more than 1.5 hours are allotted for a walk daily, but if the convicted person is noted for good behavior, the time can be increased to 3 hours. Prisoners walk under strict conditions in a special area for walking; this can be both outdoors and indoors.

Hygiene and personal time are strictly regulated . At least once a week, convicts visit a shower or bathhouse, depending on the internal organization of the correctional facility.

According to Order No. 205 of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2005, each IC has its own procedures, which may vary depending on the time of year, local conditions or other circumstances.


Depending on the conditions of detention, convicts eat either in canteens (light and ordinary conditions of detention) or in their own cells (strict conditions). This is the order of the Federal Service of September 2, 2021 No. 696.

In MLS, prisoners must be provided with three meals a day . There should be no more than 7 hours between meals. Meal hours are regulated by the head of the correctional institution.

  1. For breakfast, only the second course is prepared: preferably, it is a dish of cereal porridge with the addition of milk, a cereal or vegetable side dish, bread, sugar and tea.
  2. For lunch, convicts are fed the most heavily: first course, second course and jelly (or compote). The second course must be served with a cold appetizer in the form of salads.
  3. For dinner, one second course is also prepared, preferably fish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals. Bread and tea with sugar are also served.

Thanks to the preparation of a variety of food and skillful selection of dishes, the MLS provides a complete diet. Read more about food for prisoners in MLS here.

What it is

A special regime correctional colony is a place where the most dangerous criminals are sent.

These include:

  1. Men who are sentenced to life imprisonment.
  2. Men whose crimes constitute a particularly dangerous recidivism.

They serve their sentences in conditions of almost complete isolation from the outside world. Such punishment should make offenders aware of their behavior and motivate them to seek legitimate means to solve problems.

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Women are not allowed into these establishments. The court sentences them to a penal colony or a general regime penal colony, depending on the severity of the criminal act committed. The law does not provide for the imposition of life sentences on females.

Attention! Those who received life sentences are the most dangerous to society. To eliminate their possible influence on less dangerous criminals, both are kept separately from each other.

Right to parole

By law, prisoners held in special regime correctional facilities are also entitled to parole. Let's consider in what cases such situations are possible :

  • the prisoner has served two-thirds of the sentence imposed for a particularly serious crime, as well as for a particularly dangerous recidivism;
  • the prisoner has served three-quarters of the sentence imposed for crimes violating the sexual integrity of minors;
  • the prisoner has served three-quarters of his sentence for distribution and trafficking of narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • the prisoner served four-fifths of his sentence for a crime against the sexual integrity of persons under fourteen years of age.

A convict sentenced to life imprisonment has the right to parole if the court finds that he does not need to further serve his sentence and has actually served at least twenty-five years of imprisonment. Conditional early release from further serving of life imprisonment is applied only if the convicted person has not committed malicious violations of the established procedure for serving the sentence during the previous three years.

A person who has committed a serious or especially serious crime while serving a life imprisonment is not subject to parole. (as amended by Federal Law dated December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ)

Colonies of the Russian Federation

Many people wonder what kind of colonies with a special strict regime exist in Russia and how many are there? There are several existing institutions of this kind:

  • "White Swan" is a Solikamsk prison. It is characterized by rather harsh conditions.
  • “Black Dolphin” is one of the largest colonies in terms of the number of criminals. Dangerous offenders are sent here - maniacs, serial killers and rapists. They are under 24-hour video surveillance. You can move around the territory with a blindfold. You should sleep exclusively by lamplight. Violation of the law results in severe penalties.
  • The Polar Owl is a northern colony located above the Arctic Circle. This is an institution for people who have received life sentences. Quite strict living conditions are established here; this nuisance is complemented by a year-round temperature of minus 35-40 degrees, which remains almost constant.
  • “Black Golden Eagle” - the colony is located in the taiga near Sverdlovsk. Famous modern serial killers serve their sentences in this institution.
  • “Vologda Pyatak” is a special colony in terms of location. It is also called the Russian Alcatraz. The establishment is located on an island. This completely eliminates the possibility of escape. Since the beginning of 1996, prisoners who have been sentenced to life imprisonment by the court have been staying here.

Life through the eyes of the condemned

Stories from life told by special regime prisoners.

Letter from Grigory P. to his son Lesha, 2004

“... son, did you ask how they live in the zone? I will tell you.

You wake up with a signal at 6:30. The lights and radio immediately turn on - you need to get ready and tidy up the bed in 10 minutes, otherwise you might end up getting a good rip off. You can't lie down any more during the day - that's the rule. There is a knock on the door, and our door is very heavy, iron, with a small window in the middle. The window opens and in the morning we are given porridge, tea with sugar and a loaf of bread.

My cellmate Ivan constantly complains about the local grub, but he’ll get used to it. He is in this colony recently, but for a long time - he is serving 228 for the second time. He will know how to get young people hooked on drugs. Now let him sit and eat his porridge.

Everything here, Lyoshka, is subject to rules, procedures, even stricter than yours at the vocational school. An hour after breakfast the boss comes. He shouts loudly: “Lower your head, hands to the wall,” the daily search begins, they handcuff you, blindfold you, lead you to serve the state - work for 4 hours, then lunch, a walk, and then work again. The guards don’t leave us for a minute, they walk and herd so that we don’t do something like that... I wouldn’t be surprised if they have cameras hanging over my push.

While walking I do sports. Do you remember how your grandmother used to say, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” There are horizontal bars and dumbbells here, but you know what’s funny - everything is chained. So that, just in case, the prisoners do not decide to use dumbbells as a tool for fighting. Sometimes it happens. There are different people sitting here, but they keep the particularly frostbitten ones away, I won’t even tell you about them.

In general, this is how your folder lives. Everything is on schedule. Everything is under supervision. In the evenings I have free time, I read books. I recently fell in love with Dostoevsky. Ivan says that soon they will install a TV for us. Let’s see, maybe they’ll put it on - we’ll at least watch stories from the world.”

Letter from Vladimir O. to a former cellmate.

“Day after day passes, it seems like it was winter, but it’s already autumn. Previously, he lived from date to date, Masha came twice a year, sometimes she brought Egorka with her, but now she is silent, does not answer, apparently she has filed for divorce. But the meeting rooms, of course, are good, they can’t compare with a common fund, much less a cell. It’s terrible, I don’t even want to think about these punishment cells with bars. Mother periodically writes, sometimes cigarettes, and sends sausages, bread, lard. At least a little news from home is nice.

Because of my decent behavior, I was assigned to the light prison camp; now I live with the men in a barracks and work in a sawmill. I'm harvesting wood. On weekends we go to the bathhouse, it’s good! You sprinkle boiling water on the stove and feel like you are living again.

The other day someone blurted out that he wanted to go to study and asked for some very smart books in the library. They say he will even get crusts. What about me? I thought and thought and also decided to learn, and you know what? English. Since childhood I wanted to know languages, I went to the library, they even found a textbook for me, I looked at it, spat and went back. Why do I need this English? I’ll come out as an ancient old man, I wouldn’t forget my language.”

Division of correctional institutions into categories

The Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation provides for 4 options for the conditions of detention of prisoners:

  • colony-settlement;
  • general mode;
  • strict regime;
  • special regime.

The decision on the punishment is made by the court. When determining the regime of a correctional institution, the severity of the crime committed and the number of “walkers” are taken into account. The difference between a settlement colony and a general regime colony, general and strict regime, strict and special is:

  • the procedure for serving the sentence;
  • living conditions;
  • level of security and supervision.

Features of the execution of punishment in correctional institutions of various categories are described in detail in Chapter 16 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Here we will not reproduce the text of the official document, but will provide specific comparisons of the modes.

Confinement in a colony settlement

The colony-settlement houses convicts sentenced to imprisonment in weakly limited conditions. You can only enter in the following cases:

  • The person has committed a crime of moderate gravity or does not pose a danger to others;
  • The crime was committed due to negligence;
  • The convict showed himself to be on the good side and did not violate the conditions of serving his sentence.

The conditions of detention in these colonies are as follows:

  • There are no security representatives in the colony. The order is controlled by administration employees;
  • Possibility of movement around the territory until the curfew is announced;
  • Traveling outside the territory with the permission of the administration (to attend classes or to work);
  • Ability to use personal clothing and belongings;
  • No restrictions on visits and sending parcels.

It is also worth noting the fact that a convicted person may ask the administration for permission to rent a house on the territory of the settlement for joint residence with his family. If permission is received from the administration, the convict is obliged to provide the administration with access to the home upon request, and also report to the administration at least once a week.

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