What is a temporary detention center (IVS), when are they placed in it and what are the rules of stay?

The main thing you should know about when collecting a parcel or transfer to your loved one who is in a pre-trial detention center is that your parcel will definitely be inspected, including with the help of special equipment. Reception and inspection of transfers and parcels is carried out in a specially equipped room of the pre-trial detention center. Transfers from visitors are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

The article provides a complete list of what food can be transferred. Find out whether it is possible to transfer home-made food and what is strictly prohibited.

What are the rules?

The weight of each parcel must be no more than 20 kilograms. How many times a month to send parcels to the pre-trial detention center depends only on your desire. During a calendar month, the total weight of the delivery to the pre-trial detention center cannot exceed 30 kg. Did you send 10 kg on February 2? Great, once again in February you can only send 20 kg.

But there are categories of prisoners for whom the weight of the transfer is not limited (clause 66 of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189):

  • minors;
  • patients with serious illnesses (after examination by a pre-trial detention center doctor);
  • women with children under three years of age (if the children are kept in a pre-trial detention center with their mother);
  • pregnant women.

A list of food products and things that are allowed to be transferred to pre-trial detention center prisoners must be posted on the wall in the transfer room. It is recommended to give the prisoner food products only packaged in transparent soft factory (preferably vacuum) packaging. It is prohibited to transfer products in glass and iron containers .

So what exactly can you convey to a loved one who is in a pre-trial detention center? And what is the best way to provide the prisoner with food? Let's figure it out.


The initial period of detention in a temporary detention facility (IVS), calculated from the moment of delivery to the employee conducting the investigation or carrying out the inquiry, cannot exceed two full days, after which one of the procedural actions must be performed:

  1. Issue a decision from a judicial authority on arrest as a preventive measure and transfer to a pre-trial detention center.
  2. By decision of the justice body, the period of isolation is extended for another three full days, since the total duration should not exceed 120 hours.
  3. Release from custody.

Persons transferred from a pre-trial detention center for the implementation of investigative measures cannot stay in a temporary detention facility for more than 10 days in one calendar month, however, the total continuous duration of stay can reach 20 days. This will require the execution of various transfers, for the first of which the last day corresponds to the last day of the current month, and the first day of the next term coincides with the first day of the next month.

Below we will describe the conditions and rules of detention in the temporary detention center for suspects and accused persons, IVS.

Sleeping place in a temporary detention center (photo)

A complete list of products that can be transferred to a pre-trial detention center with comments

Important ! A detailed list of food products permitted to be transferred and purchased by suspects and accused persons held in pre-trial detention centers is regulated by Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Justice of October 14, 2005 No. 189 “On approval of the internal regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system.”

A detailed list of permitted food products in the pre-trial detention center of the Russian Federation with amendments and recommendations from people who know about imprisonment first-hand:

  1. Cigarettes (2-3 blocks). Cigarettes in prison are a kind of currency. Even if the person in the pre-trial detention center does not smoke, it is better to put 1-2 cartons of average-priced cigarettes in the transfer.
  2. Black tea (200-500 g). Only loose leaf tea is allowed; this is a very popular product among prisoners. It’s better to pour two bags or bags: one worse one for the common fund, the other better one for yourself.
  3. Sugar (1-3 kg). It is allowed to transfer both sand and refined sugar, but they can find fault with the quantity. It's a good idea to replace some of the sugar with honey.
  4. Instant coffee (100-250 g). Coffee is often confiscated during delivery, but you can still try it by pouring it into a transparent bag.
  5. Matches (5-10 boxes).
  6. Salt (250 gr). Salt containing iodine is recommended. Place the salt in a transparent bag.
  7. Bread, buns, pastries (unlimited). Only products with a shelf life of more than 72 hours are allowed.
  8. Sausage (400-600 gr). It is allowed to transfer only smoked sausage, preferably raw smoked sausage.
  9. Lard, lard (300 g). It is advisable to buy lard in transparent store packaging.
  10. Condensed milk (1-3 packs). Delivered in soft packaging.
  11. Butter (200-250 g). It is better to buy ghee, it stores better.
  12. Cheese (250-400 gr). Only hard cheeses are recommended, sliced.
  13. Smoked fish (200 gr). Allowed only in the cold season (November - March).
  14. Tomato sauce or ketchup (500-1000 ml). Allowed only in soft doypack packaging.
  15. Non-ferrous noodles (10-20 pcs). Only noodles that do not require cooking are allowed for transfer.
  16. Vegetable oil (500-2000 ml) and bouillon cubes (100 g). It is in great demand among house sitters, as it is added to almost all dishes to improve taste.
  17. Mustard, horseradish (100 g). Only in soft packaging.
  18. Mayonnaise (0.5-1 kg). Allowed only in soft and small packaging.
  19. Non-ferrous mashed potatoes (200-400 g). Only puree that does not require cooking.
  20. Cookies (300-500 g). Be sure to add it, it’s very popular with tea.
  21. Crackers (300-400 g). Can be replaced with biscuits.
  22. Gingerbread cookies (500 gr). There is also no point in regretting it, since it will sell out quickly.
  23. Waffles (300-400 g). It is recommended to put it in a transparent bag.
  24. Crispbread (100-200 g).
  25. Drying, bagels (300-600 g). It is better to pack in a transparent plastic bag.
  26. Rusks, croutons (100-500 g).
  27. Chocolate (2-3 bars). Any type of chocolate is allowed.
  28. Marmalade (250-300 g).
  29. Marshmallow or marshmallow (300 g).
  30. Waffle cake (1 piece).
  31. Sweets (500-1000 g). Caramel, toffee, and chocolate candies are allowed. But it is best to send the caramel and, if possible, without wrappers. The simplest caramel or lollipops are ideal.
  32. Kozinak, halva (200-300 gr).
  33. Honey (100-300 g). Only clear honey is allowed. We love it very much among prisoners and, moreover, it can be stored for a long time.
  34. Nuts (200-600 g). Nuts can be of any kind.
  35. Dried fruits (200-600 g).
    All types of seedless dried fruits are allowed. Dried fruits are an ideal replacement for perishable apples and pears. The weight is minimal, and the volume is significant, and the benefits and taste are preserved.
  36. Apples (2-3 kg). Preferably green.
  37. Pears (1000 gr). It is recommended to transfer only firm pears.
  38. Grapefruit (1000 g).
  39. Lemon (500 gr).
  40. Oranges (1000 gr).
  41. Pomelo (1 kg).
  42. Lime (100-300 g).
  43. Tangerines (1-2 kg).
  44. Bananas (1 bunch).
  45. Persimmon (1000 gr).
  46. Kiwi (0.5-1 kg). Highly recommended as a rich source of vitamin C.
  47. Tomatoes (1 kg).
  48. Cucumbers (1 kg).
  49. Garlic (250 gr). Onions and garlic must be included in the transfer, because... they can significantly improve the taste of any dish.
  50. Onions (1000 g).
  51. Carrots (1000 gr). Carrots must be washed thoroughly.
  52. Radish (500 gr).
  53. Beets (1000 gr). It is recommended to wash well.
  54. Chili pepper (100-250 gr).
  55. Green radish (1-2 pieces). Be sure to wash thoroughly.
  56. Bell pepper (3 pcs).
  57. Celery root (1 root).
  58. Ginger (100 gr).

The list of food products allowed to be given to prisoners is quite extensive, but there are also restrictions.

Lack of communication affects the mental balance of any person, and even more so of a prisoner. The only outlet is maintaining paper correspondence. Read our material about whether it is possible to write letters to prisoners and how to do it correctly, including through Zonatelecom.


The following types of food are prohibited:

  • products requiring storage temperatures below +8 degrees, for example, boiled sausage and ham, dairy products, boiled meat and fish, perishable foods prepared at home;
  • food products that require heat treatment, for example, raw meat and fish, cereals (Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189);
  • alcohol in any form;
  • drugs and any prohibited substances.

Medicines can be transferred strictly to those prescribed by the medical worker of the pre-trial detention center; trying to transfer other drugs is simply useless.
Attention ! Persons who have attempted to transfer prohibited substances and items may be brought to administrative liability under Article 19.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and to criminal liability under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for return

Inmate transfers may be returned back to sender for certain reasons . Here is a complete list of such reasons (clause 70 of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189):

  • release from custody of the prisoner to whom the transfer is being made;
  • if the maximum permissible weight of gears per month is exceeded;
  • if the prisoner has been transferred to other correctional institutions;
  • incorrectly filling out an application for the transfer of products and things;
  • the transferor does not have a passport or identification document;
  • if the addressee is temporarily away on the initiative of the investigative authorities;
  • death of a prisoner;
  • if the prisoner refused to accept the transfer in writing.

Drawing up an application

An application for transfer for persons detained in a pre-trial detention center can be written in the transfer room or prepared in advance. A sample application is posted in the reception room of the pre-trial detention center ; the application form can be obtained there, or can be downloaded in advance on the Internet.

The application is written addressed to the head of the pre-trial detention center and must contain the following information:

  • Full name of the transferring person, his residence address, passport details and degree of relationship or relationship with the prisoner;
  • Full name of the recipient to whom the transfer is intended;
  • it is necessary to indicate a list of transferred items;
  • The weight and quantity of products is recorded by an employee of the institution after recalculation and weighing.

The application is signed by a relative on one side and a responsible employee on the other . The employee’s signature confirms acceptance of all items on the list.

Attention ! The application is drawn up in two copies, one of which is given to the prisoner so that he can verify the safety and completeness of the contents of the transfer.

How can you give a parcel to a loved one without visiting the isolation ward?

There are several options for transferring essential items and food without visiting a detention center:

  • send a parcel by mail;
  • through the pre-trial detention center store;
  • via the Internet.

By mail

When a package for a prisoner arrives at the institution, the contents are checked in the presence of a commission consisting of three pre-trial detention center employees. Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up in which a detailed description of all things and food products, their quality and appearance is made. The act is signed by the commission, read to the prisoner and attached to his personal file.

If money is found in the parcels, the money is seized and transferred to the accounting department to be credited to the personal account of the suspect or accused.

Prohibited products, substances and items seized from the parcel are transferred for storage or destroyed (clause 73 of the Internal Regulations of Detention Facilities of the Penitentiary System, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189). In this case, a protocol and materials are drawn up against the person who sent the parcel to bring to administrative or criminal liability.

Checking parcels and transfers is carried out as follows::

  • all bakery products are cut into pieces;
  • liquid products are poured into another container;
  • fish, cheese, lard and meat products are cut into pieces;
  • cigarette packs are opened, cigarettes are broken;
  • bulk products are poured into transparent bags;
  • The wrappers are removed from the candies, and all products are cut into pieces in order to detect hidden notes and prohibited substances.

If at the time of receipt of the parcel the prisoner is in a punishment cell, then the parcel addressed to him is temporarily transferred to a warehouse for storage and will be transferred to him after his transfer to the main cell (clause 76 of the Internal Regulations of Pre-trial Detention Facilities of the Penitentiary System, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189).

Important ! The management and staff of the pre-trial detention center are responsible for the safety of items and products sent by relatives in parcels, with the exception of products that have become unusable due to expiration dates.

The number of parcels sent per prisoner is not limited, but the total weight of all parcels cannot exceed 30 kg per month.

Read more about how to send a parcel by Russian post to a pre-trial detention center in this article.

Via internal store

There is a store (stall) for supplying goods to suspects and accused in every pre-trial detention center. A variety of goods from the list of permitted items are brought into the store : food, personal hygiene products, newspapers, board games, matches and cigarettes.

Ordering and purchasing food and essential items through the pre-trial detention center kiosk is a more acceptable and convenient way to transfer food from relatives and loved ones.

The order of the Ministry of Justice stipulates that almost all food products to be given to a prisoner must be cut into pieces, canned food must be opened, wrappers removed from sweets, and cigarettes taken out of packs and broken in half (of course, not all in a row, but selectively). This is done in order to detect prohibited substances and hidden notes.

When transferring cigarettes and other goods through the internal store of the pre-trial detention center, all products are delivered to the prisoner’s cell in a whole, undamaged form . This is especially nice for cigarettes. Of course, for relatives, purchasing goods from a kiosk in a pre-trial detention center will cost a little more, but it is worth it.

To purchase and transfer necessary products and things through the pre-trial detention center kiosk, a relative or acquaintance must write an application in triplicate, in which he must indicate the list of goods to be transferred.

You should also indicate the weight and quantity of food and other items being transferred. One copy of the application remains with the person sending the transfer, the second copy is given to the prisoner to check the contents of the transfer, and the third is filed in the prisoner’s personal file.

Payment is made either by transfer to the account of the pre-trial detention center or to the account of the prisoner. In any case, if you decide to use this option, be sure to call the pre-trial detention center and find out how best to do it. Sometimes procedures change, and sometimes details change, so calling is a must.

Prisoners can also . To do this, they write statements addressed to the head of the pre-trial detention center, which they hand over to an administration employee. In the application they indicate a list of necessary products and items. An employee of the internal store transmits this statement to the accounting department of the institution, where employees make a record of the presence or absence of money in the personal account of this prisoner.

Purchased goods are carried to the cells and handed over against receipt. Suspects and accused persons have the right to shop at the store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center twice a month.

Confinement in a temporary detention facility

The nature of the detention in the detention center, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is prison-like, that is, the detained subjects are kept in locked cells, which are often not equipped with sanitary facilities, and have only places for sleeping. The period of stay in a temporary detention facility is not long, so activities such as walks, cultural leisure and other benefits available to residents of colonies are implemented only if equipped premises are available.

The conditions of detention are quite strict, which is necessary to prevent escape and collusion of detainees, therefore movement without escort is unacceptable, and when it gets dark, the cells are illuminated until dawn.

This video will tell you more about the features of detention in a temporary detention facility:

General standards

The limited number of places in cells at police departments often causes them to overflow during influxes of detainees, which are usually observed on holidays and weekends. Medium and large temporary detention facilities equipped in basements or separate buildings, respectively, usually do not have such a disadvantage and are equipped in accordance with current rules, namely:

  • have a number of sleeping places and seats at a common table corresponding to the number of detainees;
  • supplied with sanitary appliances and washing supplies;
  • equipped with cabinets for storing clothes and basins for washing them;
  • equipped with lamps for different times of the day, supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • They have a tank with drinking water, a radio speaker, a button to call the attendant, etc.

In addition to the conditions that make it possible to satisfy primary needs, the rules of stay in a temporary detention facility imply the issuance to each prisoner of:

  • laundry soap;
  • periodicals, if the administration has the funds to purchase it;
  • paper for hygiene purposes;
  • board games;
  • equipment and items for cleaning the cell;
  • sewing items.

We will talk further about the procedure for detention in temporary detention centers and internal regulations.

Procedure for receiving detainees

Admission of detainees to the detention center for their temporary detention is carried out continuously, that is, on any day of the week and time of day. During the initial examination, the admitted subject is interviewed to determine whether the accompanying documents and identification documents correspond to his testimony.

The presence of bodily injuries is the basis for drawing up an appropriate act, which records the nature and severity of the damage to physical well-being. If the person's condition requires medical attention, admission will be denied, and the detainee must be hospitalized under police protection.

The acceptance procedure also includes photographing, fingerprinting and a thorough personal search, including the body of the detainee and his clothes, which can be torn open and shoes taken apart if there is suspicion of bringing in unauthorized items. A personal search of persons taken to a temporary detention facility includes the removal and examination of prostheses, casts and bandages, as well as inspection of internal cavities for foreign objects.

All belongings of newly arrived prisoners are subject to disinfection, and they themselves are washed in a bathhouse or shower, with the exception of patients with lice, who must undergo sanitary treatment.

Inner order rules

Persons held in temporary detention facilities spend the majority of their time within locked cells, leaving them for the following reasons:

  1. For a daily walk, if there is a designated area or room, which lasts at least an hour for adults and two hours for teenagers, but can be interrupted early at the request of the detainee.
  2. For meetings with a lawyer, which can occur daily, lasting at least 2 hours.
  3. To communicate with loved ones and relatives, if the investigative or inquiry body gives permission, but no more than twice a month and no longer than 3 hours.
  4. For taking a hot shower or visiting a bathhouse, which are sold weekly.
  5. To participate in investigative activities, work with the inquiry officer and investigator, and implement other procedural procedures.
  6. Minors may be absent for training under the guidance of visiting teachers if such a measure is considered necessary.

The organization of the activities of temporary detention centers, temporary detention centers, involves different regimes, which we will discuss further.


To respect the rights of detained citizens, the rules for the functioning of temporary detention facilities regulate restrictions on the joint detention of various subjects, namely:

  • persons of the weaker and stronger sex;
  • teenagers and adults, except those detained for the first time for not too serious offenses;
  • government officials and criminals;
  • those who committed an offense for the first time and those suspected of relapse;
  • those under suspicion and already convicted;
  • subjects involved in one or related criminal cases;

Subjects suspected of committing a number of serious crimes, including those against individual citizens or significant social values, are subject to separate detention.

It is even possible to keep mothers with infants in temporary detention facilities if there is a proper order from the prosecutor and the family relationship is documented. For this category of detainees, additional furniture (crib) and hygiene products are provided, and detention, if possible, is organized separately from the rest of the contingent.

The video below will tell you more about the regime and conditions of detention in the temporary detention center:


Release from a temporary detention facility is possible in two cases:

  1. When the period of justified detention expires and the sanction is not extended by the relevant court order.
  2. By order of the prosecutor or investigator, as well as by decision of the justice authority.

We will discuss below how and what can be transferred to a temporary detention facility, what the procedure is and whether it is necessary to write an application to the temporary detention facility for transfer.


Citizens can receive all things and items contained in temporary detention facilities necessary for everyday life or for private needs through parcels, the number of which is not limited, while the total weight of items should not exceed 30 kg and contain prohibited items. Limitations on the maximum monthly weight of gear do not apply to persons:

  • those who have not reached full adulthood, that is, 18 years of age;
  • having a medical certificate confirming the presence of a serious illness;
  • the weaker sex, bearing a child, or serving detention together with a baby.

In addition to the list of acceptable products and items, teenagers are allowed to receive packages containing textbooks, literature, manuals and stationery that they need to continue the educational process.

The nomenclature acceptable for shipments is publicly available in the temporary detention facility where shipments are received, and upon delivery they are inspected and weighed.

  • Persons who, due to their behavior while in a temporary detention facility, are charged with confinement in a punishment cell are prohibited from receiving transfers that are retained until the end of the disciplinary punishment and transferred after being returned to the general cell.
  • Any transfers during meetings with relatives or a lawyer are not allowed, and if they are detected, communication with the visitor will be terminated early.
  • Transfers of counterfeit and prohibited products and items between cells or convicts are not allowed, and if such facts are revealed, disciplinary measures may be taken.
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