Financial assistance for convicts after release: where to apply

Resocialization is a person’s adaptation to new living conditions in society. And most often people who have been released from prison face this process. For former prisoners, release is often not such a happy event.

They face very great difficulties that are not always easy to solve. And to help such people, special services are created, the work of which is regulated by relevant legal acts and laws.

What assistance should social security provide to those released from prison?

Article-by-article scientific and practical commentary (edited by A.S. Mikhlin, V.I. Seliverstov).

— Agency “Library of the Russian Newspaper”, 2004.

2. Commentary on the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (under general.

ed. S.V. Stepashina) - M. “Yurist”, 2001. However, Article 180 of the same Penal Code of the Russian Federation establishes the responsibilities of the administrations of places of serving sentences to prepare persons released from these places for their release:

    Article 180 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities of the administration of penitentiary institutions to assist in the employment and living arrangements of released convicts and to apply medical measures to them

Educational work is carried out with the convicted person in order to prepare him for release, and his rights and obligations are explained to the convicted person. - documents about his work activity.

Is financial assistance provided to persons released from prison?

I have a house that is not residential. I just got released, I have nowhere to live, what should I do?

There may be some kind of financial assistance. However, Article 180 of the same Penal Code of the Russian Federation establishes the responsibilities of the administrations of places of serving sentences to prepare persons released from these places for their release:

    Article 180 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities of the administration of penitentiary institutions to assist in the employment and living arrangements of released convicts and to apply medical measures to them

2. Educational work is carried out with the convicted person in order to prepare him for release, and his rights and obligations are explained to the convicted person. Article 181. Providing assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences 3.

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The provision of food, clothing, the issuance of a one-time cash benefit, as well as payment for the travel of released convicts are carried out by the administration of the institution executing the sentence.

Social assistance to convicts upon release from serving their sentences from places of deprivation of liberty

The current penal legislation of the Russian Federation provides for social assistance to convicts upon release from serving their sentences from places of deprivation of liberty.

According to the requirements of Article 180 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Penal Code of the Russian Federation), no later than six months before the expiration of the term of imprisonment, and in relation to those sentenced to imprisonment for a term of up to six months - after the sentence enters into legal force, the administration of the institution executing punishment, notifies local government bodies and the federal employment service at the convicted person’s chosen place of residence about his upcoming release, the availability of housing, his ability to work and available specialties. This allows convicts to quickly adapt to living conditions after leaving correctional institutions, find work, housing, and restore social connections. To carry out this work, correctional institutions have departments for social protection of convicts.

Also, educational work is carried out with convicts in order to prepare them for release, and their rights and responsibilities are explained to convicts. The significance of this work for convicts is that when released from prison, they find themselves in living conditions that differ from those they remember before imprisonment (especially for convicts with long sentences), and the task of the correctional institution administration is to prepare them to these changes.

Convicts who are disabled people of the first or second group, as well as convicted men over 60 years of age and convicted women over 55 years of age, at their request and presentation by the administration of the institution executing the sentence, are sent by social protection authorities to homes for the disabled and the elderly.

To fully exercise their rights in this area, convicts should contact employees of the social protection department in advance of their release.

In addition, according to the requirements of Article 181 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, upon release from places of deprivation of liberty, convicts are provided with free travel to their place of residence, they are provided with food or money for the duration of the journey. At the same time, the administration of the correctional institution, as a rule, independently purchases tickets for convicts to travel to their chosen place of residence and hands them to the convicts upon release.

In the absence of clothing necessary for the season or the funds to purchase it, convicts released from prison are provided with clothing from the federal budget. They may be given a one-time cash benefit in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The provision of food, clothing, the issuance of a one-time cash benefit, as well as payment for the travel of released convicts are carried out by the administration of the institution executing the sentence.

When releasing from imprisonment convicts who need outside care for health reasons, convicted pregnant women and convicted women with young children, as well as juvenile convicts, the administration of the institution executing the sentence notifies relatives or other persons about their release in advance so that the latter have the opportunity to prepare to receive their loved ones who need their help after being released from prison.

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These convicts released from correctional institutions are sent to their place of residence, accompanied by relatives or other persons or a correctional institution employee.

The above measures of social assistance to convicts are an important tool to ensure their life after release from prison and the opportunity to fully realize their rights.

Stages of preparation for adaptation to society and employment

Educational work in preparation for release begins with convicts six months before leaving prison. A set of measures to prepare a prisoner for adaptation to society consists of internal and external work.

In the correctional institution itself, various events are organized aimed at developing good skills and knowledge in convicts, support and moral assistance. For example, trainings are conducted. Very often, cultural events are organized where prisoners can work together and communicate with each other. This also helps to form social adaptation qualities in the modern world.

Psychologists and other specialists are invited, conversations are held with prisoners , all their fears and experiences are revealed. Work is underway to combat all these phobias.

Various seminars are held where current and popular topics from life are discussed. Psychologists, in turn, try to create favorable conditions for communication and interaction with prisoners, highlight their good qualities, etc.

In most regions, PSs interact with government, public and religious organizations and institutions. Special regional programs for the recovery and rehabilitation of prisoners are being created . These programs organize special courses for convicts to assist in social rehabilitation.

In the correctional institutions themselves, “Preparation Schools for Release” are held, in which prisoners are informed about special authorities that can help after leaving prison, and also develop skills for adapting to society. Here, in classes, they talk about the future possible employment of convicts, instill their interest in work and work, and develop the application of acquired skills in practice.

Career guidance work plays a colossal role in this regard, thanks to which each of the convicts can try themselves in one or another field of activity, test their abilities and desires.

Very often, various clergy come to churches on the territory of prisons and colonies and talk with prisoners. And if they wish, after their release, prisoners can go as ministers to monasteries, where they are provided with accommodation, food and work.

Thus, comprehensive assistance to convicts who are released from prison is very important and necessary . It is the interaction of various spheres of life that produces the most effective and productive results.

Read other materials about correctional institutions:

  • How do those living in prison live?
  • First mover.
  • The most terrible prisons in the Russian Federation.
  • Pre-trial detention center.
  • Imprisonment under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  • 5 current ways to transfer money to a prisoner in a colony.
  • Is a certificate of release from prison a document and identification document?
  • Rules and features of revocation of probation.
  • What does it mean to “sit on the lip”?
  • 20 crimes for which life imprisonment is imposed in Russia.

For crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual

Those convicted of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual often attend psychologists' classes. Unlike other categories of prisoners, they are treated by sexologists or sex therapists.

Experts explain the reasons for the origin of this psychological disease, guide the convict on the right path, using various techniques (viewing short psychological films, gradual resolution of the patient’s psychological problems, etc.).

Disabled people

For the disabled category, special training sessions are created to study adaptation to a world with certain diseases. More often than others, doctors come to them and conduct courses of treatment and recovery. During conversations, psychologists put prisoners in a positive mood, convince them that it is possible to live in a world with any illnesses or disabilities, that you need to get used to it and not give up.

For such convicts, tests are created to check their pessimistic attitude. When suicidal tendencies are identified, a set of measures is taken to eliminate such thoughts. Often these categories are given various psychological books to read, which tell us step by step how to behave and deal with their shortcomings and illnesses.

Help for prisoners after release

This article describes in detail about assistance to convicts after release, and everything you need to know about it. It is quite difficult for people who have served their sentence and been released from prison to adapt to life on the outside. Difficulties are caused by the changed society during the serving of the sentence, and the reluctance to hire a convicted person. And one of the most frequently asked questions is whether the law provides for assistance to convicts after release? We are ready to answer this question.

Is there help for convicts after release?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not currently provide for the mandatory provision of assistance to convicts after release. There is only article 181 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It provides:

Dear readers! Our articles talk about ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

  1. Movement from incarceration to residential location.
  2. Food for the duration of the journey to your place of residence or money for their purchase.
  3. If necessary, clothing is provided.

In most regions of the Russian Federation there are special public and state institutions that provide assistance to convicts after release. Their responsibilities include issuing various types of assistance so that the released person can adapt to living in freedom. It includes assistance in finding work, housing, and issuing funds. Social protection institutions, local Administration and police will help in finding such organizations.

When the convicted person is released, he is recommended to go to the Employment Service to look for work and receive unemployment benefits.

When the convict is released, he returns to life in freedom. They are helped to adapt to free life. Social and economic measures are taken to ensure social opportunities. Eight weeks before release or earlier, half a year before the end of forced labor, and for those convicted whose sentence is less than half a year - after a court verdict, the administration of the institution for serving the term should inform the employment service, the local Administration the date of release, place of residence, availability housing, specialty and ability to work. In order to psychologically prepare the convict, general educational conversations are held with him. Employees of the institution explain his rights and obligations in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Conversations are held with any prisoner about his plans for life after gaining freedom. They ask about a future place of residence, opportunities to provide themselves with a place of residence and income in the future. They also explain to him the need to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, the obligation to arrive at the designated place of residence and upon arrival, three days later, go to the local police station to register. The administration of the place of serving the sentence must transfer his belongings and other valuables and means, a passport with other documents indicating his identity, important papers, a work book and a certificate indicating his release.

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The right of a convicted person to work

The organization of activities that help a convicted person find a job must be carried out by members of the social protection of convicted persons, with the participation of the head of the group, members of special accounting groups and other services. It is possible to attract specialists from other social organizations.

Regional programs

The number of different social programs that help prisoners rehabilitate is very small. For example, they can help with adaptation, employment and other areas of life:

  • Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Social Rehabilitation and Adaptation" is located in Kazan. The rehabilitation program is to reduce the number of recidivism among former prisoners and integrate them into society. Assistance is provided in finding work, constant communication, and providing housing, clothing and food.
  • The regional state institution “Crisis Center for Assistance to Women and Children” in the Lipetsk region provides temporary housing and provides the former prisoner with all the basic necessities.
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