How to deal with electricity theft? Step-by-step instructions on where to go and how to act. Responsibility under Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Cases of unauthorized consumption of electricity by private owners and officials are becoming increasingly common. This is due to the large flow of information in the media, as well as the open sale of various technical means that make it possible to stop meters and illegally use the provided resources.

Previously, meters were installed door-to-door, which made it possible to discreetly use common resources illegally. Now metering devices are installed in entrances. An unauthorized connection to the network is displayed on a common household device, and neighbors can easily initiate an investigation into the theft of electricity, not wanting to pay for other people’s expenses from their budget.

Cases of spontaneous connection to the power grid require careful inspection and legal action on the part of the affected person. In this situation, you can contact competent lawyers who will help you draw up a claim, statement and conduct a background check.

What it is?

Electricity theft is the consumption of energy resources illegally without concluding a contract. The service in the form of electricity is provided for a fee at tariffs approved by the authorities. Unauthorized use of it free of charge causes damage to the supplier and the state.

In the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 442 (05/04/2013) (as amended on 08/13/2018) there is an explanation about unauthorized connection.

Liability depends on the damage caused. It is divided into:

  1. civil law;
  2. administrative and legal;
  3. criminal.

Punishments are provided for in the following documents:

  • Code of Administrative Offences;
  • Civil Code;
  • Criminal Code.

For your information. Late payment for electricity is not theft.

Registration of theft

To bring a person to justice for theft, a certain algorithm is used:

  • a signal of theft is received (from neighbors in the apartment, house, during the next inspection, before dismantling the meter);
  • a corresponding act on unaccounted energy consumption is drawn up, which is sent to the resource supplier and consumer within 3 working days;
  • A citizen who used electricity illegally is issued a bill, which he must pay within 10 days.

If a person ignores the document, the amount of damage caused will be recovered in court.

Interesting! Where to complain about power surges.

Grounds for bringing to administrative responsibility

Persons are brought to administrative responsibility for unauthorized connection to electrical networks and illegal use of energy resources. At the same time, the actions of persons do not contain criminal offenses.

Fine amount

Administrative liability is provided for in Art. 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is imposed in the form of a fine:

  • up to 15,000 rub. for individuals;
  • up to 80,000 rub. for officials and release from leadership positions for up to 2 years;
  • up to 200,000 rub. for legal entities.

Devices that can illegally save on energy

There are many methods of fraud described on the Internet with descriptions of various devices and connection diagrams.
Devices have appeared on sale that allow you to legally save on energy consumption. Sometimes these devices do not work at all and cost a lot of money. Underground technicians are telling customers that their appliances are designed to steal electricity. The circuit provides for current selection, which is reproduced by powerful thyristors and monitors the oscillations of the network sinusoid. The capacitors are charged with current. Then it is sent back to the network and is generated by a sinusoidal voltage generator, which powers the turned on electrical appliances. This method will help slow down the action of the electric meter.

This seemingly inconspicuous method of fraud has a drawback - radio interference, which emits pulses for a short time. This interference can be very noticeable, so that for electricians, with special devices, distortions will be noticed within the boundaries of the transformer substation network.

In what cases is the electricity cut off?

  1. The resource supply agreement was terminated by agreement of the parties.
  2. The client violated the contract.
  3. A debt has arisen for non-payment of electricity.
  4. Unauthorized connection to the network.
  5. Consumption is carried out without accounting.
  6. Late payment.

Partial shutdown is assumed if industrial means are installed that limit energy consumption. In this case, the supplier is obliged to notify the client at least 15 calendar days before setting the restriction.

When the buyer has accumulated a debt for 3 billing periods, the supplier is obliged to notify the buyer 15 days in advance. The invoice must be paid on time.

Grounds for criminal prosecution

What is the fine?

Criminal punishment will follow on the basis of Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation if damage exceeds 250,000 rubles. Below is only administrative.

Ways to commit an offense

Punishment will follow if the following actions are committed:

  1. changing the electrical circuit, connecting to a source of electrical energy, bypassing the meter;
  2. using a grounded building structure instead of a neutral wire;
  3. mechanical interference with the operation of the measuring device.

Signs of Illegal Electricity Use

Criminals cannot escape punishment for theft if there are facts pointing to it:

  • discrepancy between the readings of the common house meter and the total readings of apartment metering devices;
  • non-working meter when household electrical appliances are working;
  • changing the electrical circuit of devices;
  • violation of the seal on the metering device;
  • extra wires to apartments;
  • homemade twists and branches of wires.

What methods do ordinary people use to steal resources?

To account for the kilowatts of electricity consumed by apartment buildings, or more precisely, by each entrance, a special communal meter is installed at the entrance. A main riser runs from it, from which wires are installed to supply electricity to each dwelling.

The consumption of resources for each apartment is recorded on an individual metering device, which people use to steal electricity.

In general, theft methods vary, and the most common ones can be found in the following list:

  1. Bypassing the meter, special wires are connected and an additional device (bug) is installed.
  2. Periodically, a switch is made to a temporary counter in order to be able to rewind the consumed kilowatts.
  3. Magnet. Such a device will easily slow down the metering device and even stop it.
  4. Using a neutral cable and connecting to contactless wiring.
  5. The use of a device that absorbs electrical impulses.
  6. Purchasing meters that are initially set up for theft.

Everyone must understand that resources cannot be provided for free, and therefore payment for consumed kilowatts is the responsibility of residents, and not just a desire.

Attention! Failure to pay for the use of electricity cannot be regarded as fraud, since this is a completely different legal provision.

Fraud will be the use of special devices to hide the amount of kilowatts consumed.

Punishment under criminal law in accordance with Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

According to Part 1 of Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (liability without qualifying criteria), the offender is punished:

  1. a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years;
  2. or forced labor for a period of up to two years with or without restriction of freedom for a period of up to one year;
  3. or by imprisonment for a term of up to two years with or without a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months and with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year.

The act provided for in Part 1 of Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group; causing particularly large damage is punishable by:

  • forced labor for up to five years with or without restriction of freedom for up to two years;
  • or by imprisonment for a term of up to five years with or without a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months and with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years.

What to do and where to go?

Any citizen or company representative has the right to file an appeal with law enforcement agencies.

Important. First, you need to contact the electricity supply company and, together with them, prove the fact of theft.

When employees of electric networks or an energy sales company confirm the fact of theft, a report is drawn up in triplicate. Based on the act, material losses are calculated.


  • characteristics of the metering device;
  • consumer information;
  • place of illegal electricity consumption;
  • method of theft;
  • description of the meter at the time of theft;
  • date of previous inspection and instrument reading;
  • explanation of the offender regarding the crime;
  • confirmation of the theft case or refusal.

Next steps are taken:

  1. write an application to the management company providing documents confirming the theft;
  2. write an application to the energy sales company demanding verification of meter readings for a certain period;
  3. invite a specialist to check an illegal connection to the network;
  4. go to court with a claim and attach all documents.

How electricity is stolen

Illegal connection to the public power grid is one of the most daring ways not to pay.

However, there are other popular methods to reduce utility bills by manipulating the readings of conventional meters:

  1. the zero contact of the meter is replaced by a grounded structure (plumbing or fittings);
  2. a separate line cuts into a branch to the meter - the device is simply excluded from the circuit;
  3. “zero” and “phase” of the counter change places - the device begins to “wind” in the opposite direction;
  4. A powerful neodymium magnet is placed on the meter body - the mechanism stops.

Here and there you can find outdated disk counters , which are stopped even easier: a match or thin metal wire is passed through a tiny hole in the case, as invisible as possible to the inspector, stopping the disk. In case of inspection, the stopper can be removed and the hole masked - and all hope remains for the inspector’s inattention.

Since Russians' meters are usually located inside apartments, owners can manipulate the devices unnoticed. But monitoring organizations are constantly improving methods for detecting such “kulibins”. All modern meters are equipped with an anti-magnetic seal - it allows you to prove that the payer tried to use a magnet, essentially making this method of passing kilowatt-hours past the meter useless.

Utilities can also determine the fact of non-contractual use of the electrical network based on a complaint from neighbors or by analytical methods. The appearance of a “parasite” on the network is indicated by increased meter readings for residents of one house or entrance, or a sharp decrease in consumption in a separate house or apartment. These races may be a reason to visit a suspicious owner. If these suspicions are confirmed, he will be punished to the fullest extent.

Where to apply?

If theft is discovered in an apartment or private house, then file a complaint with the following organizations in the specified order:

  • housing management company;
  • law enforcement agencies;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • court.

For your information. Usually the issue is resolved positively after contacting the housing management company.

What to include in the application?

The application shall indicate reliable facts confirming the guilt of the violator with the provision of evidence. You can also indicate the measures you expect to see as punishment. If the application does not contain enough evidence of a crime, then the initiation of a criminal case will be refused.

Application of sanctions

According to Government Decree No. 442 of 05/04/2012, a representative of the regulatory authority comes out with an unscheduled inspection when:

  • information about theft is received from the management organization, resource supplier;
  • an application comes from residents (neighbors) or the consumer;
  • Damage to seals and visual inspection signs is detected.

Upon detection of theft, an act of unaccounted consumption is drawn up in the presence of the resident. When he does not participate in the preparation of the document, two uninterested persons are invited or photography or video recording is made.

On tightening sanctions for repeated theft:

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