Passport stolen. What to do in this case, where to go and how to restore the document?

Actions if your passport is stolen

First, you should familiarize yourself with the current regulatory framework, thanks to which you can protect yourself from violations by police officers or the Federal Migration Service. Regulatory acts governing this procedure:

  • Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1997 N 828.
  • Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) for the provision of public services for issuing or replacing with a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation”, November 30, 2012 under N 391.

So, let's start with the main thing, namely: what to do if your passport is stolen and you need to quickly restore it. The first thing you need to do is contact the police department and be sure to write a statement about the theft. It is better to contact the police at your place of residence, that is, where you were issued the document.

After registering the application by the police, you will be given a special notification coupon. If you have it, it will be easier for you to track the progress of your application and contact the FMS to issue a passport.

Please note that it is better not to delay and write an application within 24 hours. Because even in a short period of time, your passport can be used to commit illegal actions or implement various fraud schemes

And if you do not have a document confirming the loss (a receipt for registering this statement, a response to a statement from the police), then you may be accused of involvement in illegal actions and participation in them. The next step will be to apply to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for a new document.

If your passport was lost or stolen abroad, then you need to contact the nearest consulate of the Russian Federation or embassy of the Russian Federation. When planning a trip or trip, it is recommended to write down the addresses and phone numbers of the consulate in advance and take it with you.


The amount of the penalty for loss of a passport due to negligence is regulated by Article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount of the monetary penalty is 100-300 rubles. However, representatives of the authorized body may limit themselves to a warning. If the passport was stolen and a case was opened against the owner, the act can be easily appealed.

Additionally, penalties may be imposed for living at the place of registration without a passport. Its size is regulated by Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Residents of the regions must pay 2000-3000 rubles. If persons living in federal cities encounter a similar situation, the amount of penalties increases to 3,000-5,000 rubles.

How to file a claim for lost passport

First of all, if you lose your passport, you need to submit a corresponding application to the passport office - this is a mandatory procedure to restore the document. In this case, the law does not provide any special requirements, but there is one point: it must be handwritten by the applicant personally and signed at the end. What should be in the application? The following information:

  • When exactly did the theft or loss of the passport occur?
  • Where exactly did this event happen?
  • What circumstances accompanied the loss of the passport?

But here it is necessary to clarify such a point so that there is no confusion. If your documents were stolen, you should file a statement about the loss of your passport with the internal affairs authorities - it will be registered. In other cases, proceed according to the above scheme.

What are the consequences of losing a Russian citizen’s passport?

As you know, a Russian passport is an important document that certifies the identity of a citizen in Russia, so such an unpleasant situation as the loss or theft of a document is a serious matter. It is worth taking into account that the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains Article 19.16, which prescribes certain sanctions in the event that a citizen has deliberately or negligently lost or damaged his passport. Although, the imposition of administrative liability expressed in monetary terms is not so severe, and in addition to the state duty, the citizen will have to pay a fine of 100 to 300 rubles, or he will be given an appropriate warning. Despite the minor sanctions, you need to understand the fact that liability is established by law for the loss, careless storage or damage of a passport - that is, this situation is an offense.

It is worth clarifying an important point: Article 19.16 can be applied to a citizen who has lost his passport only in a situation where his guilt is proven. This is stated in the legislative act.

The situation changes for the “worse” in a situation where a citizen does not understand the seriousness of responsibility for the loss of a passport and for a long time does not apply to the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to restore the document. And when he needs a new passport and submits documents, Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses may be applied to him, the essence of which is that the citizen lives at his place of residence without a passport. In this case, penalties in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles (not counting state fees) may be applied to the offender. If you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the fine if proven guilty will range from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Now do you understand the degree of responsibility? Do you need to figure out what to do when your passport is lost?

Why is it important to restore a document?

Many people delay renewing their passport for a long time, believing that they can do without it - especially if they have an international passport or driver’s license. But they are very wrong.

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the main document that certifies the identity of every citizen of Russia on the territory of our country. Every person over 14 years of age who lives in the Russian Federation must have it. Without it, you will not be able to use banking products, enter into sales contracts, open and run your own business, return unsuitable goods in a store, and much more.

Actions if your passport was stolen and a loan was taken out

If your passport is stolen and a loan is taken out, the bank may accuse you of fraud, and first of all you need to be aware of the consequences and problems that you may face.
If you do not report the theft to the police, your passport remains valid. This means that an attacker can apply for a loan in your name, buy tickets, SIM cards, or commit other illegal actions.

According to Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, such actions will be regarded as fraud. The article provides for criminal liability, a fine, compulsory/corrective/forced labor, arrest or imprisonment of the offender for up to two years.

The first thing you need to do is write a statement to the police and to the bank about the loss of your passport, if that is where the message about loan reimbursement came from. If you have previously contacted the police with a statement about the loss of a document, then in this case you only need to write a statement to the bank and attach a notification coupon issued by the police.

In the application you must indicate that you did not take out a loan and attach a copy of the certificate of loss or a new document. In this case, the bank is obliged to provide you with documents, which include:

  • credit application.
  • certified copies of your passport.
  • loan agreement.

You must pay attention to the loan agreement and the signature, and indicate to the bank employee that this is not your signature. Then there are 2 ways - either the bank believed you or not

In the latter case, you have the right to file a lawsuit. If the problem is resolved, then you should call the bank and check whether they have made a change to your credit history.

Without a passport, you can also apply for a loan or complete other transactions if you have a temporary certificate issued by the Federal Migration Service.

To summarize, it should be noted that passport theft is a serious matter, and the sooner you contact the police, the less problems you will have with resolving the possible consequences. And the consequences, as you can see, are different. By focusing on the legislative norms in this matter, you can quickly restore the document.

Why is it important to get a new passport as quickly as possible?

In general, usually the main document is stolen for one specific purpose: to obtain an impressive loan or microloan in the name of the passport owner. The options may be different: sometimes criminals impersonate the owner of the passport, pasting in their own photo instead of a real one. But even more often, criminals draw up a power of attorney for themselves on behalf of the owner of this document. To do this, they only need to forge the signature of the owner of the document and the notary. Using such a power of attorney, it is quite simple to apply for a loan. Of course, such a scam is unlikely to work in any large banks, but in microcredit organizations and not very large banks this scheme often works. That is why the fear that more than a dozen loans will be assigned to the person from whom this document was stolen is not at all groundless. That is why we propose to talk about where to go if your passport is stolen and what documents you will need for this.

Urgent renewal of a Russian passport from Regamsk

A Russian passport is the main document of any citizen of the Russian Federation, the loss of which affects everyday life and causes a lot of inconvenience, including clashes with bureaucracy. Document recovery is a primary task that must be resolved as quickly as possible.


The Regamsk company provides services for replacing a passport: a full range of measures is carried out promptly and the likelihood of errors that lead to a delay in the process is eliminated. Experienced employees will help you urgently solve the problem and save you from unnecessary hassle. Regamsk – affordable prices, high professionalism and guaranteed results.

Cost of services:

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Cost and terms:

  • Terms: from 5 days
  • Price: from 16,000 rub.

What is the amount of state duty for losing a Russian passport?

We have already found out what documents are needed to restore a passport if lost. Let's now figure out how much state duty we will have to pay.

Note that from the point of view of the law, there is no difference between whether you lost your passport, damaged it, or it was simply stolen from you. You will have to pay a fine. Moreover, its size is the same in all cases and will be five hundred rubles.

The law also provides for a fine for deliberate damage to a passport. But this fact is almost impossible to prove in real life, and therefore they cannot apply it to you.

To restore lost documents, including passports, you can use the services of the State Services website. You don't even have to leave your home to apply. But, on the other hand, it is not convenient in all cases. If your passport is stolen, you cannot do without visiting the internal affairs authorities. Therefore, you still have to stand in lines.

Is it possible to fly on a connecting flight with a return certificate?

Yes and no.

There is no uniform standard in the world regarding what document to issue to people who have lost their passport abroad, and what rights such travelers have.

A Russian certificate of return is essentially a certificate on stamped paper that you are such and such a citizen of the Russian Federation and are going to your homeland. Whether you have the right to transit through another country is not written anywhere in the laws.

Other countries have their own rules. For example, a British citizen, instead of a lost foreign passport, receives a temporary passport valid for up to a year and has the right to travel with it to five countries in transit.

The Russian certificate of return is not a standard document in global practice. How the airline and passport control staff will perceive it is not known in advance. Many are lucky - and they fly home via START with a transfer in a Schengen or other visa country, including leaving the transit zone. Some even return home by car, crossing two or three borders.

At the same time, there are many opposite stories - about how the airline refused to board a flight with a transfer and assured that with a return certificate it is only allowed to fly directly to Russia.

If you still want to fly on a connecting flight using a return certificate, choose tickets with a transfer in a visa-free state, or even better, in a country where Russians only need an internal passport (if they have one) to enter.

Another option that is likely to work is a connecting flight with one airline on one ticket, in which you do not need to leave the transit area and go through passport control at the transfer airport. To be sure, discuss the situation with the airline in advance.

Responsibility for the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

A passport is the main document without which it is impossible to find a job, take out a bank loan, travel somewhere, get a driver’s license, etc.

You can guess that neglecting such an important document as a Russian passport will not happen without punishment from government agencies.

For loss, careless storage, or rendering an identity card unusable, you will have to pay from 100 to 300 rubles in accordance with the administrative code of the Russian Federation. Despite the small size of the fine, you still shouldn’t become a criminal.

Punishment is also provided for the use of an unsuitable document. Only the amount of the fine increases significantly and is already from two to three thousand rubles in the regions, and in the capital the figure reaches up to 5,000 rubles.

In comparison with these amounts, the payment of state duty for damage to a passport is quite small and equals 500 rubles. Upon reaching the border age, changing your last name and first name, even less - 200 rubles.

In the most favorable outcome, you can get away with just a verbal reprimand from migration service officials. But such benefits are provided in the event of extenuating circumstances for the document owner. If a similar situation occurs again, the fine may increase.

Procedure in case of loss of passport

After losing your identity card, you need to take care of getting a new document as soon as possible. In addition to submitting the necessary package of documents to restore your passport, you will have to pay a fine and a state fee.

The application is submitted to the branch of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. Moreover, you can receive the finished document in hand within 10 days by applying for it to the migration service authorities at the place of registration.

If we are talking about a unit that is not geographically attached to the place of residence of the applicant, then the established period reaches two months. During this time, the official will be able to check the relevance and accuracy of the information provided.

It happens that the period for obtaining a passport is delayed and if the 60-day mark is exceeded, the applicant has the right to complain about FMS employees to higher structures.

Anyone applying for the restoration of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation can, if desired, receive a temporary identity card. To do this, you must write an application accompanied by a photograph and an identity document.

Such a certificate received from the migration service is an official document and is returned in exchange for a completed and restored passport.

Validity of temporary certificate

A temporary identity card (TIC) in form 2P is issued to a person who has applied for a new passport if he has lost the old one or it was stolen, at his request. That is, by default this certificate, produced on perforated paper, is not issued. The document can completely replace a passport, but only for the time until it is produced.

The desire to obtain a VUL does not need to be stated in writing; it is enough to verbally communicate this to the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. VUL is the same passport, only temporary. The principle of its operation completely coincides with the principle of operation of a passport (except for the cases described below), that is, you cannot be denied any service or demand a full-fledged passport citing the fact that they do not accept VUL.

For example, to establish an identity or to draw up some papers, etc. VUL is the same as a passport. Exceptions:

  1. The right to travel outside the territory of the Russian Federation even to countries that recognize the “internal” passport of the Russian Federation.
  2. VUL is not a document confirming registration.
  3. Cannot be used to issue a passport.

Contacting the police if your passport is stolen abroad

The first thing that comes to mind when you don’t find the main documents in your bag is: what to do?

If you lose or steal any items of particular value, including your personal passport, you must immediately contact the nearest police department in your city of residence. They must issue a certificate confirming the absence of a passport, which is needed for presentation to the embassy and upon return to their homeland.

To begin, foreign police will need confirmation of the identity of the applicant. Any document will do for this: a preserved certified copy of a stolen passport, a valid driver’s license, or a library card for using the library. In general, any personal document that contains the owner’s full initials and some kind of seal will be useful.

If you do not have any identifying documents, you can bring with you two witnesses who have national passports who can confirm your identity.

After the identification procedure, the embassy is required to issue a certificate of return, according to which you can freely fly back. To obtain this paper you will have to pay a mandatory fee of 20 to 100 dollars. It all depends on the current legislation of the country where the theft occurred.

The difficulty that fellow citizens may encounter when a valid passport is stolen, the language barrier, without the accompaniment of a competent translator, explaining to a police officer what kind of certificate is required and for what purpose will be quite difficult. Without an identification document, movement within another country will be quite limited.

After all the red tape and payment of the state fee, the certificate issued by the embassy will have a validity period of 15 days, this is the maximum time within which you need to return to your homeland.

All the fuss and troubles for a citizen who has lost his passport abroad does not end there. Upon returning to his native land, he needs to perform the following actions:

  • You need to submit an official certificate to the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs or MFS, where there will be marks on passing access control;
  • The certificate issued by the embassy 10 days after return completely replaces a personal passport.

When going to an unfamiliar country, you need to be extremely vigilant and store important documents in a place where you will definitely not forget about them.

How to return to your homeland

This is not all you need to know about the actions you need to take if your passport is stolen abroad. So, at the embassy you will need to present the notorious protocol (certificate) taken from the police, a statement, two photographs and another identification document. It seems that everything is not so complicated. Yes, but this is only if the person is located near the embassy. But when, say, he is vacationing at an island resort, the procedure becomes much more complicated. Because they won’t put him on a plane or train without a passport. You will have to get there by ferry, bus or taxi. And this is a considerable expense.

It also happens that the embassy requires witnesses to confirm the citizen’s words. These must be two Russian people who can confirm that he really lives in Russia. And they shouldn’t let it slip that they knew him just a couple of days after a chance meeting in a local tavern.

It’s a big problem if neither witnesses can be found nor documents are accepted at the embassy. In this case, there is only one way out - to call your relatives and ask them to send the papers that they may require at the consulate. And yet, you will have to hurry after receiving the coveted certificate of return from the embassy. Because it is valid for only 15 days.

How to restore a passport of a Russian citizen

Many people are concerned about the question: how to restore a passport if it was lost due to negligence? Previously, we listed a list of necessary documents that you should have in your hands before going to the passport office. The institution's staff will accept your application and package of documents and issue you with a corresponding receipt.

How long will the applicant have to wait for a new passport? The following deadlines are provided for the registration of a new document by passport offices:

  • A ten-day period, but in cases where the applicant has a permanent residence permit in the territory of the service unit.
  • The period can be up to 2 months if the citizen does not have a residence permit, or the previous passport was issued by another department.

After accepting the package of documents and the application, the passport office employee is obliged to announce the timing of the production of the new document and indicate the exact date when the new passport can be picked up.

Passport production time

If the passport is restored as a result of its theft, the method of submitting documents does not differ from that which applies if there are other reasons for obtaining the document. Everyone chooses what to do depending on the circumstances.

  1. Appear at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person.
  2. Submit a set of papers via .
  3. Use the “Government Services” service.

In the first case, there are also different options: appear at the migration department at your place of residence, location, or any other. When documents are submitted at your residence address, you will have to wait 10 days for a ready passport. If the applicant is in another region, the waiting time can extend up to 2 months.

Another question of concern to interested parties concerns how much it costs to restore a civil passport if it is stolen.

Registration of a passport is subject to a state fee. If a document is issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation for the first time, or is replaced at the age of 20 and 45, the state duty is 300 rubles. In case of theft, loss or damage, the owner of the passport must pay 1,500 rubles.

Go to the police

The main thing is that everything must be done as quickly as possible. If you want to save time and effort, you don’t need to talk about the theft of the bag where the passport was - finding the thief, as a rule, is almost impossible, and a statement to the police department about the theft provokes a full-fledged investigation with all that it entails - testimony, liability for false testimony, and so on. . Otherwise, the policeman will register your statement about the loss of your passport and issue a notification coupon. The longer you wait, the more chances there are for criminals to use your passport. For example, take out a huge loan on it. If you submit an application, your passport will be put on the wanted list and will automatically become invalid.

The nuances of contacting the consulate if you have lost your passport

Diplomatic institutions are in most cases located in the capitals of states, with only rare exceptions being present in large cities. At the same time, in some countries of the world there may be no direct Russian representation at all, and the issues of stay of Russian citizens and the implementation of other diplomatic procedures may be dealt with by an embassy or consulate located in a neighboring country.

In case of loss of a foreign passport, contacting a diplomatic institution will require the Russian to travel independently to its location. If it is located outside of such a state, you will need to contact the consulate by phone or ask the police for a document that would allow you to cross the border. In most diplomatic institutions, appointment times are strictly limited and last only a few hours, but no prior appointment is required in case of loss of a passport.


A reliable way to verify your identity, even in the absence of witnesses and the loss of all existing documents, is by using a photocopy of your passport or any other such document. Including in electronic form. Therefore, many travel agencies strongly recommend scanning documents before traveling abroad and sending them to your email in order to be able to demonstrate such copies or print them even if all possible documents are completely lost.

If it is possible to verify the identity of the citizen of the Russian Federation who has applied to them, the consulate will issue a certificate for returning to their homeland and will require payment of a consular fee for the production of the document and to cover the corresponding expenses. If a person does not have the opportunity to pay the consular fee, employees of the diplomatic institution will still be required to issue such a certificate if there are grounds for this and all supporting documents.

Important fact

The consulate does not provide the purchase of a return ticket, the issuance of money to Russians in trouble, or any other provision for Russians beyond the standards established by law. However, consular officers can help obtain money transfer funds from relatives if the person contacting them does not have the documents necessary to present to a banking institution or international money transfer service.

What to do if your passport is found

There are often situations when a person finds his passport. Perhaps he was not initially lost, but was only lying at home in another place. Or, returning to the place where the document was lost, you manage to find it. This can happen if a citizen forgot his identity card at a government agency.

If a person is sure that attackers did not manage to use the document, then it is worth informing the migration service about the find. Then it will be possible to cancel the replacement procedure. But, if it is unknown whether the passport was in the hands of dishonest people, then it is better to replace it. Because it is not always possible to immediately find out whether criminal fraud was carried out using an identity card.

When you manage to find the robbers and take the document from them, then it is still better to replace it. This is necessary so that they do not take out an illegal loan, because they might have had time to rewrite passport information and even issue a power of attorney. But, of course, a citizen himself can decide what to do in a specific situation.

Important information

There are often cases when people simply lose their passport, for example, leaving it in some public place. In such a situation, law enforcement officials say, you cannot report theft, because you become a false informer, and this, as we know, is a criminal offense. What to do if your passport is lost and not stolen? Contact the migration service immediately. Of course, you will have to pay a fine, but this is much better than falling under the “False Denunciation” article.

Procedure if your passport is lost

The main document used by Russians to travel to most other countries in the world is a foreign passport. It is this document that is considered an internationally established standard for determining the identity of a foreigner. Therefore, its loss can lead to a number of legal problems in other states. In particular, to deportation or a ban on entry due to a possible violation of the visa regime and terms of stay, because it is in foreign passports that the dates of entry into and exit from the state are recorded.

In general, each country has its own regulations regarding possible actions in the event of loss of a passport or other identity document by foreigners. However, in general, the procedure for the loss or theft of a foreign passport will be as follows:

  1. Contacting the police. You must immediately contact local law enforcement agencies and write a corresponding statement about the loss of your foreign passport. It is mandatory to require a protocol in the prescribed form, and not a certificate or other document that does not have legal force.
  2. After contacting the police, you must go to the Russian diplomatic mission. These can be the consular department at the embassy, ​​the Russian consulate itself, or, in case of extreme necessity and in the absence of the above-mentioned representative offices, an honorary consulate.
  3. The consulate must request a certificate to return home due to the loss of an identification document. To do this, you must present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or another document that allows you to verify your identity or citizenship. If the applicant does not have such documents with him, then diplomatic representatives of the Russian Federation may require the testimony of two witnesses - citizens of the Russian Federation who can verify the identity of the applicant. In their absence, you will need to wait for the necessary documents to be sent by post or for confirmation of identity through an official request from the consuls to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In addition, you must provide two photographs 3.5x4.5 cm.
  4. Within fifteen days after the issuance of a certificate for returning to your homeland, you must cross the Russian border and submit such a certificate within three days to the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or to the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, depending on which structure this document was issued from.

However, despite the apparent simplicity of such actions, in reality, with each of the above points, certain difficulties may arise, depending on many factors. The most problematic situations associated with each stage of action in case of loss of documents, as well as mechanisms and methods for solving them will be discussed further.

New passport

A foreign passport can only be obtained if you have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine (i.e., you will not be issued one with a temporary identity card).

You need to go to the passport office and apply for a new passport; there is no such thing as restoring a lost passport. In any case, the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport in place of a lost one is no different from the usual registration of a foreign passport.

Those visas that were already in the old passport at the time of disappearance - no one will restore them, especially if they have already expired. If the visas are still valid, you need to contact the embassy of the country whose visas can be restored using their internal procedure.

You can contact the Passport Service at the address: Kyiv, blvd. T. Shevchenka, 27 (all addresses in Ukraine can be found).

Required list of documents to obtain a passport:

  • Passport of a citizen of Ukraine (original and copy 1, 2 (if information 5,6 is available) and pages with registration (with all registration stamps) in 2 copies).
  • Certificate of assignment of identification number (original and one copy).
  • A passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad and a child’s travel document (if available, even if they have expired).
  • Payment document (receipt) for payment of state duty, administrative services, blank products and their personalization, as well as payment of the cost. (All payments are made locally).

The cost of obtaining a foreign passport at the Passport Service (DP “Document”):

  • up to 30 working days – 627.15 UAH;
  • up to 10 working days – 884.30 UAH.

If you do it through (the passport office at your place of registration) it will be cheaper:

Where to go if your passport is stolen

Procedure in case of passport theft:

  1. First of all, you should immediately contact the internal affairs authorities with a statement of theft. After registering the application, a notification coupon is issued. In the application you should write in as much detail as possible under what circumstances you would lose your passport. In case of theft, a criminal case will be initiated; in case of loss, you will receive a decision to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings.

    Very often, criminals steal a document in order to use it to obtain loans or open shell companies.

    Important! In order to avoid having to prove your innocence in this later, you should contact the police as soon as possible. . After you report the loss of your identity document, it will be invalidated

    After you report the loss of your identity document, it will be invalidated.

    If your passport is stolen or lost outside the Russian Federation, you must contact the Russian Consulate

  2. Applying to the Federal Migration Service for the issuance of a new passport.

    Required set of documents:

    • application for a passport;
    • notification coupon;

      According to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service, when applying to the FMS with an application for the issuance of a new passport to replace the lost one, attach a notification coupon issued at the police department.

      It is enough just to indicate the name of the internal affairs agency where the theft complaint was received and the date the statement was filed.

    • statement of theft;

  3. receipt of payment of state duty;
  4. four photographs.

The production time for a new passport is 10 days if you contact the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration. If the documents are submitted to another department of the migration service, the passport will be issued within two months.

In case of loss or theft of a passport, an administrative penalty may be imposed on a citizen in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with administrative legislation (Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), a fine of two to three thousand rubles may be imposed for living at a place of residence without a passport. In the capital and St. Petersburg, the fine varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for loss of a passport due to one’s own negligence. The punishment is a warning or a fine.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below. .

Question answer

Losing your passport may raise additional questions.

What punishment does the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provide for passport theft?

Russian legislation provides for liability for both the loss of a passport and its theft. In the second case, the punishment will be much more serious, since theft of a document falls under the Criminal Code.

Reference: Article 325 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that theft, destruction, or damage to a passport committed out of mercenary or other personal interest is punishable by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment of up to one year.

What can they do with a stolen passport?

If a passport is stolen, attackers are able to perform various actions with it, which can cause a lot of problems for the owner.

  1. Take a loan. Financial security systems have advanced in their development, but there are banks that still do not require a large package of documents for a loan. In addition, many microloan offices have appeared.
  2. Form a company. In 2021, in one of the Russian regions, a local resident complained to the media that bailiffs came to her to collect a debt that arose in Moscow. As it turned out, several metropolitan companies involved in fraud were registered under the woman’s name. The woman herself lived in the outback and knew nothing about it.
  3. Use to discredit a person. If the passport holder refuses to transfer money to online scammers, they can post his passport information on social networks and come up with a story discrediting his personality.

Where to contact a lawyer

Write to a lawyer on our website. You will receive fast, qualified assistance!

The procedure for restoring a document

If a Russian passport is stolen and a person has no idea what to do, it is better to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The person files a complaint with the police. It is important to initiate proceedings immediately after it has been determined that a document has been lost or stolen. This will allow the validity of the passport to be revoked, which will prevent attackers from using the document for personal gain.
  2. Representatives of the authorized body will provide a coupon. The paper must be included in the general list of documentation, the state fee must be paid and the State Administration for Migration Affairs must be contacted in any available way to restore the passport.
  3. Get a temporary ID. Documents will be required to perform a number of actions while the passport is being prepared.
  4. Wait until the document is ready and go to the authorized body to get your passport.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of documentation. . Document Explanation

Completed application. The form can be obtained by contacting the migration service. Identification. It is better that there is a photograph of a citizen on it. A receipt confirming payment of the state fee. Funds can be transferred at a bank branch, through online wallets, using a payment system, ATMs or terminals.

Photos. Two photos required

They must meet the passport photo requirements. If you plan to produce a temporary identity card, another photo is required. Police ticket. The document confirms the theft of the passport. Documentation that serves as the basis for submitting additional marks in the passport. This could be a child’s birth certificate or registration document.

Completed application.The form can be obtained by contacting the migration service.
Identification.It is better that there is a photograph of a citizen on it.
A receipt confirming payment of the state fee.Funds can be transferred at a bank branch, through online wallets, using a payment system, ATMs or terminals.
Photos.Two photos are required. They must meet the passport photo requirements. If you plan to produce a temporary identity card, another photo is required.
Police ticket.The document confirms the theft of the passport.
Documentation that serves as the basis for submitting additional marks in the passport.This could be a child’s birth certificate or registration document.

The application must be drawn up in accordance with current regulations. To do this, you need to fill out form 1p. It is recommended to prepare the paper in advance and study it. When contacting the authorized body, representatives of the migration service will provide a form. It needs to reflect the following data:

  • Full name and place of birth;
  • applicant's gender and registration information;
  • information about citizenship and the reason for contacting the authorized body;
  • applicant's signature and date of application.

It is important to know! They will agree to accept the document only after the citizen writes a statement about the theft. .

Troubles that can await you

A person is obliged to treat documentation with care, protecting it from theft or damage. The law provides for penalties for losing a primary identification document. Responsibility is imposed on the basis of the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The severity of punishment varies.

How can I confirm my identity?

If a passport is not available, other identification documents may be used. These can be considered:

  • driving license;
  • official or diplomatic passport;
  • foreigner

To obtain a temporary document, you will need to fill out an application and provide a photo. Using paper, a person will be able to confirm their identity until the passport is produced. If the procedure has not yet been completed, the person is limited in the list of actions. So, it will not be possible to get married. However, most operations can be performed using a temporary ID.

If the document was stolen in another city

When the theft occurred in another city in the Russian Federation, there will be no difficulties in recovery. It is enough to contact the police and then submit an application to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs with a request to provide another document. It is more difficult when the situation arose abroad. The step-by-step instructions change:

  1. The person is obliged to contact law enforcement authorities. In all states, there are organizations ready to accept applications for theft.
  2. A person applies to the Russian diplomatic consulate. They are present on the territory of most states.
  3. An application is submitted with a request to return to the Russian Federation, which explains the reasons for the loss of the document. You will need to confirm your identity by providing another document. If he is absent, it is necessary to bring to the proceedings at least two witnesses confirming that the person is exactly who he claims to be. In another situation, you will have to wait until relatives send documentation from the Russian Federation.

If the procedures were completed successfully, the citizen will be able to leave the country. In another situation, he will be deported. Forced expulsion entails a subsequent ban on entry. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the above scheme.

What to do if a document is lost abroad

The most important thing is to panic. A person will have to contact him as soon as he discovers a loss.

  1. First you need to go to the police of another country. Write a statement and ask for a certificate stating that the citizen does not have a document. If the police do not want to issue a document, then you can write about theft. And then they issue a protocol.
  2. As soon as the application is written and there is a certificate, you need to go to the Russian Embassy. You should also have 2 photos and an identity document with you.
  3. Once the identification procedure has been completed, an employee from the embassy issues a certificate that will help you return to the country. For its issuance you will need to pay from $20-100.
  4. Once a person finds himself in the country, he must contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Federal Migration Service and bring documents.

Nuances of the recovery procedure

The legislator has provided that the bodies that are authorized to issue a restored document can only require documents established by regulatory enactments. However, as practice shows, there are cases when authorized persons of these organizations require documents not established by law, which are, for example:

  • document confirming your place of registration. You do not have to provide such a document, since the FMS authorities have the right to request such information independently at their own request;
  • notification that your statement of missing passport has been registered at the Department of Internal Affairs.
  • document confirming Russian citizenship;

You should know that if a similar situation happened to you, the above documents are unreasonably required from you and this is the basis for refusal to accept documents from you for passport restoration, request a written refusal indicating the reason and appeal the illegal actions in court.

What to do and where to go in case of theft

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If a person is faced with theft of a passport, he must certainly adhere to a certain procedure to solve the problem.

It is important to act quickly and obtain a new document. . The first step is to immediately contact the police

There are a number of reasons for this:

The first step is to immediately contact the police. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Search for criminals. If the robber is found during the investigation, the victim will be able to receive financial compensation from him for the damage caused. Both material and moral.
  2. Exemption from paying fines. If the victim did not lose his passport himself, but rather, the document was stolen, there is an opportunity not to pay a fine.
  3. Cancellation of passport validity. Information that the passport has been stolen will help in the future to undo all actions committed without the knowledge of the owner of the document.

The victim must fill out a statement at the police station, indicating in detail everything that happened to him to help in the investigation and to relieve himself of responsibility.

The statement states:

  • personal information (full name, passport number and series);
  • telephone number at which it is possible to subsequently contact;
  • a detailed description of the circumstances under which the crime was committed;
  • where and what time the citizen was at the time of the theft;
  • a description of the offender, if the victim saw the attacker or can guess who it might be;
  • number and signature.

Law enforcement agencies must take the application and give in return a ticket containing the following information:

  • date of application;
  • name of the receiving department;
  • a note that the application has been accepted.

After issuing the coupon, the victim must go to the Main Department of Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to obtain a new passport.

If suddenly you didn’t already know, we recommend reading an article about what an enhanced qualified electronic signature looks like and how to get it.

Nuances you need to know about

A new passport is always issued with different details. Therefore, you need to make sure to notify all known persons about changes in passport data. First of all, this applies to the place of work or study, housing office, utilities, etc.

If passport details were present in currently valid contracts (loan, lease, mobile communications contract, etc.), then it is advisable to conclude additional agreements to the signed transactions in order to avoid misunderstandings.

You should also notify the bank that issued the cards or opened current accounts about the change of passport.

It would be a good idea to provide copies of pages from the new document.

You should also remember that you cannot be without a passport for a long time. All documents must be submitted within a month from the date of loss, theft or damage. Otherwise, the violator may face administrative punishment. The amount of monetary recovery here varies from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

In case of passport theft, there is no liability for its loss.

In addition, the mere fact of losing or damaging a passport is punishable. Here the punishment is much softer - from 200 to 300 rubles.

What to do if you lost your passport? If such a situation arises, you need to prepare the necessary package of documents and contact the FMS authorities with them. The procedure for obtaining a passport is regulated by the “Regulations on the Passport of the Russian Federation,” and we will tell you how to restore your passport in our article.

Where to go if you lose your passport

To obtain a passport in Russia, theoretically, you can contact several authorities - the migration department (FMS), as well as the service department (formerly the MFC). You can write an application for a first passport, a replacement, as well as when changing your last name, appearance and gender through the State Services portal online.

Service is a registration system that operates on a single window principle. Here you can apply for your first document or change it upon reaching your 20th and 45th birthdays. The State Services portal accepts applications via the Internet, which allows a citizen to submit an application in absentia, and then come to the FMS office to receive a completed identity card at the appointed time. But it is impossible to submit a statement about the loss of a passport and issue a new one to replace the old one through “My Documents” or the State Services portal.

If there was a loss of an identity card due to negligence, you need to contact the migration department or the police department. To do this, a person must appear in person with documents.

An application for replacement is completed using a single form 1P (a sample can be obtained from the FMS office). You must manually enter the following information into the form:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • gender identity;
  • date, year and place of birth;
  • civil status (indicating the full name and date of birth of the spouse);
  • date and place of marriage registration;
  • Full name of parents;
  • place of residence and current stay.

In addition to the basic data, the reason for replacing the passport (loss, theft, damage) must be indicated and the applicant’s signature must be affixed. If the document was changed shortly before, the details of the previous document are indicated on the back of the form. At the bottom of the 1P form is the signature of the head of the department, as well as the passport data and mark of the employee who accepted the statement of loss.

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