Thieves' tattoos and their meaning. Thieves in law tattoos

An artistic tattoo has the meaning that a person decided to give it. In the case of prison “patterns,” everything is completely different - they are applied according to the rank of the prisoner. You will learn further what the stars on the prisoners’ shoulders mean, to whom and when they were applied.

The prison world requires following certain rules and canons. Tattoos are not applied just like that - the desire to draw a star is not enough, it still needs to be earned (by authority, position, behavior in the caste of prisoners).

Eight-pointed stars, both during the times of the USSR and now, in 2021, were and are interpreted unambiguously - this is a sign of a thief . It is most often applied under the collarbones, but there is an option for the knees.

You shouldn’t get stars in these places just for fun in a tattoo parlor, since when you get into the appropriate circles, the owner of the marks will still need to justify the right to own them.

What do the stars of thieves in law look like?

This image comes from the compass rose that sailors used to apply when setting sail. At that time, the celestial bodies served as landmarks in the sea, which is why such a symbol was chosen, which served as a kind of amulet for them. Since then, a lot of time has passed, and the stars began to signify the difficult life path of their owner.

In their modern form, star tattoos came from the mid-20th century. The tattoo has the shape of an eight-pointed star with black and white rays, and is tattooed in pairs and symmetrically to each other. Such an image defines a person who honors human and thieves’ laws, living according to certain concepts.

As a rule, the symbol is printed without inscriptions, although sometimes you can see portraits, animals and various symbols depicted inside. There are many associated elements and their meanings, and each of them has its own unique meaning. For example, the image of a cat means a pickpocket.

Criminal tattoo

In Europe, tattooing became widespread in the 18th century after the voyage of James Cook. He spoke in his reports about the inhabitants of Oceania, who applied drawings to their bodies using needles and special piments. From this period begins the era of tattoos in the Old World.

One of the directions of such drawings has become a criminal tattoo. Tattoos such as stars on the shoulders have a special meaning of a person’s rank in his environment. This is a kind of passport of a person that speaks of status.

If you know how to decipher such signs, you can learn quite a lot about a person - from his origin and life path, habits, inclinations and beliefs. This number also includes the stars on the shoulders. Tattoos, the meaning of which helps to understand the character of a person, have always aroused interest among the uninitiated.

What do the thief in law stars mean?

Thieves' stars on the shoulders have many meanings in the zone. The main thing is an indicator of the status of a thief in law. Also, the symbol can indicate that a person is an excellent gambler or does not agree with the system. Or perhaps he is, one of the representatives denied.

Depending on the affiliation with theft, the place where the tattoo is located is of great importance. One of the most dangerous is considered to be a star tattoo, tattooed under the collarbones: this is a popular Denialist paraphernalia. It was mainly inflicted on those who served time again and were able to earn authority. Denial is a situation in which prisoners do not recognize prison rules and refuse to comply with them. They have a negative attitude towards the administration and try to harm its work.

Stars on the knees often pricked those who were ready to follow the chosen path to the end, without bending under the system. It was assumed that the owner of such a tattoo would not break under the prison regime and, literally, would not kneel.

Stars on the chest mean that the prisoner is a thief in law. Those who promote thieves' ideas in prison also wear stars on their chests.

This tattoo communicates a certain lifestyle of a person who has endured many trials and is always ready for death. If you have no connection with the criminal world, then it is better to refrain from this kind of tattoo. In addition, it is customary for prisoners to test their fellow inmates for strength: wearing the image must be proven by one’s actions.

The skull and crossbones on the inmate's shoulders indicate he is serving a life sentence. And the girl holding her dress with a fishing rod on her left forearm is a tattoo that is usually given to rapists.

A dagger passed through the neck indicates that the criminal has killed someone in prison and is ready to take orders again. Drops of blood can indicate the number of murders committed.

A snake wrapped around the neck is a sign that the owner of the tattoo is a drug addict.

This prisoner is not an authority in the thieves' world, but tried to pretend to be one with the help of tattoos, which were supposed to increase his position in the prison hierarchy. The lighthouse on the right hand symbolizes the desire for freedom. The handcuffs on each wrist indicate he is sentenced to more than five years in prison.

The lines placed inside the ends of the star on the shoulders of this prisoner mean that the owner of the tattoo served in the military, but abandoned it and went into crime

The double-headed eagle is a symbol of Russian statehood, dating back to the 15th century and used by Peter the Great. The photo was taken during the Soviet period, when a tattoo in the form of this emblem was a sign of hatred towards the USSR. The Statue of Liberty indicates a longing for freedom, and the dark character with a gun suggests that this prisoner is ready for violence and murder

This tattoo is a variation of the myth of Prometheus, who deceived Zeus and was chained to a rock for eternal punishment. A ship with white sails means that the prisoner does not do normal work, he is a touring thief and prone to escape.

One of many prisoners who contracted syphilis, AIDS or tetanus as a result of being tattooed in unsanitary conditions.

Is there any rational argument against why any self-professed career criminal or repeat offender should not be shot through the head immediately after trial? At least one?

For what reason should society contain those who openly oppose themselves to society?

Is there any rational argument against why any self-professed career criminal or repeat offender should not be shot through the head immediately after trial? At least one?

I believe that society should build its defense against criminals on two pillars:

1) inadmissibility of repetition of the crime;

2) compensation for the full damage caused.

Ironically, the current system provides neither the first nor the second.

inadmissibility of repeating the crime

compensation for full damage caused

This is if only after any crime they immediately shoot.

People commit most crimes without expecting all the negative consequences of their actions. This in no way justifies them, but the highest measure of social protection in this case is absolutely inappropriate.

A set of measures, I suppose. Firstly, mandatory occupational therapy. Hard physical work based on the principle - whoever doesn’t work, doesn’t eat. Secondly, the division of prisons and camps according to both the charges and the severity of the crimes, taking into account recidivism. It is necessary to prevent the formation of prison communities, hierarchies and other institutions. Thirdly, constant monitoring of released criminals using non-removable and non-removable beacons. Public database of criminals and crimes. Preventing the existence of professional criminals.

Try to imagine the amount of funding required to organize these measures. I believe this will be a sufficient argument in favor of why this will never happen.

As for me, a certain category of criminals and repeat offenders of other articles should be completely thrown into the open sea, or settled on a separate island. As a result, society is spared, and there is no need to spend tons of money.

Try to imagine the amount of funding required to organize these measures

Try to imagine the amount of funding for today’s FSIN, by the way I’ll quote:

We spend more on the prison system than on the entire Ministry of Health and only one and a half times less than on Rosavtodor, which builds roads throughout the country. From 2003 to 2015, the budget of the Federal Penitentiary Service grew almost 7 times, at a faster pace than the country’s budget. The budget of the prison department in 2015 amounted to 303 billion rubles, 646 thousand people were kept in places of deprivation of liberty. The annual budget per prisoner is 469 thousand rubles.

It is suspected that for an organization with a recidivism rate of 50% this is extremely ineffective.

And with all these cash injections into the Federal Penitentiary Service in our country there is not even a hint of a correctional system.

Yeah, and the man who stole a bag of feed and the governor of Sakhalin, who stole billions, will work in the same mine.

And now, attention, the question is: who will be the first to pay off the damage and be released?)))))

Ideally, the man who stole a bag of feed would get out quickly enough, and the thief of billions would spend until the end of time.

ideally yes. What will it really be like?

But in reality it won't.

there is a chance that the criminal is in the place of the judge, much like the noise around Khakhaleva now

Judgement mistake? A highly unlikely chance, I suppose, but possible. This is why I talk about repeat offenders, if you've been paying attention.

after the dose and it won’t work, he’ll say you’d better shoot

Approximately the same as for leaving pensioners and disabled people alive. If we approach the issue rationally, then pensioners and disabled people are dragging society down.

Well, he was a wonderful person, but now he is an incompetent biotrash. Respect for past achievements is irrational. This is what rationality is like.

Everything is clear, my monitor is leaking grease.

You should have re-read the thread before writing about fat.

The pension fund is essentially a bank. A person works, pays a percentage, and when he retires he receives his own money. This is not a matter of supreme justice. This is a normal calculation. Why should people pay taxes if they get nothing from it?

Those who have not worked a day will also receive a pension.

Here, in principle, as with the wretched, it’s a separate conversation.

Okay, for those present, I see this is all too complicated. There is only one answer - humanism. Millennial achievements of mankind, all the things. Rational arguments have absolutely nothing to do with it. This is simply what modern society is based on.

Supporting the life of an incapacitated vegetable-like person is not humanism, but perverted sadism.

What to do. Nobody said that everyone would be fine. It's just better for everyone at once. One of the basic principles of humanism is its universal applicability, without exception. That is why vegetables are supported, and criminals are preserved the right to life. But Jews and all sorts of blacks do not burn in furnaces and do not work for free. Although many would not be at all against this state of affairs.

Excuse me, but is everything normal in your head?

The state carries out the redistribution of income, ensuring social justice in the interests of society. Pensioners have paid part of their income to the state all their lives (their responsibilities) and for this they received the right to receive from the state some additional support in an amount feasible for the state. We see complete parity, on the one hand, of man’s responsibilities to society and society’s responsibilities to man.

The humanitarian development of our society is such that it allows us to allocate part of our total income for charity to those in need, including the disabled, orphans and others who cannot (due to some objective reasons) provide for themselves. At the same time, such people remain full-fledged members of society, respect its laws and do not oppose themselves to others.

Comparisons with criminals are completely incorrect. In addition, please note that I mean only a certain category of criminals, think about why specifically them, and not all criminals en masse.

But why does society allocate part of its funds to support those in need? You are clearly not ready for large-scale generalizations, here is a simpler example: society will support a person with disabilities who has been sick since birth. It has never brought any benefit and will never, absolutely certainly, bring it. Why is it kept? Can you guess?

Do you even know how to read? Or are there words whose meaning you don't understand? It’s okay, I’ll repeat (if you’re a military man, I can do it slowly, twice):

The humanitarian development of our society is such that it allows us to allocate part of our total income for charity to those in need

If you don’t understand a word, ask specifically. The people here are kind, they will conduct educational programs.

Educational program from smart people who can only shout “Rrrrya! Execution! Uranium mines! - I don’t really need it, believe me.

And why did you highlight this stupidity? I can do that too. See:

The humanitarian development of our society is such that it allows us to allocate part of our total income to support repeat offenders

What does this explain? Absolutely nothing. Try again.

And how he breathed, sick.

Get out of here, people like you are not served here.

Yes, you don’t want to move your brains even a little bit. You see trolling in everything. It's a shame.

Eyes on the stomach indicate homosexuality of their owner

That's all you need to know about the logic of such scum.

The last photo very clearly shows the outcome of all the thieves' romance - rotting alive from syphilis.

Without the “King of Chukhanov” tattoo, no encyclopedia would be complete.

What does this undoubtedly outstanding tattoo look like?))) I’ll send it to my boss.

There are various options. Some should not be posted on Pikabu. It’s better to use Google or Yandex search. Choose the most attractive one and please your boss)

Tattoos in the criminal environment made sense in the 30s and 40s. Back then, you could seriously suffer for a tattoo that did not correspond to your status. Later, when waves of a new generation of criminals poured into the criminal world (especially in the 80s), they stopped paying special attention to tattoos (well, the brothers don’t have a special body monitoring compliance with tattoo standards), they injected, in principle, whatever they wanted (with the exception “cock” tattoos - these were injected by force). If a criminal authority arrived in the zone, then to confirm his position, “babies” from other authorities came with him that this person had a high status in the criminal environment.

Magojan, I’ll tell you a secret, even when tattoos had some meaning, they were interpreted differently everywhere. Firstly, each prisoner himself gave meaning to his tattoo; secondly, the meaning of the tattoo could be carried from zone to zone with distortion. Of course, there are some permanent symbols that do not change: domes, thieves' stars, rings, but the rest is subjective creativity by and large. Take tattoos of naked women, for example, while reading a book by a policeman, one got the impression that impaling a penis and a naked woman in 1950 was generally in the order of decency, but now I think that such creativity is unlikely to be appreciated, especially in some kind of general regime

By stooping to the level of criminals, we ourselves become criminals.

It is not necessary to fight crime, but the cause of its occurrence - low living standards and mental illness.

Well, I don’t believe in the complete triumph of justice. There will always be crimes, what matters is their number. In the 90s, the quality of life fell and the crime situation jumped, in the 2000s they began to live more or less and the number of crimes fell.

At the moment, in my opinion, you need to do:

1. Create conditions for the inadmissibility of crime. Solve the problem not with fines, but with infringement of rights, for example, to free education and free medical care. In this case, there will be almost no new criminals.

2. Mandatory adaptation of those released - attendance at support groups, employment.

3. Reduce articles requiring imprisonment, more labor camps.

And the hunger games, as you suggest, will slide us down more than one stage of evolution.

Now petty thieves are in prison along with murderers. How will life change after serving time with a thief if he spends his entire term studying with a murderer? Prisons will not close, they will always be there, there will always be serial prisoners, there will always be domestic violence, negligent homicide and other serious crimes.

Point 1 from the previous comment is American practice, where if you come to the attention of the police, you can only buy a trailer and work on a farm, because you are deprived of all privileges.

3 is proportionality of punishment. I don’t want to see a deputy taking bribes in prison for 2-5 years, I want to see the deprivation of all property from him and his immediate family in an amount higher than the amount earned per year. This will be a punishment, with such conditions you will think 10 times about whether to take a bribe.

Murderers are a different story; they must sit. Well, I’ll attach the story of my friend:

When I was a child (80s), a group of scarecrows made me, this is a metal tube, a butt, a fuse. One of the company decided to show off, like he wouldn’t shoot his gun at himself, and pointed the scarecrow at his own head. The result is death from blood loss. The rest of the boys, like “true friends,” point their fingers at my friend, like he had graters with the dead man, he threw him down, and they themselves came out clean.

He left the zone as a closed man, unable to see the limits of the law. He did not become a thief or a murderer, but it is impossible to communicate with him, he knows all the thieves, any conversation develops into a showdown.

If you carefully look at a human hand, you can learn about his hidden character traits. You can also find out about his fate and upcoming life events. But not every passerby can read those around them just based on the lines on their palms. In order to quickly and effectively understand all the signs on the palm, palmistry comes to the rescue. The stars in the palm have significant meaning. Experts in the field of palmistry assure that with the help of this symbol you can learn a lot about the person who is standing next to you.

  • Which hand is best for reading personality?
  • Meaning of a star on a brush
  • If the star is located on the lines
  • Meaning of the star on the hills of the palm
  • Location of the star on the phalanges of the fingers

Interpretation of stars in the palm

Which hand is best for reading personality?

Have you ever noticed that the patterns on both hands are different from each other? This is due to the fact that a person is born with signs on his left hand, and signs on his right hand appear throughout his life. You need to read the symbols using the active hand. That is, if the person standing next to you is left-handed, then you need to read with the left hand.

Remember that every person is unique. It is impossible to draw a line and assure that the same symbol can be interpreted in the same way by different people, because it is common for every person to change throughout his life. If you are a beginner, then at first you can use a photo that shows a human palm. This will make it much easier to navigate and correctly interpret the symbolism of the hand.

Timati disgraced himself with his AUE suit: Show Business: VladTime

Star rapper Timati disgraced the whole country by wearing a denim jacket with “thieves’” tattoos. The hip-hop performer does not even suspect what “insignia” he has “attached” to himself.

After all, the star doesn’t even know what stars he “stuffed” on his jacket. There are quite a lot of different tattoos on the denim jacket, but the drawings on the shoulders of the Black Star rapper raised the most questions.

Many commentators thought that Timati had completely gone crazy because he put on the insignia of a caste to which he does not belong, and besides, he tried to show himself as a “thieve,” but in fact he only made millions of Internet users laugh.

This is not the first time that the “star with the stars” praises thieves’ concepts and shows his partial attitude towards everything “thieves” - the rapper has already read in his track that “the zone loves Timati.”

“They can pull him up for a tight jacket,” “Timati the clown disgraced himself with his AUE costume,” “The songs are moronic, and so is the style,” “explain for the stars, rappers!” — Internet users expressed their opinion.

Sergey Skeptic

Meaning of a star on a brush

The star on the life line always carried a negative message. Just don’t immediately panic and try to urgently change any events. There is no need to isolate yourself in your own thoughts and think about why a higher power cursed you. It is necessary to carefully examine possible scenarios.

The bottom line is that a five-pointed star on the hand indicates that significant changes in life are expected soon. It gives an indication that an irreparable event will occur, and it is simply impossible to prevent it. To understand whether fate is preparing for a bad event or a good one, you need to determine the location of the star in the palm of your hand. You should pay attention to which auxiliary symbols and lines are in close proximity to the five-pointed star. Where can a five-pointed star be located and what is the interpretation of the meanings? The Star of David can be located in the following places:

  • on the line of the palm;
  • on the hills;
  • pentagram on fingers.

Each position has its own meaning and carries certain interpretations for each person. Depending on the location, you can interpret the signs as you need.

Number of rays

Five-pointed star - the desire for harmony. The inverted pentagram is often used by Satanists.

The seven-pointed star has a magical meaning, like the number 7 itself. This magic will stay with a person for a long time, just like the tattoo itself.

An eight-pointed star signifies a life of abundance.

The nine-pointed star among the ancient Celts symbolized health and prosperity. This image carries a similar meaning today.

However, the criminal “star” tattoo on the shoulders has a special meaning. Its meaning is always changing. However, the basic message can still be understood.

If the star is located on the lines

Determining the location of the star

A six-pointed star on the life line indicates that a purposeful person is standing in front of you. Nothing is achievable for him, and he always achieves his goal. Especially if the line ends with a star. A star on the heart line means that you are communicating with a soulful person. His emotions always take precedence over his thoughts. Such a person will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation, and will not ask for anything in return.

If the line of the mind ends with a star, then this indicates that its owner has difficulty perceiving surrounding events. It is quite difficult for him to make the right decisions. Typically, such individuals often make mistakes, after which they fall into long-term depression.

If the fate line ends with a star, then this marks imminent death. If it is located at the initial end of the line, then you will experience unexpected financial difficulties. In principle, the symbol has the same meaning as the cross. If the five-pointed star in the palm is located at the level of the wrist, it means that you are quite developed spiritually. It is much easier for such individuals to achieve success in life and approach their own goals.

If the heart line ends with a star, it means your chosen one is cheating on you. The girl needs to pay attention to this and take urgent action. You need to quickly change your life and try to change your destiny. Most likely, your heart will break, but you are doing these actions for your own good. The marriage line has always been one of the most complex features of the palm.

Application method

Previously, tattoos were done in prisons using a needle and a substance containing soot. The pigment was obtained from burnt boot soles. Understanding what the stars on the shoulders of convicts mean, it should be noted that the technology of application, as well as the meaning of the design itself, has changed over time.

Later they began to use ink from ballpoint pens as paint. For the image itself, a special stamp was used. The needles were stuck into a thick piece of rubber so that they protruded 1-2 mm. They were dipped in paint and pressed into the skin in one motion, leaving a certain pattern.

Subsequently, special electric razor machines began to be used. Instead of a needle, they used guitar strings.

Meaning of the star on the hills of the palm

For a woman, the location of such a figure in the center of the Mount of Venus can portend troubles in love affairs. It is likely that your loved one is using you for his own benefit. Pay attention to all his actions, and if this belief is confirmed, take action immediately. For men, this threatens that a woman will immediately see him as an unfaithful guy.

The figure in the center of the Mount of Jupiter indicates that its owner is a highly moral person. Such individuals quickly and confidently move towards their goal, and do not pay attention to negative factors. It is almost impossible to lead such individuals astray from the right path. They usually achieve significant heights in terms of career growth and business.

If the figure is located in the place where the line of Mars ends, then you are a rather intelligent and militant person. You will never give in and will strive for a better life. It is much easier for you to build family ties and achieve career success. But such interpretations apply only to the male gender. In the case of women, the situation is the opposite. This suggests that a woman can never stand still. She needs not only to start a family and give birth to a child. Her plans are to reach heights in terms of work.

Location of the star on the phalanges of the fingers

The symbol on the thumb indicates that you are a diligent person: good luck and financial well-being will constantly be pursued. The presence of a sign on your index finger can be interpreted to mean that you are a proud person. If the sign is located at the end of the middle finger, this always means negative interpretations. Most likely, you will have to go through troubles in your love life, which will lead to suicide attempts. If the star is located on the ring finger, then you are a talented person. You are destined to achieve success in creativity. The little finger indicates that you communicate easily with people. It is not difficult for you to talk to others and convince them that you are right.

Thieves' tattoos. Thief, what is the definition of this word? A person who took a pie and did not pay can be called the same. In the generally accepted understanding, these are people who live by stealing.

There is another meaning of this word that most of the population probably does not know about. The thief in law is the elite of the criminal world, its generals.

  1. Thieves' tattoos, meaning
  2. Status drawings
  3. Epaulettes
  4. Thief Stars
  5. Thieves' crosses
  6. Rings
  7. What else do thieves in law get impaled on?
  8. Tattoo of thieves and authorities - video

History of criminal tattoos

In forensic science, very little attention has been paid to the study of criminal tattoos. During the Soviet years, a system was introduced to register marks on the bodies of criminals, designed to identify them. Tattoos such as stars on the shoulders, due to their meaning, were supposed to instill fear in ordinary people. Although their presence often became the reason for arrest.

But even the fear of going to prison did not stop people with a criminal past from deciding to get a tattoo, for example, stars on their shoulders. Tattoos, the meaning of which was very well known in the prison world, were justified, because despite all the risks, such iconic marks gave special privileges.

Lombroso was the first to speak about the essence of tattoos as signs of personality degradation. This erroneous opinion, upon more serious study, showed that the meaning of the stars on the shoulders and other designs are imitative. Such drawings were naive and quite simple.

Status drawings

Another attribute indicating belonging to the chosen caste.

This emphasizes resistance to the prison or camp administration and unwillingness to follow the rules of society.

The owner of the tattoo is an anarchist.

Stars are not only applied to the knees, they are also placed under the collarbones and chest area, which also indicates that they belong to the highest circles of the criminal world, thieves in law.

They will tell a knowledgeable person about their character, attitude towards the law and outlook on life.

Not a simple tattoo. Can mean a talisman, a thief in law and the number of walkers.

Cross - thief in law tattoo. Apply to the knees.

A symbol of a thief in law, indicating the high rank of its owner in the criminal world.

They are located in a visible place - the fingers, and are a kind of business card. They can tell you a lot of interesting things about the owner; you can find out more here.

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