What is a human move? Thieves and human concepts

What can they ask for in the world of thieves?

In the criminal world, they can be asked for non-compliance with criminal concepts. We are talking about different types of betrayal, cooperation with authorities and other violations. In addition, they “ask” those people who might be doubted. That is, to doubt integrity in relation to concepts or status.

Demand for ratting

Ratting is theft from the common fund or from other thieves, or betrayal. For ratting, a thief can be crowned or killed. An important note - the one who accuses the thief must necessarily confirm his words with facts, arguments or evidence. The accused has the right to present arguments in his defense and justify himself. The final decision is made by the thieves' council at a meeting. If the guilt of the accused is not proven, the accuser will be held accountable for his words.

Demand for suit

Demand for suit is when a person is found out about his position in the hierarchy of the criminal world. The answer must contain proof of words. Masti, or castes, are groups into which people are divided in prisons and beyond: roosters, men, thieves, etc. Demand is made equal in position.

Demand as from a scoundrel or a scoundrel

The demand is like a bastard - this is a prison trial of a person who consciously accepted the thieves' law and deliberately violated it. At a gathering of thieves, such a demand is applied to those who have done wrong.

Ask like a man

Demand from a man begins when the man introduces himself not as who he really is. For example: not an ordinary man, but a tramp or a thief in law. He is punished for lying.

Demand from a decent

Demand from a decent person is when a man, a thief or a representative of another group demands from a person from the same group for an offense. For example, a thief talks to another thief, a man to a man, etc. The point is that the demand is made by an equal from an equal for the fact that one of them has committed an offense. Usually such a dialogue ends with a slap in the face or verbal reprimand, but if a person lied or betrayed, a more serious punishment is possible.

Ask about all the rules of camp life

Demand according to all the rules is the strictest punishment that is applied in places of deprivation of liberty. In this case, the person being punished is treated like a bastard, and is subsequently dismissed. According to the rules of life, they ask those who went not just against the law of thieves, but committed a gross offense.

About the title

This title is not available to everyone.

  • First of all, a person communicates his intention to other representatives of this title.
  • Thieves in law send news to all prisons and detention centers in Russia with the notification that such and such, with the nickname such and such, wants to become a thief in law. Anyone who can say something about the candidate, remember old sins, should do so.
  • A potential thief in law needs to enlist the support of two thief in law with five years of experience. They will act as his guarantors.

Once the relevant persons have been properly notified, the meeting begins. They become thieves in law after the coronation.

Basic Prison Concepts

So that your reputation does not sink below the baseboard, and life in prison does not hang by a thread, you need to remember the basic concepts. Proper prison huts have strict rules.

Any use of physical force is prohibited. Extortion and any episode of personality suppression are prohibited here. The interests of each prisoner are taken into account to the extent that no one is disadvantaged.

The inhabitants of the cell (the lads) must show the new prisoner everything and tell him how to behave. Only after the new guy has been told and shown everything, will it be possible to ask questions from him. According to the prison laws, there is no demand for a new person in prison, because he does not yet know the prison laws.

In the zone, order is maintained with the help of correct concepts - informal prison laws, as well as prison justice, carried out through prison showdowns.

Many nuances in the right concepts may seem wild, cruel and senseless to an ordinary person.

Concepts are the unwritten laws of prison life. The concepts are not regulated by official law. The emphasis of concepts in prison life is on the prisoner's personal freedom and the common good.

If a person is beaten in a cell who had a quarrel with someone from the “top” of the cell and the administration finds out about it, then everyone will feel bad: those watching, the “junkies”, and other “blatata”.

But if a “rat” is caught in a cell and stole cigarettes from a cellmate, then there will be no execution. The only thing they can do is put the one who beat and the one who stole in different cells.

Dictionary of slang terms used in everyday life

Prison jargon is varied and vast. A dictionary-translator of slang phrases, if there was one at all, would probably be as large as the Soviet Encyclopedia. As mentioned earlier, in the zone the jargon is updated daily with new words, in addition, knowledge of slang expressions is passed on from generation to generation, and many words are used even in everyday life. Below is a list of the most commonly used expressions and their meaning. The most basic thing that an ordinary person needs to understand if he encounters gopniks:

How to live according to concepts in prison?

Prison laws are somewhat different from thieves' laws, although they also have common provisions. So, living according to the concepts in places of deprivation of liberty means:

  • Put your share into the common fund. It could be money, cigarettes, tea, things, food.
  • Under no circumstances should you use physical force against the thief in law.
  • Don’t “rat,” because cellmates severely punish theft.
  • Do not insult your “brothers”, do not make baseless accusations if there is no evidence.
  • Pay card debts on the spot.
  • Respect elders in rank and age.
  • Don’t be a “cattle” – don’t take anything away from your “brothers” for nothing, don’t insult them.

Boy's Rules

In thieves' slang, the word "boy" is applicable to a teenage thief who moves among other thieves and adopts their traditions.

Guys usually form groups where they set their own rules:

  • they are responsible “for the market”, that is, they must always fulfill their promises;
  • they must be brave and not show their cowardice;
  • boys are always ready for a fight;
  • boys should always dress neatly;
  • they must defend the territory in which they live;
  • aggressive behavior towards girls is unacceptable;
  • never attack a stranger if he is walking arm-in-arm with a girl;
  • treat your mother with respect: do not complain about her, do not insult her;
  • under no circumstances should you rat out your friends;
  • the fight must be fair, it is forbidden to go two on one;
  • there must be a reason to fight.

How to answer the question: “Who are you in terms of life?”

If you answer this question without thinking, then you can pay a lot for it later. Experienced jailers can humiliate and let you go if you give the wrong answer.

If a beginner considers himself to be of the first suit - lads, then he needs to prove it. Bratva means he lives the life of a thief.

If a prisoner considers himself a peasant, then by default he accepts the rules of the prison game and observes subordination, placing himself below the lads.

If a person says that he is the devil or a rooster, then everything will immediately become clear to everyone. Prisoners from this caste do all the dirty work and are used for personal gain by other prisoners.

To the tricky question: “Who are you in life?” you need to answer very carefully. If we are talking about a new prisoner, then it is generally better to tell him that he has not yet thought about this issue

Living according to concepts from the point of view of prisoners is a set of rules, the laws of life in the prison world. Life in prison is not always the same as life outside of bars.

However, some rules are understandable even to a law-abiding citizen, for example, respect parents, do not swear, and maintain subordination.

Living according to the rules means following certain rules, many of which are unacceptable in everyday life, for example, not working, spending time in prison from time to time, maintaining contact with prisoners, etc.

"Watch your tongue"

In addition to thieves' laws, there are also prison laws, which many prisoners try to adhere to. For example, swearing behind bars is still considered bad manners. There are several reasons for this, according to experts in the criminal subculture. Firstly, the zone has its own criminal language - “Fenya”, which seasoned prisoners value very much. To prevent swearing from contaminating the “native” prison jargon, it is avoided in communication. Secondly, in the colonies it is very important to “watch your language”: any obscene word can hurt the feelings of a criminal and lead to a bloody conflict.

How to live according to concepts in 2021?

Prison concepts are developed by experience. In contrast to true concepts, there are false concepts. They are supported by inexperienced, stupid prisoners. In this way they try to prove to themselves and their fellow prisoners that they are worth something.

True concepts are harsh and rigid laws that often cause pain. But their goal is not to make anyone suffer, but to survive in prison. The purpose of false concepts is to grow in someone's eyes at the expense of someone else.

In prison life, concepts are not only needed, they are as necessary as air. The concepts are recognized not only by prisoners, but also by the prison administration. Concepts are a kind of code of honor for prisoners.

If we talk about concepts in general, they can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Positive (acceptable) concepts. These are human and thieves' concepts.
  2. Negative concepts. They can be cop-like and nasty.

The foundation of relationships is human concepts. A person who adheres to them is called a decent prisoner. Human concepts also include those actions of prisoners in which they became “roosters.” Offended prisoners and morally degraded lads are also judged according to human standards.

There is another category - scoundrels - these are those who deliberately went against human concepts. These are chickens, rats, lawless people. There is even a phrase in the zone: “Ask about the bastard.” In contrast to this phrase, there is another: “Ask like a brother.”

To demand, like a bastard, a prisoner needs to commit some kind of vile offense: “snitch” on cellmates, steal food or something else from cellmates, provoke the cops to press all the “huts,” commit chaos in prison, take something by force , hit or commit a crime in freedom such as rape, child abuse.

Often, the demand, as if from a bastard, ends with the “lowering” of the person, the actual transfer of the prisoner to the lowest caste of the lowered.

Advice from experienced people

Experienced prisoners have different attitudes towards life in prison.

A person who finds himself in places of detention is obliged to adhere to human concepts - watch himself, his words and actions, do not steal from his own and give reasons for “lowering” (do not communicate with those who have been abandoned, do not greet them and do not use their things), then there will be no demand from him (he will be in the position of a peasant). Accordingly, a person can live in peace.

Some prisoners become “thieves” - they begin to live according to thieves’ standards. In this case, they are obliged to fulfill all the requirements of the concepts, participate in the life of the lads, and cope with the thief’s orders. Thieves and criminals have privileges, but they also have demands.

The worst thing to do in the zone is to live depressed. In order not to fall into this category of prisoners, you need to respect yourself and other prisoners, not act contrary to the concepts and not interact with those who are omitted.

Also, you should not gamble, including “for fun”. In the zone, you should not borrow or lend money to someone.

“The way of life of thieves” was seized by Nizhny Novgorod police from one of the swindlers

Copies were at the disposal of the Crime Chronicle (contains profanity)

These “documents” were seized during a search in the apartment of one of the suspects in extortion.

Their publication is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as propaganda of a “thieves’” lifestyle.

I wonder where the distance is greater, between the way of life and the swindlers, or between the Citizens of Russia and the Constitution?

between Citizens of Russia and the Constitution

An ordinary citizen won’t even move in, what’s what))). They will read it and think, in Our House - what is this about?))).

This paper was written for first-timers. I’m sure someone got very bored, so they divided it into deeds and misdeeds... into human and [censored] I wouldn’t be surprised that this paper was treated like the Constitution of the Russian Federation. I agree it was a fun idea.

Nikita, I agree. It also looks like evening prayer.

Guys, you are people far from the prison camp system, you don’t understand, this is necessary! So that there is no Makhnovshchina and other savagery. Imagine a hut on the Nizhny Novgorod central - 120 people moved in, a shkonok - 20-something. Like at the station and there are evil prisoners all around. Only strict demand helps men far from the criminal world to survive. I saw everything, where Musorskoye is, the departure from Lyudskoye - the men are howling, so it’s nothing funny. Either you are organized by garbage, or the back door, we drive. Prostitution is over before [censored] some go to the kumchast from the Blatkomitet, like going to work, everything has its time.

Vasya, let's get together?

Vasya, friend, which serious business person needs this? Even men don't need it. Everyone who needs something will turn and unfold it themselves exactly as needed and as best they can. If the head works. I wouldn’t even be surprised if fifth-graders know that more than one self-respecting man, not to mention thieves and those much higher, will live according to this piece of paper and according to some kind of regulations. Everyone knows and understands. A self-respecting person will live by life and not by a piece of paper. Muzhik means in a solid peasant way, thieves accordingly. Well, about those who, for some reason, didn’t have much luck in life, will live within their own boundaries. So it's all for the sake of laughter and good mood. There are quite a few funny real stories about how people amuse themselves. Read it.

I wonder which idiot got it from?

Yes, very interesting... “V. L."

What are you talking about? you idiots, you're vegetables.

I read Sharia the other day, everything there is also correct and clear. But hardly anyone follows all this...

Guys in life, this is a fuse! Maybe the reflection can be on this person!

good evening, decent people. You shouldn’t speak on this topic if you are far from life. This is a paper of a thieves' nature and was written by our fathers of a criminal life, and those who go against this are all wool, that is, it is impossible to get away from the sneeze words of the interpreter, human flourishing and the thieves' progress getting stronger

Life for Thieves “Chizho” I completely agree with you, it’s not worth discussing!

The respectable people were healthy. Guys, look at which site you are discussing the orders of the fathers of the underworld. Many people are not given the opportunity to know such things. And discuss them even more so.

The way of life is not a secret, and whoever needs it strongly will learn it even from those who are wearing masks or have stumbled. It’s better to read here and know how it should be than to listen to nonsense from Masachniks

Yes, I read and and I’ll tell you, many just six just because they can’t introduce themselves, it means he doesn’t respect himself and wants others to respect him :-) this laughter is [censored] camp. They break decent people so that half of them don’t have their masks taken off [censored]

It’s not very good that he ended up here...

Peace to you convicts, arrest respect for all decent people. I am writing from the Nikolaevsky Central. Of course, it’s not good that the run went to the mussars, but when communicating with people I have clarity and I will bring to your knowledge that the run was squeezed out of the garbage and the lawlessness that is going on in the prison: 25 what in Kharkov. If there is anyone with a name, spread this run, those sincerely worthy of carrying the word of thieves with the right approach to life are becoming fewer and fewer, decent people forget many thieves’ ways of life and traditions and go through our lives without swift interest. All because of upgrades in the zones, central centers, because of the arrival of a new generation with an incorrect understanding of life. Brothers, let us together bring to a common understanding to our smaller brothers the whole meaning of this life! With uv.MAFIK. A.U.E


I warmly greet all respectable people. Guys, be reasonable and careful. And the wool won’t say too much! All the best to you from the Lord God. Be strong and you will not be deprived of spirit. Sincerely Arrest: UV: I AM SANYA Malaya!

VISIT businessmen and corrupt officials more often! Many people here have already forgotten HOW IT SHOULD BE. BROTHER LIFE should not only be behind the barb.

Who lives according to concepts. Story

Thieves take upon themselves the responsibility to live by their standards - these are people who occupy a serious place in the criminal world and manage lesser criminals. Such people completely connect their lives with crime and refuse to obey the administration in any of its manifestations.

The origin of “thieves’ concepts” in their modern understanding began back in the days of the robbers of the Russian Empire. The emergence of criminal culture in Russia is especially often associated with the name of Vanka-Cain (18th century), who was the organizer of one of the first organized crime groups in Russia.

Subsequently, the criminal world changed. It began to take on its modern appearance after the revolutions of 1917 and the Civil War, when many people were exiled to penal colonies and camps. It was in the 1920s and 1930s that the first representatives of the criminal world began to appear, who in their culture resemble modern thieves.

What or who is AUE?

This abbreviation “AUE” appears quite often on the bodies of prisoners. Who are AUE people? These are people who adhere to the concepts of thieves, although they themselves have never been in prison.

The AUEshnik loves to show off his convict knowledge to other people. He constantly demonstrates a choice “fenya” in his everyday speech and always tries to act according to concepts.

AUE stands for: The Prison Order is One. As a rule, the AUE group includes young people aged 14-18 years. Usually these are people from disadvantaged families who have connections with people serving sentences in correctional institutions.

Such groups are implanted with a criminal worldview. They are extorting money from them to form a so-called common fund. For example, young AUE boys with their adult comrades extorted money from a schoolboy. He came to meet his father. They killed both on the spot, then they took the keys out of their pockets and went to their home, where they stole valuables.

Teenagers who consider themselves AUE hate the police and are not afraid to go to prison (many even believe that they are ready for prison. They call prison a second university). It doesn’t cost such people anything to hit a person without any reason.

AUE was invented by thieves in law as a kind of set of rules in the zone. Several years ago, criminals imposed their concepts on difficult teenagers from the provinces.

Criminals tell teenagers that there is no justice in this life, but if you want to be strong and tough, then we will teach you. In exchange for patronage, schoolchildren must contribute to the common fund. That is, they must collect money by any means. Connecting with people behind bars starts through social media.

Everything that AUE members call for on the Internet leads to imprisonment in real life. Assaults, robberies, thefts, robberies - it is under these articles that teenagers receive real sentences.

A movement like AUE needs to be fought. Parents should devote more time to their children and communicate with them more often. Teenagers should want to develop and play sports.

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