What does it mean to live according to concepts in 2021? Thieves and human concepts

Life according to thieves' concepts is full of restrictions and responsibilities. And all thieves in law know that violating the thieves’ code of honor is prohibited.

Members of criminal groups sitting behind bars or walking free cannot violate it either. The fate of such apostates is decided at the thieves' court.

Faktrum found out what they do with those who have committed a crime against the law of thieves.

Who lives according to concepts?

There are two types of prisoners in prison:

  1. Those who live a life of thieves. Such people just live according to concepts. For them, prison is their home (these are the so-called thieves).
  2. Those who accidentally ended up behind bars, for example, committed a crime on domestic, political grounds, etc. In the camps, it is this category of prisoners that makes up the main caste of men, in contrast to thieves.

Normal men (aka thieves) behave actively, while others behave passively, because they are not yet familiar with prison or camp life.

It is through thieves in law that concepts are supported and preserved . Fundamental concepts:

  • Maintain strict order in the cells. This means not using physical force against the “brothers”, not swearing. All disputes and conflicts must be “resolved” at the initial stage. A lawbreaker risks at least losing his health, and in some cases even his honor.
  • It is forbidden to send each other. Even an accidentally thrown phrase: “Fuck you...” gives the right to the person to whom it is addressed to hit and even kill the careless foul-mouthed person (even if this phrase was not fully uttered).

Who lives according to concepts. Story

Thieves take upon themselves the responsibility to live by their standards - these are people who occupy a serious place in the criminal world and manage lesser criminals. Such people completely connect their lives with crime and refuse to obey the administration in any of its manifestations.

The origin of “thieves’ concepts” in their modern understanding began back in the days of the robbers of the Russian Empire. The emergence of criminal culture in Russia is especially often associated with the name of Vanka-Cain (18th century), who was the organizer of one of the first organized crime groups in Russia.

Subsequently, the criminal world changed. It began to take on its modern appearance after the revolutions of 1917 and the Civil War, when many people were exiled to penal colonies and camps. It was in the 1920s and 1930s that the first representatives of the criminal world began to appear, who in their culture resemble modern thieves.

Why has it become popular to be a bandit?

In principle, little was known to distant people about the criminal world; at least in the pre-war period, no one went into detail about how the hierarchy was built in the society of those who knew how to live according to concepts. The rules of the criminal world became public many decades later, and already in the 90s the laws on which the criminal world was built were most clearly formulated.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, films with criminal themes were released, where the realities of the underground world were shown in all their glory. The serial film “Brigada,” which has become a cult favorite in Russia and tells about authorities in the criminal world, made a strong impression on young people. Then the film “Boomer” came out, which also did not go unnoticed. In Russian cinema, in principle, the topic of confrontation between the police and the criminal world is raised quite often, which is reflected in the views of the population as a whole, because it is there that it is shown in most detail what it means to live according to concepts.

Many believe that the criminal world of mafiosi and the criminal world of thieves are intertwined, since both people have basically similar views on life, but there is a colossal difference between them in actions and methods of survival. A good example of this is the crime saga “The Godfather”.

Origin of the thieves' law[edit | edit code]

Due to the intensification of the fight against the criminal element and the criminal community in the USSR in the 1930s, intensified in connection with collectivization and the famine of the early 30s, criminal communities began to unite into more organized groups. The main unifying force of the criminal world was the tendency of non-political opposition and disobedience to authority, and its elite became “thieves in law”, who called themselves the guardians of the criminal traditions of pre-revolutionary Russia[1].

In this regard, thieves in law created a special code of conduct, their own customs and traditions, which included complete rejection of social norms and rules, including those related to the family (a thief in law in no case should have had permanent relationships with women ) and an equally complete ban on any kind of cooperation with government agencies: both in the form of participation in public events held by them, and assistance to judicial investigative authorities in the investigation of crimes[2].

In the 1940s, these traditions eventually led to the almost complete destruction of this criminal community in historical form: during the Great Patriotic War, many of the “thieves in law” agreed to the authorities’ offer to join the Red Army in order to protect their Homeland from the enemy (the so-called “bitches”). After the victory over Germany, they returned to the camps, where the so-called “bitch war” began between them and the “thieves” who did not deviate from the traditions of the criminal environment, as a result of which both sides suffered extremely significant losses[3].

Corpus delicti

It can be called accomplished only in the case when the attacker managed to use the stolen property. If a citizen has already stolen something valuable, but did not have time to use it, then the incident cannot be called complete.

This offense must be of a selfish nature. If the theft of someone else's property was not accompanied by the opportunity to dispose of it, the crime is not considered committed.

Article 158 contains a note that concerns the definition of the concept of “theft”. All the main features follow from this definition.

Theft is usually called theft that occurred without the knowledge of the owner of valuables under the following circumstances:

  • the theft was known to third parties;
  • the criminal himself had no idea that he was being watched;
  • During the theft, third parties were present who could not understand what was happening (for example, a small child, a mentally retarded person, etc.).

If the theft occurs in obvious conditions, the crime is classified under another article - robbery or robbery.

An object is someone else's property that has the following characteristics:

ClothingHas a material form.
EconomicThere is some economic value.
LegalDoes not belong to the offender.

The subject of theft can only be things that have material or spiritual value. It can also be valuable shares, as well as money.

The object is the stolen property, the subject is the criminal. Based on the provisions of the Criminal Code, we can conclude that any citizen who is over 14 years old and has been officially recognized as capable and sane can become one. In the latter case, it is determined whether the citizen was completely mentally healthy at the time of the crime. Not any material thing can be considered an object. For example, this is not an item that has already been withdrawn from circulation.

In addition, the following are not included: receipts, invoices and other documents on the basis of which you can obtain some valuable items. Fraud with such papers will be a preparation for theft.

Theft of documents that do not make it possible to take possession of property is considered a separate crime, the punishment for which is provided for in Article 325 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, theft of weapons, drugs, and radioactive substances cannot be included in this category. Theft has a different composition and relates to other articles of the Criminal Code.

Objective side: violations of the law during the gratuitous theft or appropriation of things of another person or organization, or transferring it to third parties.

The subjective side implies the presence of such characteristics as selfishness and intent:

  • the stolen item belongs to another person;
  • the offender has no right to dispose of the item;
  • the property was seized without the consent of its owner;
  • secrecy - the owner knows nothing about the theft.

Basic Prison Concepts

So that your reputation does not sink below the baseboard, and life in prison does not hang by a thread, you need to remember the basic concepts. Proper prison huts have strict rules.

Any use of physical force is prohibited. Extortion and any episode of personality suppression are prohibited here. The interests of each prisoner are taken into account to the extent that no one is disadvantaged.

The inhabitants of the cell (the fellows) must show the new prisoner everything and tell him how to behave . Only after the new guy has been told and shown everything, will it be possible to ask questions from him. According to the prison laws, there is no demand for a new person in prison, because he does not yet know the prison laws.

In the zone, order is maintained with the help of correct concepts - informal prison laws, as well as prison justice, carried out through prison showdowns.

In freedom, the phrase “Live according to the rules” means living outside the law. The correct concepts are the very atmosphere in which prisoners live. The prisoners themselves create this atmosphere and maintain it in order to be released as normal people.

Many nuances in the right concepts may seem wild, cruel and senseless to an ordinary person.

Concepts are the unwritten laws of prison life . The concepts are not regulated by official law. The emphasis of concepts in prison life is on the prisoner's personal freedom and the common good.

If a person is beaten in a cell who had a quarrel with someone from the “top” of the cell and the administration finds out about it, then everyone will feel bad: those watching, the “junkies”, and other “blatata”.

But if a “rat” is caught in a cell and stole cigarettes from a cellmate, then there will be no execution. The only thing they can do is put the one who beat and the one who stole in different cells.

Theft of funds from a bank card

Unauthorized withdrawal of money from someone else's bank card also falls under paragraph 158 of the Criminal Code (Part 2). If a counterfeit sample of a plastic form was made, then paragraph 187 of the Criminal Code is additionally applied.

There are several types of theft from bank cards:

  • withdrawal from the account by obtaining secret codes;
  • theft of the plastic card itself;
  • using an Internet application;
  • using spyware;
  • others.

The qualifying characteristics of a criminal act are given in the table:

An objectLegal relations in the field of property
SubjectPersons over the age of 14 who are aware of their actions
Objective sideSecret withdrawal of funds
SubjectiveConsciousness of action; presence of intent

Hint: theft of an amount exceeding one million rubles is considered particularly large-scale (part 4 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code).

What to do if you find something missing

Theft from a card is now one of the most common types of crimes. The victim's action algorithm is as follows:

  1. Immediately block the account by contacting the banking institution.
  2. You should write a claim to financiers within 24 hours. Its essence is disagreement with the last transaction.
  3. Write a statement to law enforcement agencies.
  4. Go to court.

Attention: when visiting the bank, you should immediately order a certificate of the movement of funds in the account. The document will be required for the investigation. If the victim is located outside the Russian Federation, then it is also not recommended to hesitate. You must report the theft to the bank. This can be done by direct phone or via the Internet. By the way, you can also report theft to law enforcement officers by using the World Wide Web.

How to steal from a card

Often the person himself is to blame for the loss of money. Bank officials have developed strict instructions regarding account information. They do not recommend:

  • transfer the card into the wrong hands;
  • provide password information to other persons;
  • use the services of outsiders when making payments.

Taking possession of information that allows you to manage someone else's electronic wallet is one of the components of the offense. Moreover, the future victim often becomes the culprit of such an act. In addition to physical media, money is now associated with electronic programs. Therefore, financiers do not recommend:

  • use other people's gadgets to log into your personal account;
  • remove antivirus programs from your computer;
  • respond to letters asking for secret information;
  • publish information about your account.

Attention: methods of fraud in the financial sector are varied. Most of the techniques are based on the gullibility and carelessness of bank clients.

Will the bank return the money?

The Civil Code contains provisions regarding the responsibility of banking institutions to clients. They are collected in chapter 45. Thus, in order to comply with the fourth paragraph of paragraph 445 of the Civil Code, a person can put forward demands to financiers for reimbursement of illegally withdrawn money.

But in order for financiers to satisfy him, they will have to collect evidence of the illegality of such an act. Moreover, the bank does not even recognize video footage from a surveillance camera as a valid reason for compensation. The best thing to do in this case is to contact the police. Proof of another person's guilt will be the basis for compensation.

Important: the application must be sent to the banking institution within 24 hours from the date of the transaction.

The street says: you make the decisions

The decisions are yours. Always. Everyone is free to say or remain silent, do or remain inactive, start or wait. Since, regardless of the circumstances, you still make the final decision, then in any case it’s up to you to answer. This is what the street taught, and, most importantly, everyone knows this rule very well. It’s unlikely that on those sunny days thoughts crossed my mind, how to get rid of it if something went wrong, and who to shift the responsibility to. Those who had such thoughts were usually very quickly thrown out of the pack. Well, you know, the whole group seemed to be having fun, did something, and then you got a call from your friend’s parents. He said that it was all your fault, that it was your idea, that he was fooled. One could still close one’s eyes to one such “flight”, but if the situation repeated itself, then such a “shadow” was simply not taken with them to any business.

A person who does not understand that all decisions are made by himself, who wants to escape personal responsibility for what he has done, really turns into a simple shadow that no one takes seriously anymore.

What to do if there is no chance

Thieves' concepts and laws

To rob or steal is not entirely human. Prisoners come up with various prison laws in order to justify themselves and not become a completely “finished” person. However, thieves' laws and prison laws are two different things.

The concepts of thieves apply only to thieves in law. Prison laws are a set of rules and traditions that all prisoners must adhere to, regardless of the reason for their imprisonment. If we are talking about thieves' laws, then only those previously convicted under articles of theft adhere to them.

In the prison world, the following rules of the thieves' law are distinguished:

  1. You should always be an honest and decent person (in your circles).
  2. To be in solidarity with thieves' laws, to promote thieves' ideas.
  3. Support your fellow humans.
  4. Strictly observe the chain of command.
  5. Under no circumstances cooperate with the prison administration or law enforcement agencies.
  6. Do not testify or testify against yourself or anyone else.
  7. Do not admit guilt after already being convicted.
  8. Live like brothers and do not betray your fellow prisoners.
  9. Constantly attract new people into your environment.
  10. Don't get into politics.
  11. Don't deal with documents.
  12. Do not register at your place of residence.
  13. Don't work.
  14. Accept that the one with more life experience will be recognized as an authoritative prisoner.
  15. Periodically sit out in the zone.
  16. Actively interact with former prisoners.

These are the basic concepts. But there are additional ones:

  • do not start a family;
  • prevent any conflicts in the zone;
  • respect parents;
  • do not swear;
  • do not rape;
  • be able to play cards, but cheating is prohibited.

Signs of theft

This violation can be distinguished from other illegal actions with other people’s property by a combination of signs:

  • the absence of violent actions directed against the victim or witnesses as part of the crime;
  • the secrecy of illegal actions, if they were noticed by other persons even briefly, then the theft ceases to be secret;
  • homogeneity of the object of the crime, which becomes the material assets of the victim;
  • a sequence in which the theft itself necessarily precedes the fact of causing damage to the owner of the stolen items;
  • completeness, according to this criterion, the fact of theft is considered established if the criminal managed to escape from the scene of the crime and was able to dispose of the stolen items.

When illegal actions do not have at least one of the above characteristics, the court does not classify them as theft.

Advice from experienced people

Experienced prisoners have different attitudes towards life in prison.

A person who finds himself in places of detention is obliged to adhere to human concepts - watch himself, his words and actions, do not steal from his own and give reasons for “lowering” (do not communicate with those who have been abandoned, do not greet them and do not use their things), then there will be no demand from him (he will be in the position of a peasant). Accordingly, a person can live in peace.

Some prisoners become “thieves” - they begin to live according to thieves’ standards. In this case, they are obliged to fulfill all the requirements of the concepts, participate in the life of the lads, and cope with the thief’s orders. Thieves and criminals have privileges, but they also have demands.

The worst thing to do in the zone is to live depressed. In order not to fall into this category of prisoners, you need to respect yourself and other prisoners, not act contrary to the concepts and not interact with those who are omitted.

Also, you should not gamble, including “for fun”. In the zone, you should not borrow or lend money to someone.

Additional explanations for the article

The concept of theft refers to the theft of someone else's property, which was carried out for selfish purposes and caused damage to the owner. Such a term as significant damage is determined based on the financial situation of the owner of the stolen object. However, in any case, only those cases where the value of the stolen item is more than 5,000 rubles are considered significant damage. The word premises mentioned in this article means a structure used to accommodate people or material assets. The form of ownership of the premises does not matter.

The concept of storage must be understood as buildings of an economic type. In other words, residential facilities are not storage facilities. The function of structures of this kind is to store valuables. The category of economic objects also includes land territories. The article also mentioned such a phrase as large size. If the value of the stolen property is more than 200,000 rubles, then the offense was committed on a large scale. If the price of a property is more than 1,000,000 rubles, then this is a type of theft on an especially large scale.

How to live according to concepts in prison?

Prison laws are somewhat different from thieves' laws, although they also have common provisions. So, living according to the concepts in places of deprivation of liberty means:

  • Put your share into the common fund. It could be money, cigarettes, tea, things, food.
  • Under no circumstances should you use physical force against the thief in law.
  • Don’t “rat,” because cellmates severely punish theft.
  • Do not insult your “brothers”, do not make baseless accusations if there is no evidence.
  • Pay card debts on the spot.
  • Respect elders in rank and age.
  • Don’t be a “cattle” – don’t take anything away from your “brothers” for nothing, don’t insult them.

Boy's Rules

In thieves' slang, the word "boy" is applicable to a teenage thief who moves among other thieves and adopts their traditions.

Guys usually form groups where they set their own rules:

  • they are responsible “for the market”, that is, they must always fulfill their promises;
  • they must be brave and not show their cowardice;
  • boys are always ready for a fight;
  • boys should always dress neatly;
  • they must defend the territory in which they live;
  • aggressive behavior towards girls is unacceptable;
  • never attack a stranger if he is walking arm-in-arm with a girl;
  • treat your mother with respect: do not complain about her, do not insult her;
  • under no circumstances should you rat out your friends;
  • the fight must be fair, it is forbidden to go two on one;
  • there must be a reason to fight.

Guys' concepts don't need to be memorized, they need to be felt. Therefore, a person who finds himself in a criminal environment for the first time needs to listen very carefully, look closely and remember.

What or who is AUE?

This abbreviation “AUE” appears quite often on the bodies of prisoners. Who are AUE people? These are people who adhere to the concepts of thieves, although they themselves have never been in prison.

The AUEshnik loves to show off his convict knowledge to other people. He constantly demonstrates a choice “fenya” in his everyday speech and always tries to act according to concepts.

AUE stands for: The Prison Order is One. As a rule, the AUE group includes young people aged 14-18 years. Usually these are people from disadvantaged families who have connections with people serving sentences in correctional institutions.

Such groups are implanted with a criminal worldview. They are extorting money from them to form a so-called common fund. For example, young AUE boys with their adult comrades extorted money from a schoolboy. He came to meet his father. They killed both on the spot, then they took the keys out of their pockets and went to their home, where they stole valuables.

Teenagers who consider themselves AUE hate the police and are not afraid to go to prison (many even believe that they are ready for prison. They call prison a second university). It doesn’t cost such people anything to hit a person without any reason.

First of all, for those in the know, the three letters AUE are a kind of identification mark. If a person knows what AUE is, then he supports thieves’ concepts.

AUE was invented by thieves in law as a kind of set of rules in the zone . Several years ago, criminals imposed their concepts on difficult teenagers from the provinces.

Criminals tell teenagers that there is no justice in this life, but if you want to be strong and tough, then we will teach you. In exchange for patronage, schoolchildren must contribute to the common fund. That is, they must collect money by any means. Connecting with people behind bars starts through social media.

Everything that AUE members call for on the Internet leads to imprisonment in real life. Assaults, robberies, thefts, robberies - it is under these articles that teenagers receive real sentences.

A movement like AUE needs to be fought . Parents should devote more time to their children and communicate with them more often. Teenagers should want to develop and play sports.

Hygiene rules in places of detention

The rules of personal hygiene in places of deprivation of liberty have been elevated to almost the rank of religion. The first mover is judged not only on merit and conversation, but also on cleanliness. This is natural: in a confined space, any violations of hygiene are felt and smelled especially clearly.

After each visit to the toilet, you should wash your hands thoroughly. If they notice that you shook hands with someone without completing this basic procedure, they may call you to account. If you drop something on the floor, you need to wash it, but you absolutely cannot pick up food from the floor.

You cannot eat, prepare food or tea while someone is in the toilet. On the contrary, if cellmates are sitting at a table, you should refrain from going to the toilet. Every day you need to wash your feet, keep things clean, and check yourself for parasites.

By following established rules, you can make the months or years spent in captivity a little more bearable. Most of the people in prison are ordinary people, and you need to learn how to interact with them even in extreme conditions.

Aggravating circumstances

One of them is considered when several citizens are participants.

Also include:

  1. Theft by entering the premises.
  2. The value of the stolen property is over 2.5 thousand rubles . Thus, the criminal causes significant damage to the victim.
  3. Performing a similar action multiple times.
  4. As a result, the victim suffered serious consequences.
  5. Involving children under 18 years of age , mentally ill people, and those under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  6. It was carried out on the basis of religious or interstate hostility. This also includes revenge on the victim.
  7. The offense was directed against a pregnant woman, and the attacker was well aware of her pregnancy.
  8. Theft from minors, as well as from citizens who are dependent on the criminal.
  9. Taking advantage of the benefits of your official position.
  10. The use of fake documents, special uniforms, in order to mislead the owner of things and gain trust.
  11. The use of narcotic and other drugs to dull the owner's vigilance.
  12. The theft was committed with cruelty, using a weapon.

Also read: What is burglary, types of punishment

It is important to remember! If a person was killed during the theft, the offense has a different structure and a different article of the Criminal Code is used to determine the punishment.

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