What to do if a teacher complains about a child: 12 tips from a psychologist

Educational institutions develop and approve codes of professional ethics for teachers as local regulations. But, despite the prescribed standards of behavior, there are cases when teachers raise their voices at students and insult them. Constant shouting, humiliation and insults can become a real psychological trauma for a child, and can also discourage him from attending classes. AiF.ru found out from the head of the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services, Viktor Panin , where students and parents should complain if a teacher insults a student and yells at him for any reason.

Question and answer What ethics recommendations for teachers has the Ministry of Education developed? According to Art. 48 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the teacher is obliged to comply with legal, moral and ethical standards, follow the requirements of professional ethics, respect the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations. He should not shout at children, raise his hand, insult or humiliate them in front of their classmates. An excessively harsh tone from a teacher affects the psyche of children and can lead to serious disorders. Therefore, teachers and educators should always find a common language with the student, and not try to shout at him and offend him, thus achieving diligent behavior.

Listen to two truths

First of all, the situation should be discussed with both parties
Ask your child whether he thinks the accusations are fair, and then find out what is happening from the teacher's point of view. “It is important that the parent is ready to cooperate with the teacher and does not take hostility to, perhaps, not the most pleasant information about his child,”
Nadezhda Georgieva emphasizes.
Listen with a cool head to everything the teacher deems necessary to say. Just assume that a person with special education and experience working with children notices something that you may be turning a blind eye to
or not giving due importance to.

Where to write a complaint against a school teacher?

Today, there are several places where a parent can file complaints about a school teacher. Will agree to review the document:

  • director of an educational institution;
  • RONO;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • court.

You need to select the necessary organization based on the specifics of the current situation. If a child begins to receive unsatisfactory grades, but the parents are confident that the minor is well versed in the subject, the first thing to do is contact the director of the educational institution. If the teacher has exceeded his authority, but the director refuses to respond to the complaint, you need to forward the complaint against the teacher to the education department.

For your information

The institution specializes in addressing issues related to violations of the rights of students. If physical or psychological violence has been used against a child, you must immediately contact law enforcement agencies or the prosecutor's office. They record the fact of the incident. The victim will then be able to file a claim in court and begin proceedings. During the consideration of the case, parents will be able not only to restore justice, but also to recover moral and material damages from the school teacher.

A collective complaint against a school teacher has more effect than an individual one. Therefore, if a teacher exceeds his authority in relation to several children at once, it would be appropriate to unite with their legal representatives and draw up a common document, sending it to one of the above-mentioned bodies. A complaint should be filed if there are specific, confirmed evidentiary facts.

Additional Information

Sometimes children begin to complain to their parents about teachers who are too demanding, and they, in turn, without understanding the situation, file appropriate complaints with all available authorities. However, there is no evidence of illegal actions. You should not allow your child to manipulate you. Such complaints can ruin a teacher’s career. If a child is unhappy with a school teacher, you should first talk to him and then take further action.

Communicate with the teacher respectfully and tactfully

Respect the teacher’s self-esteem
- communicate with him from an “equal” position (“adult” with “adult”), otherwise dialogue will be impossible.
Nobody likes to be lectured, rudely point out mistakes, or doubt their professionalism. Also remember that the teacher is an ordinary person
who can also be overwhelmed by anger, resentment, and the desire to use his power to punish “undesirables.”
“Not every teacher has nerves of iron, wisdom and Zen skills,”
notes the psychologist.
Therefore, do not make excessive demands
and speak in a friendly and tactful manner.

Don't push the teacher into a corner

Even if you categorically disagree with the teacher, do not give in to the temptation to harshly prove that you are absolutely right and put “this half-assed guy” in his place. “In conflicts between teacher and student, the latter is always in a vulnerable position.
Therefore, the parent must do everything possible to ensure that the child does not suffer,” says Nadezhda Georgieva.
Arranging a scolding or writing a complaint is a simple matter, but first sensible people try to hear the other and come to an agreement peacefully
“To be on your child’s side, it is not at all necessary to enter into confrontation with the teacher,”
the psychologist points out. Therefore, communicate and look for a common language.


Appeal to the management of the educational institution

School officials can help stop teacher yelling and name-calling. According to Panin, parents can write a complaint to the director. “They always try to resolve the issue at the grassroots level; if the director does not react in any way, then complaints should be filed “fan out.” If the conflict continues to occur, a copy of the appeal must be submitted to higher structures in the field of education. There is also a law enforcement link: this is the prosecutor’s office, which conducts a fact-check if there has been no reaction from the management of the educational institution. You can also contact us, the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services,” says Panin.

Question answer

Does a teacher have the right to punish students? In addition to the complaint, it is worth collecting evidence in the form of audio and video recordings. According to Panin, the video recording can serve not as evidence, but as confirmation of the situation. “Video recording will not always be considered evidence. The court, for example, may not accept it, but at least in the format of an internal review it will be a significant and weighty argument,” says Panin.

Parents can ask the management of the educational institution to take corrective action or bring the teacher to disciplinary action. To prevent your complaint from being perceived as slander, try to involve other parents. Surely the teacher demonstrated similar behavior towards other children. According to Panin, it is not always easy to prove violations on the part of a teacher. “If a child comes home nervous and says that the teacher is yelling at him, then it is clear that in the event of any internal inspection, the children can be interviewed. Children don't know how to lie. It is difficult to force them to do this, especially at that age. They tend to tell it like it is. You should also understand that all children have different ideas about crying. Some people are used to everyone talking quietly at home, and if the teacher raises his tone a little, it is already perceived as shouting. Therefore, you need to understand it on the spot for each specific situation. There are stories when teachers not only shout and insult, but also use physical force, hitting a student with a pointer or ruler. This is completely out of bounds, and, of course, the administration must respond to this,” says Panin.

Explain your point of view

Let the teacher know that you recognize his authority and are ready for alliance

kindly , and then
share your vision of the situation
Perhaps something is happening in your family that negatively affects the child’s academic performance or behavior (divorce of parents, serious illness of a grandfather, death of a pet, etc.), or the reason is in his characteristics. “A teacher is not always able to find out details about each of his thirty students.
It is the parent’s task to make sure that the teacher is aware,” Nadezhda Georgieva is sure. Let's say your child is slow to learn information. Draw the teacher’s attention to this: “Please don’t drive him away. He is like that and cannot be different.”

Claim for bias

A prejudiced attitude towards a child can also become a reason for filing a complaint against the teacher. You can contact the authorized bodies if a teacher finds fault with a child or lowers grades. However, parents must be clear that bias is indeed present. Initially, you should talk to the teacher yourself, and then file a complaint with the director. If the appeal is not useful, the documents must be sent to RONO. The complaint is filed in accordance with the classical rules. You can download a sample document here.

Ask your teacher for advice

Having given, in your opinion, necessary and important explanations, ask for pedagogical advice and recommendations
Ask your teacher's opinion about what you, as a parent, can do under the current circumstances. In the case of a child who is mastering new knowledge at a slow pace, you can suggest: “Maybe I should help him prepare for his lessons?” “Among my colleagues there are many supporters of the idea that a child from the first grade should do his homework independently.
I share it with a caveat: if a junior student needs help - and this often happens - parents should not stand aside,” Nadezhda Georgieva explains her position. Studying is one of the most important areas of life, so it is unacceptable to treat problems that arise with connivance. It is especially important to help if the child is acutely experiencing his failures.

Teacher's responsibility

What should a teacher be like? Competent, kind and respectful towards their wards. In the old days there were such teachers. And now there are fewer and fewer of them. A teacher is capable of lashing out at a child because of a bad mood or humiliating him because of his appearance or unprepared homework.

If his guilt is proven, the teacher will be held accountable. What could it be like?

  • Disciplinary. After a trial, the director or RONO has the right to dismiss a teacher who indulges in a boorish attitude towards children.
  • Administrative. A harmful teacher will have to pay a certain amount for humiliating a student. From 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. This is an administrative fine for insulting the honor and dignity of a child.
  • In addition, the parents of the victim have the right to demand compensation for moral damage in court. And its size is announced by them themselves in this case.

Offer a compromise

Be prepared for the fact that you and the teacher may have very different assessments of the situation. Instead of enthusiastically criticizing his opinion and vigorously defending yours, offer a compromise.
For example, a child has problems with the exact sciences. Is it worth proving to a teacher who is in love with his subject and firmly believes in its priority importance that mathematics (or physics) is not so important for people with a humanitarian mindset? No, this is a fool's errand. Therefore, try to agree: “Unfortunately, my son (my daughter) is unlikely to achieve success in your subject. Let him (she) focus on learning languages ​​and honing his writing skills. And in mathematics (physics) - what can you do - we are satisfied with the minimum score to move to the next grade.”

still from the film “The Teacher” (2015)

Apologize if you were harsh with the teacher

“Not every teacher will accept disagreement with his point of view without objections and resistance,
” the psychologist warns.
Be prepared to defend your beliefs – convincingly and correctly.”
But if it so happens that you got excited and said sharp words to the teacher, and after a while you regretted it, find the courage
to apologize
“I took the situation too personally. I had the feeling that my child and I were being attacked, and I rushed to defend him and myself. I regret the harshness of my words and tone...” - such phrases will help return communication with the teacher to a constructive direction. Realizing that you were wrong and not making an attempt to correct the situation means making the problem worse. “If a child has a misunderstanding with a teacher,
the parent should help resolve the conflict .
A child, due to his age and limited life experience, is simply not able to cope alone,” says Nadezhda Georgieva. Therefore, when communicating with a teacher, weigh every word and think about the consequences
. And if you made a mistake, don’t delay “working on your mistakes.”

Meeting with the director

Many parents, having been confronted with the bullying of their child at school, do not want to get involved with this educational institution at all, but immediately look for the truth at the highest level: “this is corporate ethics,” “everyone will cover for each other,” “you won’t achieve justice.”

It is not right.

If you want to complain about a teacher, the first resort is to contact the director. And here it is no longer enough to simply “come to talk”: a complaint about the unlawful behavior of a teacher must be submitted in writing.

In any form. Just describe what actions of the teacher you think are unacceptable. It’s very good if you have proof - for example, a recording on your phone.

It's even better if your complaint is supported by other parents.

A complaint against a teacher must be made in free form in writing. Naturally, the application must include your contact details, information about the child and details of the teacher about whom you are complaining. The appeal must necessarily contain a requirement to check all the circumstances and take the necessary measures. It must be drawn up in two copies and officially registered with the secretary of the educational institution.

The director is given 30 days from the date of submission of the application for consideration (be sure to note: the date and registration number must be stamped on the application). One copy remains with you.

You will definitely receive a response to such a letter. Moreover, 30 days is the official period for responding to such statements. You have the right to request a trial within a shorter period of time - 15 or even 10 days. But this must be reflected in the application.

Photo source Racool_studio/freepik

Don't turn a blind eye to problems

complaints about their child’s behavior
more acutely than complaints about unimportant studies.
When some mothers and fathers hear that their child is beating classmates, damaging other people’s property, using abusive language, snapping and showing disrespect for teachers, they begin to fiercely defend their child, arguing that “This can’t happen!” “This is
psychological protection .
If adults perceive information about their child’s inappropriate behavior as a reproach against them: they say, you can’t cope with his upbringing, you are worthless parents, then they do their best to refute what they heard,” explains the psychologist. They begin to think that the teacher simply feels antipathy towards their child, and that classmates are evil children who, noticing the teacher’s attitude, slander the “little angel” at every opportunity. Although the reality may be completely different. Try to figure out what is really going on
- this is the only way you can help your child.

Appeal to the Conflict Resolution Commission

In accordance with Art. 45 of the Law “On Education”, parents, as well as legal representatives, have the right to protect the interests of their children by sending appropriate appeals to the governing bodies of an educational institution or to the Dispute Settlement Commission with a requirement to conduct disciplinary proceedings against the teacher and bring him to disciplinary liability up to dismissals.

Article on the topic

“We were relegated to the status of servants.” Russian teachers talk about their profession

Rely on facts and evidence

Strive to collect as much information as possible
- find out details from the child, teacher, and other parents.
Maintain control over your emotions
- avoid threats and insults, otherwise they will not want to communicate with you. And if indignation and anger begin to take over you, know how to tell yourself: “Stop! I’m angry now and I can make a mess.” Breathe deeply. Focus on getting as many perspectives and opinions about the situation as possible. And do not rush to conclusions - make them only after interviewing participants and witnesses.

photo by Vitaly Pivovarchik

Collective complaint against a teacher to the school principal

A collective appeal to the school principal can have a greater effect than an individual one. This is possible if they are oppressed for the interests of several children at once. It will be possible to file a collective complaint against a teacher if at least 3 parents agree to unite.

The document is drawn up according to standard rules, but differences from standard paper still exist. When filling out a collective complaint against a teacher, you need to state the current situation and the demands made not on your own behalf, but on behalf of the entire team. The document must also include the names of all parents who agreed to sign the letter. You can download a ready-made sample of a collective complaint here.

Don't let yourself drown in shame

If the facts about your child’s unwanted behavior have been confirmed and you are overcome with painful shame
, “ground” yourself with the thought that absolutely all people make mistakes and find themselves in awkward situations.
“And be sure to say this to your child so that he doesn’t start to think of himself as a hopelessly spoiled person,”
adds Nadezhda Georgieva.
In the current circumstances, you should analyze - on your own or with a psychologist - the underlying causes of bad behavior
and understand what your parental “contribution” is and what needs to be changed. Maybe the child suffers from a lack of your attention and empathy, or is experiencing some kind of stress, or needs help - from you, a teacher, a psychologist, a doctor.

Explanatory letter from the teacher regarding the parents' complaint

If a complaint is received from the child’s parents, the teacher has the right to write an explanatory note in his own defense. There is no unified form of the document. However, the school management has the right to approve it.


The teacher’s explanatory letter to the parents’ complaint is drawn up in a single copy. To compile it, use a blank A4 sheet. The paper should contain an explanation of the situation. The document can be handwritten or printed on a computer. The paper must contain the names of the participants in the situation, the date the paper was compiled, and the teacher’s signature.

Don't get too hot

What to do if you are convinced that the teacher was unfair to the child - he exaggerated the scale of the problem, or even attributed non-existent sins? “After you have firmly and civilly made it clear to the teacher that you will not allow your son or daughter to be offended,
take a break .
Watch how the situation develops in the coming weeks and months,” recommends Nadezhda Georgieva. There is a good chance that the claims will disappear. If the nagging continues, seek help from the class teacher, head teacher, or director. In some cases, you may think about transferring your child to another class or school.

Statement of insult

An application for insulting a student by a teacher is submitted to the police, the prosecutor's office and the school director. You can draw up the document correctly using a given template or using the help of our lawyers. What should be included in a statement of insult:

  • where/to whom the document is submitted - school number, full name of the director, name of the court, police department, details of the head of the institution/prosecutor, etc.;
  • information about the applicant and the victim;
  • the essence of the problem – events, facts, information about the insult, etc.;
  • evidence confirming the teacher’s guilt - audio/video recording, testimony of classmates and other participants in the conflict, printouts of SMS messages or pages from social networks;
  • references to the law on protecting the interests of the student and requirements for holding the teacher accountable;
  • signature and date.

If there was an attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully, then a copy of the complaint to the school director and information about the oral conversation should be attached to the application. If there is testimony, all papers must be certified by signatures.


Children may only be interviewed in the presence of parents, guardians and a school psychologist.

If the application is submitted to the prosecutor's office, then, based on the evidence provided, a decision is made to initiate an administrative case, the investigation period of which does not exceed 1 month. The fate of the teacher is decided by the court at the plaintiff’s place of residence.

In case of physical violence, it is recommended not to delay contacting law enforcement agencies, but to involve an experienced lawyer in the case and remove the beatings, if any, or prepare indisputable evidence of a push, blow, slap or other action of the teacher.

What is the responsibility for insulting a student?

What will happen to a teacher for insulting a student is established by Art. 5.61 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. According to this administrative norm, the following penalties are provided for insulting a person:

  • for humiliating the honor and dignity of a person, a fine of up to 3 thousand rubles is imposed on citizens, on officials (teacher) - up to 30 thousand rubles, and on legal entities - up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • insult in the media (radio channel, TV show, newspaper, Internet portal, etc.) – the fine for citizens increases to 5 thousand rubles. maximum, for officials - up to 50 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - up to 150 thousand rubles.

In addition to administrative liability, the student's parent has the right to demand compensation for moral damage. The amount of compensation depends on the degree of guilt of the offender and the consequences of the incident.

If information discrediting the child’s honor was disseminated en masse, the teacher will be held accountable under Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - libel.

In the case of physical abuse of a child, law enforcement agencies are involved in the investigation and a simple fine will not get rid of it. These crimes include imprisonment, removal from positions and forced labor. In any situation, it is better to seek support from an experienced lawyer who will help collect evidence, avoid slander from the offender and achieve justice according to the law.

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