Star tattoo - meaning, places of application on the shoulders, arm, knees, neck, wrist, leg, sketches and photos

Bright celestial fireflies have interested humanity for a long time and made us admire their beauty. Stars have a variety of meanings and symbolism. It is worth noting that this is a fairly common symbol that is indirectly mentioned and interacts with almost every religion that exists in the world. However, no existing religious statement is directly related to this mysterious symbol. At the same time, there can be an incredible number of symbolisms and interpretations of this sign, and they differ significantly in meaning and essence. However, star tattoos can be both positive and negative. Like, for example, tattoos in places that are not so remote, they have their own hierarchy of images on the body. These tattoos are applied to the skin according to prison traditions that are observed in this isolated world. It is worth taking into account the fact that such images are applied with a certain meaning and serve as a kind of business card for the prisoner. Therefore, using such an image, you can find out the meaning of a star tattoo on the elbows.

Check out designs for star tattoos on elbows.

Heavenly stars

The night sky sparkling with multi-colored distant lights has always evoked admiration and charm. “Falling stars” look very impressive, evoking a romantic and sublime mood. Under the stars it is customary to dream, declare love, and indulge in philosophical reflection. And people have long made wishes on falling stars, hoping that they will come true.

Ancient sailors and travelers used the stars as guides.

Having identified one’s “guiding star” among the myriads of luminous points, one could reliably move to the intended location.

The meaning of the seven-pointed star tattoo

The septogram is a seven-pointed star - a symbol of magicians and followers of the occult. It was known to the ancient Sumerians. Symbolizes magical factors - 7 days of the week, 7 stars of the Pleiades, 7 celestial spheres, 7 chakras, 7 stages of the ascent of the soul, 7 astral rays, 7 principles of harmony.

Esotericists believe that the magic of the number 7 was revealed to humanity by God. They believe that the amulet unites and potentiates planetary and temporary energies, allowing them to achieve unprecedented heights and achievements.

Geometric figure

The second definition of the word “star” is a geometric figure with sharp protrusions evenly spaced around a circumference. The symbolism of this type can be seen in the depths of centuries.

Here you can name both the Star of David and the five-pointed star symbolizing Venus. The military to this day uses stars on shoulder straps, as well as orders in the shape of stars. And in the civilian environment there are star-shaped awards.

Meaning of starfish tattoo

The starfish symbolizes invulnerability to surrounding dangers and boundless divine love. In nature, this class of invertebrates has a well-developed ability to regenerate - a new one grows in place of a damaged ray, and a severed ray is capable of growing a new star.

Stella Maris in Christian symbolism means both the star of the sea and the Virgin Mary. She is a shining beacon of salvation, by the will of which the waves of the sea of ​​life part, providing safe passage to the goal. The meaning of the symbol is somewhat broader - it includes designations of the Holy Spirit, Christian faith and mercy.


What can a star sign on the body mean? It is traditionally believed that this is a symbol of powerful energy, prosperity and thundering glory. A person who has a star tattooed on his body, by all accounts, strives to make life brighter. But when endowing a symbol with such content, one must be careful, since the stars of earthly glory often fall from the horizon of universal veneration.

Tattoos depicting celestial bodies have long been present on parts of the bodies of priests and priests of different cultures. By this they emphasized their inextricable connection with the heavenly forces that illuminate the path of the earthly being.

A tattoo with a star emitting rays of light can have the meaning of salvation for a person who has lost the right direction in life. On the one hand, the owner of such a tattoo declares his search for the right goal, and on the other hand, he demonstrates romance and some dreaminess.

Although, of course, the hidden meaning that a man or woman puts into the star symbol on his body is known only to himself. The photos depicting the star tattoo are just the visible tip of the iceberg.

Types of star tattoos and features of their implementation

Artistic death star tattoo.
Master Il Bereza When turning to tattoo parlors (St. Petersburg), some clients do not know how the procedure for applying a tattoo will take place, and also have not fully decided on the image and size of the tattoo.

You should familiarize yourself in advance with the peculiarities of performing star tattoos.

Tattoo style

The most common style is "Tribal" . The sketch is created using black paint. No other colors are used. The lines of such images should be clear. Such body paintings are visually very attractive.

Despite their shade, they fascinate and force you to pay attention to the owner of the tattoo. Both women and men get such tattoos.

Of course, you can get a tattoo in a colorful style . Such tattoos are less popular. As a rule, girls make them for themselves. When creating a sketch, again, a black tone is always used, and in addition to it, other shades are selected.

Tattoo size

The scale can be either medium or small.

  • If you want to see a design in the form of one star on your body, then it is better to create a sketch of a medium tattoo .
  • And if your image consists of several stars, then the experts advise making them in a small size .

Currently, the popularity of tattoos that depict various constellations and comets . Such tattoos are particularly mysterious and beautiful, and also occupy a small area of ​​the human body. The tattoos look incredible!

Places of tattoo application

The choice of place for a tattoo depends on the scale of the image.

Girls prefer to get tattoos on:

  • neck.
  • Shoulder.
  • Clavicles.
  • Breasts.
  • Lower belly.
  • Hands or wrist.
  • Shoulder blade.
  • Lower back.
  • Stop.

And men get such tattoos on:

  • Shoulder.
  • Breasts.
  • Hand.
  • Neck.

Is it worth adding other symbols to a star tattoo?

Star tattoos come in many varieties, but they all have their own special meaning. You need to be careful with the star symbol.

tattoos with the image of a star with other symbols , signs, or inscriptions. Such tattoos have positive meanings, we wrote about them above. By adding another symbol, you can change the interpretation of the tattoo not for the better.

We hope the above features will help you determine the style and design of your future tattoo.

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, you can contact the Marukha tattoo studio . Experienced artists will help you, answer all your questions and create a truly unique, magnificent tattoo.

Symbol of Svarog

The Star of Svarog is one of the most popular and sought after tattoo images among tattoo enthusiasts. Svarog was held in high esteem by the ancient Slavs. This god was considered the ancestor of the great host of Slavic gods who patronized various aspects of human life.

According to ancient beliefs, Svarog created the sky, earth, seas and oceans, and vegetation. This god united all the Slavic gods in a single spiritual field, settling them in Svarga. For the first people, Svarog was a mentor who taught blacksmithing and making farming and hunting tools.

The Star of Svarog can mean the following:

  • the origin of life;
  • high aspirations;
  • frankness and honesty;
  • balanced views on life.

Current styles and meanings

What does a star tattoo mean? The meaning of a star tattoo is very different. Therefore, they are equally distributed among both men and women. In addition, despite the great connection with various faiths, it is not directly connected with any religion. Therefore, it can personify completely different things. The main modern meaning is sublimity, dreaminess, often brightness, luck and prosperity. It is generally accepted that the stars give inspiration.

Everyone can put their own meaning into this symbol or draw it from history, so it’s impossible to say for sure what a star tattoo means . Starfish are the patrons of sailors who protect them on a dangerous journey and on the way home. The Star of Life is a six-pointed star with the Rod of Asclepius in the center, always blue, symbolizing healing. Stars with different numbers of rays characterize their historical significance, described above. A shooting star is a symbol of change for the better, the fulfillment of desire and the changeability of beauty.

The location of the stars on the body is also important. What does a star tattoo on the collarbone mean? This is a symbol that came from prison and a distinctive sign of thieves with a second sentence. And a star on the wrist is a distinctive feature of girls of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Star of David

The symbol, consisting of two triangles forming a six-pointed star, refers to the history of the Jewish people. This hexagram is present on the official flag of the State of Israel.

Once upon a time, a tattoo with such an image could only be worn by representatives of the clergy and monasticism, who with its help emphasized the message with higher powers.

A commoner did not have the right to tattoo this sign on his body, since this would be regarded as sacrilege and religious protest, which were strictly punished in those days.

The modern interpretation of the Star of David implies a close interweaving of the masculine and feminine principles, merging together.

Places of application

Where the image will be applied depends solely on the desire of the person, but most often tattoos are applied to:

  • neck
  • legs
  • Feet
  • wrist
  • stomach

for girls, which is due to the fact that the small scatterings of stars that they prefer do not require much space.

Guys prefer to apply tattoos on their forearms, stomach, chest, back, and ribs; this allows them to make a large design and emphasize their strength and muscle definition.

Combination with other symbols

As it became clear from this article, images in the form of various stars on the body carry a positive meaning and serve good purposes:

  1. Protection from evil forces.
  2. Help on the path of life.

Thus, such symbols can be safely combined with any others.

We recommend reading: Star of David, the meaning of the tattoo

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