Zonov tattoos - meaning, symbolism and interpretation, places of application (on fingers, arms, shoulder, back), interesting sketches

Did you know that each finger has its own meaning, and also relates to a certain area of ​​human life and the planet . also matters which hand the tattoo is applied to .

A tattoo on the little finger of the left hand indicates that the person is most likely creative, easy-going, open-minded, and ready for new experiments in his life.

A tattoo on the little finger of the right hand indicates that a person is not ready for a serious relationship and has a very simple approach to life, not against flirting and open relationships.

A tattoo on the ring finger of the left hand suggests that a person is most likely looking for himself and trying to reveal his potential, but a tattoo on the ring finger of his right hand indicates that the person is romantic, sincere and faithful to his choice.

A tattoo on the middle finger of the left hand indicates that the person is most likely narcissistic, does not listen to the opinions of other people, and is balanced.

A tattoo on the middle finger of the right hand indicates that the person is very strong internally, assertive and hardworking.

A tattoo on the index finger of the right hand indicates that the person is purposeful and attentive.

A tattoo on the index finger of the left hand indicates that the person is proud, selfish, and domineering.

A tattoo on the left thumb indicates that the person, most likely shy, easily gets along with other people.

A tattoo on the right thumb indicates that the person is most likely brave and not afraid of responsibility and change.

Prison tattoos in other countries

The meaning of Zonov’s tattoos is not clear; in different countries, tattoos are treated differently. For example, in the United States, prisoners get tattoos depending on their race.

  • Prominent representatives of such a caste are the Aryan Brotherhood, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Nazi rebels from Southern California. All of them are characterized by the application of a swastika, four-leaf clover, three sixes and similar militaristic paraphernalia to the skin.
  • In opposition to them, there is a group of African Americans - “Black Power”. They apply tattoos in the form of inscriptions on the back of their hands, knuckles, and African signs as a symbol of respect for their ancestors.
  • Latin Americans stand as a separate island between them. These prisoners wear religious tattoos - Jesus, his mother, crosses, rosaries, sometimes biblical scenes or portraits of loved ones.
  • And finally, not the most numerous, but no less important group - Asians. They get tattoos depending on their origin: the Japanese - Japanese demons and geishas, ​​the Chinese - dragons.

The Japanese, for example, have a negative attitude towards tattoos. In their opinion, a decent person should not have tattoos. This philistine thinking may be due to the fact that the local mafia (yakuza) could keep entire cities under its control for decades.

Members of the gangster group were, as a rule, completely covered in tattoos. Moreover, family members who were not involved in the criminal business also wore distinctive tattoos. For them, tattoos were a sign of immunity and their origin.

Meaning of finger tattoos

  • The thumb is associated with Mars, it is responsible for sexuality and energy; a tattoo on this finger will bring the owner a charge of vital energy and strength.
  • The index finger is connected with Jupiter, it is responsible for everything related to the financial sphere, money. A tattoo on the index finger can attract good luck.
  • The middle finger is connected to Saturn, this planet is responsible for power. If you decide to get a tattoo on your middle finger, know that something will help you in the struggle for leadership and authority.
  • The ring finger is connected to Venus, this planet is responsible for harmony, love and family. Therefore, if you want to find peace and stability in a relationship, then you should get a tattoo on this finger.
  • The little finger is associated with Mercury. This planet is responsible for intelligence, knowledge, perseverance and intelligence, so if you want to establish contact and relationships with people, improve yourself, and also conquer new heights in skills and knowledge, then it is best to get a tattoo on this finger.

Tattoos in Russian prisons

Zonov's tattoos always carry one meaning or another. These can be images, portraits of loved ones or idols, and they can also include inscriptions that complete the body image.

The following abbreviations are especially popular:

  • EVIL - I will take revenge on the cop for everything;
  • YUG – young robber;
  • PEACE - shooting will correct me;
  • TMJ - prison interferes with life;
  • NKVD - there is no stronger friendship than thieves;
  • KLOT – I swear to love one (one) you (a little romantic).

A few inscriptions:

  • “The main thing in the zone is the thief in law”;
  • “Killing is not murder”;
  • “Born for torment, I don’t need happiness”;
  • “I will not forget my own mother” and so on.

For girls

Among girls, a star tattoo is more popular than among men, but men prefer a single star most of all, while women love a scattering of stars on their shoulders and feet. The number of stars on the shoulders can indicate the number of loved ones in life or imply the main things and values ​​of life.

The six-pointed star on a woman’s shoulder carries the connection: beauty-trust-harmony-love-truth and peace.

Symbolically, a star for women can carry the meaning of the Star of Bethlehem, as a symbol of life and the accompanying star of good luck.

Tattoo ring

A ring tattoo means a lot in the prison hierarchy. Prisoners can fill in such sketches at their own request. But some are forcibly impaled. For example, these could be those who have the lowest rank in prison - a rapist, an informer (image of a dog with the caption “Cop from Presskhata”) or a homosexual (cockerel). The most interesting thing is that even if the prisoner ends up in another prison, his status will remain the same.

A ring is placed on the finger, and the signs inside it indicate the status of the criminal.

  • The symbol “denied” characterizes a prisoner who does not come to an agreement with the police; moreover, he is hostile to them. Such a prisoner does not understand those who want to atone for their sins; he will never change. People with such a ring belong to the thieves' elite. It looks like a diamond divided into four parts, and two diagonal triangles are painted black.
  • “Muzhik” is awarded to those who have not achieved a certain authority among thieves, but were true to their principles. It is pinned in the shape of a diamond with a black vertical line in the middle.
  • A fairly common tattoo that almost all former prisoners have. “Was in prison” – a black square with a white line to the diagonal.
  • “On trial for murder” - the handle of a knife is depicted, around which a snake is wrapped.

The meaning of tattoos

1. A half-naked woman in hussar garb, sitting on a cannon with a burning torch in her hand. “There are two beautiful things in the world - love and death.” Symbolizes loyalty to a woman and the hidden threat of revenge for betrayal. Apply to the chest or back.

2. Naked woman tied to a flaming pillar. "Death for treason." Means that the wearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. Logs can mean a sentence. Place of tattoo: chest, thigh.

3. Executioner executing naked women. The tattoo is sometimes supplemented with the abbreviation “GOD” (see). Symbolizes hatred of laws and administrative authorities.

4. The Woman and the Devil . “Love and hate (good and evil) are always there.” It means that the owner of the tattoo was imprisoned because of a woman. Apply to the chest or thigh.

5. Woman on wings . The tattoo is small in size and placed on the wrist. Symbolizes good luck, fortune, random luck. Most often found among thieves.

6. A naked woman with a burning torch in her hand, prison bars, a snake, a cross, a human skull, an ax, money. "Nothing lasts forever in this world." "All the will of God". Camp authority tattoo. May be accompanied by a text about the frailty of worldly existence. Apply only to the chest.

7. Fragment of barbed wire . A generalized symbol indicating that the owner of the tattoo has been through a correctional labor institution. Apply to the wrist.

8. Executioner with an axe , half-naked woman, scaffold. The tattoo is found on people convicted of murdering a relative (or relatives). The secondary meaning is “Death to the traitor.” Apply to the chest.

9. Medieval helmet . A symbol of struggle, brotherhood, determination. At first it was applied only to the wrist, but now it is found on the shoulder and thigh. Indicates a thief or robber.

10. Bayonet . The oldest symbol of the thieves' world. Symbolized threat, warning, strength. It was applied to the wrist, forearm, and sometimes to the thigh. The tattoo was common among repeat offenders. Today it is observed extremely rarely.

11. A naked woman crucified on a cross with the inscription " Amen ". “I took full revenge for the betrayal.” An abstract symbol of revenge (not necessarily against a woman). The tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.

12. Prison bars, rose and dagger . The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony. Apply to the forearm or shoulder. If the dagger and rose are without bars - “Blood for treason.”

13. Girl's head . “I met my coming of age at VTC.” The place of the tattoo is the shoulder, less often the chest.

14. Nude woman on a winged wheel. " Wheel of Fortune ". Symbolizes faith in luck. Apply to the chest.

15. A skull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake entwining a dagger. Thief symbol. "Our life is a struggle." A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law, a ruler, an observer. It is found on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

16. Cross with chain . It is punctured in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one’s destiny. If the cross is depicted as a suit of clubs, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.

17. A naked woman entwined with a snake, with an apple in her hand . Biblical story about the tempting serpent. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” "Woman Tempter" Apply to the chest, shoulder. The tattoo is sometimes found among passive homosexuals (usually on the back).

18. Hand with a tulip entwined with barbed wire. “I met 16 years old at VTC.” Place of tattoo: shoulder.

19. Hands in shackles holding a rose. “I met 18 years old at the VTK” (the shackles symbolize a “full-fledged criminal”). Apply to the shoulder.

The last two tattoos are also common among women.

  • Catalog : Women's prison tattoos

20. Mermaid at anchor . It is found among sailors and among persons serving sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less common in passive homosexuals. The tattoo is applied to the chest or back.

21. Pitchfork . One of the oldest criminal symbols of Russia. At first it served as a distinctive sign of large raspberries and thieves' authorities. It was left on prison walls, used as a means of communication. Later it began to be applied to the shoulder, thigh or forearm. Symbolizes threat, strength. Now it is rare.

22. Eight-pointed star . Tattoo of camp authorities - thieves in law, denied, godfathers. Apply under the collarbone.

23. Half-naked woman sitting on a magic ball . There is a crescent moon above your head. Symbolizes faith in otherworldly forces. Apply to the chest or back. Found among Muslims and Jews.

24. Bear holding a medieval ax with an image of a suit of clubs. Indicates a safecracker - a burglar. It may also mean that the convict served his sentence at a “logging camp” - in a correctional facility specializing in logging. “The law is the taiga, the ladle is the norm, the bear is the prosecutor.”

25. Crossed arrow and key . Symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar. Apply to the forearm or thigh.

26. A woman with bare breasts and an index finger pressed to her lips. "Silentium!" - “ Silence !” Symbolizes distrust of a woman. “As long as there are women in the world, there will be no secrets.” Apply to the chest.

27. Star of David entwined with a winged snake. The owner of the tattoo is a Jew and belongs to the winged camp authorities.

28. Saber without scabbard . The tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat. Apply to the forearm and wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is “tied up.” Very rare.

29. Inscription Hoc est in votis . “Don’t love money - they’ll ruin you, don’t love women - they’ll deceive you, but love God (or freedom).”

30. Woman, gun, money, bottle, syringe, knife, cards . “This is what we love” or “This is what destroys us.” Symbolizes wild life, wastefulness.

31. A lion surrounded by medieval weapons - a sword, an ax, a bow, arrows, a mace. Symbolizes strength and power. A book lying in front of a lion signifies wisdom. "Cruel, but fair." Authority tattoo. It is almost always applied to the chest.

32. Flying demon . The picture can be supplemented with the inscription “Fatum” (rock). Applied to the chest and means cruelty. "My god is an evil Demon." “Satan will pay for your sins.” Found in bulls, fighters, denied.

33 and 34. Tattoos of drug addicts. A genie flying out of a jug. Apply to the chest, shoulder or front of the thigh. A spider in its web may pierce the scalp under the hair. A spider without a web means a pickpocket.

35. Three cards pierced by an arrow. The badge of a card sharper.

36. Eagle on top of the mountain. Symbol of power and freedom. Tattoo of camp authorities.

37. Damn . The tattoo belongs to the so-called “grins” and symbolizes hatred of administrative structures. Apply to the chest. Accompanied by anti-state texts.

38. Cupid with a bow, a tempting serpent, doves, a heart pierced by an arrow. Artistic tattoo. "Tempted by you forever." Apply to the chest or back.

39. Dragon flying over the castle. Tattoos are found among plunderers of state or collective property, “guild workers.” It also means complete confiscation of property. Apply to the chest and back.

40. “ CAT is the original inhabitant of the prison .” The image of a cat is painted by repeat offenders who compare themselves to this animal. A cat combines pride and affection for home (a thief's home is a prison). The drawing can be accompanied by texts like “And here I am at home.”

41. Symbol of the power of the pharaoh . At first I met only with camp authorities. Then the tattoo began to be tattooed by thieves who resell stolen items. Now it is rare. Applied to hands.

42. Burning crucifix with a woman. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” “I will take revenge for betrayal.” "Convicted of murdering a woman."

43. Running deer . "I was born free and I will die free." Applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.

44. Knights . "Strength and loyalty." Apply to the chest.

45. A cowboy with a naked girl on a horse. The drawing may be accompanied by the abbreviation “OMUT” (“It’s hard to leave me”). It means a propensity for risk and adventure. The tattoo is applied to the chest.

46. ​​“ Cowgirle ” - cowboy girl. “The world is ruled by gold and audacity.” Common among malicious violators of camp regulations.

47. Woman, rose, dagger . "Revenge for betrayal." Place of tattoo: forearm.

48. A woman with a sword, stringing hearts. "She broke the heart". " Heartbreaker ". The tattoo is dedicated to the lady of the heart and is applied to the chest or thigh. Also found in women. The number of hearts indicates the number of men conquered.

49. A woman in a horseshoe entwined with barbed wire. “I owe the prison to a woman.”

50. Hand in shackles , clutching a knife. “A hand to the thief, a knife to the prosecutor.” “Execution will correct me.” Symbolizes cruelty and violence. The tattoo is found among deniers, godfathers.

51. Cross engulfed in flames, with the inscription “Believe in God, not communism.” Political tattoo. As a rule, it was applied by political prisoners (see the chapter “Political tattoos”).

52. “ This is what’s left of us .” The owner of the tattoo spent years in prisons and camps (the number of barbs on the wire may indicate his length of correctional labor). The secondary meaning of the tattoo is “I will take revenge on the cops for everything.” Found on the chest and back.

53. A prisoner crying behind bars . “Cursed be the one from century to century who decided to correct a person with prison.” Apply to the chest or back. Like the previous tattoo, it indicates a camp old-timer.

54. “ Well, cop, wait a minute!” » Caricature of a police officer. Often the wolf is depicted in a uniform cap, jacket and sword belt. Apply to the thigh and lower back.

55. Dancing skeletons . Symbolizes risk, fearlessness, contempt for death. The tattoo first appeared in Mexico and was “imported” to the Soviet Union in the 60s. The place of tattooing is the shoulder or chest.

56. Neptune . Strength and authority. “Pity for a person humiliates a thief.” The drawing is also found among sailors.

57. Indian . "Deprived of civil rights." Similar tattoos were applied by political prisoners and dissidents.

58. Sailboat . "The Eternal Vagabond" or "The Eternal Wanderer." Points to the guest performer. White sails mean a thief, black sails mean a gopnik. Sometimes the number of masts indicates the number of convictions. Apply to the chest and thigh.

59. Fighting bulls . "Who is stronger is right". Symbolizes aggression, the struggle for power. Inflicted by camp authorities. The drawing may be accompanied by text. Place of tattoo: chest.

60. Tiger head . "Cruelty and rage." The tattoo bearers are bulls and fighters (persons who commit physical violence on the orders of a thief in law). Found on the chest and shoulder.

61. Latin letter “D” , tiger holding a skull in its paw, crown, suit of spades. Symbolizes violence. The tattoo is typical for Gopniks.

62. Gladiator . Inflicted by bulls and fighters. Most often - on the chest. Blood may drip from the sword, which indicates a fighter with “experience.”

63. Pirate with a knife in his teeth. The knife has the inscription “IRA” (“I’m going to kill activists”). The tattoo is found in the denied person. The camp asset is the Internal Order Service (“IPS”). Denialists call this service “The bitch went out for a walk” and “The bitch went out for half” (early release).

64. Hands in shackles , clutching the cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Symbolizes faith in the brotherhood of thieves, devotion to the thieves' business.

65. Monk with a goose feather. Indicates a “scribe” - a pickpocket who commits thefts using sharp objects - a razor, coins, rings.

66. Eagle with a suitcase in its talons. Means a guest performer. If a woman is in the clutches - “Convicted of rape.” A tattoo may indicate a tendency to escape.

67. Woman with a snake around her neck. Implies cruelty and violence. Found among eastern peoples.

68. Napoleon . A symbol of power and adventurism.

69. Beetle . “I wish you a successful theft.” Pickpocket tattoo. It is applied between the thumb and index finger. Instead of a beetle, a spider without a web or a flea can be depicted.

70. Hand with a dagger piercing the devil. Tattoo of anti-Semites. “Beat the Jews, save Russia!”, “The murder of a Jew is not a crime, but the cleansing of the world from the messengers of Satan.” Such tattoos were considered political and were destroyed.

71. Devil with a bag . “There was happiness, but the devil took it away.” The owner of the tattoo has extensive experience as a thief.

72. Woman with bare breasts. On the chest there is an amulet in the form of the letter “M” and a crown. " Revenge for Betrayal ." Symbolizes aggressiveness, violence, cruelty.

73. Weeping Muse . The tattoo symbolizes wandering, unrecognized talent, disappointment. Also found in women.

74. Griffin . "Keeper of Secrets" Distributed among eastern peoples.

75. North - “Served his sentence in the North.”

76. An eagle between two trees of different climate zones. Denotes a touring thief and a tendency to escape. The skull in claws symbolizes violence.


Other Zonov tattoos

In addition to rings, inscriptions, and abbreviations, prisoners also stuff images that contain deep meaning.

  • A tattoo of shackles means that their wearer is serving a sentence of more than five years on a serious charge. Each ring on the shackles corresponds to a year of imprisonment.
  • The devil tattoo symbolizes fearlessness and an irrepressible desire to survive in any situation. The demon sitting on the moon suggests that a person will not lose heart even in the most lost situation (he will even find a way out of space).
  • However, a tattoo of a devil undressing a woman or a devil doing the same thing can mean a despondent prisoner.
  • The devil, stuffed all over his back, characterizes a person who has a certain thieves' authority in places of serving his sentence. The convict wants to show his cunning and insidiousness.

There are also moments when a prisoner realizes the gravity of his crime and repents. Then he can get a tattoo of a crying killer.

Facts about finger tattoos

  1. It is best to apply an image of a butterfly, anchor, skull, fish or the head of an animal on the index finger.
  2. Lettering looks best on the middle finger; small images of a heart, diamond, moon, sun, stars, etc. are also suitable for this finger.
  3. A date, cross or just a letter will look best on the ring finger.
  4. The design of tattoos on girls’ fingers is more sophisticated and lighter. For guys it is more brutal, darker, the lines are thicker.
  5. It is best to draw small patterns with dots on the little finger.

Methods of tattooing

Thanks to the strict regime in places of deprivation of liberty, the methods of applying tattoos amaze the imagination with their sophistication. All tattoos are done exclusively by hand and with means that the average person does not attach importance to.

As a rule, needles are used on sticks or on matches. They are dipped in ink and precisely pierced into the skin. If there are no needles, then cunning prisoners can use wires or any other thin objects from which a point can be sharpened. Well, if there is no ink or ink, mix a paste of soot and sugar diluted in urine or water.

Sometimes teenagers can apply tattoos to themselves “out of naivety”, without suspecting their true meaning, since outside the criminal environment their subject matter is considered completely harmless. Sometimes future prisoners may tattoo themselves in advance, hoping for honor or at least a quiet existence in the prison world. But this rarely really helps.

Tattoo "Denial"

During the Soviet period, political prisoners fell into the caste of sabotaging the fulfillment of labor duties in closed correctional institutions and actively resisting prison orders. This was reflected in prison tattoos. Tattoos of such “deniers” were often made in the form of a portrait of Lenin or Stalin embossed on the body.

A significant part of the tattoos of representatives of this suit are made in the form of images of barbed wire, crosses and skulls. In their state of mind they are close to anarchists. The main tattoo is considered to be a tattoo of a star on the prisoner’s knees. It symbolizes the spirit of defiance and shows that its wearer will never kneel before anyone.

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