What does an epaulette tattoo on the left shoulder mean - specific features of the design

  • 10654
  • 13-02-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Despite the fact that tattoos appeared long before the existence of the prison regime, the widespread use of tattoos is associated with it. Initially, Zonov tattoos were made to designate violators, repeat offenders, and even Siberian convicts. However, over time, these concepts have changed significantly; in this article we will tell you exactly how.

Criminal tattoos and their meaning

Every tattoo you get in prison has a meaning. Moreover, it not only indicates the status of its owner, but can also mean the number of years of imprisonment, the reason for imprisonment and other information.

The most common tattoo options for convicts have the following interpretation:

  • Wolf is a leader, means independence;
  • Tiger - cruelty, hatred of justice;
  • The domes on the church indicate the number of “walkers”;
  • The cat is the original inhabitant of the prison, also a symbol of good luck and thieves;
  • Tattoo of the Mother of God is a talisman for juvenile prisoners;
  • Spider is a symbol of a thief;
  • The crucifix is ​​a sign of a criminal authority;
  • Runes or swastika - protest;
  • The rising sun is a symbol of freedom, and the rays represent the number of imprisonments.

The meaning of the same tattoo may differ depending on its location. For example, a star on the shoulder is a symbol of a thief in law; it can also mean the denial of prison laws, and stars on the knees mean love for freedom.

The meaning of a cross tattoo on the back in prison is strong will and disobedience; if the cross is a gambling cross, the wearer is a thief. The meaning of a cross tattoo on the knees differs according to the type of crucifixion and can mean both faith in God and a special worldview.


It is believed that shoulder straps are the most controversial prison tattoo, since, on the one hand, it is very popular among criminal thieves, and on the other, it represents the military, and this contradicts the concepts of prisoners.

The tattoo represents the shoulder insignia that is used to denote military ranks. Most often, symmetrical images are applied to both hands, but if only one is chosen, then preference, according to tradition, is given to the left. Considering the prison roots of the tattoo, most of the images are made in the style of realism, less often - old school. The color most often used is black, since bright shades are less popular among thieves. The number of stars and other designations does not correspond to military ranks, and is often blurred due to additional images.

Guys and girls who are not related to the criminal world do not limit themselves in styles and often remake shoulder straps, adding various images - skulls, faces, splashes of blood, grinning muzzles of animals and even runic signs of the elder Futhark or symbols from the Slavic alphabet. However, the preferred color scheme is black. The most common styles for performing colorful tattoos include the following:

  • trash polka;
  • new school;
  • ethnicity;
  • Chicano.

Prisoners have tattoo rings on their fingers

Tattoo rings are the most common tattoos in the criminal sphere. From the pattern on the fingers, it is easy to determine what caste the prisoner belongs to, what he was convicted of, where he was imprisoned, and even how he feels about law enforcement agencies and the world in general.

In some cases, a tattoo may indicate fatherlessness, birth in prison, and a first crime committed as a minor.

The magical meaning of epaulette tattoos

The drawing can cause aggression in its owner and even conflicts with law enforcement agencies.
Many practitioners do not recommend imprinting epaulettes with images, because long-term use in the prison world has left a negative energetic imprint. Belief in the certain meaning of the shoulder strap tattoo has changed the meaning, and therefore such a sketch can make a person overly aggressive, provoke illegal actions and conflicts with law enforcement agencies. Considering that only criminals who are in a maximum security prison and violate the rules receive such a tattoo, it is possible that they even end up in a criminal company. It is especially not recommended to have an epaulette on the left shoulder of people who are easily influenced.

The tattoo is equally suitable for both sexes, and there are no preferences for zodiac signs.

In addition to the negative prison meaning, the shoulder strap also means pronounced qualities of a born leader and great willpower. The owner of a tattoo becomes more ambitious, copes with complexes and fears, and even more quickly earns authority among his subordinates. An epaulette tattoo would be useful for people holding leadership positions or aspiring to them.

Thieves tattoos on the back and shoulders

There are a number of specific thug tattoos that can be applied exclusively to the back or shoulders. On another part of the body, the same drawing can have a completely different meaning.

The most popular shoulder tattoo is the image of Jesus Christ, with the Bible in second place. The symbol of such a tattoo is twofold: in one case it means the religion of the prisoner, and if there is fire under the main part of the tattoo, it means that the person’s faith has burned out.

The main type of tattoo on the back are images of temples with domes. This tattoo is used to judge the number of times a prisoner has served: how many domes - how many times he has been in prison. Also, the image of the Virgin Mary is often used on the back.

Meaning of epaulette tattoo on shoulder (epaulet): meaning, history, photos, sketches

Here you can learn about the meaning of an epaulette tattoo on the shoulder (epaulet) , look at photo examples of tattoo designs, learn about its features, options and history. More examples here:

  • Photo of epaulette tattoo on shoulder (epaulet)
  • Sketches of an epaulette tattoo on the shoulder (epaulet)

MEANING OF AN EPAULETE TATTOO ON THE SHOULDER (Epaulette) – information about the features of the design and photo examples of ready-made tattoos

All about the features of the design and the meaning of the epaulette tattoo on the shoulder (epaulet)

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Nowadays, in everyday life it is quite difficult to meet a person with an epaulet tattoo on his shoulders. This is due to the fact that only criminal authorities and people who have been repeatedly imprisoned for serious crimes can get such a tattoo.

Tattoo of shoulder straps as a sign of someone who supported or started a prison riot

Shoulder strap or epaulette if we consider it as a prison version of a tattoo, because...

in the countries of the former USSR, such a design is still applied to the body with noticeable fear for the purpose of decoration - like a civil tattoo, which directly speaks of the active participation of the tattoo owner in prison riots and protests “for the common”, which are usually carried out as a sign of disagreement with policy of the administration of the institution or violation of the rights of prisoners.

I would like to note that no one prohibits anyone from having a civil modification of such a tattoo, made as decoration or having personal meaning, because

Such a tattoo has value in the criminal world only if it was done in prison and “on business.”

(Naturally, if you make such a decoration blue and blue and as similar as possible to a prison tattoo, you yourself will be guilty of bias.)

Naturally, a question may arise, but if you are able to explain that the tattoo was done while free, you know nothing about its criminal significance, do not use it to unjustifiably increase your “authority”, have not been imprisoned and have nothing to do with the criminal world - questions from There shouldn’t be “adequate” people.

And in fact, if you look at foreign tattoos, tattoos with shoulder straps are extremely popular among musicians and creative personalities who have nothing to do with “crime.” Ours is a little different.

Photo examples of a tattoo design with an epaulette on the shoulder (epaulet) from 12/10/2019 (112 photos):

(click to see more photos)

Some interesting things

The epaulets tattoo on the shoulders is abbreviated as “epaulettes”. “Epaulettes” depicted on the shoulders are most often found on the most authoritative prisoners, because the main meaning of such a tattoo is a clear rejection of the path of correction. You can see this tattoo on thieves and murderers who belong to the elite in the world of crime.

Epaulets on the shoulders can also be depicted on young people who have been in prison for quite a long time, the main difference of which is the strict regime.

A minor teenager can obtain the right to receive a tattoo “Epaulette” if he spends at least 50 days in a disciplinary cell.

Epaulets are often found, supplemented with various inscriptions. In this way, young people explain their merits and achievements.

The meaning of an epaulette tattoo can vary from the various details that are shown in the picture. Epaulets with a cross are the most common tattoo variation. It means that its owner is proud of his crimes and does not regret his misdeeds.

The prisoners emphasize their authority in the criminal world with various compositions that characterize such inherent qualities as strength, power, fearlessness and aggressiveness. These compositions are based on images with snakes, images with swords, skulls, bones, images with barbed wire, fangs and clawed paws.

Each of the above elements has its own unique meaning, but their general meaning lies in the idea of ​​open war with the police and the state as a whole. Among people who have shown an active position in the fight against the system, there is often a tattoo of shoulder straps with the inscription “Internal Troops” (IV), pierced in the middle with a knife.

Since ancient times, people have been decorating their bodies with paintings in the form of various illustrations that can tell more about them than themselves. Where the person is from, what life principles and values ​​are inherent to him, his social status and interests. Tattoos became the prerogative of prisoners only in the 20th century, and it is through tattoos that prisoners read the history of people who have returned to prison.

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Prepared by: RUSFILOLOG (Kirilova Yulia Andreevna)

Source: https://tatufoto.com/znachenie-tatuirovok/znachenie-tatu-epolet-na-pleche-pogon/

Tattoos on hands and knees

The main tattoos on the hands are located directly on the fingers. Tattoos on the phalanges of the fingers are the calling card of a prisoner. In addition, the outer part of the palm and forearm are often covered with tattoos.

The main theme of such drawings is religion. Therefore, the faces of Saints are most often depicted as an indicator of their belonging to a particular religion; crosses as a symbol of a criminal authority; the star of David, the crucifixion of Jesus, etc.

A knee tattoo is a symbol of the fact that a person is not ready to bend and literally kneel in front of someone. For example, if a criminal has stars on his knees, it means he loves freedom and refuses to obey the laws.

Tattoo for the thieves' elite

The title of “thief in law” must be earned. It is assigned only to people who are especially respected in the criminal environment. A person who has been awarded the highest title never steals himself, lives “according to concepts” and is their keeper.

You can get into the category of the chosen ones on the recommendation of an authoritative thief in law or by decision of a general meeting (gathering), in which all thieves serving sentences in a colony participate. Only after carrying out a kind of initiation rite does the prisoner have the right to apply a special tattoo to his body.


Distinctive symbolism for the thieves' nobility. Externally, they may differ in style, execution technique, and the presence of certain details:

  • the swastika indicates an irreconcilable attitude towards the authorities and the laws of the prison;
  • the abbreviation “SS” literally stands for “kept conscience”;
  • three stars – the rank allows you to “work” solely at will;
  • SAM - indicates the presence of a criminal in high security zones;
  • the grave cross on the epaulette symbolizes belonging to the thieves.

Complex compositions using the head of a lion, wolf, clawed paws and winged discs with a suit of clubs or spades help to emphasize authority.


Experienced criminals who are respected among prisoners often earn stars:

  • an eight-pointed star resembling a “wind rose” indicates that only God has the right to judge a thief;
  • a pentagram inscribed in a circle of barbed wire states: “I am chosen by God”;
  • a similar tattoo, but using Muslim symbols (moon, sun), states that a person obeys only Allah;
  • anarchists choose Greek crosses with a swastika, inscribed in a circle of wire;
  • a star with a grinning skull says that the prison is home to the owner of the tattoo;
  • multi-layer combination with a square cross - “he began to steal out of poverty”;
  • a similar sketch with a candle - “I live while the candle burns”;
  • a grinning lion in the center of a star - such a person has a zone in obedience;
  • Yin-Yang with a crown - the inseparability of good and evil;
  • cat's face - personal life should be kept secret;
  • tiger - “Yours will become ours”;
  • cross - “live yourself and give to others”, the numbers inscribed in the cross indicate the numbers of criminal articles;
  • skull with swastika - “Free in spirit.”

In this tattoo, the meaning is carried not only by the sketch, but also by the location. For example, the stars on their knees indicate that the prisoner will never kneel before the existing regime. They are also stuffed onto the collarbones and chest.

Crosses and rings

Rings act as a thief's calling card. From them you can immediately understand what kind of person he is, his beliefs, the number of walkers, and the authority of the figure in the criminal world. There are many variations of rings, the meaning of which changes over time. At the same time, the semantic meaning of some rings is relevant only for certain regions of the country.

Crosses can also be classified as ambiguous tattoos. They can serve as a protective amulet and indicate the number of walkers. These tattoos can be located all over the body. For example, an early Christian cross with a crossbar surrounded by a “thorn” is beaten on the knees. A classic pectoral cross with a twisted frame and a suit of spades symbolizes the high position of the wearer and is stuffed in the upper part of the torso.

In addition, the bodies of thieves in law are decorated with tattoos depicting snakes, skulls and daggers. In addition to an obvious reference to the rank of a prisoner, such tattoos can indicate repeated stays in places of imprisonment. A tattoo in the form of a hunting eagle with an eight-pointed star at the head enjoys special honor among privileged thieves. Also, any tattoo with a crown indicates the presence of a special rank.

Women's prison tattoos

Women's prison tattoos have much fewer meanings than men's, but in many ways they are similar. For example, women also get tattoos on their fingers to indicate that they belong to the thieves’ caste.

If a woman in the zone gets a tattoo of a rose, butterflies on her shoulder, or a female silhouette with a crown, this means that she has low social responsibility. The source of such tattoos is the lily mark on the shoulder, which was burned in medieval France to girls engaged in prostitution.

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Types and meaning of epaulet tattoo

All tattoos made on the body carry some meaning. Epaulet tattoos on the shoulders reflect the fate of a person and his status in society. Epaulets are a kind of shoulder straps.

There are several types of such tattoos. They are classified as prison tattoos. Why? Let's try to trace the meaning of this tattoo, consider its classic and unusual color options for men and women.

Who do they help express themselves in life?

Classic epaulette image

Epaulets with empty space inside are often found. There may be some abbreviations there. For example, ZUR - time in a maximum security colony, VTK DIZO - time in a correctional labor colony for minors.

The cross inside the shoulder strap is a sign of pride in one’s criminal behavior. There is an inscription “VV” – internal troops. The most dangerous inscription is ELEPHANT. It means “death to cops by knife,” and is only inflicted by reckless offenders.

Such people are closely monitored by law enforcement agencies.

Sometimes there are very unusual epaulettes in the shape of animals on the shoulder. Sometimes a double-headed eagle with a cross and an imperial crown is impaled as a sign of protest against communists and informers.

A tiger sitting on a winged order means that there is someone more authoritative over the prisoner. Thieves wear a winged order with a Latin cross and a clawed paw.

Sometimes the epaulette may have a pike topped with a wolf's head.

Recently, it has become popular among prisoners to supplement their epaulettes with artistic images in the form of predators and snakes. Sometimes they include fangs, claws, and bones. There are also weapons, barbed wire, swords, and knives. All this serves to enhance the terrifying effect of the tattoo.

What are the benefits of “black” zones?

The difference in order in the zones of the “red” and “black” types is obvious. “Black” zones are good for prisoners with relaxations in the regime and rules - you can wear different clothes, receive transmissions from outside more freely, use modern means of communication, sleep during the daytime, and much more. etc.

In some "black" zones there is even the possibility of obtaining drugs and alcohol - but not in all. The downside is that they must strictly adhere to the “concepts” and rules of the prison hierarchy, since in the event of conflicts, harsh thieves’ laws can work before the official ones.

Classification into groups, prison tattoos

Prison tattoos for criminals can be roughly divided into three groups, according to their affiliation. The first group is thieves in law. No, these are not people who steal for a living. This is the elite, the highest rank in the criminal world.

To receive this title, it was necessary to have recommendations from other thieves in law or well-known authorities; a meeting (“skhodnyak”) was held, which was attended by all the thieves located in a given camp, prison or region. If everyone agreed, then the candidate became a thief in law.

Prison tattoos, thief in law

This category has its own group of tattoos that only they can do. No, of course, anyone can do it, but if you end up with these tattoos in a zone or prison and cannot confirm that you belong to the chosen caste, then first they will “tighten” you (beat you up), and then they will force you to remove them, and how you will do this is already your problems.

The next and largest group is the thieves, but they do not call themselves that:

  • "prisoners"
  • "bros"
  • "tramps"
  • "tramps"
  • "traveling"

Here are the most common replacements for the word “blatnoy”.

People who support prison laws live “according to principles,” the administration calls them “deniers.” This group can include not only thieves, but anyone who actively resists, for example, for refusing to do work; there are simply types of work that only “thieves” can perform.

The thieves have two restrictions on tattoos: thieves, unless you are a thief in law, and tattoos of “lowered” tattoos, which no one would “get” in their right mind anyway.

Goats are prisoners who cooperate with the camp administration, occupying any position:

  • librarian
  • club manager
  • caretaker, etc.

Roosters are “low-down”, “offended”, “faggots”. A group of untouchable outcasts, they also include passive homosexuals. There is also a subgroup, let’s say, “devils”, “chushki” - they are simply untouchable, they are not used as homosexuals.

This group is given tattoos by force, a kind of brand, so that everyone knows that they are untouchable.

Thieves tattoos

This is the most extensive category, affecting all layers of prisoners. You can choose a sketch for both those who enter the zone for the first time and for guests of the colony. The main rule: do not encroach on the tattoos of the elite and do not mistakenly get a tattoo of the lower class.

Female image

There are sketches with naked beauties, women’s faces, or a representative of the fair sex may appear in the context of:

  • woman on the cannon – love and death. This tattoo is used to decorate the chest or back;
  • burning in a fire promises punishment for treason. They beat on the chest;
  • the execution of naked women speaks of the lack of acceptance of laws and prison administration;
  • next to a demon in a male guise indicates that the prisoner was “tied up” because of a woman, and also symbolizes good and evil;
  • a winged girl or woman on a winged wheel is a symbol of good luck. More often they are performed in miniature, placed on the forearm or wrist;
  • dagger with a rose - betrayal will be followed by revenge. But if we add a fragment of the lattice to this sketch, then the meaning will be as follows: a sentence for hooliganism served in the VTK;
  • a crucifix with a female figure is applied to the chest or back. It suggests that the betrayal was avenged;
  • Eve with a serpent entwining her - he decided to commit a crime for the sake of a woman. Sometimes means passive homosexuality;
  • undine and anchor - tattoo of a sailor, rapist or libertine. May also be present in gay people;
  • a female bust with a snake instead of a necklace is a sign of a tendency to display violence and brute force.

Woman is one of the most popular themes for prisoner tattoos. In most cases, the presence of a representative of the fairer sex speaks of love, betrayal or betrayal.

Common tattoos

Russian prison tattoos from official police archives have long been made available to the public. Some of them have already gone out of use. For example, the face of Stalin or Lenin on the chest, which was pricked as protection from a security officer’s bullet. The target on the back of the head and the abbreviation MIR are not relevant, since there have been no executions for a long time. But many iconic and traditional tattoos are still present on the bodies of prisoners:

  • a piece of wire - reminds of the past in a penal colony;
  • skull, dagger and rose - “life is a struggle.” Tattoo for shoulder;
  • cross on a chain. Submission to fate. If the cross is in the form of a club suit, the tattoo belongs to a thief;
  • palm with a rose entwined with a “thorn” - celebrated 16 years at the VTC. Stuffed on the shoulder;
  • a rose in the palms and shackles - 18th birthday in a correctional colony;
  • bear with an ax and suit of clubs. This type of tattoo is done by bugbears;
  • an arrow key indicates residential theft;
  • a lion surrounded by an arsenal - “fierce but fair.” Used to decorate the chest;
  • the winged demon is stuffed with fighters, bulls and deniers;
  • gin - tattoo of drug addicts;
  • spider - without a web, it is caused by pickpockets; on a web, it is a sign of drug addiction. If the insect crawls down, drug use is a thing of the past;
  • three cards on an arrow - a sharpie;
  • cat - tattoo of repeat offenders. Shows affection and pride in the owner. A bow or butterfly used to mean a pickpocket who was tied up during a theft. This element was achieved by force. Today, the bow has no special connection and is applied to decorate the cat;
  • bull - beats on the chest and is suitable for fighters working on the orders of the thief in law;
  • Prison hand tattoos have changed a lot lately. For example, the pharaoh's staff became rare. Previously, it was stuffed by authorities or thieves selling stolen goods;
  • sailboat - pinned by guest performers working in other cities. The number of masts is the number of terms served. Chest tattoo;
  • the writing monk is a symbol of pickpockets who skillfully wield a razor;
  • eagle. There are variations with a skull or a suitcase in the paws. Talks about being on the road or having a tendency to run away;
  • bat - stealing at night;
  • a beetle is a typical thief's tattoo. Literally this is a wish for a successful theft;
  • eyes on the collarbones - “looking for bitches”;
  • a deer against the backdrop of the rising sun is a sign of a prisoner from the northern colonies;
  • a knife sharpened in shackles - a crime committed in a colony;
  • bells - if they are present on the body, it means the term has been served in full;
  • The Mother of God most often adorns the backs or chests of prisoners who enter the zone for the first time “as a minor”;
  • the temple with domes is filled with experienced prisoners. The number of domes is the number of walks or years.

Above are the main, most popular tattoos among prisoners.

The Untouchables

The untouchables are a special caste of prisoners. They are entrusted with dirty work and used as passive homosexuals:

  • a ring in the form of a filled rectangle with a diagonal white stripe and three circles;
  • ring, shaded half diagonally;
  • a crown complemented by hearts, genitals and inscriptions: daisy, king of the Chukhanov, mashka, goat, orpheus, etc.;
  • pig face;
  • mosquito.

These tattoos are not given voluntarily. This is how the criminal community strives to separate degraded or unworthy members of the colony from normal people. This is why it is important to know what prison tattoos mean.

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