Symbols of criminal life: tattoos of prisoners in Russian prisons

The sacred meaning of the star sign

The star sign has some mystical essence. This is one of the oldest symbols of many cultures and religions. The meaning of the symbol for many centuries has been tranquility and the pursuit of perfection. It is also an eternal symbol of inexhaustible energy, success and deliverance from worldly vanity.

To make a similar design on your skin, you should understand what a star tattoo on the shoulders, wrists, legs and other parts of the body means. After all, such a tattoo has a powerful energy potential.

A shooting star speaks of a dreamy nature. She pushes a person to fulfill his desires. After all, they are sometimes wished upon when a star falls! Gay women wear a similar symbol on their wrists. The Star of David speaks of the desire for dominance.

Other features of the meaning of stars on the shoulders

The traditional prison meaning of star tattoos on the shoulders is one thing - a thief in law, another thing is that with the active spread and popularization of the culture of artistic tattooing, the range of applications of permanent designs on the body has become much wider.

In places of deprivation of liberty they do not talk about authorities - special signs and rules are used that help to accurately determine a person’s authority.

The stars sometimes indicate that this is not a thief in law, but a “denier” or a representative of his group . Prisoners generally don’t like “denied”; the question is who is bothered by it more.

Most thieves in law are excellent gamblers, that is, the presence of stars on their shoulders may indirectly indicate cheating habits (this is an additional, not the main meaning).

The unspoken meaning of the tattoo is rebellion, unwillingness to follow someone else's will and live within the framework imposed by someone, perhaps to work for a certain person.

By making stars for himself, the prisoner declares that he is ready to stand for his own ideas to the end, since they are his philosophy and the meaning of life.

Modern realities

In the internal catalogs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation you can find more than a hundred variations of shoulder stars.

Some criminals who like tattoos use stars even without belonging to a clan of crime bosses and denied it, since examples of drawings are in the public domain.

Sometimes stars make faces that have nothing to do with the criminal world.

It is difficult to say how reasonable this is - from an artistic point of view, the designs look attractive, there are falling stars, sea stars, life stars, a swastika, which are interesting in themselves, but in the relevant circles the pattern can be regarded ambiguously.

Prison areas of application are precisely the shoulders (under the collarbones) and knees; asterisks in other places do not have the meanings described in the article.

Where to stuff and in what style

When choosing a place for a future tattoo, first determine the exact size. The choice of pattern location directly depends on this. Small tattoos should not be placed on the chest or back; large or medium-sized pictures are more suitable for these places.

Miniature tattoos will look interesting on the neck, behind the ears, on the arms and hands. Volumetric, beautifully designed tattoos look good on the chest and legs. The style of the selected image depends only on your taste preferences. Bright, large tattoos look good in old-school or new-school style. Discreet, meaningful tattoos look great in oriental or graphic styles.

The pinnacle of tattoo art is realistically executed artistic tattoos, so if you want to get a high-quality image, don’t skimp on a good artist. After all, a tattoo is not for one day, but at best for a lifetime.

What does an inverted swastika sign mean?

स्वस्तिक from स्वस्ति - greeting, wish of good luck, prosperity, from सु, su - “good, good” and अस्ति, asti - “is, to be”) - a cross with ends bent at right angles (“vra” chatting") or clockwise arrow, or against it (in the latter case, some authors call such a symbol Sauwastika and ...

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Prisoners have tattoo rings on their fingers

Tattoo rings are the most common tattoos in the criminal sphere. From the pattern on the fingers, it is easy to determine what caste the prisoner belongs to, what he was convicted of, where he was imprisoned, and even how he feels about law enforcement agencies and the world in general.

In some cases, a tattoo may indicate fatherlessness, birth in prison, and a first crime committed as a minor.

Eight-pointed star tattoo symbolism

The symbol of the eight rays of a star in numerology is interpreted as a symbol of infinity. It is the eight-pointed star that personifies the endless circular motion in space.

Getting a tattoo doesn't take long. There are a colossal number of star images, each with its own meaning. In many religions, the star is one of the most ancient symbols. The star fills a person with inspiration, triumph and good luck. It is important to note that this drawing does not refer to a specific religion.

The eight-pointed star is called an octogram. This drawing symbolizes abundance, wealth, success. This is a single star that was allowed into Orthodox symbolism. In Orthodoxy, the number eight denotes the future century, namely eternal life. Very often this figure can be seen on icons. In paganism, this is the Star of Svarog; this symbol means energy, virgin light.

Star tattoos have become very popular. This drawing is simple in execution, but has its own mystery and attractiveness. The symbol can give the owner of the tattoo inspiration, strength and creativity. But symbolism can also be ambiguous. This depends on the version and location.

The meaning of the eight-pointed star tattoo on the zone

In prison, an eight-pointed star is a symbol of a thief-authority. Most often, such a tattoo is applied under the collarbone. Today there are a large number of options for thieves' stars. If there are lines inside the ends of the star, this means that the owner of the tattoo is a military man. The ability to correctly decipher tattoos will help you learn a lot about a person - his origin, habits, beliefs, etc.

A convict who has a tattoo in the form of an eight-pointed star belongs to the elite of the criminal world. Other elements can be drawn within the octogram. The most common:

  • and the swastika means that a person considers himself free.
  • Skull and Crossbones is my home zone. Also, such an element can mean everything for me, but nothing from me.
  • The image of the king is a monarchy.

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Prison tattoos in other countries

The meaning of Zonov’s tattoos is not clear; in different countries, tattoos are treated differently. For example, in the United States, prisoners get tattoos depending on their race.

  • Prominent representatives of such a caste are the Aryan Brotherhood, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Nazi rebels from Southern California. All of them are characterized by the application of a swastika, four-leaf clover, three sixes and similar militaristic paraphernalia to the skin.
  • In opposition to them, there is a group of African Americans - “Black Power”. They apply tattoos in the form of inscriptions on the back of their hands, knuckles, and African signs as a symbol of respect for their ancestors.
  • Latin Americans stand as a separate island between them. These prisoners wear religious tattoos - Jesus, his mother, crosses, rosaries, sometimes biblical scenes or portraits of loved ones.
  • And finally, not the most numerous, but no less important group - Asians. They get tattoos depending on their origin: the Japanese - Japanese demons and geishas, ​​the Chinese - dragons.

The Japanese, for example, have a negative attitude towards tattoos. In their opinion, a decent person should not have tattoos. This philistine thinking may be due to the fact that the local mafia (yakuza) could keep entire cities under its control for decades.

Members of the gangster group were, as a rule, completely covered in tattoos. Moreover, family members who were not involved in the criminal business also wore distinctive tattoos. For them, tattoos were a sign of immunity and their origin.

Number of rays

Five-pointed star - the desire for harmony. The inverted pentagram is often used by Satanists.

The seven-pointed star has a magical meaning, like the number 7 itself. This magic will stay with a person for a long time, just like the tattoo itself.

The eight-pointed star represents life in abundance.

The nine-pointed star among the ancient Celts symbolized health and prosperity. This image carries a similar meaning today.

However, the criminal “star” tattoo on the shoulders has a special meaning. Its meaning is always changing. However, the basic message can still be understood.

Who are the omitted ones and are they marked?

“Dismissed” are either homosexuals or those who were lowered into their ranks for offenses (non-payment of debt, theft from cellmates).

Representatives of the lower caste among prisoners are often marked with appropriate tattoos, most often this happens by force.

This is done mainly in order to distinguish people, because the “lowered” ones cannot be touched (they are even beaten with additional objects, not fists), or shared with them.

Read more about who the omitted ones are and how not to become a “rooster” in the zone, read more about the types of omitted ones in this material.

Tattoo as a business card

A tattoo or tattoo can tell a lot about a person. Experienced sitters are well versed in the intricacies of the blue lines that decorate the body. And often an innocent, beautiful picture, which someone far from the criminal world pinned up for the sake of fashion or out of bravado, turns out to be filled with negative and even shameful content in the eyes of experienced prisoners. Such things are no joke in the zone, because the owner of a fashionable “tattoo” can pay for his shortsightedness with health or even life - depending on its content and on the mood of the prison population.

Law enforcement agencies began studying tattoos about 80-90 years ago. Before this, tattoos were considered exclusively “special marks” and their maintenance was not taken into account by prison workers. A lot has changed over the past decades. Some “blatnaya” tattoos have ceased to be applied because the “language of the design,” like “blatnaya fenya” (criminal jargon), has changed over the years to make it difficult for outsiders to study. Other tattoos have gone out of fashion because the social conditions that gave rise to them have disappeared - for example, the images on the chests of Lenin and Stalin that were popular in the past (supposedly the convoy will not shoot at the leaders) are now almost never seen.

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