The Council of Europe presented a report on criminal statistics. Russia ranks first in terms of the number of prisoners in prisons

Women's prisons in Russia: how does the “beautiful half of humanity” live?

When it comes to people serving sentences, then most often they are men who have committed crimes.

However, women's prisons in Russia exist and certain orders and laws reign. Since among women there are also violators of the law, they should be kept in special colonies, living according to established standards.

So how many women's prisons are there in Russia and where are they located?

How many prisons for life imprisonment are there in Russia? Find out about this from our article.

List and location of them

Correctional colonies are located in different regions of the Russian Federation. Each of them has its own characteristics .

There are those that include women's areas with a children's home.

These include the following correctional institutions :

Why do they give life imprisonment? Find out the answer right now.

For minors

Correctional colonies for persons who have not reached the age of majority exist in Russia.

About 21 thousand young girls are serving their sentences there.

One and a half thousand girls were placed in educational colonies. One of these colonies is located in Bryansk on Komarova Street 30 .

Maximum security colonies

Strict security zones are provided for the detention of dangerous repeat offenders. They are located in the Perm region at the address: Berezniki Ave. Lenin 81 . The second maximum security colony is located in the Oryol region in the village. Shakhovo .

Life imprisonment zones

In accordance with Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a woman cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment.

This means that there are no women's prisons with life sentences in Russia .

However, those women who received 25 years in prison for one crime or 30 for a combination of several crimes live hard. Because they cannot go for walks, and they serve their sentences in prisons located in the taiga.


  • Catalog of the “Russian Statistical Yearbook” (IstMat) – for 1992, 1994-2014.
  • Catalog of the “Russian Statistical Yearbook” (Rosstat) – from 2003 to the present.


  • [GKS 2000]Russian statistical yearbook (2000)
  • [GKS 2001]Russian Statistical Yearbook (2001)
  • [GKS 2002]Russian Statistical Yearbook (2002)
  • [GKS 2003]Russian Statistical Yearbook (2003)
  • [GKS 2004]Russian Statistical Yearbook (2004)
  • [GKS 2005]Russian Statistical Yearbook (2005)
  • [GKS 2006]Russian Statistical Yearbook (2006)
  • [GKS 2007]Russian statistical yearbook (2007)
  • [GKS 2008]Russian statistical yearbook (2008)
  • [GKS 2009]Russian statistical yearbook (2009)


  • [GKS 2010]Russian statistical yearbook (2010)
  • [GKS 2011]Russian statistical yearbook (2011)
  • [GKS 2012]Russian statistical yearbook (2012)
  • [GKS 2013]Russian statistical yearbook (2013)
  • [GKS 2014]Russian statistical yearbook (2014)
  • [GKS 2015]Russian statistical yearbook (2015)
  • [GKS 2016]Russian statistical yearbook (2016)
  • [GKS 2017]Russian statistical yearbook (2017)
  • [GKS 2018]Russian statistical yearbook (2018)
  • [GKS 2019]Russian statistical yearbook (2019)
  • [GKS 2020]Russian statistical yearbook (2020)

The most terrible institutions for women

The most severe conditions are observed in those colonies where women who have committed repeated crimes, that is, repeat offenders .

Such prisons are classified as strict regime, where girls who commit theft are not sent.

Since prisoners are imprisoned for murder and other serious crimes , communication between them occurs in a raised voice, which can lead to conflicts.

Mordovia, where three women’s zones are located, is considered one of the most difficult places to serve a sentence.

These prisons have harsh treatment, strict regimes and poor food. Uniforms are not always issued, and sometimes not in full.

The list of correctional institutions in Mordovia consists of:

Many highlight pre-trial detention center No. 6 in Moscow as one of the most terrible places to imprison women. The fact is that the cells are overcrowded and there are often not enough sleeping places (see photo).

Therefore, prisoners sleep under beds or on the floor. In addition, there is a problem of cockroaches and unsanitary conditions, since the shower is not provided for daily toileting.

Many enter the cell healthy, but leave with syphilis or tuberculosis , since medical care is not provided in full.

How do prisoners live in Russian prisons? Read about it here.

How do women live in the zone? Find out in this video:

Sit down less often

This may not seem like much, but the trend is important here. There are now more than 52.5 thousand women behind bars. Of these, 42 thousand are serving time in colonies. The rest are in pre-trial detention centers, their cases have not yet been resolved.

The prison population in our country has been declining steadily since perhaps the beginning of the century. For a long time, Russia, together with the United States, were the absolute leaders in the number of prisoners. However, in our country the state began to change its fundamental approaches in criminal policy: prison should remain a last resort.

As a result, the United States remained the undisputed leader in prison lists. Second place, according to some data, goes to China. Russia is in third place, far behind the leaders, and has no intention of catching up. Brazil is almost catching up with us.

The rules established in the United States regarding punishments are considered, perhaps, the most stringent among developed countries. True, the numbers themselves, how long a person is imprisoned, only indirectly speak about the severity or leniency of the criminal punishment system in a particular country. After all, such statistics also depend on population size. Therefore, experts suggest calculating the percentage of prisoners, how many people are in prison per 100 thousand population. But even with this formula, the United States again finds itself among the leaders in prison.

According to the latest data from the International Center for Prison Studies, there are 698 prisoners per 100,000 people in the United States. The Seychelles are overtaking America, and this is a surprise. There are 799 prisoners per 100 thousand population. So the USA only has second place.

Russia ranks 10th in the world for this indicator. We have 442 prisoners per 100 thousand inhabitants. True, among European countries our prison population is the largest.

The Council of Europe has published an official report on the results of its study of penitentiary systems for 2014. It examined official reports from the prison systems of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Lithuania has the second largest number of prisoners per 100 thousand in Europe: 305 prisoners. Let's say in Great Britain there are approximately 150 prisoners per 100 thousand inhabitants.

For some items, Russian statistics fit into pan-European trends. For example, 23.9 percent of prisoners are convicted of property crimes, including theft and robbery, and 21.7 percent are convicted of drug-related offenses. The ratios are approximately the same in European countries. But some statistics columns still stand out to us. The media especially noted that we have a high percentage of women prisoners compared to Europe. As European experts have calculated, the fair sex makes up 8.2 percent of housemates. The European average is 5 percent. But we are not the first. In Monaco, for example, 24 percent of prisoners are women. In the Principality of Liechtenstein - 22 percent. In Andorra - 12.5 percent. Our place in terms of the percentage of women in prisons is fourth. And our female prison share is comparable to the Spanish (7.6 percent), Hungarian (7.5 percent) or Finnish (7.2 percent). But we must admit: alas, the number of convicted women is growing. Why is rather a social question. Courts try to punish women humanely. A suspended sentence or deferment is often given. According to the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of Russia, over six months, out of 49,750 convicted women, 9,366 people received actual prison sentences.

If we take world statistics, it is again the US courts that send women to prison faster than others. America's prisons house 30 percent of all female prisoners on the planet. Most of them are from poor neighborhoods.


In prisons where children's homes are open, there are maternity wards . These institutions help women serving time.

In accordance with the law, these institutions must be designed so that the children living in them feel comfortable. A convicted mother has the right to communicate with her own child if she has free time from work. They are allowed to live together .

After the child turns three years old, then, with the consent of the mother, he is given to his closest relatives. Otherwise, he will be sent to a state institution for education.

The arrangement of the child is that the woman is given fifteen days leave . In the future, the administration will provide the mother with the same leave to visit the baby.

If the mother is serving a sentence of less than three years , then the child can be left in the orphanage and the woman will take him away immediately after release.

However, this right is granted only if all rules are followed and behavior is impeccable.

About motherhood in women's prisons in this video:


  1. Article “Prisoner” (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law)
  2. Crime (methodological explanations)
[ + ]
Statistics for Russia
Crime in RussiaBribery • Robbery and robbery • Road traffic accidents • Rape and attempted rape • Theft • Drug trafficking • Terrorism • Serious bodily harm • Murder and attempted murder • Hooliganism • Prison population
Finance of RussiaBudget • Gross domestic product (share in world GDP) • Regions by GRP (per capita) • External debt • Subsidies to regions • Investments (fixed capital • foreign) • Inflation • National defense • Exchange rates (US Dollar • Euro) • Fund national welfare
Economy of RussiaDepreciation of fixed assets • Price history (gasoline • oil) • Labor productivity • Percentage of successful space launches • Agricultural growth (farmland area • production of basic products • share of imports in food turnover) • Hydrocarbon exports
Social sphereMotorization • Adequate roads • Poverty (according to Rosstat • according to the World Bank) • Marriages and divorces • Cash income deficit • Share of citizens using government services online • Rates on deposits of individuals • Minimum wage • Consumption (alcohol • food) • Living wage • Labor force (unemployment • employment • working-age population) • Disabled people • Inequality (Gini coefficient • income distribution) • Subsidies and social support for housing and communal services
HealthcareAbortion • Hospitals and places in them
Demographics of RussiaDemographic forecast until 2035 • Age groups • Men and women • Life expectancy (total • survival rate) • Total fertility rate
PopulationUrban and rural population (population in rural settlements) • Natural increase (fertility • mortality • maternal mortality • infant mortality) • Migration increase (migration to the former USSR)
Science and educationEducation index (by country) • Science financing • Secondary education (students and teachers • schools) • Higher education (universities • students)
StoryThe scale of repression • Medals at the Olympic and Paralympic Games • Losses in WWII (civilian) • Universiade 2013
OtherList of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita • Results of the referendum on preserving the USSR

Right to parole

Parole means conditional early release. In other words, this is a situation in which a person serving a sentence is released from prison early. This means that the woman has changed her behavior for the better and can count on parole:

Many women believe that after parole a person becomes completely free. This decision means parole, that is, the main requirement is compliance with the law.

The following obligations may arise by court decision::

The following information is required to release a woman::

Prison is a scary experience for many women to go through. The principle of discipline is intended to influence a woman’s behavior and encourage her to abandon her usual way of life.

However, it is necessary to comply with the disciplinary rules and internal regulations established by the administration, so that in the future there will be a chance to reform or be released on parole.

One day in a women's colony:


Who is sitting in the Black Dolphin?

«Black Dolphin

"is rightfully considered the most terrible colony in Russia.

Terrorists, leaders of the most brutal organized crime groups, as well as maniacal killers and cannibals are imprisoned here The Human Rights Council (HRC) is closely monitoring the site and recently visited the colony for an inspection.

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