Violence on camera. Three minutes from a 40 GB video of torture in prisons from has at its disposal a large video archive of the Federal Penitentiary Service, containing videos of rape and torture of prisoners. According to the founder of the project, Vladimir Osechkin, “this proves that in the institutions of the FSIN there are Sonderkommandos of secret agents of the FSB and the FSIN, who, on the instructions of their curators, torture and rape prisoners, and the process itself is filmed on office video recorders, which they are given to film these tortures.” With the help of this incriminating evidence, people are forced to sign statements and cooperate with operatives.

Judging by the video recordings that “That's So” has at its disposal, prisoners are tied to beds with their legs and buttocks raised up. In some cases, a gag is inserted into the mouth, in others they simply cover the mouth and play music somewhere in the background. After this, the tied ones are raped. Sometimes a certain man tries to do this, whose face is not included in the frame. In other cases, a mop wrapped in tape or something similar is screwed into the anus in a spiral. Then the raped person is asked if he understood everything.

We are publishing the recording of the torture because we consider it to be socially significant evidence, but we warn you that the video may shock you.

According to Vladimir Osechkin , FSIN operatives made such video recordings for reporting to higher authorities, up to the generals.

“ has obtained new evidence that proves the systemic nature of torture and the involvement of employees of the State Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and the operational departments of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Irkutsk Region, the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Saratov Region and the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Vladimir Region in these massive violent crimes.

We have at our disposal a number of files from the official video archive of the Federal Penitentiary Service, filmed on official video recorders in the period 2018–2020, which indicate that the FSIN operatives, obliged to identify and suppress crimes, actually instructed their agents from among the recruited convicts to torture, torment and to rape those under investigation and arrest, defendants and convicts, as well as to film these tortures and sodomy on the official video recorders of the Federal Penitentiary Service in order to collect incriminating evidence and subsequent blackmail of the victim of torture and, under the threat of discredit and transfer to the caste of the humiliated (the so-called downtrodden), hundreds of people were forced to “cooperation,” signing contracts to work as an in-camera agent (informer), to “cooperating with the investigation,” and signing testimony prepared by investigators that is convenient for investigators and clients,” says Osechkin.


“A carefully organized torture conveyor” Stories of people who served their sentences in OTB-1 of Saratov

18.09.2021 15:24

“We managed to remove from Russia and the CIS a man who had been serving a sentence for five years in one of the FSIN institutions. He is a programmer, he himself was beaten and tortured, and then they decided to use him as a professional,” Osechkin told the “That’s So” correspondent. – For five years, he had access to FSIN computers and video recorders at the OTB-1 security headquarters in Saratov.

The torture room in the local tuberculosis hospital operates under an agreement with the FSB; prisoners from all over the country can be transferred there formally for medical reasons. There are four categories of arrestees and prisoners who were beaten and raped there: if he is interested in testifying against a prominent opposition leader, billionaire, or major official; to subjugate any observer or position - so that he fulfills any whim of the operative. Even with extortion, how rich is this man? And by order from the outside: if enemies at large paid operatives 3-5 million rubles for organizing a rape on camera.”


homelach 07/04/201707/04/2017 Category Miscellaneous Comment.

The number of prisoners in US prisons is enormous and exceeds all imaginable limits. About two million people are in prison in the “freest country in the world.” At the same time, in China, which has a population five times larger than the United States, one and a half million convicts are imprisoned. In terms of the number of prisoners per 100,000 population, the United States (738/100,000) is firmly ranked first in the world. Many of them are also subjected to sexual violence in places of detention.

Human rights activists and scientists are sounding the alarm. The former are more interested in abstract concepts, while the latter are more interested in very real facts. Thus, the prevalence of AIDS among prisoners is eight times higher than the national average. 95% of prisoners will sooner or later gain freedom and carry their illness into the society that tried to isolate itself from them. There are demands for the provision of condoms to prisoners. This clearly shows that the authorities consider the fight against sexual violence in prison to have little prospects. And they hope to at least reduce the level of sexually transmitted diseases.

There is a fairly widespread opinion among American society that there is no point in feeling sorry for prisoners, since they are criminals. However, statistics show that people convicted of minor offenses and sentenced to short terms are the first to be raped.

Sexual violence has overwhelmed absolutely all US prisons, regardless of the gender of the prisoners. Human rights activists believe that at least 300,000 rapes of men alone occur within the penitentiary system per year. While the number of rapes in general in freedom does not exceed 135,000.

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"Lesbian play" in American women's prisons is complemented by the widespread practice of rape by guards. The management of most prisons believes that the practice of sexual violence allows for closer control over convicts and, accordingly, is useful. Therefore, it is not surprising that cases of criminal cases of rape against prison officers are rare, and there are practically no cases of conviction at all.

Monica Washington, who was serving her sentence at the notorious Tutwiler Women's Prison, says a guard took her to a private room and ordered her to perform sexual service on her. Monica tried to refuse, and even threatened to file a complaint. To this she received an unequivocal answer: “Who will they believe, you or me?” Now Monica's daughter, born in prison, lives with her brother. The father of the child continues to fulfill his official duties, and no one knows how many more such children he has.

“We have been aware of numerous cases of pregnancy at Tutwiler Prison since 2009,” Charlotte Morrison, a lawyer for the Equal Justice Initiative, told reporters. “Since the beginning of this year, there has not been a single case of violence that we could prove,” she continued.

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“Each of the female prisoners we interviewed reported that they had either experienced sexual harassment or rape themselves, or had seen other prisoners being raped,” says prison spokeswoman Marydell Guevara.

The situation is no better in US men's prisons. Stefan Donaldson has become the first man to speak out about sexual abuse in prisons. Donaldson was imprisoned for a short time for participating in an unauthorized protest against bombing in Cambodia. In the first two days, according to Donaldson, he was raped at least sixty times. At the same time, he received such serious injuries that after his release he needed surgery. There he learned that he had been infected with AIDS. Complications from this disease soon led to his death.

However, with the practicality typical of Americans, Donaldson managed to publish several books, make good money from them and bask in the rays of “fame.” In his books, he talks about how the most reliable way to avoid mass and gang rape is the so-called “sticking”. Its essence boils down to the fact that from all the prisoners you should choose the most powerful and authoritative one, become his sexual slave and serve only one person. Donaldson willingly shares his methods for acquiring patrons among “real people.”

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The total epidemic of rape in all US prisons forced even the American Congress to address this problem. A special law “On Combating Rape in Prisons” was recently adopted. Now, according to American human rights activists: “The administration will not be able to pretend that this problem does not exist.” I would like to ask: “Is that all?”


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Torture is contagious How violence in prisons affects each of us

21.10.2021 06:00

According to him, the system works like this: inside the institution there is a Sonderkommando of about 10 people who, at the command of operatives, can beat, rape, and torture prisoners. As Osechkin says, more than 200 people went through these tortures, but the abuse of only 35-40 of them was recorded on video. “From the M department of the FSB or the FSIN they called OTB-1, gave a task, the head of the security department gave a command to the person responsible for the video recorders. He charged them and handed them over to the employees with an empty memory card, and they handed them over to the activists. The prisoner was brought in and four or five convicts attacked him, beat him, tied him up in a helpless state, lifting his legs and exposing his anus, then raped him with a stick or for real, urinated on his face. This process of transferring this person to the lowered caste, so that he becomes a nobody, was recorded on video,” says the founder of Among the activists he names Sergei Ananyev, Radik Gimadeev, Vitaly Yanin, Peter and Alexander Krainov, Viktor Sheyanov.

After the rape, the video recorder was brought back to headquarters, the information was copied from it and put on a flash drive to be taken to the customer. According to Osechkin, there were cases of technical failure, the video was not received or was not saved - in such situations the torture was repeated, says a source. Vladimir Osechkin points out that until some point the informant participated in preparing replies to his requests, but then “decided to stop this hell” and began copying information, hiding files in a computer system or recording on a separate medium. Upon his release, he downloaded the rest of the archive, since he still had access to the internal system of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

“And this is not only OTB-1 in Saratov, there is evidence from Irkutsk - pre-trial detention center-1, pre-trial detention center-6. There is evidence that this practice is systemic,” says Osechkin. Torture and rape continued at least until June 2021, he clarifies, that is, until a criminal case was initiated in which there were victims, but no suspects.

The project informant is currently in relative safety, but he is being hunted and is awaiting political asylum. According to Osechkin, he has not yet seen the most terrible materials and does not yet know what can be captured on these videos.


“Do you like sitting on the blanket?”

Press huts work the same whether in a pre-trial detention center or in prison zones. People in them squat all day on one blanket, beyond the boundaries of which they cannot step. Seven grown men do this day after day - and endure it. Only the senior “activist” and his assistants feel at ease - they are not tied to the blanket. After some time, the “pressers” turn to one of the sufferers with a simple sentence: “Do you like sitting on a blanket? Of course not. Join us! We will share food with you, you can smoke whenever you want, sleep on the bunk...”

The delighted prisoner - let's call him Vasya - of course agrees - and becomes an assistant to the “activists”. When a newcomer arrives at the press hut, the newly minted “activist” explains to him the rules: sit here, don’t talk or talk in a whisper, smoke or drink tea - with the permission of the elder. And then the older comrades tell Vasya that his relatives should transfer money to them on the card.

Photo: Alexander Podgorchuk / Kommersant

“Vasino’s situation has changed, it has become more prosperous,” explains Kuryanov. “And if he has the opportunity to ask someone close to him for money, then, of course, he will ask - and his relatives will help as much as they can.” After all, people with different abilities are in prison. Or we need a TV in the cell, and Vasya is told: let’s install a plasma, we’ll come to an agreement with the operas, they will allow us to watch any films on a flash drive. Or you need another phone, and these are expenses: give it to the opera, connect it to the Internet, pay for communication.

And so Vasya gave 100 thousand rubles. A new month has come - and they tell him: let them send you more money, otherwise you will return to the blanket and sit like everyone else. And so on ad infinitum.

However, torture with a blanket is far from the only tool in the arsenal of the “pressers.” Another method is one and a half. These are plastic water bottles that are used to beat prisoners so that they don't leave marks.

“If you hit your head a couple of times with one and a half, your head will buzz for a long time,” explains Kuryanov. “There are bottles in the cells, no matter what, but they are used for such purposes.” However, if we talk about colonies, then as soon as convicts are quarantined, they are immediately given an idea of ​​how to behave so as not to receive slaps or endure bullying. If someone in the zone dares to disobey, he is quickly transferred through a punishment cell (punishment cell) to strict conditions of detention. There is a closed regime - and the conditions are the same unbearable as in the press huts.

“I was all black”

Press huts are a sad sign of not only men’s but also women’s colonies in Russia. (name changed) knows this firsthand.

, who served six years in a Mordovian colony. She got there in 2008.

“They immediately took me into a room for a search. They started talking to me with obscenities, my eyes popped out of my head,” recalls Dmitrieva. “I told them: “How are you talking to me!”, and they started beating me. Then I realized: where Mordovia begins, the laws of Russia end. They took me to the operative, he also beat me. He hit him on the head with his fists, in the stomach - like he beat a man. Then they sent me to the punishment cell - and I never left there. I sat there all the time.

In the punishment cell they gave us almost no food: “you’ll just put two spoons of porridge and spread it on a plate,” you weren’t allowed to wash, you were frozen and beaten every day. The prisoners were escorted to the punishment cell in the swallow position.

“Like those sentenced to life, they walk like that: head down, hands up behind their backs. In this position, they forced me to run along the corridor - they mocked me like that. At the same time, they beat us with batons,” recalls Anna.

The women slept on only mattresses, and in the morning they were taken away. They made me run around the cell. In the punishment cell there were four prisoners per cell.

“There’s nothing there, it’s very cold, they took our socks and underpants.” The door to the cell is a lattice; in winter, the employees of the punishment cell opened the door to the street, and all the cold went into the cell. And we are in only dresses and slippers. Cold, hungry, beaten - well, in short, a concentration camp.

Photo: Andrey Lukovsky / Kommersant

“One time they beat me like that there, just [no words],” says Dmitrieva. — The head of the industrial zone was a maniac: he found a victim and mocked her. The warden made a remark to me, I sent her. She told me: oh you bitch! And she complained to him. The head of the industrial zone came, took me out and took me to the room where the mattresses on which we sleep at night are stored. He told me: get on your knees and ask for forgiveness from the supervisor [overseer]. I refused. He hit me with an iron club. My butt was black, like a tarpaulin boot. One big bruise. I was all black, there was no living space. I went into the cell and the girls started screaming: they were shocked by the sight of me. They were afraid that they too would be beaten like that. And the head of the industrial plant began to come to me every day - and beat me on these same bruises. I thought he would kill me in the end. It's good that they took me away...

Dmitrieva’s cellmates lived day after day in anticipation of beatings. Such tension hit the psyche very hard, and people took their own lives.

“I remember many such cases,” recalls Dmitrieva. — In 2012, Tatyana Chepurina was beaten by colony officers and was not allowed to go to the toilet. She [committed suicide]. Her body was dumped near the bakery and lay there for several days. The morgue did not accept her - she was covered in bruises. In the cell, Zulfiya [committed suicide], unable to withstand the beatings. Tanka Gavrilova was almost killed. She was handcuffed to the bars and kicked by three people, including the head of the colony, her head was pierced, her pelvis was broken. They made her disabled. I really want them to be punished, but I don’t know how to do it. We wrote complaints to the prosecutor's office, and they wrote the answer: there is not enough evidence. You know how they write it off: a person died due to health reasons. We cannot prove that they were killed.

According to’s interlocutor, convicts were required to produce 200 percent of their output. If you do a bad job, the employees take sticks and beat you. The woman sits and sews, and the matron comes up from behind and begins to hit her on the head. “They can take a crowd into a dark room and [beat] them there. The squad is coming - and everyone has bruises. One gray mass,” recalls Anna.

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