A call from the police that will leave you without money: a new telephone scam scheme

There are often situations in life when it becomes necessary to write a statement to the police. For many, this is not the most pleasant process, especially since the need to file a report with the police does not arise as a result of positive circumstances, because more often than not, filing a report with the police occurs because of a crime committed, for example, fraudulent actions and other things. Naturally, when experiencing stress, not every citizen is eager to visit the department to write a statement in person. And here the State Services portal “comes into the picture”, which allows you to file a complaint with the police via the Internet, without visiting the police station. And we will tell you how to file a police report through State Services!

How to write a statement to the police through State Services

First of all, it is necessary to note that only a user registered on the portal can submit a statement to the police through State Services; it is impossible to submit a statement anonymously. The registration process for State Services is extremely simple and does not require a lot of time and effort. So, how to write a statement to the police through State Services? An application to the police through State Services is submitted as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the State Services portal and open the “Security and Law and Order” tab;
  2. Next, go to the section “Reception of applications and reports of violations”;
  3. On the page that opens, find and select it; Then you must carefully fill out the police application form, indicate all the required information;
  4. Then you need to click on the “Submit” button to submit your application electronically;
  5. You can also print out the completed application form and take it to the police station in person.

It is worth noting that sometimes users complain that they are unable to file a police report through State Services. In this case, we recommend using the official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How long to wait for an answer

An appeal received to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in electronic form is considered in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 and Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 736 dated August 29, 2014. The response will be sent to the email address specified in the request.

Appeals are registered within three days. Then, within 7 calendar days from the date of registration, one of the decisions is made:

  • accept for consideration and initiate a criminal or administrative case;
  • send for consideration to another unit under jurisdiction or to court;
  • not to conduct an inspection if the information provided is found to be unfounded or incorrect, and to refuse to initiate a case.

Appeals received by the internal affairs body in accordance with its competence are considered within 30 days from the date of their registration. In exceptional cases, the consideration period is extended, but not more than 30 days with simultaneous written notification of this.

Decisions or actions (inactions) taken may be appealed administratively or judicially.

Since the world does not stand still, technologies are developing and new opportunities are emerging. Since none of us is immune from troubles and unforeseen circumstances, today the State Services portal offers to submit an application to law enforcement agencies online with their help.

Read below on how to properly file a police report. But first things first.

How to file a police report through State Services on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website

How to file a police report via State Services on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website? Any citizen can write a statement to the police not only through State Services, but also directly on the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. To file a police report through the Ministry of Internal Affairs website you must:

  1. Go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the section for filing appeals. We recommend doing this at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region, then the appeal will be sent directly to the correct department!
  2. Fill out all fields of the application and click on the “Submit Application” button;
  3. Of course, when submitting an appeal, the user is required to indicate his personal data, that is, it is impossible to submit an appeal anonymously!

These are the ways you can file a complaint with the police online, for example, a report of fraud to the police in the State Services!

Every citizen can become a participant or witness to an offense. However, in most cases, to begin proceedings, it is necessary to write a statement to the police. The document is accepted for consideration, resulting in a search for participants, determination of guilt, and so on.

Subdivisions for receiving requests

Expert opinion

Mikhailov Igor Konstantinovich

Legal consultant with 10 years of experience. Specializes in the field of civil law. Has experience in document examination.

On the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the application should be sent to the unit (there are 23 in total) that is more suitable for the topic. By default, the central divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs open in the tab.

These are the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation, and the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption, and the Main Directorate for Migration Issues, and many others.

For example, if the statement concerns fraud in the field of computer technology, the Internet, then you should write to Directorate “K”, if it concerns drugs - to the Main Directorate for Drug Control, if the question concerns the process of investigating criminal cases - or to the Investigation Department , or to the department for organizing the inquiry (depending on in which department it is being considered).

Below is a link to territorial departments. If you click on it, a map of Russia will open, which will help you find the regional website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can also fill out an application on the website. The application will be processed faster because passes the central apparatus.

There are often situations in life when it becomes necessary to write a statement to the police. For many, this is not the most pleasant process, especially since the need to file a report with the police does not arise as a result of positive circumstances, because more often than not, filing a report with the police occurs because of a crime committed, for example, fraudulent actions and other things.

Naturally, when experiencing stress, not every citizen is eager to visit the department to write a statement in person. And here the State Services portal “comes into the picture”, which allows you to file a complaint with the police via the Internet, without visiting the police station.

And we will tell you how to file a police report through State Services in 2022!

Is it possible to file a police report online?

It is possible to submit an online application through the Ministry of Internal Affairs website. To do this, you do not need to register on the site, since there is no personal account here. You can also submit an anonymous application through the site, but there is no guarantee that even a personal application will be considered. The application review period is 30 days, during which the authorized body must respond in the manner specified by the user.

It is best to immediately select the item “Territorial authorities” on the main page of the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The page will indicate contacts for communication in a specific area, among other things, and websites. If the user’s region does not have a separate website, you can select “Receive requests” in the right side menu. If there is a separate resource, the “Accept requests” button is clicked on it.

On the main website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when submitting an application, you will need to select a specific unit from those listed. The branch will be selected automatically on the local resource. Please note that you will have to choose not a police department, but an entire structural branch of the organization.

The next step is to view general information about accepting applications and fill out an application. The application shall indicate:

  • Position and full name of the employee to whose name the application is sent;
  • Full name and contact details of the applicant;
  • The essence of the appeal;
  • Has the appeal been previously submitted to other structures?

The applicant's full name is not a required column, so the applicant can remain anonymous, but in this case will not receive a response to the appeal. Instead of filing an online application, it is recommended to use the hotline or go to the police station in person to file a statement.

Application review period

The application review period is 3 days. Applications that contain profanity, threats against an official, or those that do not allow the meaning of the question to be established will not be considered. The refusal to consider the complaint will be sent by email within 7 days.

If the application falls within the competence of other government bodies, then it will be sent according to their jurisdiction. Notification of this will be sent by email.

Applications can be sent to territorial departments if the questions in them do not concern the central office. The applicant does not receive information about this. The review period is 30 days. If necessary, it can be extended for the same amount.

Is it possible to file a police report on the State Services portal?

Currently, the State Services portal does not have a function for filing a police report. This feature was available on the old version of the site, but it was not transferred to the new portal. Any instructions for submitting an application through the State Services portal are invalid, as they are written based on the old version of the site. It is worth noting that previously it was possible to file a complaint with the police without a personal appeal. It was provided for users with a confirmed account through the “Security and Law Enforcement” section. There is no information on whether this service will be returned in the future.

A local police officer is responsible for ensuring the peace and safety of people in his area. His job is, first of all, to prevent accidents.

You should contact the local police officer if people living in the neighborhood behave irresponsibly and violate the law with their behavior. In order for a police officer to be able to help, it is important to fill out the appeal correctly.

Attention! If you have any questions, you can chat for free with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call Moscow; Saint Petersburg; ext.480 Free call for all of Russia.

The article explains:

  • how to file a complaint against a neighbor;
  • where to submit it for work;
  • what to do if the appeal does not bring results.

For your information

It is important to understand that it is better to negotiate with neighbors who do not want to think about other people through authorized police officers.

Required documents

If you witness any incident or crime, you need to write a statement to the police. The State Services website will help you file a report of an incident without leaving your home at any time.

Submitting an application via an online resource has many advantages compared to the traditional method. The online procedure is fast, has no queues and is available at any time of the day.

To confirm the authenticity of the application, only an electronic digital signature is required

There are no documents required to write an application; they will only be needed when registering and creating an account. All you need is an electronic signature confirming the authenticity of the document (application).

Why do they write a complaint to the district police officer about their neighbors?

A statement to the district police officer should be drawn up if the neighbors’ actions relate to administrative violations.

There is no way to do without the intervention of the district police officer if the neighbors:

  • make noise;
  • smoking in the entrance;
  • got an aggressive animal;
  • drink alcohol or throw garbage in the entrance;
  • they have appropriated part of the common territory in the entrance and are carrying out illegal repairs in the apartment;
  • fenced off a parking space in the yard;
  • insult, slander.

It doesn’t matter whether a person owns an apartment or rents it, he still has the right to report a problem to the district police officer.

application form for a candidate for service in the police department

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs brings with it many advantages, among which it is worth noting:

Preferential programs related to medical care.

  • Low retirement threshold.
  • Long paid holidays.
  • Special conditions for purchasing real estate.
  • Stable earnings.
  • Important contacts in related areas (prosecutor's office, court).
  • Obtaining official housing.
  • Public merit.

You can get reliable information about jobs from local departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Here you can find out about the requirements for candidates and obtain the necessary forms to fill out in the HR department.


Application forms for candidates for service can also be found on the Internet. There is no need to fill it out yourself; it is better to come to a preliminary interview first.

Normative base

Laws that regulate the rights of residents of apartment buildings:

  • Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2006 N25;
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2010 N 64;
  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.

For your information

The rules for keeping pets in residential buildings are established by the law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 N 4979-1. These rules should be followed by all pet owners.

The right of citizens to appeal to a local police officer with a complaint is confirmed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

The work of the district police officer is based on legislative acts:

The regions also have laws adopted at the local level that prescribe the level of peace and quiet. These regulations may vary from region to region.

Police station no. 18

Where is it issued?

Name of the organizationPolice station no. 18
In what areaKrasnoglinsky
Phone number+7
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Samara Region
What is the addressSamara region, Samara, Truda street, 8
Opening hoursno information

Checking the diagnostic inspection card via the Internet in Samara in 2021

Step-by-step plan for filing an application to the district police officer against neighbors

When the actions of people living in the same building as you interfere with your life in peace, you should follow the step-by-step instructions given below:

  • Discuss the situation with a police officer and tell him about the problem.
  • File a statement if there is no response to a verbal complaint.
  • Make sure that the application for neighbors is accepted. Confirmation will be the receipt stub, which is best kept.
  • Wait for an official letter. It should contain information about the work done by the district police officer based on your request.

The application can be submitted:

  • orally : the district police officer fills out the document, you sign;
  • in writing , completed independently by the applicant;
  • in writing, send by mail.

Additional Information

An appeal sent by mail will be received by the police later than a statement brought in person with a complaint against neighbors. By law, police officers have up to 30 working days to prepare a response.

Police station No. 17

Where to contact

Name of institutionPolice station No. 17
What area is it located in?Krasnoglinsky
Opening hoursno information
Phone numbers+7
In which region of the Russian FederationSamara Region
Institution addressSamara region, Samara, 2nd quarter, 49
Institution websitehttps://mvd.ru

Application to the district police officer against a neighbor

It doesn’t matter whether a statement against neighbors is written to the district police officer according to the sample or not, it must contain accurate data about what happened.

In the header you should indicate:

  • position, full name of the addressee;
  • applicant's contacts.

In the middle of the sheet:

  • the word "Statement";
  • what specifically disturbed your peace;
  • where and how everything happened, the exact time and circumstances of what happened (in detail);
  • that these actions violate paragraph 3 of Article 17 of the Russian Constitution;
  • “I ask you to take measures to... and report it to me.”

Bottom right:

The police station will tell you the name of the police officer to whom you should address your application. It is important to indicate in it the address where you actually live, and not by registration. Anonymous complaints are rarely taken into account when something serious has happened.

The incident should be described in great detail. It is important to describe what you yourself saw. If there are people who confirm your words, provide their contact information.

If there are still controversial issues, you can also consult a free chat with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call Moscow; Saint Petersburg; ext.480 Free call for all of Russia.

Formulate a list of violations for neighbors to eliminate in a separate sentence. List the measures that need to be taken against the offender. They must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.

If the local police officer is not there, you do not have to try to get an appointment with him. The duty officer will accept the request and register it. Then he will transfer the document to the addressee, and you will be contacted for further work.

Possible difficulties

There are no such difficulties in submitting applications. They can be submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation who are registered on the Internet platform.

After you submit your application, law enforcement officials will begin checks, which take from 1 to 3 days. It all depends on the incident.

You will need to come to the police to find out all the details and nuances.

If some errors were made when filling out the documents, you will be contacted and asked to correct the errors. If there are no errors, you will be asked to come to an appointment to clarify all the details and nuances.

If you are unable to make an application online on the State Services website, this may be due to the lack of a system in your region. In this case, use the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.

High-tech communication channels have become so popular in modern human life that their penetration into the most conservative areas was only a matter of time. Trade and the service sector, medicine and cultural and educational activities, finance and economics have fallen under the onslaught of the Internet.

It would be naive to believe that this trend will not wash away the bureaucracy, so the emergence of a service portal for the provision of public services has become quite predictable, and, importantly, in demand among citizens.

Tired of queues at various authorities, they positively accepted this project and are actively using its opportunities. By the way, the site is constantly increasing its capacity, expanding the list of services, involving new ministries and departments in the online community.

Collective complaint to the police against neighbors

The response to one citizen's complaint is not fast enough. It is more effective when a group of people united by a common motive for discontent contacts the authorities. Together they file a complaint against their neighbors to the district police officer in writing.

The document must contain:

  • confirmation of violations (photos, videos);
  • signatures of all applicants.

It is important that evidence of the neighbors’ guilt is available and attached to the appeal. Without this, the police are unlikely to take action. In addition, you can receive a counter-accusation from a neighbor for slander.

All received requests are registered, checked, and a response is issued within 30 days.

It is not necessary to go to the precinct as a whole group; 1 person will be enough to become a representative. In the response document, the district police officer will list what he did to help you. Or he will write a reasoned refusal, indicating the reason.

Reasons for refusal of employment in the Department of Internal Affairs

The decision to hire is made on the basis of the documents provided by the applicant and a preliminary careful consideration of the candidate. Usually conclusions are formed clearly and in a short time. The appointment to serve is made by the head of the department. The appointment usually specifies the duration of the internship and specifies a probationary period.

However, for some candidates a conclusion is issued about the impossibility of admission. The reasons may even include characterizing data in the applicant’s profiles and biographies. All inspection materials are agreed upon with the head of the department and it is he who has the right to appoint to the position. Failure to hire a police officer can be formulated for the following reasons:

  1. Recognition of incapacity or limited legal capacity by court.
  2. Conviction by sentence, presence of criminal records, including expunged or expunged.
  3. Stopped criminal prosecutions.
  4. Refusal to access materials related to state secrets.
  5. Health status inadequacy.
  6. Close relationship of employees, subordination of one relative to another.
  7. Acquiring foreign citizenship.
  8. Suspicion or accusation in one of the criminal cases.
  9. Repeated administrative penalties.
  10. Disagreement with the restrictions and responsibilities set for candidates.


Psychophysical examinations are provided for citizens applying for service. For example, the use of narcotic or psychotropic drugs is detected by medical testing.

Actions of the district police officer after receiving a complaint

Upon receiving a complaint against a neighbor, the police officer must:

  • remind the applicant about the punishment for false denunciation, note this in the complaint against neighbors;
  • register the claim in the citizen reception notebook;
  • meet with the offender, try to convince him to stop committing offenses against other residents of the house.

In an explanatory conversation, he will report on the possible consequences if the offender does not stop tormenting people living in the neighborhood. If the defendant listened to the opinions of the victims, he must:

  • prepare an official resolution refusing to initiate a case;
  • send a copy to the applicant.


If the neighbor refuses to comply with the requests, the local police officer draws up an administrative violation report. In it he refers to an article of the law. It is important for the police to have evidence of the incident and witnesses.

Study of candidates for admission to service in the Internal Affairs Directorate

A candidate entering the service is first studied preliminary, then the results of medical documents are reviewed and tests related to general physical training are organized. All this is necessary to determine suitability for duties in the authorities.

All stages of checks are necessary and regulated by instructions. The document was approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 17. 2004 No. 440.

To examine candidates, there are special centers for psychophysical diagnostics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs.

The conclusions of the IHC are submitted to the departments involved in hiring. The examinations of applicants do not include identified diagnoses and existing diseases that are not related to the performance of official duties. In conclusion, there are recommendations on the candidate’s possibility of working in one or another position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The nature of these conclusions is advisory and the main decision will be made by the head of the unit.

If the policeman fails to act

If the deadline for receiving an official response has passed, and it seems to you that the district police officer did not even try to influence the neighbors, there is no need to give up. It is necessary to file an appeal with the district prosecutor's office for registration. The complaint must ask to take action against the employee who commits violations in his service.

The application is made in the same way as a complaint against a neighbor. The only others will be the position and full name of the recipient of the letter.

To make a complaint against neighbors more convincing, it is important to have evidence:

  • recordings of conversations with the district police officer over the phone and in person;
  • copies of applications;
  • counterfoubs issued upon registration.


In your complaint to the prosecutor's office, describe the problem and indicate how many times you turned to a police officer for help with it.

The prosecutors will check everything. If the facts are confirmed, the district police officer will be subject to disciplinary action or fired.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is convenient to submit applications via the Internet, because... you don’t need to go anywhere, there is no need to communicate with government officials, you can apply from anywhere in the world. The answer will be sent by email.

But this method of presentation has a significant drawback. The police react immediately when reports of illegal behavior come to the duty station. If you apply via the Internet, time is spent on registration and referral to the relevant authorities based on territorial and jurisdictional criteria.

If a person has poor computer skills, he may fill out the application incorrectly and it will not be considered.

Punishment and fines

If an administrative violation is proven, the neighbor will face a fine. The amount depends on the type of offense and the region where it was committed. Penalty for noise in Moscow at night: 1,000 - 2,000 rubles.

During the day: 100 - 1,000 rubles.

This fine is given for noise and frequent car alarms that make it difficult to sleep at night.

Fines for improper keeping of animals:

  • keeping pets in the entrances, in the courtyards of the house: 1000 - 2000 rubles or a warning;
  • animal pollution of yards and playgrounds: 1000 - 2000 rubles;
  • lack of registration and vaccinations for a cat/dog: fine 2000 - 6000 rubles.

Fines for insult: 1000 - 3000 rubles.

Requirements for a candidate to join the internal affairs bodies

Everyone who wants to serve in the internal affairs department undergoes selection. Before being accepted into the main cadre, candidates will have to undergo several stages of study. This activity is regulated by document No. 386 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated May 19, 2009. The requirements for the applicant are listed in Article 17:

  • 18-35 years old – private and junior level.
  • 45 years old – middle, senior and senior management. There is an exception for specialized universities whose graduates can apply for a position even at 25 years old.
  • Lack of residence permit or citizenship of another country.
  • The absence of a criminal record or punishment not only for the candidate, but also for close relatives.
  • Absence of administrative violations imposed by sentence over the past year.
  • Availability of at least 11 classes.
  • Valid military ID (for men).

All requirements are met by the service very precisely, but there are not very many of them.

Application for noisy neighbors

In the header of the application for neighbors who make noise, they write:

  • Full name, position of the district police officer;
  • address, telephone number of the applicant.

In the middle of the sheet:

  • the word "Statement";
  • describe what happened;
  • indicate in detail the day, place, time of noise occurrence;
  • it is advisable to write that you tried to resolve the conflict peacefully, but that it did not bring results;
  • note that the neighbor’s behavior contradicts paragraph 3. Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • write “please take action to... and let me know about it.”

Bottom right : date, signature.

It is important to know that the following are considered noise by law:

  • repair work;
  • car alarm sounds;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • singing, shouting;
  • TV, radio or other audio device turned on at a volume higher than normal;
  • launching fireworks.

Federal Law N 52-ФЗ dated March 30, 1999 prescribes the permissible noise level during the day (7:00 - 23:00) and at night (23:00 - 7:00). According to standards, during the day it should be within 40 dB, at night - up to 30 dB.

Police Department No. 5

Where to contact

Name of institutionPolice Department No. 5
In what areaLeninist
Mail[email protected]
In what regionSamara Region
Institution addressSamara region, Samara, Nikitinskaya street, 73
Phones+7 +7 (846) 333-67-79
Working hoursno information

How to write a statement to the local police officer about your neighbors dog?

According to the law, a dog is an object of property for a person. Therefore, the owner is responsible for it, like for any other property: a car or an apartment. And improper keeping of animals for irresponsible owners can result in administrative, sometimes even criminal liability.

In the header of the application to the district police officer they write about the neighbors' dog:

  • position and full name of the district police officer;
  • address, telephone number of the applicant.

In the middle of the sheet:

  • the word "Statement";
  • tell in detail about what happened: how, when and where the dog caused damage or scared you;
  • it is important to indicate that you made attempts to change the situation yourself (for example, you politely pointed out to your neighbor that a dog without a leash and muzzle could scare children in the yard), and that the neighbor did not take your request into account;
  • indicate that the neighbor’s actions are contrary to the Constitution of Russia and the Federal Law;
  • add “please take action to... and inform me.”

Bottom right: signature, date.

The period for consideration of an application for a neighbor’s dog by the district police officer will be shorter if the application is drawn up by a team.

How candidates are selected for service in the Department of Internal Affairs

This work involves several stages. It all starts with writing a statement to the head of the department. After signing the application, directions for passing commissions are issued. The necessary signatures of doctors, as well as tests, are collected and submitted in a regular clinic. Additionally, certificates from dispensaries may be required.

After passing the preliminary medical examination, you must submit all papers to the medical department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, if necessary, undergo local doctors. At this stage, a fitness category is assigned, as in the military registration and enlistment office.

At the end of the stage, you need to return to the HR department and report your intention to undergo a psychophysical examination. Several tests with a large number of questions are given to pass. In the future, a meeting with a psychotherapist will be organized. In addition, when applying to the organs, a lie detector test is required.

The necessary checks may take about a couple of months, but even after their successful completion, a trainee employment contract is first signed with the candidate. Titles are awarded after six months of service in the police.

Statement to the district police officer against neighbors for insulting

When discussing everyday issues between neighbors, the situation can get out of control. To protect yourself and your loved ones from insults caused by neighbors, you need to contact the local police officer with a complaint.

In the header of the application to the district police officer against neighbors for insulting they write:

  • Full name and position of the addressee;
  • applicant's contacts.

In the middle of the sheet they write:

  • the word "Statement";
  • tell in detail what happened: the circumstances, time, place in which the neighbor insulted you or your loved ones;
  • It is advisable to attach evidence: audio, video recordings, eyewitness accounts;
  • refer to Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • write “please take action on ___ and let me know”

Bottom right : signature, date.

Decision to hire a candidate

Before making a final decision, the responsible person (authorized employee) is obliged to conduct a comprehensive check of the candidate. Conventionally, the entire process can be displayed as follows.

Main stages of employmentPurpose, brief description
Interview of the head of the department with the candidateConducted for the purpose of preliminary examination of the candidacy
Submission of documents to an authorized officialThe accuracy and completeness of the information provided is checked
Study and verification of the candidacy in accordance with the current selection procedure
(testing, examinations, etc.)
Typically, a person applying for a job undergoes:
· medical examination;

· psychophysiological research

(includes tests SMIL, CAT, reaction speed, polygraph);

· accounting check;

Determining the level of physical fitness

SummarizingThe authorized person draws up a conclusion on hiring and reports the results to the manager. A final decision on this candidacy is made
Making a hiring decisionRegistration is carried out after the decision is made by the head of the internal affairs department, who has the right to appoint to the position

If the decision is positive, a contract is concluded for a specific or indefinite period, a trial period is assigned from 2 months to six months (Article 24 of Federal Law No. 342). There is no test for managers. A four-year contract is concluded with a candidate who has passed the selection and is hired for the first time.

Students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are automatically enrolled in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately upon admission. Upon completion of their studies, they are transferred to police departments.

Statement to the district police officer regarding neighbors smoking in the hallway

To truly influence the behavior of neighbors and force them to listen to their opinions, a statement to the precinct must be based on specific facts. Namely, if you or your relatives saw with your own eyes and confirm that the smoke and smell of tobacco in the stairwell appeared after a neighbor was smoking. Guess and assumptions are not enough to file a police report.

To confirm complaints against a neighbor about smoking in the entrance:

  • Photo or video recording of neighbors smoking in front of the entrance. There should be no doubt about the specific shooting location; the entrance should be recognizable.
  • Ideally, the process of an administrative offense will be seen by the district police officer when he goes around.

In the header of the application to the district police officer about a neighbor smoking in the entrance they write:

  • position, full name of the addressee;
  • applicant's contacts.

In the middle of the sheet they write:

  • the word "Statement";
  • tell in detail what happened: indicate the day, time, place where the violation occurred;
  • Evidence could play an important role in confirming your words: eyewitness accounts, video recordings;
  • refer to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 15;
  • write “I ask you to take action against citizen ___ and notify me”

Bottom right : signature, date.

Advantages and disadvantages

Filing a complaint to the police through the State Services website is equivalent to if you contacted the duty station directly.

The advantages of this method:

  • Convenience;
  • Simplicity;
  • Minimal effort required since you don’t have to go anywhere.

If you prefer a specific employee, you can send an application specifically to him, indicating the employee’s full name. Otherwise, your letter will fall into the hands of the person on duty or in charge of work at this site.

What to do if your neighbors file a complaint against you?

Several scenarios are possible:

  • You actually did what your neighbors attribute to you.
  • Neighbors are mistaken, pointing out you as a trespasser, or they are deliberately slandering you.


If what your neighbors write about you is true, it is better to resolve the situation peacefully. It is worth listening to their demands, and then the maximum that will happen in this situation is a warning from the local police officer.

If your neighbors deliberately spread lies about you, then it would be correct to draw up a counter-statement. The purpose of your statement will be to protect your good name and to prosecute you in accordance with Article 128.1. Criminal Code for libel.

Documents for admission to service in the internal affairs bodies

Documents for work in the authorities must be submitted in person to the federal department or territorial body. The unit may need:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Russian passport.
  3. Completed and signed application form.
  4. Autobiography.
  5. Education document.
  6. Persons liable for military service provide military registration documents.
  7. Tax registration certificate.
  8. Certificates of income and property.
  9. Consent to verify the accuracy of the submitted requirements.

These documents are accepted by the authorities in accordance with the established procedure. Officials are required to certify all copies and request other possible documents if necessary.


When writing a complaint against neighbors to the district police officer, take into account the following nuances:

  • It makes sense to contact the police if there is evidence that a neighbor has committed a violation. According to the law, truly irrefutable evidence can only be collected with the consent of the violator. Taking photos or videos of a private person without permission is illegal.
  • You cannot send a complaint to the district police officer if you have not seen for yourself that the violation was committed by a neighbor.
  • If they gave false testimony, then the responsibility for this act can be very serious.
  • If there are insufficient facts to prove the applicant's case, this may lead to undesirable consequences. A neighbor can file his own complaint, accusing you of slander.
  • Do not rely on family members of the offender as witnesses. They will most likely retract their words at the station. Relatives often quarrel and immediately make peace with each other.

You need to remember these and other ambiguous points before filing a written complaint with a police officer.

How are candidates hired for service in the Department of Internal Affairs verified?

When applying for employment in the police department, gender, race, religion, participation in public groups, social origin, and position in society are not taken into account.

To go through all the stages correctly, it is important to avoid making mistakes. For example, a refusal to take a polygraph test may be viewed negatively, although going through this stage is considered a voluntary procedure by law. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is a slightly different situation; this stage of employment is mandatory.

There are many expert opinions on this issue, but thanks to biomedical equipment, every second candidate is eliminated based on the results of inspections. The polygraph clearly records physiological processes important for the service.

While it is still possible to hide information about drug use, a tendency to commit crimes, or connections with the criminal world in documents, this is no longer possible here. The device is considered necessary for recording deviations and allows us to identify all the negativity. You have to work in a serious organization and therefore you need to meet the requirements.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question No. 1: Do they hire people in the police department without military service?

Yes, they do. They cannot refuse for this reason. But when checking and studying such a candidate, they will find out the reason why he did not serve in order to determine whether this reason does not interfere with future work.

Question No. 2: If a candidate is suitable for the job (service) in all respects, but so far he cannot be appointed for some reason, does this mean that he will be refused altogether?

If the reasons why he was not appointed to a specific position do not interfere with his work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then a final refusal will not follow. Materials and information on this candidate are saved and will be recognized as valid for the next 6 months. The countdown starts from the moment they are approved by the head of the police department. This candidate may be considered again later when there are vacancies.

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