How to write and submit a statement about the theft of money or property to the police? We will also analyze the completed sample in detail.

Where to file a police report about a crime

A statement about a crime, regardless of the place and time of the incident, as well as the completeness of the information contained therein and the form of presentation, is accepted around the clock in any internal affairs agency. That is, no matter where the crime was committed and no matter where you found out about it, you can submit a statement to absolutely any police department.

If there is no department of the internal affairs agency nearby, then the application can be accepted by any police officer on duty.

Also, your application can be accepted via the Internet, telephone, fax or regular mail, or indeed by any type of communication, as stated in Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 333 of May 4, 2010 On Approval of the Instructions on the Procedure for Reception, Registration and Permission in the Authorities Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Statements, Messages and Other Information about Incidents.

In any case, internal affairs officers are obliged to accept absolutely all applications and do not have the right to refuse to accept an application.

What is the best way to file a police report?

In some cases, for example, when you need to control the acceptance of an application, it is better not to be lazy and submit a statement to the police in person. That is, come to the police department and contact the officer on duty at the department. Because For some crimes, especially when the applicant and the suspect are related (domestic battery), the police are reluctant to accept the report.

However, in other cases, for example, when you become aware of a robbery, robbery, an impending terrorist act or murder, do not waste time and immediately use the most accessible method of communication to report to the police.

Most often this is a mobile phone.

To call the police and report a crime from a mobile phone, dial 8 (area code) 02 on your phone.

A police report can also be made via the Internet.

You can submit a complaint to the Moscow police via the Internet at:

And submit a statement to the Moscow Region police via the Internet at:

How to make a statement to the police?

If you report a crime orally, then try to clearly and clearly outline your problem to the duty officer or control room operator. The duty officer or operator will interview you to get a complete picture. If you report a crime to the police officer on duty, then he must record your testimony in the protocol, and you will have to sign it.

If you submit an application in writing, then in the application you must indicate your passport details, your place of residence for correspondence, contact telephone number and place of work. And then, as clearly as possible, you need to present in free form a description of the crime event, place, time, as well as the circumstances of its commission; a request addressed to the head of a law enforcement agency to take measures established by law for committing an unlawful act; list of witnesses or eyewitnesses, if any are known to you. You must also indicate on the application that you know about criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation - Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, number the pages and indicate the total number of pages (for example, page 1 of 4), indicate the date of the application and sign the application on each page .

Statute of limitations

The deadlines for filing an application are not regulated by a separate legal act; they follow from Art. 78 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Exemption from criminal liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.”

According to this article, the statute of limitations for theft is from 2 to 10 years. They are regulated based on the severity of the crime under parts 2 and 3 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Without aggravating circumstances (Part 1 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) – two years;
  • With aggravating circumstances (Part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) – six years;
  • With particularly aggravating circumstances (under Part 3 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) – ten years.

I made a statement to the police - what next?

If you made a statement in person at the police station, then the person who accepted your statement about the crime is obliged to issue you a notification coupon, which in fact is proof that the statement was accepted.

The notification coupon must indicate:

  • date and time of registration of the application
  • duty station number, address and telephone
  • registration number according to KUSP (Incident Reporting Book)
  • rank, position, surname and initials of the person who accepted the application
  • time within which a decision will be made

You will also be asked to sign in the journal. Actually, from this moment your application is registered.

If you used other methods to make a statement to the police, you will not be given a notification ticket and no one will invite you to sign in the register, but this does not mean that your statement will go unnoticed. It will also be registered in the KUSP and measures will definitely be taken on it.

Therefore, in principle, it does not matter how you made a statement to the police. You must receive a response with a decision on the application to the police from the internal affairs bodies in writing and no later than 10 days from the date of acceptance of the application.

If you have not received a response within 10 days or your application is refused, you should file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office about the inaction of the internal affairs bodies, or a very effective way is to contact the police’s own security service. Helpline of the Internal Security Service (495) 667 77 90 (to contact regarding violations of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens by employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as for employees of internal affairs bodies to contact with information about facts of inducing them to actions of a corruption nature and other offenses, related to the process of performing official duties).

What can be the answer to a police report?

When filing a complaint with the police, the law provides for one of the following decisions:

according to a crime report:

  • to initiate a criminal case;
  • refusal to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • on the transfer of a message within jurisdiction to the court (in cases of private prosecution);

according to other reports of the incident:

  • on the initiation of a case of an administrative offense;
  • on issuing a reasoned ruling to refuse to initiate proceedings regarding an administrative offense;
  • on transfer for consideration according to jurisdiction;
  • on adding to the materials a previously registered report on the same incident;
  • on accession to the materials of a special nomenclature file.

Information about the decision to report an incident is sent to the applicant within 24 hours from the moment of its adoption, about which a corresponding note is made in the KUSP, indicating the date and originating number of the cover letter, as well as the method of notification (by courier against receipt, by mail, by fax or electronically communications). At the same time, the applicant is explained his right to appeal this decision and the procedure for appealing it.

The concept of fraud in the Republic of Belarus

The Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus) understands fraud (Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus), as one of the forms of theft, as actions that are aimed at the intentional unlawful gratuitous seizure of someone else's property or the right to property for personal gain through deception or abuse of trust.

Fraudsters often steal the property of citizens or organizations under the pretext of receiving property for temporary use; goods without prepayment; prepayments for goods, work; borrowing money; issuing a loan to the victim, with a promise to bear all the costs of paying it in the future, etc.

Please note that it is necessary to distinguish failure to fulfill assumed obligations due to various reasons (fire, financial difficulties, force majeure, etc.) from pre-planned actions to take possession of property without the intention of fulfilling accepted obligations.

If you are faced with the situation described above (became a victim of a fraudster or witnessed fraudulent actions), file a statement about the crime committed.


  • Do not delay in contacting the police: the sooner you contact, the greater the chances of solving the crime and finding the culprit “without delay”.
  • Explain to the employees what happened in as much detail as possible. For example, try to remember in detail the appearance of the criminal, his special features (gait, beard, mustache, moles, scars, and so on).
  • If there were witnesses to a crime committed against you, ask them to wait with you for the police to arrive or, as a last resort, write down their details: full name, address, contact phone number.
  • When submitting an application, remind the police officer to give you a notification slip or put a mark indicating that the application has been accepted.
  • Don’t worry that you will state something incorrectly: the employee is required to draw up a protocol for accepting an oral statement about a crime. It will help you formulate your statement. If you do not understand the details, check with an employee or ask for a sample police report.
  • Never take dictation of something with which you do not agree.
  • If an employee fills out an application protocol based on your words, do not forget to re-read it carefully; if you do not agree with something, insist on making clarifications.

A statement about a crime is accepted by a law enforcement agency, regardless of the completeness of the information contained in it about the crime, the place, time of the crime and its jurisdiction.

Use the sample police report below.

Thank you for attention!

Where to file a complaint

Since there are many reasons for filing a complaint, there are many services that are ready to consider these complaints. At the same time, each service has its own powers, and filing complaints anywhere is ineffective - at best, if you prepare your appeal incorrectly, it will simply be redirected. So, you can submit a collective complaint against your neighbors to the following organizations:

Management Company . This is a service that is responsible for maintaining the house, keeping it in good condition, timely repairs, providing utilities and other tasks. You can complain about a neighbor to the management company if his actions harm the house, namely:

  • Creating unsanitary conditions, scattering garbage;
  • Inadequate care or improper maintenance of pets;
  • Violation of the rights of neighbors to the common area of ​​the house;
  • Violation of repair rules;
  • Exceeding the permissible noise level.

Sanitary and epidemiological station. This service monitors compliance with general sanitary standards, including cleanliness in residential premises. As a rule, it does not consider complaints from citizens, but sometimes contacting it can be very effective (especially if the violation can harm the health of residents). You can contact the sanitary and epidemiological station if:

  • The rules for using the apartment are violated;
  • Sanitary standards are violated in the common area;
  • The norms in the apartment itself are significantly violated, which can lead to a threat to others;
  • The rules for keeping animals are violated.
  • Police and local police officer.

Housing inspection. This is a public service that monitors the quality of work of the management company, as well as the condition of the house as a whole. You should file a complaint with it if:

  • Redevelopment was carried out illegally;
  • The offender made illegal manipulations with communications;
  • The offender was issued a decree from the management company, but he did not comply with it;
  • The offender committed some actions with the property that led to the creation of a threat to residents.

Police, prosecutor's office and local police officer. Contacting law enforcement services is possible if the offender ignores the general rules of the law and your rights. So a complaint to the police can be sent in a variety of situations:

  • A neighbor damages your or common property;
  • The neighbor violates noise standards;
  • The neighbor is using the apartment for illegal activities;
  • Your neighbor commits other offenses against you.

Court . A unique feature of the court is that it can consider absolutely any complaint - from insults inflicted by a neighbor to the organization of a brothel at his home. The court will also be very useful in cases where contacting the services described above did not bring any results.

Sample application

In the duty station of the district police department, in the public reception of the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at the stronghold of the PLO there is a sample application to the district police officer about neighbors who are drunks or simply noisy, the procedure for filling out . This is usually done on pre-prepared forms, which simplifies the matter. But the police are required to accept a statement written in any form, but with all the necessary information and a correct statement of the facts. In any application you must indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and address of residence, as well as contact information (mobile phone, work, home). Then the essence of the complaint is stated. The text of the complaint indicates the facts of the violation, the exact date and time of the violation or several cases. The name of the offender or information on how to find him if the name is unknown is indicated. An example is “a young man living in the neighboring apartment at No. 24, building 20 on Voitsekhovsky Street.” In this case, it is appropriate to indicate the special characteristics of the offender so that the local police officer can easily find him. It would not be superfluous to add an appendix to such a statement, such as an audio recording, photographs, noise level measurements made with special equipment, etc.

download the application form for noisy neighbors on various resources, but the best one is on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Department for the Protection of Public Order in a special section. A sample complaint , among other things, can be found on the websites of housing and communal services and administrations.

How to write

A collective complaint from neighbors is a strict document with a very universal pattern. It will look the same for almost all services, with minor differences. Let's describe a universal sample:

Title. Contains data on the parties to the conflict. It includes:

  • Data at the place of application: name of service, address;
  • Full name and title of the head of the service (only for the prosecutor's office and police);
  • Data on all applicants: full name, addresses, contacts;
  • Information about the person against whom the complaint is being filed (for court use only).

Information part. Contains general information about the case. They write in it:

  • General information on the case: who, when and how violated the rights of your neighbors;
  • A detailed description of the damage caused to you or other negative consequences resulting from the violation;
  • Description of the attempt to peacefully resolve the conflict with the offender;
  • Calculation of the cost of the claim (if you are writing a statement to the court and want to demand any compensation);
  • A complete list of requests to the control service and the rationale for these requests from a legal point of view.

Conclusion. Includes three parts:

  • A complete list of all materials attached to the complaint;
  • Signatures of all participants in the collective complaint;
  • Date of filing the complaint.


Sample of a collective statement of claim.doc Sample of a collective complaint against neighbors to the district police officer.doc Sample of a collective complaint against neighbors to Rospotrebnadzor.doc Sample of a collective complaint against neighbors to the Criminal Code.doc Sample of a collective complaint against neighbors to the prosecutor's office.doc Sample of a collective complaint against neighbors to the Housing Inspectorate. doc

When can a complaint be filed?

To file a complaint, you will need some compelling reason. There are quite a lot of them, since citizens living in apartment buildings must comply with a fairly large list of rules. So, the main reasons for filing a collective complaint against neighbors are:

  • Violation of sanitary standards. The main task of each resident of an apartment building is to maintain the cleanliness of their home at the proper level. This is important not only from the point of view of maintaining personal hygiene, but also from the point of view of maintaining cleanliness throughout the entire house - poor sanitary conditions in at least one apartment can significantly affect all residents. So dirt, bad smell, the appearance of pests are a very good reason to file a complaint against your neighbor;
  • Constant flooding . Flooding of an apartment by neighbors is a very serious problem, since the property of several owners may be damaged, and the consequences can be long-term (dampness, damage to walls, mold). And if a single flood can be resolved without any problems, then regular violations may serve as grounds for contacting the appropriate services.
  • Violations of repair rules. Repairs always mean noise, dirt and a large amount of construction waste. That is why there are many rules that regulate repairs in apartment buildings. For example, there are many standards governing the time of work and the level of possible noise during its implementation. Also, improperly performed work can pose a threat to the home and sanitary standards, and unapproved redevelopment can create problems when reselling the home. So a complaint can be filed both if the repair is disturbing, and if it is carried out in circumvention of the norms established by law.
  • Improper keeping of animals . Many families keep one or more pets at home. But, unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules for keeping their pets. Violation of the rules can lead to both high noise levels at late times and the creation of unsanitary conditions. In addition, some animals simply cannot be kept in an apartment due to the rules established by law. So if a tenant does not know how to care for his pet or has a zoo at home, then the neighbors have the right to file a complaint against him.
  • Violation of the silence regime . Each region of the Russian Federation has a separate law that regulates the level of permissible noise in an apartment. However, the levels differ for daytime and nighttime. And violating the permissible noise level can lead to discomfort, insomnia and even poor health. That is why exceeding the permissible noise level is the most common reason for filing a collective complaint against neighbors.
  • Improper use of living space . The use of the apartment is limited to certain standards. For example, you cannot set up shops, production lines in them, install certain equipment and do things that the apartment is not intended for. Moreover, it is forbidden to set up brothels in apartments and use them for other illegal purposes. If you find out that your neighbors are using the apartment for other purposes, you have the right to file complaints.
  • Inappropriate behavior. Sometimes it happens that a frankly inadequate neighbor moves into neighboring apartments and simply does not allow those around him to live in peace with his behavior. It is not necessary to tolerate the antics of such people, and there are many rules and regulations that will allow you to evict a neighbor if his actions are considered illegal.

How to write a statement to a local police officer

The easiest way is to submit an application to the district police officer against your neighbors at the public order protection center, which is located in every microdistrict. This is the district police officer’s workplace, where he receives citizens twice during the day, from 12 o’clock to 14 o’clock during the day, from 18 o’clock to 20 o’clock in the evening. The sample form that is available at the stand for working with citizens will tell you how to write a complaint to the district police officer In what form to write a statement depends on the circumstances of the case. If your neighbor bothers you with constant noise behind the wall, you can write a complaint in person, indicating all your complaints. If rowdy neighbors are disturbing the entire entrance, or even the entire house, then a statement can be made collectively from a large number of concerned citizens. How to write , a sample of the corresponding application can be found both on the website of the city Ministry of Internal Affairs and on the State Services portal.

A complaint against a neighbor can also be filed with the administration or management company if the violations are serious and go beyond the scope of administrative violations, and also if administrative measures have not produced the desired result. It is difficult to apply administrative measures to inadequate It is in this case that one can even raise the question of forced eviction or legal proceedings for causing material and moral damage. In this case, the complaint is filed with the prosecutor's office or court. Police intervention following a complaint about noisy neighbors usually ends with an apology and a peaceful resolution of the conflict. make a complaint to the district police officer in free form. Let us give an example of the rules for drawing up such an appeal.

Application methods

You can apply in person at any police station, but it is better to do it locally, so measures will be taken faster. On the State Services portal and on the website of the city Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a form for filing a complaint against neighbors. If you are confident in working with a computer, file a complaint online on the same resource. This is provided on all special sites. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, all Internet police resources provide the opportunity to file a complaint via the Internet . On the public order website you can do this in the name of your local police officer .

Rules for filing a complaint with a district police officer

The law does not say how to write a statement to a district police officer. Due to the fact that there is no form, you only need to comply with the general requirements established for official documentation.

If there is an insult or other violation, when filing a complaint you must reflect:

  • citizen details and place of residence;
  • reflection of the essence of the situation that occurred, while not allowing a conversational style, abuse, or insults;
  • an indication of the measures that must be taken in relation to violators;
  • date of registration;
  • citizen's painting.

If personal information about the applicant is not provided, the police officer has the right not to consider the complaint. To avoid mistakes and take into account all the rules for drawing up the act, you need to use the 2022 sample.

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