What to do if your bike is stolen and how to find the culprit

Theft of personal property is one of the most common crimes. In popular crowded places such as shopping centers, we are constantly bombarded with announcements over loudspeakers asking us to be careful with our belongings. And yet, no matter how efficient people are, thefts continue to occur with enviable regularity.

When parking our bicycles in specialized places, we rely on the reliability of the cable and the integrity of the residents, but we cannot be sure that our two-wheeled friend chained to the rack will not be stolen from the bicycle parking lot. Sometimes neither a crowded place nor a strong chain can save you. What to do if a two-wheeled vehicle has been stolen, and how to return it?

Primary actions when a bicycle is stolen

When approaching a bike rack or leaving your own apartment and not finding your iron horse there, you should not lose composure. You need to act clearly and quickly, since unnecessary body movements and unnecessary emotions will only contribute to the loss of time, and in the current circumstances it is truly precious.

Involvement of the police

The first thing to do after making sure that the bicycle is indeed stolen is to notify law enforcement authorities . It is advisable to call the duty station closest to the place where the bicycle was stolen. In a telephone conversation with a police officer, you need to introduce yourself, report the fact of theft, briefly list the circumstances of the case and give a description of the stolen vehicle.

Most likely, considering the crime not serious, the police will not come to the scene of the theft. However, calling the duty station (and then reporting the theft) should not be neglected under any circumstances.

Important! In a conversation with the duty officer, under no circumstances should you express your conjectures. Be clear and precise about the facts you knew at the time you called the police.

A report of theft can now be submitted verbally or by phone. On the one hand, this is the responsibility of the officer on duty, and you can immediately notify the police about an offense committed . On the other hand, for the application you will need data about the stolen bicycle, many of which cannot be named right away (for example, a unique identification number stamped on the frame).

Another argument in favor of submitting an application through a personal visit to the department is that time is against the owner of the bicycle. After discovering the loss and calling the police, you need to try to find witnesses to the crime, as well as the owners of cars parked here with DVRs (we’ll talk below about what to do if a bicycle is stolen from the entrance).

These people, if they exist, of course, will not wait for the victim to bring them in as witnesses. This means that you should not waste time and try to collect as much information as possible in the shortest possible time.

Collection of evidence

Witness testimony will be more important than ever for a successful bicycle search . Passers-by are unlikely to help here, but sellers from shops located near the bicycle parking lot could well have seen something.

Don't forget that the kidnapper was most likely wearing inconspicuous clothes. It is doubtful that anyone saw or remembered his face. Therefore, you need to operate with the signs of your bike: model and color . It would be good if we could find out in which direction the suspect drove away.

It is necessary to talk with each of the discovered witnesses - any information can help in finding the stolen person. After this, it’s worth getting the contact information of everyone who can be useful in this matter.

By the way, if witnesses begin to deny it, you can remind them of the responsibility for refusing to testify (Article 308 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In parallel with interviewing possible witnesses, you need to contact the owners of cars parked nearby. Perhaps some of them had their DVR turned on .

Even a momentary glimpse of a thief in the frame can help in the search. If you don’t have the opportunity or time to wait for drivers, you can leave a note with your phone number on the windshield of cars. The likelihood that one of the car owners will be able to help is small, but it exists.

In any case, you should not neglect any means to find your iron horse. When you are done with the witnesses, inspect the area - most likely, there are external surveillance cameras . To get records from them, you will have to run around. First, you need to find the owners of the buildings, after which they will give a tip to the owners of the recording equipment. If you're lucky, you'll be able to get footage of the theft.

Compiling and submitting an application

When independent work at the crime scene is completed, you need to go to the nearest police station. Injured cyclists often neglect this point. Few people believe that the police will postpone the search for dangerous criminals and investigate the theft of a bicycle. However, there is another side to a visit to the police - a legal one. The fact of theft itself must be registered .

This will play a role when the bike is discovered (by you or someone else). Initiating a criminal case will allow you to return the loss without breaking the law .

So, at the police station, first you will have to answer a few questions from the police officer on duty. They will concern the circumstances of the purchase of the bicycle and the fact of its theft. Don't forget to mention how important the stolen vehicle was to you - this may increase the importance of the crime.

For example, if a bicycle was the only means of transportation to work or school. You also need to be prepared that the investigator will require a certificate of employment in form 2-NDFL and organize assessment activities.

This is necessary to determine such a criterion as the significance of the damage. If the damage caused by the theft turns out to be insignificant, the thief will only face administrative liability . In this case, it will not be possible to initiate a criminal case. Therefore, by all means you need to prove that depriving you of a bicycle will cause a significant blow to your wallet.

Next, on the form or according to the sample issued by the duty officer, you need to make a statement about the theft. Here, the data of all documents on hand will be useful: technical passport, warranty card. The documents must indicate the serial number of the frame. It matches the numbers stamped on the bike itself. Most often, the identification number can be found under the carriage (where the pedals connect).

Frame serial number

The statement details the circumstances of the incident: details such as the address of the crime scene and a detailed description of the stolen two-wheeled property must be present in the text.

Attention! When setting out the requirements for a preventive measure for a thief, we advise you to avoid the wording “bicycle theft” - there is no such article in the criminal legislation. It is better to use the words “theft”, “theft” or “robbery” if your vehicle was literally taken from you by force on the street.

In fact, the statement to the police should include the following points:

  1. Header : addressee of the application (name of the site, full name of the chief) and title of the document;
  2. A detailed description of the external characteristics and parameters of the stolen bicycle;
  3. Circumstances of theft : approximate time and exact address;
  4. Information received from random witnesses , with reference to the source: full names of witnesses and their coordinates;
  5. In some cases, the investigator will ask you to indicate the circumstances of the acquisition of the stolen bicycle;
  6. Approximate assessment of material damage caused to the victim;
  7. A call to bring an unidentified person to criminal liability , indicating the amount of compensation for material and moral damage;
  8. Number, signature, decoding.

If for some reason (referring to the insignificance of the crime or the busyness of operational employees) the duty officer refuses to accept the application, you must refer to Art. 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, which obliges the police to accept statements from citizens about crimes at any time of the day.

If the mention of this article does not have any effect, the application can be sent to the police station by mail, by registered mail with notification and a list of the attachment. also report police inaction to the prosecutor's office - this body directly controls the actions of police station employees.

After completing the application and submitting it, the applicant will be given a notification coupon, which will indicate the incoming application number, as well as the name of the police officer who accepted the application. The document itself is the basis for opening a criminal case. Therefore, after registering a theft with the police, you should periodically call the police station and check whether a case has been opened.

How to file a police report

Contacting the police if your bicycle is stolen is something that must be done. Although the hope for operational investigative actions to find your bike is very slim, you need to legally record the fact of theft. When (and if) your vehicle is found, legally, you can take it from anyone, be it the person who committed the theft or the innocent buyer of your bike. Documents on the initiation of a criminal case will help you seize your property.

Independent searches

Unfortunately, you don’t always have to rely on the police, so search activities can be carried out independently.
Here databases of stolen bicycles , which indicate their serial numbers. Responsible buyers of used bicycles try to check these databases. Sites with databases of stolen goods can be easily found through search engines.

Additionally, it makes sense to subscribe to the newsletter of sites like AVITO about the appearance of bicycles with similar parameters for sale and periodically review the offers of private sellers. Perhaps a stolen bicycle will flash there.

Information about the theft should be disseminated on the maximum number of thematic Internet portals . Local flea markets, including virtual ones, should not be neglected, as well as the pages of settlements on social networks .

The more users see this information, the higher the chances of finding the bike. At the end of your request, you must leave your contact information.

Attention! By publishing information about the theft in the public domain, you can attract the attention of scammers who will call and offer to return the stolen property for ransom by transferring funds.

To make sure that these are really scammers, you can ask them questions regarding the appearance or parameters of the bike that are not indicated in the ad. Without answers (and your bike!), the scammers will likely disappear.

If a bicycle was found - in a junkyard or on the street - you need to use its distinctive features or number to make sure that it is indeed so and call the police. It is highly discouraged to independently take away your property using force. This will be considered robbery or even assault.

When detaining a criminal with your iron horse, documents for it will help to initiate you as the owner, and a criminal case of theft will confirm that the bicycle was stolen, and not given by you to the attacker, and will allow the latter to be brought to criminal liability.

How to write a missing person report and where to post it

For your message about a missing bicycle to be effective, it must be concise and contain as much necessary information as possible. The more data and unique features you provide about your bicycle, the higher the likelihood that they will help you find it. You can follow this formula:

  1. write down the make of the bicycle, its model, series and year, size and color, what type of brakes are installed (rim or disc), the frame number stamped at the bottom of the carriage assembly;
  2. tell us any special features if you changed spare parts, installed additional equipment, describe every sticker, defect and homemade work that you did to the bike;
  3. write down the date when the theft was committed, where it happened, and briefly the circumstances of the theft known to you;
  4. do not forget to indicate your mobile phone number and other contacts (many cyclists who have been victims of thefts are guilty of such “forgetfulness” and leave advertisements on cycling forums in the “Stolen” section).

Attach a photo of your two-wheeled horse. If you don’t have one, select an image from the manufacturer’s catalog with the same exact parameters and color.

You can publish an announcement about the theft on the following Russian forums: VeloPiter and Veloroad (St. Petersburg), Velomania, Dirt.ru. Of course, look online for local cycling communities and forums. Be sure to share the message on social networks.

Theft from the entrance of a residential building

Practice shows that it is easier to prevent theft from an entrance than to catch a thief. However, if this does happen, you need to act according to an algorithm :

  • to call the police;
  • find witnesses;
  • search for recordings from external surveillance cameras;
  • write a statement about the theft of a bicycle to the police station;
  • disseminate information about theft on social networks and specialized websites.

You will have to look for witnesses to the theft from among your neighbors - perhaps one of them heard something or saw something through the peephole of the door, or maybe even encountered the thief in the elevator. street cameras in courtyards, but they are sometimes installed above the entrance to the entrance. Sometimes intercom key panels are equipped with cameras - in this case you need to contact the management company.

Finding a bicycle stolen from a flight of stairs or a landing is very difficult - it may turn out that no one saw the intruder at all. Then all hope is that the loss will “pop up” during an attempt to sell it.

In any case, the inaction of the victim will definitely not lead to the capture of the thief - if the bicycle is expensive, you need to try to return it by all legal means.

It’s not a fact that your security is not a janitor according to documents

There is a high probability that your security does not exist on paper and is not specified in any contract. The fact is that security activities require a special license. Obtaining it is not so easy: the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation has very high requirements for private security companies.

Collecting money for protection is pleasant and profitable. But applying for a license, taking special courses for managers of security companies, hiring only licensed security guards and ensuring that they work in accordance with the law on private detective and security activities is difficult and troublesome. Moreover, residents may demand compensation for damage if a bicycle or baby stroller is suddenly stolen from the entrance.

As a result, management companies do not mention in any agreement that they provide security services. Most likely, the person in a jacket with the inscription “security” who is sitting in your entrance is not listed as a security guard, but as a watchman or even a janitor. And, accordingly, he is not responsible for anything. And the police, who arrived at your complaint about the theft of a bicycle, may not have been able to use recordings from CCTV cameras, because the Criminal Code bought the cheapest equipment and the recording on it was of such quality that the residents of the house would not recognize themselves in it. I even came across a situation where images from video cameras were displayed on security monitors, and they saved money on the video recorder. In fact, no video recording was made.

Responsibility for bicycle theft

Unlike a number of European countries, whose criminal codes include articles for the theft of bicycles, in Russian legislation a bicycle is simply equated with valuable (or not so valuable) property. However, a crime such as bicycle theft is classified as criminal . Thus, the article for stealing a bicycle is 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The exception is the relatively low cost of a two-wheeled vehicle - the so-called insignificance of damage. If it is recognized that the victim suffered insignificant damage, the thief will be brought to administrative responsibility.

So, the criminal is caught and his guilt is obvious. In this case, he will be charged under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of which he will face :

  • fine up to 80 thousand rubles;
  • a fine in the amount of the offender’s salary for a period of up to six months;
  • compulsory work up to 360 hours;
  • correctional labor for up to 1 year;
  • restriction of freedom or forced labor for up to 2 years;
  • arrest up to 4 months;
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Most often, thieves are not sentenced to real time; in most cases they get off with a fine or a suspended sentence. However, you can simultaneously bring a civil claim against the criminal and demand compensation for moral damage. A lot here depends on the persistence of the victim himself.


During initial use, thieves pay attention to the product. Due to the frequent situation of bicycle theft, it makes sense to think about possible insurance.

Laws and insurance companies pose insurmountable barriers in this matter.

The insurance company agrees to insure the bicycle as household property. The option of insuring your own property is possible. The main condition in this situation is a specific location, address. This type of transport will be insured after these procedures, subject to prior insurance of your home.

The cost of this procedure depends on the price of transport - 1 - 2.5%. Based on the explanations of representatives of insurance companies, owning a bicycle is acceptable, but riding it with insurance is impossible.

Ways to prevent theft

First of all, remember: you cannot leave your bike unattended! The most reliable place to store it is an apartment or your own private house. Entrances and flights of stairs do not guarantee any safety even for vehicles fastened to the railings. There are known cases when bicycles were stolen from the entrances of houses with a protected area.

The apartment sections on the floor that are locked with a key are relatively secure. However, they will not be able to protect the bike 100%. One of the neighbors will forget to lock the door, and this will become a temptation for a teenager who accidentally wanders onto the floor.

If a bicycle is the main means of transportation, for example, to school or work, and you have to leave it in a bicycle rack all day, it is important to remember that an ordinary cable will not become an obstacle for a thief who always has wire cutters with him.

In addition, such cables can be easily opened with a regular screwdriver. In some situations, a metal chain saves the situation , but sometimes attackers use bolt cutters.

When circumstances force you to leave your vehicle in bicycle parking areas, it is better to choose those that are under video surveillance . The chain should be passed through both wheels, the frame and the saddle - criminals do not disdain spare parts.

If you leave your bike for a short period of time (say, at a supermarket), you can get by with a regular bike lock, but it is important to pass the cable through all elements of the vehicle’s structure.


It is easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. Find a safe place to store your bike. Have all the necessary documents for your bike on hand.

Make your bike unique and unattractive to theft. Never leaves the bike unfastened, even for a short time. If you do find yourself in an unpleasant situation, do not lose your composure. Use the tips from our article and remember that there are many examples where persistence in the search helped return the bike to the owner.

Don't sit idly by - look for it yourself

When the official part is over, start searching on your own. Post a message about the theft of a bicycle on thematic websites and forums, write on social networks, ask friends and acquaintances to repost - in general, try to spread the information as much as possible. Perhaps someone will see your bike, recognize it and help it return to you.

Regularly browse private classifieds sites; stolen items are often sold there. Look at flea markets and pawn shops that accept bicycles, in general, think about where you can buy a used bicycle in your city, and go there. It is important to do this immediately after the theft and then, if not found, methodically continue the search.

There are thieves who try to sell stolen goods as quickly as possible. Usually these are gambling addicts or drug addicts. They can steal a bike and sell it right around the corner for 10 rubles in order to get the money in their hands as quickly as possible. More cunning villains steal the bike to sell it quietly when the noise from the theft subsides. Such people may wait a week, a month or even more, and only then try to sell the bike. Therefore, it is important to start looking immediately and not lose hope later.

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