Was your license stolen? Find out what to do in this situation

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about the unpleasant situation that some car owners have to face, namely the loss of their driver’s license. At the same time, the mood is spoiled both by the loss of the document itself and by the recovery procedures that need to be done in the future.

In this case, it does not matter what happened to the old ID: whether it was lost due to negligence, stolen by your ill-wishers, or lost due to a natural disaster.

The main task of the driver in any case is the timely restoration of lost rights, because Without this document, driving vehicles is impossible.

Let's consider the actions that need to be taken in 2021 to restore a driver's license if lost:

  • What to do if you lose your driver's license?
  • Obtaining a temporary permit to drive a car.
  • Driver's license restoration: Where to go?
  • What documents are needed?
  • What is the price?
  • Receiving a discount.
  • Exams passage.
  • For how long is a new certificate issued?
  • Penalty for loss of ID.
  • To begin with, I would like to note that a driver’s license, like all other personal documents, must be stored in a sufficiently secure place to minimize the possibility of its loss or theft. However, this phrase is little consolation for a person who has already lost his rights and does not know what to do.

    What to do first

    First, try to reconstruct the latest events - where you were, what you did, with whom you talked, in order to understand where your driver’s license could have gone.
    Your further actions will directly depend on this. You might want to look for them more carefully, even if you think they were stolen. Once you are finally convinced that your rights have been stolen by intruders, you must act as quickly as possible, since there is a possibility that your documents will be used illegally. There are frequent cases of their resale or misuse for driving a vehicle.

    For example, a thief can drive a car, violating traffic rules, while drunk, or even cause an accident. If you fail to report the theft of your driver's license in a timely manner, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend time and nerves proving your innocence.

    For how long is a new certificate issued?

    The new driver’s license will differ from the stolen one only in that the word “Duplicate” will be entered in the special notes column. The rights will be valid until exactly the same date as the previous ones. Those. restored rights are issued not for 10 years, but for a shorter period .

    Starting from April 4, 2021, it is possible to obtain a renewed certificate for the full term, i.e. for 10 years . To do this, you need to provide a medical certificate to the traffic police.

    How to restore rights after theft

    If all attempts to find your driver’s license have been unsuccessful, and you are once again convinced that you have become a victim of criminals, proceed to recovery.
    The procedure will be as follows: 1. File a statement of theft to law enforcement agencies.

    2. Prepare the necessary documentation.

    3. Contact the State Traffic Inspectorate with an application to restore the stolen rights.

    4. Pay the state fee for issuing a driver's license. The amount of the mandatory payment is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 43, part 1, article 333.33) and is 500 rubles for a document made of paper, 2 thousand rubles for a plastic ID and 1,600 rubles for an international ID. Issuance of a temporary permit to drive a vehicle – 800 rubles.

    5. Get a temporary license.

    6. Wait for the end of the investigation and check in the traffic police database.

    7. Get a duplicate in your hands.

    According to the current legislation, when obtaining a new driver's license, there is no need to retake exams on driving skills and knowledge of traffic rules (clause 29 of the RF PP No. 1097), and undergo a medical examination (clause 30 of the RF PP No. 1097). When replacing a driver's license before the expiration date or in the event of a change in the driver's personal data specified in the driver's license, a medical examination is carried out at the will of the applicant (clause 7 of the RF Regulation No. 326).

    In this case, obtaining a medical certificate is mandatory in the cases provided for in Art. 23 Federal Law-196 “On Road Safety”. In particular, if:

    • the stolen rights have expired;

    • you have been suspended from driving a vehicle for a certain period for administrative or criminal offenses;

    • in the stolen V/U there was a special o.

    Driver's license restoration:

    Where to contact?

    The first important question is where you can restore your driver’s license if it is lost. Currently, this can be done in any traffic police department in the country:

    3. Conducting examinations for persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation, issuing Russian national and international driver’s licenses and exchanging foreign driver’s licenses are carried out in the departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate at the place of application of these persons.

    Conducting examinations for persons temporarily residing or temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, issuing Russian national and international driver's licenses and exchanging foreign driver's licenses are carried out in departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate located within the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which these persons temporarily reside or are temporarily staying.

    In this case, it does not matter whether you have registration at your place of residence (propiska) in the selected subject of the Federation. Rights will be restored in any case.

    What documents are needed?

    To restore a driver’s license to replace a lost one, you must provide the traffic police with the documents listed in paragraph 30 of the rules for conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses:

    30. To issue a Russian national driver's license to replace a previously issued Russian national driver's license, the applicant provides the following documents:

    a) statement; b) passport or other identity document; c) medical report. In the cases provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” and “f” of paragraph 29 of these Rules and subparagraph “d” of this paragraph, a medical report is provided at the request of the applicant; d) Russian national driver's license (if available); e) diplomatic, consular, service cards or certificates issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - in the case where the applicants are employees of diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states in the Russian Federation and members of their families, employees of international organizations and their representative offices accredited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and members of their families; f) a document confirming the availability of a benefit for paying state duty - for persons who, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, have a benefit for paying state duty.

    Statement. In this case, the application must indicate that you are asking for a driver’s license to replace the lost/stolen one. Detailed information on completing the application is provided in this article.

    A passport is necessary so that employees can verify that it is the driver who is applying to obtain a license.

    A medical certificate currently not required . You can find out more about this in the article “Cancellation of a medical certificate when replacing rights.”

    However, the certificate can be provided to the traffic police at the driver's request . If there is a certificate, new rights are issued for the full term, i.e. for 10 years.

    Driver's license. It will not be possible to provide this document to the traffic police, as it is lost.

    A document confirming completion of training in 2022 is not required, because all information about issued rights is contained in the traffic police database. However, if the license was issued a long time ago, it makes sense to take your driver’s card with you.

    In this case, we are talking about the loss of rights issued 20 or more years ago, when the traffic police did not yet use databases.

    Such cases are quite rare, because licenses are valid for 10 years and 99 percent of drivers make changes in a timely manner.

    What is the price?

    In addition to the documents listed above, to obtain a new certificate you will need to pay the appropriate state fee:

    431) for issuing a national driver’s license, including replacing a lost or unusable one:

    made from plastic-based consumables - 2,000 rubles;

    made from new generation plastic-based consumables - 3,000 rubles;

    In 2022, only plastic driver's licenses will be issued in the Russian Federation. At the same time, for issuing a new generation document (with a built-in storage medium) you will have to pay 3,000 rubles, for issuing ordinary plastic licenses - 2,000 rubles .

    Receiving a discount

    When restoring your ID through the government services portal, you can get a 30 percent discount on the state fee. Those. The production of a driver's license in this case will cost 1,400 rubles . The discount is valid from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2023. You can find out more about it in this article.

    Please note that the document confirming payment of the state fee is not in the list above, but I recommend taking it with you. The fact is that before issuing a license, the traffic police inspector must receive information about the payment through the system of interdepartmental interaction. However, in practice, electronic failures are possible, the payment may not be processed in time, etc. This, in turn, may cause a delay in the restoration of the ID. So take your payment receipt with you, it's easy.

    Once all documents have been submitted, you must wait for the new driver's license to be issued.


    you do not need to take qualifying exams , i.e. You can forget about traffic rules exam tickets at this stage with a clear conscience.

    ○ Punishment for driving without documents.

    Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have documents for the right to drive it or an insurance policy for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles. (Clause 2 of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    Thus, driving a vehicle without a license will result in a fine. True, in many situations you can get by with a verbal warning. The latter depends on the specific inspector who recorded the violation.

    State duty amount

    Now let's talk about the amount of state fees. More recently, a driver’s license could be restored for 800 rubles, but now this amount has increased significantly. So, when restoring your VU, you will have to enter:

    • 800 rub. – for a temporary permit to drive a vehicle;
    • 500 rub. – for duplicate rights on paper;
    • 2000 rub. – for a duplicate on a plastic base.

    From July 1, 2017, the amount of duties was supposed to change again. This law has not yet come into force, but when it does, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles for a new license.

    Of course, everyone knows that in the Russian Federation they issue new licenses on a plastic basis, and therefore it is quite advisable to apply through the State Services electronic resource and pay the fee by bank transfer, because in this case you will have to pay only 1,400 rubles.

    You have the right to insist on the production of rights on paper, as this is provided by law. However, since 04/01/2014, only international licenses are issued on the territory of the Russian Federation, so you will most likely be denied.

    New sample rights (front side)

    New license (reverse side)

    Is it possible to continue traveling if you have lost your passport?

    Many people do this: having lost their passport at the beginning of their vacation, they forget about it until the end of the trip, and before departure they go to the consulate, receive a certificate upon return and fly.

    Russian consulates officially recommend obtaining a START and interrupting your trip, because the government services of the country in which you are may have claims against you. In addition, without a passport, with rare exceptions, you cannot fly on domestic flights, and in some countries you will not be accommodated in a hotel without documents.


    A separate issue that should be covered in all topics related to driving is the traffic police fine on a driver’s license.

    The phrase “I have not and never will have fines” can only belong to a person who does not have a driver’s license. Those who drive a car will sooner or later speed, swerve, park illegally, or commit another offense.

    Now you don’t have to get caught by a traffic inspector to be fined. With the installation of cameras, many offenses are recorded without the participation of traffic police officers. Receipts are sent by mail to the vehicle owner.

    Everyone must be a law-abiding citizen and take responsibility for their actions. Therefore, you need to try not to violate, and if it doesn’t work out, pay fines. It happens that you were unable to deposit money immediately: the notification was lost or did not arrive at all, although you know that there was a violation. In this case, it is better to periodically check your fines on your driver’s license yourself. This is very easy to do, for example using the Internet.

    Where to go and how long to wait?

    At the right time (as quickly as possible), you need to contact the authorized traffic police authorities so that the certificate can be exchanged for a new one. For the period of issuance of the duplicate (if the validity period of the document has not expired), temporary licenses will be issued . Otherwise, you should refrain from driving.

    Replacing a document does not take weeks or months. If you have all the necessary documents, the inspection will carry out the necessary actions directly during the application process (that is, this can be done in 1 day).

    In order to avoid unpleasant situations when checking documentation on the road, you need to complete all steps to replace your license as soon as possible.

    From our separate publications you can also find out how the driver's license is returned upon completion of the period of deprivation, as well as how to obtain rights early if the period of deprivation has not expired.

    If a lost passport is found, will it be valid?

    Whether a passport found after theft or loss remains valid depends on whether you reported the loss of your passport and received a certificate of return.

    If after the incident you contacted the police and filed a statement, and soon your passport was found, then there is a high chance that it will become invalid. There have been cases when a person received his passport back, left the country without any questions, and on his next trip he was stopped at border control because the passport was no longer valid.

    Some experienced travelers advise not to write a statement to the police immediately, but to wait a few days: maybe the document will be found.

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