Is the school responsible for a lost phone?

A completely typical situation - a student came to school, hung up his jacket or coat in the wardrobe, and after school, when it was time to go home, he did not find his outerwear. Stolen! Who is to blame for this emergency?

Is the school responsible for items left in the cloakroom? Who will compensate the child’s parents for the damage caused to the family budget? Let's figure out what the law says.

Legislative norms

According to the provisions of Article 924 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the rules of storage in the wardrobes of organizations, regardless of whether storage is organized in a given organization for a fee or free of charge, the custodian is obliged to do everything in his power to ensure the safety of the transferred property. In accordance with the same norm, the above rules apply equally to places where outerwear is stored in places specially designated for these purposes, if the items are kept there without being deposited. What can be classified as “ensuring safety”? They mean ordinary circumstances that correspond to business customs, which make it possible to protect stored property from destruction or theft (security and fire protection measures). According to the combination of Articles 401 and 901 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the custodian is liable if, through his fault, the property stored with him was damaged or lost. In this case, guilt is understood as both direct intent to cause harm and negligence, that is, failure to take all measures to ensure safety. The custodian is declared innocent only if he has taken all possible measures to preserve the property that could be applied in this situation. For example, security and video surveillance were organized in the wardrobe, but during an armed attack the security was disabled, and the attackers stole everything they could take away. On the part of the custodian, all measures were taken, which indicates the absence of guilt. Based on the analysis of the above norms, we can conclude that the school is responsible for the loss of things that were stored in the wardrobe and must reimburse the cost of the lost property to the student’s legal representatives. The educational institution will be released from this liability only if it is proven that all possible security measures were taken in the given situation, but they did not help keep the property intact.

To search for missing items, the school principal must contact the police.

Hello! Please tell me, my son’s cell phone disappeared from his jacket pocket in the locker room. We tried to get compensation from the school principal, but she refused, citing the fact that the school is not responsible for students’ cell phones.

We believe that she simply does not want to compensate for the damage. After all, we pay for security. Who is right in this situation? What should we do? According to Article 924 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an organization, in this case a school, is responsible for the safety of things in the school locker room, but only for shoes, clothes and hats.

The school is not responsible for the safety of cell phones, game consoles and other items and things, including briefcases and textbooks, used by students. Moreover, if a child ran out into the street during recess, threw a jacket or a change of shoes on the school porch and they were kidnapped from this porch, then the school is also not responsible for their disappearance. Security guards working in schools are not responsible for the property of children - their the scope of activity extends only to access control, that is, they ensure that unauthorized persons do not enter the school building. So Law School Principal - you can't charge the school for the cost of the phone.

You should contact the police with a statement regarding the theft of a cell phone. “The administration is not responsible for valuables left in the wardrobe.” Such advertisements can be seen everywhere, from cafes to municipal clinics, but it is important to understand that such warnings are contrary to Russian law. The administration of the establishments is responsible for the things you left for storage, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 891,901,924). And proof of the conclusion of the storage agreement becomes a number, token or key (clause 2 of Article 887 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). So, you came to the restaurant and handed over your clothes to the locker room or came to the store and put your things in a locker in the store, after which you received a number or key .

When you've eaten or finished shopping, you discover that your things are missing from where you left them. And the employees of the organization begin to “hang noodles on their ears”: the administration is not responsible, you didn’t have anything with you, you made it all up, we won’t talk to you, and so on. Read on Medialeaks: Score a penalty in your brain. How to improve your intelligence with the help of online games In such a situation, the main thing is not to get confused, find a number or key confirming that you handed over things, and immediately call the police.

It is better not to give the license plate until the police arrive, or take a photo and give it against a signature. The police must come and record in writing your testimony and your statement about the theft. You also need to find a witness who will confirm that you really put expensive shoes in the locker, and not old slippers; you put a mink coat in the wardrobe, and not a polyester jacket at all . Having a receipt for the item deposited can also help you. Demand that the police officers confiscate recordings from CCTV cameras. Record the refusal to confiscate recordings in writing (in the protocol, statement) and on video. The more noise you make and the more evidence you collect , the better for you.

It is worth writing a claim addressed to the general director of the organization where the things were lost, demanding compensation for damage. Demand that the police initiate a criminal case regarding the theft. It will be even easier to prove that you are right if you gave the items for storage at the request of the store security guard and this fact will be confirmed. In the future, all the collected evidence will be useful to you in court. It is worth adding that if you are afraid for the safety of your things or they are of particular value, then it is better not to hand them over at all - an employee of a store or restaurant cannot oblige someone to hand over things for storage. Also, employees establishments do not have the right to prevent you from entering a store or restaurant with your belongings.

In this situation, the purchase and sale agreement is considered a public contract, which is understood as an agreement to sell goods to anyone who wishes to make a purchase. This means that the manager or security guard does not have the right to prevent you from entering the store to make purchases. All of the above is confirmed by an example from judicial practice, when the court found the store responsible for things deposited by a visitor. (Decision of the Magistrate Judge of the Western District of the city.

Belgorod (court district No. 6) dated October 2, 2012 in case No. 2-967/2012). Contents: The child spends so much time at school that it literally becomes a second home. But are school walls a reliable “fortress” that guarantees safety for students? A few years ago, commercial wardrobes appeared in Novosibirsk schools. They were opened at the request of parents who are willing to pay 20-30 rubles a month so that their children’s clothes and shoes remain safe and sound.

Of course, no one closed the free locker rooms. However, today there are fewer and fewer schools with paid locker rooms in the city: last school year there were a little more than twenty, and this year, according to the head of the educational department of the Department of Education of the Novosibirsk City Hall, Lyudmila Cherkashina, Even less will remain.” “This measure is forced,” says Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. She hopes that when all school locker rooms are renovated and put in order, the need for additional - paid - wardrobes will disappear by itself. Parents do not share such optimism. Back to contents

Theft of a mobile phone from a bag or pocket

Frequent thefts of mobile phones occur in crowded places, and attackers are not afraid and steal other people's property directly from hand luggage, bags, and even reach into pockets.

According to Part 2 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the culprit of theft will be punished as follows:

An adult citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to pay a fine of 135 thousand rubles. (18 minimum working salaries) up to 200 thousand rubles.

They may also be assigned compulsory work - the thief will beautify the territory of the district and city for 180-240 hours.

If his actions were clearly planned before the theft was committed, he may be sentenced to 1-2 years of enforcement, or even put in prison for 5 years.

An adult culprit of a crime is considered to be a person over 14 years of age (Clause 2 of Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

A minor citizen of the Russian Federation, whose age is less than 14 years, is not responsible for his actions. His parents will be punished for him.

The thief can be registered with the Juvenile Affairs Committee (commission on juvenile affairs), and the parents will be forced to pay a fine, the amount of which will be determined by the court (but not more than 200 thousand rubles), after considering the harm caused to the victim.

A convicted citizen of the Russian Federation will necessarily serve his sentence in prison. Moreover, if the offender was previously released before the specified release date, then a new one is added to his unserved punishment.

Example: the defendant was sent to prison for 7 years, but was released on parole 2.5 years earlier. The punishment determined by the court will be added to this term. Please note that it will not be more than 5 years.

An unconvicted citizen of the Russian Federation will face a fine of 135 to 200 thousand rubles. Of course, if the defendant proves his innocence and comes to an agreement with the injured party, he will not be fined.

If it was not possible to reconcile, and the harm is of medium or high severity, then the thief will be forced to perform work for the benefit of the city for 7-10 days. Also, with a more severe punishment, he will be subject to correctional labor for a period of 1-2 years or even be sent to prison for 5 years.

What does the guard protect?

Nikita had been dreaming about new “grinders” for a long time. But the price of this dream could undermine the family budget, so the parents set a condition: they say, if you finish the quarter with only “A” marks, then we will reward you with a new thing.

Nikita tried very hard. And the goal was achieved. And a week later, the brand new shoes “left” the school locker room in an unknown direction.

The school director, when meeting with an angry mother, just threw up her hands: the security guards are not responsible for the safety of things! “So what do I pay for every month?” - Mom was indignant.

“The security guard’s duties are only a checkpoint and walking around the territory,” explains Olga Vladimirovna Rusina, deputy head of the education department of the Western District of Moscow. — Security guards are on duty around the clock.

And for good reason. For example, on the eve of the new school year at 3 a.m. in Moscow school No. 1009, someone climbed up the fire escape to the second floor. The school is just after a major renovation and is equipped with new equipment.

And the bars from the windows were removed for fire safety purposes. It turned out to be a tasty morsel for the robbers, who entered the computer class. The security guard, having discovered something was wrong, called the police with a panic button, and the thieves were caught.

But security is not responsible for the students’ belongings or for fights between them. Three years ago, a new position appeared in schools - deputy director of safety. So all questions go to him.

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Theft of a mobile phone committed by an organized group, or on an especially large scale

Persons who united to commit an illegal act several months in advance and planned the incident, perhaps even having special equipment, will be punished very severely. According to Part 4 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the following punishment is provided for all adult accomplices of the crime: payment of a fine - up to 1 million. rub., imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years, confiscation of property (if required by the court).

Minors under 14 years of age are not responsible for their actions; parents will be responsible for them, in particular, they will pay a fine.

An unconvicted citizen has the right to a reduced sentence, but as practice shows, such cases do not end in favor of a member of an organized group. He also faces severe punishment.

When determining the punishment for a convicted thief, recidivism and time served in a colony for a past crime will be taken into account. He usually faces the heaviest punishment.

When the culprit stole property and a mobile phone belonging to another person and their value was more than 1 million, he faces the same punishment as for those who committed the theft while being a member of an organized group (Part 4 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Lots of things to do, few rights

Today there are about 4 thousand schools in Moscow.

Consequently, there are the same number of security deputies. In theory, all of them should have legal and medical training: their duties include stopping any illegal activity and, if necessary, providing first aid. The idea of ​​such a position was borrowed from Israeli schools, since Israel is constantly under a terrorist threat.

But since the order of the head of the capital’s education department introduced a new position in schools, less than a thousand people have completed the corresponding training (it is organized on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Open Education).

“As a rule, the deputy director for safety is a retired military man or a life safety teacher,” says Vladimir Pilipenko, a professor at the Department of Life Safety at the Moscow Institute of Open Education. — The person who holds this position has no special rights.

Just responsibilities. Therefore, his main task is to be able to navigate where and in what case to turn: to the police, to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to drug control, etc.

A quarter of a century ago, when there were no paid security guards at the entrance, no security deputies, order in the school was managed by the teachers themselves.

It’s just that at every break, all the teachers went out with the students into the school corridors. It would seem, what could be simpler? And fights, accidents and other emergencies in the presence of adults happened much less than today, when most teachers spend their breaks preparing for the next lesson, that is, they never show up from class.

However, no one canceled duty on the floors today:

“At our school, we have a clear schedule of which teachers should be on duty during which breaks,” says Galina Keleinikova, director of Moscow school No. 1192.

“They pay attention not only to corridors and staircases, but also to toilets. The fact is that about five years ago it was discovered that the school toilet was the most “evil,” so to speak, place: the main school fights took place there. But since visits from the duty teacher or administrator became regular, the situation has returned to normal.

“As long as the child is within the school walls, the school administration is responsible for him,” continues Galina Petrovna. — For the safety of students, all teachers are required to follow a few simple rules:

    a student cannot be kicked out of a lesson (if a child’s behavior really interferes with classes, the teacher can hand him over to a social teacher during the lesson); children cannot leave school until the end of classes (the exception is a note from parents asking them to let the child go after some time). then lesson. In this case, we have special coupons with the school seal and my signature: the child receives such a coupon in exchange for a note and the guard will not let anyone out without it); if there is no note from the parents, and the student insists that he needs to leave , then either I or the class teacher call the parents to confirm their child’s words.

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Phone theft committed...

A group of people who have agreed in advance to commit a crime

Punishment is not provided for everyone, but only for those who put ideas about theft into action. The size of the group must be at least two people who have agreed on the action in advance.

The punishment for the perpetrator and the culprit is also described in Part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; it is determined by the court.

As a rule, the judge indicates the highest punishment for an adult citizen of the Russian Federation - placement in a maximum security colony for up to 5 years (clause 7 of Article 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

If an adult tried to steal a phone with the hands of a minor or a young child, then he will serve his sentence in prison. The term varies from 5 to 8 years (Article 150 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In the case when roles were divided in the group and some persons were accomplices and instigators, then punishment does not apply to them. Only the performer will be responsible for his actions.

An unconvicted thief faces imprisonment for the same term if he causes serious harm. If minor or moderate harm is caused and the defendant has reconciled with the victim, then he may not be brought to criminal liability (Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The convicted person can expect the same punishment, plus he will have to serve part of the sentence from a previous crime that he did not complete. He will not be able to escape criminal liability.

A minor will be punished for participating in a group theft - he will be registered with the KDN, and his parents will be required to pay a fine of 135 to 200 thousand.

Not the first time

The frequency of theft committed is determined by previously committed crimes. If a thief has committed several illegal acts, characterized by Articles 158-166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, then the crime is considered repeated. The second sign of repeated theft is multiple sources and victims. If a citizen stole certain property from several persons, then the crime will be considered not to have been committed for the first time.

The punishment for an adult directly depends on the severity of the harm he caused. The minimum punishment is a fine (135-200 thousand rubles), the maximum is imprisonment for 5 years. Please note that if a repeat crime is committed, the defendant will be punished for a term of at least 1.6 years (Article 68 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Parents are responsible for the minor. They may get away with paying a fine or avoid it altogether.

An unconvicted citizen will be punished to the fullest extent of the law if serious harm is caused; if light harm is caused, he can avoid punishment.

The punishment for the convicted person is usually the same as in the previous paragraph.

With illegal entry into someone else's territory, housing or premises

An adult Russian who commits such a theft will be punished under the same Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2. He will either have to pay a fine (135-200 thousand rubles), or corrective or compulsory labor, or be sent to jail for up to 5 years. The punishment also directly depends on the severity of the harm caused to the victim.

A person under 14 years of age will be registered with the KDN. The parents of the perpetrator will be punished by paying a fine, or will avoid it by reconciling with the victim.

An unconvicted citizen can count on concessions and avoid punishment. Of course, this is in the case where no serious harm was caused. Otherwise, he will be punished to the fullest extent of the letter of the law.

The convicted person will be imprisoned for up to 5 years and will add part of the time that he did not serve and was released on parole.

A person who has caused significant damage to a citizen

Persons over 14 years of age may be put behind bars. The maximum term is 5 years, the minimum is at least 2/3 of the entire term, that is, at least 3.2 years. Those who can convince the court to reduce their sentence may receive 8 years of probation. As practice has shown, this rarely happens.

Parents are punished for minor Russian citizens. They will pay not only the damage caused to the victims, but also a fine in the amount of 135 to 200 thousand.

Unconvicted Russians are punished to the fullest extent and the length of time they will be sent to a colony is determined.

A convicted person is excluded from serving a suspended sentence.

Everything is according to the law

But a school theft or fight is the concern of the police. True, schoolchildren and their parents turn to the police for help extremely rarely.

“And in vain,” says Vladimir Ogorodnikov, senior detective officer for minors at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the South-Western District of Moscow.

He explains that there is a "children's officer" position in every police department throughout the country.

And if a crime occurs within the school walls, it is he who is obliged to investigate it. Most often, schoolchildren's cell phones go missing. And few people know that it is possible to find a thief.

The fact is that each mobile phone has its own identification number (imei control). If you report it missing to the police, this number will be put under control: every day, law enforcement officers check the mobile phones of suspicious citizens using a database of stolen phones. By the way, any owner of a cell phone can find out its imei number by dialing *#06#.

And young thieves sometimes call a stolen phone until the money in the account runs out. Making a printout of recent calls and using them to find the criminal is not a difficult task for a professional.

— If parents are not too lazy to go to the police station and write a statement about theft, robbery or robbery (this is when criminals approached, hit and took away property), we will come to the school and conduct an investigation: we will talk with schoolchildren and staff, find out who was where in the time when the crime occurred... Any theft can be investigated and the perpetrators punished, explains Vladimir Ogorodnikov.

But it is better not to provoke thieves. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

    do not give your children extra money to school; you should always carry your phone with you: today there are many devices for this (decorative laces, clothespins, etc.); convince your child not to talk to strangers when leaving school - most robberies and assaults occur not in the school itself, but on the school grounds; the child’s route from school to home should lie away from construction sites (for construction workers-guest workers, the child’s property is very easy prey) and garages.

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What should you do if your child’s phone is stolen at school?

Theft of a personal mobile phone is always unexpected. No matter what precautions are taken, there is always a risk of becoming a victim of illegal activities. As for educational institutions, children have not yet developed a fear of the law enforcement structure, and also do not have a clear understanding of material values. Therefore, such crimes are not associated with the purpose of profit, but, most likely, with the desire to get what belongs to another classmate. Based on this, you need to plan your actions, and not be inactive.

Parents, upon learning that their child has had a theft at school, must take the following priority actions:

  • a call to the class teacher, who, in turn, must organize a meeting of all children in the class for a peaceful conversation;
  • informing the mobile operator about the crime that has occurred and generating an application to block the SIM card, which will avoid unauthorized use of funds from the balance;
  • contacting the police department that serves the area where the educational institution is located (it is better if a telephone call is made and a task force is called).

Next, parents must go to school, where the teacher has already notified other parents that the phone was stolen. Depending on the time when the loss was discovered, all students may be gathered to talk with the victims. But if it is already late, then it is prohibited to detain children. If students need to be sent home, it is advisable for the teacher to talk to the students and ask them to return the mobile phone, telling them about the possible legal consequences.

Important! Inspection of students' personal belongings is allowed. But you cannot conduct an independent inspection. Students must retrieve their own things and put them back. Also, every minor, like his parents, can refuse to undergo the procedure.

Life and wallet

Today, 99 percent of Russian schools are guarded by private security companies; private security accounts for only 0.5 percent of schools. In the rest (these are small educational institutions) there are guards at the entrance. The choice of type of protection largely depends on the financial capabilities of the students’ parents.

The fact is that the budget pays only for the security of 24-hour children's institutions - boarding schools, orphanages. Parents pay for school security.

In the coming academic year in Moscow, one private security company post costs an average of 32,000 rubles (the larger the school, the more expensive it is, and vice versa). For comparison: a private security post costs 126,000 rubles. And the cost of installing 1 video camera is 70,000 rubles.

Small schools cannot afford such sums, so their administration, as a rule, hires guards. And in some schools (by mutual agreement of the director and the parent committee) two or three security posts can be organized - it all depends on the desires and wallets of fathers and mothers.

And in Novosibirsk, for example, the work of a private security company employee costs 55 rubles per hour.

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Why are parents not allowed to go to school?

“Recently, my son Mishka has gotten straight C’s in Russian,” Irina complains.

“I wanted to talk to the teacher, I specifically asked for time off from work.” And they didn’t even let me outside the school threshold! What is this, a high security zone? And how can I monitor my child's learning?

Usually, in response to such questions, education officials quote the capital’s mayor: “Moscow is a peacefully warring city.” And they explain: after terrorist attacks began to occur, schools turned into closed areas. Parents may come inside, but must call the teacher or principal in advance to do so.

By the way, in connection with the “school is a closed territory” principle, September 1 becomes a headache for school administration: grandmothers and mothers of first-graders storm schools in order to take their child to the locker room and help him change clothes. Anarchy usually continues until the end of September. Later, school administrators show firmness: after all, a child who is ready for school must be able to dress himself.

Five schools in Ulyanovsk have electronic turnstiles installed at the entrance - unauthorized people will not be able to enter through them. But the remaining 95 city schools are also closed to uninvited guests: “If a teacher needs to meet with parents, he will call them and ask them to come in,” says Alexei Klokov, deputy head of the Ulyanovsk education department.

But in Novosibirsk schools there is no access system: “After the tragedy in Beslan,” explains the Novosibirsk Department of Education, “we limited parents’ attendance at schools for some time. But today any mother or father has the right to freely visit any teacher. In extreme cases, if a visitor instills mistrust in the guards, a private security company employee will escort him to the desired office.”

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Re-educating the “confused”

In Moscow school No. 1192 there is a box of forgotten things: as a rule, T-shirts, sneakers and sweatpants of local “lost girls” end up here. Therefore, if they don’t find something from a sports uniform or replacement shoes at home, the students first go to rummage through the treasured box - maybe they’ll find it! How to teach children to treat their own property responsibly? Advised by Svetlana Churbanova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, teacher at the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State University.

“Normally, by the age of 6-7 years, a child is able to control his behavior enough to lead a social—school—life. If he attended kindergarten before school, it will be easier for him to adapt to school routines. A domestic child will need 2-3 months to adapt.

Much depends on the family structure. If things are scattered at home, the child carries the disorder into school life: he hangs his jacket on one hook in the school locker room, his hat on another, and scatters his shoes in the corners. Try to find everything later! So at home, parents should strictly adhere to the rule “every thing has its place.”

Sometimes outbursts of absent-mindedness occur in children after vacations or illness. They become unaccustomed to school routines and require adult supervision for a while.

Also, if a person loses things, this indicates his carefree attitude towards them. As soon as a child puts work into these things - embroidering mittens himself or helping his mother knit a scarf - his attitude will change.

At 11-12 years old, a child should no longer lose things. Otherwise, parents have cause for concern: perhaps your child is experiencing some kind of stress.

And lastly: for school you need to buy things that you are theoretically ready to part with.

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What to do if your child steals: advice from a social worker

Discovering that a child is stealing is a difficult experience for any parent. Often adults do not understand how to behave correctly in such a situation: scold the young offender, punish him or take him to a psychologist. Family social work specialist Daria Kapitonova will help you figure it out.

“Often the reasons for children's theft lie much deeper than what comes to mind to parents. But this is not a lack of sweets or toys, but the loneliness and anxiety of the child,” the specialist notes.

Typical reasons for child theft:

  • an attempt to attract the attention of parents or other significant adults;
  • a way to express aggression;
  • desire to increase self-esteem.

Rules to help parents understand the situation:

Never scold a child in front of strangers, especially if they are victims . Calmly talk to your child separately. Explain why his action upsets you and what consequences it entails.

- Do not try to artificially make the child feel guilty for the act committed; do not allow insults or raising your voice. Talk, explain in simple language the unacceptability of theft in your family and in society. Try to put the child in the place of his victim and let him feel how offensive it is when your things are taken away. Only sincere repentance will help you cope with the desire to steal.

Talk to your child about his relationships with peers. An indirect reason for children's theft may be the desire to gain recognition and respect from friends and classmates. In this case, with the stolen money, the child buys sweets, toys, pays for group trips to the cinema and cafes, hoping to buy the love of peers and be accepted into the group.

- Do not threaten your child with the loss of your love. Condemn the act, but not the child’s personality. Believing in the unconditional love of a parent is what will help correct many mistakes made. Do not forget to tell the offending child: I love you, but your action is unpleasant to me.

- If you feel that you are unable to cope with the situation, do not leave everything as it is in the hope that time will fix everything. Take your child to a specialist - a child or family psychologist .
To do this, you can contact the capital's family center. There you can get help from psychologists and teachers, legal and economic support, leisure services, mediation, and educational activities for children. There are clubs, programs and projects for teenagers and so on. Detailed information about the activities of family centers, addresses and telephone numbers can be found on the portal .

Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow


Research results of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University:

    61 percent of parents consider school safety a risk factor; 70 percent of Russian teenagers admit the presence of violence at school; 17 percent have been subjected to psychological violence from teachers and cruel treatment from classmates; 30 percent of teachers believe that helping a child in such situations is not their task; 50 percent of teachers admit that they do not know how to help a child in such cases.

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From the history of school security

Security in schools appeared not so long ago - 12 years ago. Previously, the administrator on duty and the watchman kept order.

But they did not always cope with the influx of uninvited guests: the surrounding punks committed hooliganism with almost impunity in many schools, which resembled a passing yard. As the country was rocked by terrorist attacks, several federal anti-terrorism laws were passed one after another. Thanks to them, people in uniform appeared in schools.

Over the past years, the number of security companies hired to work in schools has decreased significantly. The fact is that several years ago, most Russian cities began to hold an annual competition for them (among others, the reliability of private security companies is also assessed by representatives of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate). Based on the results of the competition, proven private security companies are recommended to schools.

After a year, they collect feedback on their work. If there are no complaints, the contract is extended for another year. And those who are unscrupulous are replaced.

The longer a particular private security company works in a particular school, the better: its employees have already developed connections with district police departments. In addition, they know all the students, teachers and many parents by sight.

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What about them?

The mother of two schoolchildren, Natalya Velcheva, who lives in the small Bulgarian town of Pazardzhik, does not pay a penny for school security: in Bulgaria the state takes on this burden.

In addition, each student has a personal plastic card, which serves as a pass to school. It contains a photo of the student, home address, parents' names, and their phone numbers. Sometimes the child’s blood type is also determined.

However, the guards know all their charges by sight. During school breaks in sunny Bulgaria, children usually walk in the yard. The same guards are responsible for order there: they chase away smokers and break up fights.

“Who is responsible for the missing things?” “Natalya thinks: “For example, nothing has ever gone missing here. Sometimes children simply lose something or forget something. In this case, the school has a room of forgotten things.”

And the safety of Bulgarian schoolchildren is monitored by video cameras installed both in classrooms and in school corridors.

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What to do if your smartphone is stolen

Evgeny (MalDeckard) Chereshnev shared his personal experience and wrote a comprehensive guide that can help many people and warn against the consequences:

The other day my smartphone was stolen - a professional cyclist thief snatched it out of my hands at speed right in the city center and was gone. This can happen to anyone and in any country in the world. Due to professional deformation around IT, data, privacy and security, I was mentally prepared for the situation and knew what to do. The friends with whom I shared the story advised me to write a reminder that anyone, even those far from IT, can use. This text is this very reminder. She will not return your smartphone to you. But, if it helps someone reduce the damage and saves gray hairs, then it’s not in vain that you spent time writing, and you didn’t waste your time reading.

To be fair, most thieves are already aware that every smartphone is, in fact, a radio beacon that can always be used to track the person who stole it. Therefore, they rarely leave it on - they almost immediately take out and throw away the SIM card, turn off the phone itself and sell it for spare parts for a pittance. Which is extremely disappointing - because the chances that, for example, my iPhone 12 Pro Max 512 will be trivially disassembled into a screen, battery and several especially popular chips - tend to 100%. That is, a thief stole an extremely expensive device, and will get either horseradish for it or (if he is an idiot) a prison sentence. But it is not always the case. Sometimes you can actually get a truckload of problems. Firstly, in a number of types of thefts (as in my case), the phone falls into the hands of a bad guy in an unlocked state and there is a risk that the attacker will not specifically lock the device - he will keep it activated and extract the maximum benefit from it, for which he has in theory, up to 24 hours (after which the protection system will work in the factory settings and again ask you to enter the PIN code, even if the phone is still unlocked). In the unlocked state, the thief has full access to all accounts, correspondence, credit cards (albeit limited), personal mail, calendar, contacts, private photos, settings, maps, and, through accounts like gmail / icloud and Facebook - also to the entire life history, social connections, and so on. At the same time, the thief can successfully pass two-factor authorization, for example, for payments or changing passwords almost everywhere - because the SMS arrives on the phone in his hands. If you became the target of a targeted attack - that is, the thief knew who you were, followed you for a long time and was preparing to steal - this is bad, because he probably already knows, for example, your phone number and your standard passwords, which he bought from hackers or hacked it myself in advance. For this case (if you are a tasty target), you need to write a separate instruction (let me know in the comments if this is necessary). Now we will proceed from the fact that you were simply unlucky and your phone was stolen - it is not clear whether it was unlocked or locked.

1) The first task is to block the connection itself, that is, to make sure that the thief cannot use two-factor authentication. Look around - if you are in the city center - find any communication shop, hardware store (usually all the demo samples there are connected to the Internet). You need a phone or internet access to contact your mobile operator. In my case, I simply stopped a taxi, got into it, explained the situation and asked for a phone number. No more than 5 minutes passed from the moment of theft to the call to the operator. The mobile operator has the technical ability to instantly do two things. First, block the SIM card, which is already useful for protecting finances and accounts. Secondly (which many people are not aware of), it can blacklist the phone itself. Every modern smartphone has a lot of identifiers, one of which is the IMEI number. To find out your IMEI, dial “*#06#” on the keyboard and press call. Let this be a new feature that you learn about your smartphone today.

The operator, at your request, can block the IMEI and, even if the thief inserts a new SIM card, his cellular connection will not work, only WiFi. If the phone is returned to you, the operator will be able to unlock it for you.

It’s easy to find your operator’s number online, or if you just have a stupid phone from the 90s in your hands, dial 112 and they will help you. You will be surprised how well they work in Russia and Europe. In any other country - use the local service number - in the states it is 911 and they will also help with this. Because the loss of data and money is also an emergency.

2) From the same phone (taxi driver/waiter/salesman/policeman) call one (so as not to waste time!) the person closest to you. That's why you need to know at least one phone number by heart - for such cases, for example. And in a calm and brief (!) voice, say what happened, that you are fine and that you should not be scared if someone calls from your number or writes from your channels on social networks, most likely asking to transfer money to something similar - make it clear that you are not in danger and nothing can be trusted after this call. Then ask those closest to you to notify other most necessary people. In my case, my wife simply made a post on her Instagram and everyone who needed it found out.

It's no joke about the police. There are a lot of bad rumors about them, but in general, mostly good people work there who will not leave you in trouble. Especially in this one. Feel free to contact a policeman or traffic cop if you see him nearby. In addition, they may still have time to do something in hot pursuit. Because if you launch it, the chances of catching the criminal are extremely small.

3) For all other steps you need internet access. If you see any Mvideo, IoN or ReStore format store around, just go there - all the demo stands are connected there. If not, it's your choice. My advice, as I already said, is to stop a taxi (they are still, thank the Singularity, everywhere - in Moscow, in London, in New York, in Tokyo - we are enjoying the last years before the unmanned transport with which such the story won't work anymore). Once in a taxi or on a ride, you can ask the driver for a phone number and the chance that they will give it to you because they understand the problem is high. But even if not, go home or to work - to a place where you have access to the Internet and money, because you will have to pay the taxi driver and, there is a chance that it won’t be you, because you don’t know whether you have any money left in your account money, or the thief has already taken everything (this is unlikely, but still quite possible).

The third option, instead of taking a taxi, is to find any cafe or restaurant with free Wi-Fi. The chance that the waiters at some Coffeemania or Daily Bread will help you is high. At least in Russia - for sure. In London I had to twist and make an effort.

4) Once you have access to the Network on a trusted home device (! this is quite important - if you started changing the password from someone else’s device, you will need to change it again at home, because there is a chance that your password has been compromised/remembered on someone else’s device), the first , what you need to do is log into your AppleID / Google account. In both cases, if you followed the recommendations of these companies when setting up, they will ask for two-factor identification via SMS - but, unlike a lot of services made in a blunder, here people have thought through everything as it should and the procedure for changing the password without SMS in case of theft phone - yes. You will need to answer 2 security questions and still have access to at least 1 mailbox. In this instruction, we assume that you act quickly and the thief has not yet had time to change anything. That is why there is no need to waste time on blah blah blah and panic. Reset your password immediately. Your AppleID(iCloud)/Android(Gmail) account is the key to everything today. As soon as you have reset this password, you can exhale a little, because a smartphone in the hands of an attacker will no longer be able to perform a single serious operation, even if your smartphone is in his hands and it has been unlocked. The system will block it immediately.

5) Next, go to iCloud/Android security settings and mark your smartphone as stolen. In both cases this function is clearly indicated. The system will prompt you to enter a message for the thief - you can give your contact (email/phone) and, or give a message about the ransom, or - whatever you want to say, you can even swear - no one cares. When the phone gets on the Internet, the attacker will see a message (that’s for sure), and the phone itself will turn into a brick in his hands - neither a restart nor dancing with a tambourine and a soldering iron will allow the smartphone to return to the state of a working device. After this step, the only one who will be able to use this smartphone is you when you unlock it using the reverse procedure.

6) Remotely disconnect all cards that you have linked to Apple Pay / AndroidPay / SamsungPay. Usually the account interface will prompt you to do this when you select “mark phone as stolen,” but if for some reason this does not happen, do it manually. Both Apple, Google, and Samsung (they have their own additional software) provide this opportunity. The plastic cards themselves (if they have not been stolen) do not need to be blocked or changed - wireless payment modules do not have this information in clear form. Or rather, the attacker will definitely not be able to see it. Only you have them and in banking applications, which in order to show the card number on the screen necessarily ask for a PIN code or authorization. Therefore, there is no need to worry here. At least if you are a client of a bank that is in the top 5 in your country.

7) Enable “Find my Phone” in your iCloud/Google account. Every smartphone is a beacon. You can physically see it on a city map if your smartphone is connected to the Internet. If the device is shown on the map, you have a choice - drive to the attacker yourself or call the police and say that you have a mark on the map. The police love cases solved quickly, so the chances of getting caught are high. A thief who is caught with evidence in hand will be capitalized on in full. If there is a mark on the card, you are dealing with an amateur and there really is a chance to save the phone. But, since you are still dealing with a criminal, it is better not to take risks (because you can come with a ransom for a smartphone and lose both it and your pants - about the fact that you are being lured out with live bait, and the criminal has experienced accomplices - too you have to think) either go with the police, or not go at all.

In my case, the phone was not on the card within 15 minutes after the theft.

In the same account, you can click the “turn on sound signal” and “perform remote erase” buttons. As soon as the stolen phone (or what’s left of it) gets onto the Internet, it will start screaming wildly and, most importantly, erase everything stored on it. However, there is no need to worry about erasing data - because if the phone is locked (and you have done everything up to this point to make it so), all the information on it is already encrypted and it will be impossible to read it (unless you are logged in top 5 intelligence services in the world, of course), but, for formality, it’s still worth pressing both buttons.

7.5) Ideally, you need to change 100% of passwords on all services. Moreover, passwords must be different everywhere.

8) Re-activate two-factor identification on 100% of services.

After this, you can move on to the tasks of the second necessity:

9) You need to replace the SIM card, because without it you are nothing. Your bank client does not work, you cannot order food in Yandex or Samokat, you cannot buy a smartphone with home delivery, because a payment above 3000 rubles will most likely ask you to enter a code from an SMS. And you don’t have a phone in your hands. Anyway, welcome to the real world, Neo. It's really scary how much everything is connected to a smartphone. Take your passport and go to the phone shop/shop. Or, if the infrastructure of your city allows, call and order for home delivery. As a rule, you can order a duplicate SIM card right at the moment when you block the SIM card by calling the support phone, but not always and not with all operators.

10) Don't count on getting your phone back. Or they will return it quickly. Find cash and go buy any smartphone. My advice is to always have a spare at home - just don't sell the old one - let it sit. Exactly for such cases. If you sell everything, you will have to buy a new one. The main problem here is again simple - without a confirmation SMS, the bank will not let you spend money on a good smartphone. Therefore, if you don’t have a spare phone, you have two options - either take it from someone, insert a SIM card, set up a bank client, order a phone/pay and return the borrowed device. Or, what works with normal banks like Alfa Bank or Tinkoff - you can report the next transaction by phone - say that you are buying a smartphone to replace a lost one and cannot confirm by SMS - the bank will ask you to describe the purchase and its amount and give the code word and passport details. After which he will give the go-ahead for exactly 1 operation. The second scenario is not the best, because the bank may become paranoid and invite you to reissue all cards. What exactly did he overkill, if the cards themselves were not stolen from you?

11) Write a statement to the police. Yes, the chances are extremely high that the thief will not be found immediately and the phone will not be returned to you on the same day. Maybe they won't find it at all. But almost all thieves are caught sooner or later - once, and most importantly - there is a chance that your device will still pop up somewhere, because 100% of those detained, as a rule, have their phones checked to see if they are stolen or not. It is not difficult to break through IMEI. And if you told your mobile operator everything, the police will always see a red flag and compare it with what was stolen from you. And the criminal will not get away with it. I did it out of principle.

12) After completing these 12 steps, calmly restore a copy of your data from a cloud backup and return to life. If no one has posted an elephant’s ass on your Instagram yet, you have time to protect yourself, because... All passwords have already been changed, and your smartphone is a brick in the hands of criminals. There is no way they can sell it now except for spare parts. And if you had neglected everything, you could have stolen money, stolen accounts, and sold the phone as new.


Now - what is worth thinking about and setting up for the future.
For example, I was much calmer because I had the following features configured/active: 1) Both Telegram and WhatsApp support the additional password function at startup. Communications are an extremely important part of life and should be protected with an additional password. Not so that your wife/husband can’t read your correspondence while you sleep, placing your finger against the reader/poking a sleeping drunk face, but just for cases of theft - set another password.

2) It is better to carry out all particularly complex and confidential communications in special messengers. I myself recommend Threema - they are located in Switzerland (and a neutral jurisdiction is extremely important for privacy), and the implementation is paranoid, at the military level. The protection there is done very well and no one will read anything even on a stolen phone, even if it was stolen unlocked.

3) Trivial advice, but you don’t have to trust electronic payments 100%. Have a small stash of cash at home (you don’t need to explain this to men - we all have it, and if not, then don’t lie :)), at least a basic stash (like Abramovich’s, it’s not necessary). It will definitely help for those 2-3 days that you can sit without a phone and a SIM card (during quarantine I had to wait 3 days).

4) I strongly advise you to have a spare smartphone and a pay as you go SIM card at home - that is, a prepaid SIM card that can lie idle for years and only begins to drain its balance when turned on. It’s definitely worth the 500 rubles - you’ll save a lot of nerves. I usually always have a second phone with me. But this time, according to the law of meanness, I left him at home. It's a pity. Because all important calls, including to the police, could be made in the first 2 minutes.

5) Have a credit/debit card at home that you don't use, that isn't linked to Apple/Android Pay, etc. Not overexposed, to use the slang. This card is your lifeline if your smartphone was stolen and the bank blocked everything that was linked to wireless payment systems. Any bank today allows you to make as many cards as you like.

6) Backups. DO NOT underestimate the importance of backups. Storing a copy of your smartphone in the cloud costs money. Typically, you will have to buy iCloud/Gdrive extended storage. But this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice. Set up a cloud backup so that your smartphone sends new data to the cloud storage every day while charging at night. This will allow you to return your phone as quickly as possible in the event of theft in the condition in which you remember it. For example, I lost all my chat messages for a day, everything else was restored. Because a copy was made automatically and every day.

7) Don’t be lazy to come up with new passwords and change accounts (email/password pairs) from time to time. It is clear that the basic reflex is to use the same password everywhere, we are not robots. But, alas, you can take a lot of trouble for such an approach. Because if your password is stolen and it is the same everywhere or differs with something like an exclamation mark at the end - a thing that even child hackers know... just imagine what a person whose task is to cause you maximum harm can do with it.

As one movie character in the cult film “Hackers” said, “Boy, there are a lot of things in the world that are much worse than death, and they are all at my disposal.”

I wish everyone never to face such problems.

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